Spending time out in the sun feels so good, doesn’t it? But the harsh UV rays can damage your skin, causing sunburn, dark spots, wrinkles and other issues. Research suggests that too much exposure to UV rays is the main cause behind aging skin in almost 80% of the cases.
So what can you do to treat sun burnt skin? How can you reverse the effects? Our skin experts at Compassion Dermatology in Southlake, TX share some valuable tips that treat damaged, sun burnt skin, removing all those extra years from your face.
Sunburnt skin appears pink and can even pain you at times. Your DNA gets damaged in the process and, over time, forms wrinkles on your skin. If you don’t take effective protective measures, you may even develop chances of skin cancer.
The pain associated with sunburnt skin can be treated through several methods, but the damage is only reversible through very specific measures. The experts at Compassion Dermatology in Southlake, TX area recommend applying sunscreen before you leave home. Keep it with you in your bag and reapply after every 80 minutes or so. Prevent direct exposure to the sun and stay in the shade as much as possible.
Dry Skin
Sun rays parch your skin, forcing rough patches to appear on your skin. Our experts at Compassion Dermatology in Southlake, TX area suggest that you should exfoliate regularly so that the dead skin cell layer is removed from the top, unveiling the soft skin underneath. Once done, don’t forget to moisturize. If your skin is excessively sunburnt, don’t use any products which contain petroleum. Petroleum traps in the heat and worsens the heat.
We also advise our patients at Compassion Dermatology in Southlake, TX area to drink plenty of water because it helps in keeping your skin hydrated.
Your skin stays firm and smooth because of elastic and collagen. UV rays break down both these components, which causes wrinkles to form. At Compassion Dermatology in Southlake, TX, we have several treatment procedures that minimize the appearance and formation of wrinkles. Along with this you should also make sure your body is getting a fair share of nutrients required for healthy skin.
Here are some substances that you can utilize to prevent and minimize wrinkles.
Beta Carotene
Beta carotene is an antioxidant makes your skin more flexible and supple, reducing wrinkles in the process. Beta carotene can be found in vegetables like carrots and spinaches. Our team at Compassion Dermatology in Southlake, TX area can also recommend supplements.
Retinoids stimulate collagen production in your skin. Compassion Dermatology in Southlake, TX can prescribe a cream or serum in acceptable dosages. Retinoids are also found in some over the counter medicines, but these are less effective.
Chemical Peels
During the chemical peel process, the surgeons at Compassion Dermatology in Southlake, TX remove the topmost skin layer. In some cases, we also recommend you some creams to apply at your home after you’ve undergone the procedure at our clinic.
Laser Therapy
When your skin is subjected to short and concentrated light pulses, the upper surface is removed to reveal newer and fresher skin. At Compassion Dermatology in Southlake, TX, we offer several different laser therapies such as erbium laser resurfacing and CO2.
Age or Sun Spots
Too much sun exposure can cause dark spots to appear on your skin, which are referred to as solar lentigines or liver spots. Your skin produces melanin naturally to protect itself from UV rays, but too much of sun can force melanin clumps to form which appear as brownish black spots. Compassion Dermatology in Southlake, TX suggests the following means to treat these spots.
- Skin Lighting Creams: Using creams which contain hydroquinone, kojic and glycolic acids can lighten your skin tone.
- Retinoids: These compounds help your skin in shedding pigmented cells, minimizing the dark spots and eventually, making them disappear.
- Cryotherapy: During this procedure, liquid nitrogen is applied to the affected area, which then peels off.
- Chemical Peels, Laser Therapy and Microdermabrasion: These three processes remove the uppermost skin layer through different means so that newer and clear skin can surface upwards.
Melasma is also caused when melanin is formed in greater quantities than necessary. The treatments given for age spots also work for melasma. When you visit us at our clinic, we’ll assess your condition, and accordingly recommend the most suitable treatment plan for you.
But keep in mind that even after your treatment plan is over, you must continue to use sunscreens offering protection over a broader range so that melasma doesn’t hit again.
Actinic Keratosis
Actinic keratosis or solar keratoses are crusty, scaly patches. If they aren’t treated properly, 10% of them may end up in skin cancer. So, heed professional advice right away if you notice any symptoms or strange marks on your skin. The condition can be treated with laser therapy, chemical peels and cryotherapy, which has already been described above.
Additionally, you may also use prescription creams and photodynamic therapy. The most effective option depends on your specific condition. If your lesions are fewer than cryotherapy is better, but if damage is greater, our experts at Compassion Dermatology in Southlake, TX may advise you another treatment option.
Regular Checkups
Not exactly a treatment option, but it does help you avoid most of the skin problems. Visit your dermatologist in Southlake, TX as soon as you notice any changing or new marks. And even through we’ve been constantly highlighting this, we need to tell you once again, apply sunscreen every single time you’re outside, even if it’s the cold winter season. If you swim and sweat a lot, then reapply after specific intervals.
If your acne, scars, blemishes, sun burnt skin or any other condition is turning out to be a problem, get in touch with a representative at Compassion Dermatology in Southlake, TX. We’ll address all your concerns through a customized treatment plan and help you get the beautiful and glowing skin that you crave for!