5 Common Skincare Issues That Require You to See a Dermatologist | Southlake, TX

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Your skin is the largest organ of your body so it deserves your attention. It is a protective barrier for your body to keep you safe. Your skin keeps various external threats like microorganisms, chemical intoxicants and harmful rays of sun at bay. While doing so, it’s most prone to getting affected by the outside environment as it’s the only organ that’s completely exposed.

With hundreds of errands you have to run every day and several evens on your to-do list, most of you fall short on your routine health checkups. And even when you do plan for them, getting a skin check up is usually never on the list. With over 3 million cases of skin cancer detected in the US every year, you should rethink not seeing a dermatologist in the Southlake, TX area.

But it’s not just the risk of skin cancer that should be your reason to visit a dermatologist. Although blemishes or dry patches are common skincare problems and most people like to treat them with over-the-counter medicines. But a lot of other skin issues appear harmless at first and later develop into serious conditions that call for a professional.

Therefore it’s best to tackle them as early as possible. To help you out, we’ve put together a list of common skincare issues that merit a visit to the dermatologist.

1.  Acne with Painful Cystic Pimples

Acne is the most common skin condition among Americans. It typically manifests itself as various blemishes, pimples, deep cysts, blackheads and whiteheads all over your face. The reason is the excessive oil production by the sebaceous glands of the skin, that clog the pores. Acne is also caused due to a bacterial infection.

While few, small pimples or papules appearing occasionally are normal, getting larger cystic pimples that hurt when you touch them may indicate something serious. Cystic acne requires proper medical treatment and you need to see a professionalfor it.

2.  You Notice a Mole on Your Skin with Irregular Borders

It’s normal to have freckles, moles and birthmarks but with these natural marks comes a possibility that they might change their appearance with time. In most cases, the changes that take place are totally harmless, however, in other cases they might signal something more serious.

Sometimes there could be new growths altogether that you need to watch out for. Any changes with an existing moles or a new growth that bleeds, has irregular shape and ill defined borders, is itchy or doesn’t heal on its own is most often a sign of skin cancer. That’s why you should immediately see a dermatologist if you spot any such signs on your skin.

An early diagnosis of melanoma can make it much easier to simply remove it without having to go through a surgery. If it’s left untreated, it will spread and will become harder to cure. A dermatologist in the Southlake, TX area can expertly check a mole using various tools and techniques and call for a biopsy if needed.

3.  There Are Rough, Scaly Patches on Your Scalp, Knees, Elbows, Palms and Back

A small itchy and dry patch on your skin could be due to some climatic or cosmetic allergy or sometimes a change in weather can cause it. However, if the condition persists and is not going away with use of an over the counter cortisone cream, it could be linked to conditions like eczema and psoriasis. This is especially true if the patches are constantly growing or spreading.

If you have flare-ups are affecting your every day normal life, you need to pay a visit to a dermatologist before the condition worsens. They can do a thorough skin exam and prescribe you a suitable treatment along with skincare advice to help your recover fast.

4.  You Are Losing Way Too Much Hair

Hair fall is a normal phenomenon and everyone sheds a good amount of hair (about 100 hair strands a day) every day so that it can be replaced with new growth. However, if you notice hair fall that’s more than usual, your body’s balance between hair fall and hair re-growth can get disturbed. It can lead to growing bald spots or widened parting especially from the front.

There could be a lot of underlying reasons that lead to excessive hair loss such as stress, genetics, pregnancy, nutritional deficiencies and a long list of health issues. So don’t take it lightly. Schedule an appointment. They can make the correct diagnosis by running blood tests and other medical examinations. Laser treatments, medications and surgical procedures are among the treatment options that can reduce hair fall and restore hair growth.

5.  You Have a Persistently Red or Flushed Skin

Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that causes redness on the nose, cheeks and chin. It can sometimes spread to the chest or ears too. Often times the redness and inflammation is confused with acne. Exposure to cold weather, winds, spicy foods, hot beverages, alcohol and stress can further aggravate this condition.

If you’re experiencing such flushed skin, you should not delay seeing a dermatologist.


Taking care of your skin is extremely important for your overall health and wellness. That’s why it’s best to go for routine skin checkups with a dermatologist in the Southlake, TX area just like you plan your other medical screenings.

If you’re looking for highly professional and experienced dermatologists in the Southlake, TX area, call Compassion Dermatology today. With our medical and technological expertise and skilled skincare team, you are guaranteed to get the best services for skin, hair, and nail health. We conduct complete skin evaluation and are equipped to perform the latest medical, surgical, and cosmetic procedures to solve all your skin issues.

A Full Guide to Common Acne Problems | Dermatologist in Southlake, TX

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You stare into the mirror, horrified. A zit is on your forehead and right before your presentation, too. You try to squeeze and pop it. Then you realize you have fleshy bumps on your nose, as well. Why is your skin breaking out so much?

