Dermatologist Tips: Skin Care Problems to Avoid This Summer | Southlake, TX

Photo By Elena Sherengovskaya at Shutterstock

As anyone who’s experienced a summer in Southlake, TX can tell you, the heat can do a number on your skin. Whether you’re out in the sun all day or you only go outside sparingly during the hottest months in the Metroplex, it’s important that you take proper care of your skin each and every time.

However, people don’t always take the necessary precautions to avoid skin damage, and the usual result is a meeting with a dermatologist to address those issues and come up with a treatment plan for their skin. It’s important to take good care of your skin all year long, but during the summer, it’s especially critical. There aren’t many things worse than having to miss out on some summer fun because your doctor spotted an issue with your skin that you could have easily prevented.

As with most things, when it comes to skin care, a little bit of knowledge makes a world of difference. By taking proper precautions, you can avoid these common issues and save yourself an unnecessary trip to the dermatologist!

Acne Breakouts

When your pores get clogged, acne is usually one of the results. You might not know it, but your skin is home to over 1,000 different species of bacteria. Most of the time, these microorganisms are helpful to your skin and produce acids that make your skin’s pH level inhospitable to harmful organisms. However, during the summer, you tend to sweat a lot more than usual, and your sweat mixes with the oils and bacteria on your skin to fill your pores.

When that happens, you’re going to end up with several zits on your skin, often in places that you really don’t want. As your dermatologist will tell you, the easiest way to prevent these breakouts is to wash away your sweat on a regular basis. If you’ve been active at all on a hot day make time to take a shower before you go to bed that evening. Your skin will thank you!


If you’re like many young Americans, you’ve probably got a regular workout routine that you stick to, even on days when you really would prefer a day off. That’s great for your body, but during the summer, it isn’t always so great for your skin.

That’s because most people who work out tend to do so in tighter clothes that stick to their body and won’t get in their way while they’re lifting weights, running or otherwise getting active. Again, that’s great for your body, but it causes problems for your skin because it keeps sweat from escaping your skin. Worse, it does so around your hair follicles, which leads to folliculitis, a skin issue that presents itself as itchy bumps on your skin.

The best way to prevent folliculitis and a trip to the doctor is to change out of tight clothes as soon as possible. Ideally, you should bring a change of clothes with you in your workout bag and take a shower after you’ve completed your workout. Not only will this help you feel a lot cleaner and ready to move on to the rest of your day, but it’ll reduce your risk of folliculitis — and that will make both your personal trainer and your dermatologist happy!

Poison Ivy

During the summer, roughly 40 million Americans find themselves in search of a dermatologist because they’ve encountered a patch of poison ivy. Not everyone is allergic to the oils of the plant, but if you’re one of the people that does have a poison ivy allergy, you’re most susceptible to it during the spring and summer.

That’s because these are by far the nicest times to go for a walk in and around Southlake, TX, and because of the high temperatures in the Metroplex, people tend to wear less clothing than in colder months. Plus, the clothes they wear tend to be looser and more comfortable, as many people have the time to dress casual and take more time for themselves.

Normally, casual clothes get the dermatologist seal of approval, but when it comes to poison ivy, they can actually work against you. That’s because the oils of the plant have a greater chance to come into contact with bare skin, and when that happens, you’re likely to get a rash. Your best bet is to know what these plants look like and avoid them as best as you can. If you do come into contact with poison ivy, be sure to shower as soon as possible. Sometimes, you can save yourself a trip to the dermatologist by getting the oils off your skin early enough — but you don’t have a long window to do this, so your shower has to be immediate.


By far the most common and most avoidable issue that a dermatologist will see during the summer is a sunburn. Unfortunately, many Americans either don’t use a high enough SPF sunscreen or forget to add sunscreen at all, which leaves their skin vulnerable to UV light coming from the sun.

Even on a cloudy day, you’ve still got to worry about sun damage, because clouds will only block about 20 percent of the UV rays from the sun. The remaining 80 percent still hits your skin, which can cause short and long-term damage.

Luckily, keeping the sun from ruining a beautiful day is rather simple. All you’ve got to do is use a sunscreen of at least 30 SPF and reapply it every two hours for as long as you’re outside.

At Compassion Dermatology, we hope that you’ll take proper care of your skin and help keep it as healthy as possible. But when mistakes happen and skin problems occur, we’ll be happy to help you address them and fix any blemishes or disorders. If you’re in need of expert care from a dermatologist, contact us to set up an appointment. We’re always glad to help your skin look and feel its best!