Skin issues like fleshy bumps, called whiteheads, and pimples are extremely common. They naturally occur when you get excess dirt and oil on your face.

There’s no shame in them. Everyone gets a pimple every now and then. However, some people can develop actual acne problems that might dermatological care. It is in these cases that people should be concerned about skin.

If you live in the Southlake area in Texas, you should go book an appointment for consultations and treatments with dermatologists in Southlake, TX at Compassion Dermatology.

But how do know if you have a serious problem? How do you know which dermatological measures to seek out? How do you know what are the causes and solutions to your acne? And what is a whitehead anyway?

Fear not, you can find out the answer to each of the questions above in this handy guide below.

What Are the Causes of Acne?

So, you might be wondering what exactly causes acne on your face. Well the pimples, blackheads and cysts on your face or body appear because you have something blocking your pores. Your pores are tiny holes in your skin that release naturally existing skin oils and sweat.

Pores are openings to follicles and constitute hair sebaceous gland. Don’t worry, the latter only means oil glands. Dermatologists in Southlake, TX call the oil coming out of these glands sebum. When you have acne, it is very likely that you have dead skin, oil or bacteria inside your pores that are blocking them.

You can often get acne and oil on your skin in Southlake’s climate. When it’s hot, humid and dusty outside in Southlake, your pores can get blocked with oils and sweat.

What Are the Different Types of Acne?

When you are dealing with acne, you need to know which kind you have. There several kinds of acne that can occur in Southlakeresidents, whether male or female. Here are some of the most common ones:


These are usually white, small spots that can appear on your face and back. They can also be flesh colored in some instances.

You can tell if you have a whitehead if the skin around it is wrinkled and if the whitehead seems very large. Whiteheads can usually be easily treated and taken out and do not cause scarring. You can seek out a dermatologists in Southlake, TX if the whiteheads are persistent or do not go away from measures taken at home.


Blackheads can appear on your nose, back, cheeks, chin along with multiple other parts of your body. You can tell if you have blackheads if there are black colored spots on your face.

The cause of a blackhead is clogging though sebum and dead skin cells. What happens is that the pore remains open at the top but there is still clogging inside the pore.

Blackheads can be pulled out and treated with dermatological measures and can even be treated at home. You can seek out a good dermatologist in Southlake, TX, if the blackheads recur and are particularly large or stubborn.


You can also get cysts. These are usually the result of pores getting clogged by bacteria, sebum and dead skin cells. The blockages or clogging is usually below the nodules and goes deep inside the skin layers.

Cysts can be painful and can be either red or white large bumps on the skin. Cysts are the result of infections and can scar and damage your skin permanently so you should take them seriously.

Cysts should alert you to skin problems that will need proper care. If you have cysts, you should go see a dermatologist in Southlake, TX, at your earliest convenience.

What Are the Treatments Available for Acne?

So now you know what the different types of acne are. Now what do you do about them? What are measures that prevent or fix acne issues and scarring?

Well, there are several measures available. You have acne creams that can prevent new pimples. They will even dry out and finish old pimples.

These creams usually have benzoyl peroxide that kills acne-causing bacteria. You can seek out sulfur-containing lotions, cleansers and masks to get rid of acne. You can use resorcinol to remove dead skin cells and cleanse out your pores.

A dermatologist in Southlake, TX will often recommend soaps and acne washes to prevent pore clogging. These usually have salicylic acid in them.

What Can You Do to Help Acne?

There are several steps you can take to help with your acne. You can:

  • Wash and cleanse your skin daily to prevent your pores clogging with excess oil and dirt. This can happen a lot in Southlake’s humid weather.
  • You should shampoo at regular intervals throughout the week and keep your hair out of your face. This prevents the oil in your hair from creating pimples on your face.
  • You should use makeup products that are non-comedogenic so that your pores are not clogged. You can ask a dermatologist in Southlake, TX for advice on which makeup products to use.
  • You should drink a lot of water, especially during Southlake Hydration often makes skin look and feel better.
  • You should change your pillow cover at regular intervals because sleeping on the same pillow, which has oils and bacteria collecting on it, can lead to acne.
  • To prevent scarring and further acne, you should not touch, pick or squeeze a pimple. If you do, you will end up spreading bacteria and oil all over your face. If you have scars already, go see a licensed dermatologist in Southlake, TX for treatment.
  • You should not touch your face too often since any bacteria or dirt on your hands can clog your pores on your face.
  • Visit a licensed dermatologist in your area in Southlake, TX.

If you have acne issues, you should pay a visit to dermatologists in Southlake, TX at Compassion Dermatology.

Dermatological Procedures and Operations | Dermatologist in Southlake, TX

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Contrary to popular belief, dermatologists are not just cosmetic practitioners who inject Botox and make wrinkles disappear. Their scope of practice goes beyond working on your facial and cosmetic appearance.

It is a distinct and diverse field of medicine and healthcare with its own need and purpose. Due to environmental pollution, ozone depletion, and general state of the climate becoming adverse, skin conditions and ailments are becoming all too common. This is why it is important to know and understand what a dermatologist can do for you.

Most misunderstandings about dermatology are due to the fact this field is as well or extensively depicted in media and entertainment as other disciplines like surgery or dentistry. Naturally, there is a general ignorance among the public. It might be very well worth your while to pay your local dermatologist in Southlake, TX a visit and inquire just exactly what they do and how you can benefit from them.

If you are too busy to do that then check here for a list of some common procedures and operations that dermatologists perform. You will be surprised to find out that most of them are not even concerned with physical beauty or cosmetic purposes.

1.  Cyst Extraction

Sebaceous cysts are large pockets and growths which are filled with dead white blood cells, oils, liquid, and sebaceous secretions. They are often benign and appear as little more than bumps and don’t require any treatment.

Sometimes, they can appear to be quite big and start bulging from the skin which looks very off putting, not to mention at that point they can be very painful and if they become infected then can lead to serious infection. Your local dermatologist in Southlake, TX knows how to handle them.

Cyst removal usually requires local anesthesia and surgical extraction. You must never attempt to rupture the cyst on your own since unlike a pimple they are located under the thick epidermal layer.

2.  Boil Lancing

Boils are infected hair follicles which grow red, inflamed, and sensitive. They are very painful and often develop a lot of pus.

Usually your dermatologist in Southlake, TX will prescribe you pain medication to manage the pain and wait for the boil to dry up on its own. However, if after a certain point the boil does not shrivel up and is causing pain then it will be time to drain it.

Using local anesthesia, the dermatologist will puncture it and allow the accumulated pus to drain out and then sterilize the wound so re-infection does not occur. The draining of abscesses which are collections of pus anywhere in the body, not all too dissimilar from boils, is also done the same way.

3.  Comedome Extraction

Comedomes are collections of keratin, oils, and sebum in hair follicles. They block the hair follicle and depending on whether this collection of matter takes place inside the follicle or nearer the skin, you get what are called whiteheads or blackheads.

Comedomes can be treated with normal hygiene practices and don’t require the service of your dermatologist in Southlake, TX but in some cases, they can get infected and inflamed or perhaps become too big and become macrodomes. This can become aesthetically unappealing.

In such a case, your dermatologist can remove them with precise cleaning instruments and leave your face feeling fresh and clean. Such cases of comedomes requiring dermatological intervention are usually in individuals with poor hygiene, excessive sebum and oil production or old people.

4.  Mole Removal

Moles are benign tumors which really don’t do anything to affect a person and occur post-puberty usually. However, they can be unappealing  and cause psychological anxiety and self-esteem issues in teenagers if they appear on the face, lips, and neck.

Your dermatologist in Southlake, TX can snip and remove them easily without scarring; it is a simple process over in a few minutes. There is another reason why you should get moles inspected and checked by your dermatologist in Southlake, TX. It is because new mole development is often associated with skin cancers. Considering the likelihood of skin cancer has increased due to ozone depletion, it is better to be safe than sorry and have that new growth, no matter where it might be on the body, checked out.

5.  Laser Treatments

The use of lasers in dermatology and medicine overall has picked up steam. This has been possible due to advancements in laser technology which have made the use of it more easily plausible than before.

Your dermatologist in Southlake, TX might use laser treatment for a number of different procedures like burning unwanted hair follicles to prevent re-growth, removing scars, removing acne or for removing warts and other growths. It is possible, however, that not every dermatologist offers laser treatment so you should first check with your dermatologist in Southlake, TX if they do so.

6.  Fungal Treatments

Fungal infections and yeast infections, a major example being athlete’s foot, are common skin conditions, particularly, in people with compromised immune systems.

Fungal infections can be very itchy and annoying while leaving the skin red, moist, and clammy. Your dermatologist in Southlake, TX can apply local topical ointments and creams which can clear such infections right away and prescribe proper hygiene practices to ensure they don’t return.


This list was just scratching the surface of all the different procedures and operations that dermatologists carry out. This did not even touch the many conditions of the nails and hair which are also treated by dermatologists. If you want to get a dermatological checkup and are looking for a dermatologist in Southlake, TX then consider Compassion Dermatology today. Our specialists provide a variety of treatments and services for various dermatological problems and conditions common in everyday life.

You can call us on 817-380-5911 to book an appointment today.

Reasons for Going to the Dermatologist | Dermatologist in Southlake, TX

Photo By TY Lim at Shutterstock

Out of the many professions in the medical and health industry, perhaps none is as mischaracterized as dermatology or dermatologists.

People mistakenly assume that going to dermatologists is only for fashion and skin obsessed social media models or vain people who chalk everything up to physical beauty. People who are trying to prolong their youth and never let go of it no matter how much it might cost or how far they might have to go resorting to all sorts of skin treatments and procedures.

That could not be further from the truth however, dermatology and dermatologists proper deal with all manner of diseases, conditions and surgical procedures dealing with the skin, hair and nails. Yes this aspect also includes cosmetic dermatology but that constitutes only one discipline among many in dermatology.

Just as you would get routinely checkups with your dentist, doctor, children’s physician and gynecologist, so too should you get them with your dermatologist in Southlake, TX.  If you still are not convinced, then here is a list of conditions and reasons why you might need to go the dermatologist. Some you will see are very common nuisances which people resort to self medicate and end up increasing the damage in the process. A consultation with a proper dermatologist in Southlake, TX could have solved them with much more convenience.

1.  Acne

Acne is the most common skin affliction which starts to target people soon after the onset of puberty. It usually targets teenagers as the body is changing and outputting hormones with different levels and such. It usually clears out after teenage but can well persist into adulthood sometimes or persist because of hormonal and body chemistry reasons.

Usually acne is small and contained, the minor pimple here and there but it can become quite serious too with large red swollen patches on the skin filled with pus filled pimples and clusters. This can have a number of side effects since not only will that likely to scarification of the skins and permanent pit formation but it may cause acute social and psychological anxiety. Feelings of depression and low self esteem are not uncommon in teenagers afflicted with more serious bouts of acne. Going to your local dermatologist in Southlake, TX and scheduling regular appointments can help to easily control an acne outbreak and eliminate it or keep at more manageable levels. Cleanliness is something every individual must pursue and acne can cause a dirty appearance in other ways. It can cause whiteheads and blackheads which block pores and often begin to enlarge with time. This generally creates a very unpleasant facial appearance which can otherwise be easily solved by your dermatologist in Southlake, TX.

2.  Eczema and Rashes

Eczema refers to a number of skin conditions and ailments. What is common across them is the manner of their symptoms. They produce inflamed and swelled skin which itches and is more sensitive. It can ooze fluids too.

Rashes are similar too only they usually don’t have swelling or leakage. Otherwise they are also red inflamed patches which cause a lot of itching.

Eczema and rashes can be annoying at best and painful at worst, the constant itching and rubbing of an already inflamed and sensitive area can cause one to scratch raw skin off and develop a wound. That only complicates the condition and makes it more painful and liable to infections.

Adults may still weather them out but kids, children and babies can often not tolerate the itchiness and annoyance. Your dermatologist in Southlake, TX can prescribe various kinds of medicines and topical ointments which can expedite the healing process and eliminate any trace in a couple of days.

3.  Premature Skin Aging

How our modern lifestyle has changed with consumption of much more fast food and exposure to much more pollution around us means our skin ages much more rapidly. Wrinkle formation from stress and tension and unhealthy looking skin from pollution and contaminants are common sights to see in the faces of people.

As much as we harp on social media models and influencers who are trying out all sorts of skin rejuvenation treatments, there is no harm in reversing or fighting aging which is caused by unnatural causes. A trip to your dermatologist in Southlake, TX can have those wrinkles lifted and your skin looking fresher and cleaner than before. You don’t even need to get expensive treatments done, your dermatologist in Southlake, TX can best advise you on what lifestyle changes to make and how to best take care of your skin.

4.  Skin Cancer

As with all cancers, skin cancer is best treatable if it is caught in time. The earlier the detection the better the chances of completely curing it and ensuring it does not return.

Unfortunately with the depletion of the ozone layer, the chances of developing skin cancer and other malignant skin conditions have increased. Timely trips and checkups with your dermatologist inSouthlake, TX can mean the difference between a small localized removal procedure or a large and complex surgery with skin grafts and the like.

5.  Cysts and Boil Drainage

Your dermatologist in Southlake, TX or anywhere else for that matter are also uniquely qualified to deal with sebaceous cysts and draining boils. The former is a collection of dead white cells, sebaceous material and other fluids and solids in sacs. These sacs may begin to bulge the skin or appear as small bumps. The dermatologist can operate on them and remove them completely so they don’t come back.

Boils are painful infections of hair follicles which become filled with pus and are quite painful. Dermatologists can lance them and drain the pus and blood while sterilizing them. This removes the pressure on the boil and provides immediate pain relief.

Book Your Appointment Today!

If you are looking for a dermatologist in Southlake, TX to catch up on your skin and dermatological health assessment then visit Compassion Dermatology today. Our duo of specialists provides a variety of treatments and services for various dermatological problems and conditions and takes pride in satisfying our clients completely.

You can call us on 817-380-5911 to book an appointment today.