Dermatologist in Southlake, TX


Skin Tag Diagnosis and Removal


A skin tag is a small, soft, raised, benign skin growth that is flesh-colored or slightly darker. It is typically distinct from other growths due to the stalk attaching it to the skin. The growth is typically small, less than 2 mm in size, although some can be larger. They can form anywhere on the body but are common in areas where skin folds occur. However, there are a few areas where they seem to occur more frequently. These areas include the neck, armpits, groin, under the breasts and eyelids. It is not unusual for multiple skin tags to occur and may even form clusters. Although the skin tag itself is typically harmless and painless, they can cause discomfort. The growths may become irritated and painful where jewelry, other skin or clothing rubs or catches on them. Compassion Dermatology can provide you with a dermatologist in Southlake, TX for skin tag removal.


What causes skin tags is not fully understood, however, people over the age of 50, and those with specific medical conditions are more likely to develop them. Skin tags are seen most frequently in seniors, and in those who are overweight, or suffer from diabetes. Insulin resistance, which can lead to type 2 diabetes, is also thought to contribute to the development of skin tags. In a 2010 study, multiple skin tags were associated with insulin resistance, a high body mass index, and high triglycerides. In addition, wearing tight clothing appears to be a contributing factor, as well as genetics. Preventing additional skin tags from occurring may be alleviated by losing weight if you are obese, and by controlling diabetes and/or treating a prediabetic condition. Skin tags are typically permanent unless removed by a dermatologist in Southlake, TX. Give us a call, we can help!


Dermatologists are able to diagnose skin tags by sight. The typical skin tag presents no health risk, however skin growths that are hard, multicolored or that bleed should be examined by a doctor. Often, skin tags are simply a nuisance and no ill health efforts occur. If your dermatologist in Southlake, TX is concerned a growth may be more than a skin tag, a biopsy may be performed. It is a procedure our dermatologist in Southlake, TX can perform in our office.


There are several reasons why a dermatologist may recommend removing one or more skin tags. Those with skin tags in noticeable areas may wish to have it removed for cosmetic reasons alone. In addition, skin tags which cause discomfort or pain due to rubbing against other skin, jewelry or clothing should be removed by a dermatologist.

Treatments include cryotherapy, which freeze them, then they will fall off. In addition, your dermatologist in Southlake, TX may remove the growth with ligation (tying them off with surgical thread). Removing them with scissors or a scalpel is also an option, or they may be burned off in a procedure known as electrodessication. Occasionally, skin tags may recur after the removal. If this happens, the treatment of skin tags may require repeating the procedure to keep them off.Your dermatologist can determine the best method for the removal of your skin tags. However, your doctor may recommend eyelid skin tags be removed by an ophthalmologist.

Depending on the method of removal, you may need more than one treatment to get rid of them. When the treatment involves ligation, freezing or electrodessication, it can take a few weeks for it to fall off. In some cases, skin tags will regrow and need to be removed again. Your dermatologist in Southlake, TX will provide you with follow-up care instructions. Typically, when ligation, freezing or electrodessication is provided, it can take up to a few weeks for the growth to fall off. In addition, it is common for the treated area to be sensitive for a few days afterwards. The site should be kept clean and avoid exposure to the sun. Treatment of skin tags is safe and effective and provides relief from the itching and pain due to rubbing or snagging.

The internet offers a number of DIY treatments for skin tags. However, you should never attempt to remove them yourself. Scarring, bleeding and infection are potential risks with DIY methods of removal. In addition, there is the possibility you may have misdiagnosed your skin tag. You may be inappropriately treating skin cancer or a mole. Your dermatologist in Southlake, TX can provide the professional diagnosis and treatment you need for smoother skin.

If you would like to receive additional information about the options for the removal of skin tags, contact Compassion Dermatology today to schedule a consultation in our office. We offer the latest treatments for the safe removal of a variety of skin growths, including skin tags, moles, skin cancer, cysts and others.  Contact our board-certified dermatologist in Southlake, TX today.

It is important to note some skin conditions that may appear to be skin tags can actually be a more serious skin condition. Skin growths that have irregular edges, change color, or rapidly increase in size, should be inspected right away by a dermatologist in Southlake, TX. Catching potential skin cancer early is essential in the treatment of some types of skin cancer. Schedule a consultation with Compassion Dermatology today for safe, effective skin tag removal, or for other cosmetic, surgical or medical dermatology questions and needs.

Dermatologist in Southlake, TX


We love working with our elderly patients who come for aesthetic treatments and skin cancer checks. Other problems can occur as we age, such as varicose veins. Many people who have varicose veins never experience any symptoms. For them, they may be a concern only from a cosmetic view. In addition, they can be uncomfortable, both physically and for your confidence level. The presence of the contorted veins may prompt you to wear long pants when you would rather wear shorts or a dress, or cause pain and fatigue that limits your activity. If varicose veins are causing you problems, contact Compassion Dermatology today to schedule a consultation. Our dermatologist in Southlake, TX will be glad to assist you with a treatment plan for your varicose veins.


As we grow older, our skin loses elasticity and volume due to age related factors and sun damage. Inside our bodies, changes also occur. Varicose veins are an example of how aging can affect your body. If you suffer from varicose veins, a dermatologist in Southlake, TX can assist you to have the beautiful legs you want and the lifestyle you need without pain, fatigue or risk.

Varicose Veins

There are a number of factors that may predispose you to the development of varicose veins. Genetics, age, weight, sex, and jobs requiring long periods of sitting or standing are a few common causes. The condition occurs when the valves in the veins are weakened. Varicose veins are not usually considered a serious medical problem, but they can cause physical discomfort such as pain or burning. In addition, they are more vulnerable to vein ulceration or open wounds, and bleeding after even a minor injury. Although it is not common, the condition may cause some persons to be more vulnerable to blood clots, or phlebitis (an inflammation of the veins). Your dermatologist in Southlake, TX  can assess the risk you could face if you have varicose veins.


The appearance of varicose veins is typically twisted, swollen, enlarged and a dark blue or purple in color. They are most common in the legs and ankles but can occur anywhere. If they are not causing you any problems and you are not self conscious of them, they do not necessarily require medical treatment. However, without treatment they may worsen. If treatment is a consideration for you, there are a number of options available from your dermatologist in Southlake, TX.


Treatment Options


Home treatment includes wearing compression stockings, which prevent the blood from pooling in the veins. They should be worn every day. Elevation of the legs above the level of the heart 3 to 4 times a day for 15 minutes at a time, will reduce swelling and help to reduce other symptoms related to varicose veins.


A consultation with your dermatologist in Southlake, TX will enable your doctor to provide you with the best treatment plan appropriate for you and your health. A few of the options include:


  • Leg vein injections, also known as Sclerotherapy, offers rapid improvement with minimal discomfort. Two to five treatments are a common number for the best results, with improvement following each treatment. It is the most commonly used treatment for both varicose veins and is ideal for spider veins. The veins shrink and gradually disappear.
  • Laser therapy or radiotherapy uses heat to destroy the wall of a varicose vein which is absorbed.
  • Stripping was the original procedure and is now seldom performed. A modern treatment is available using a small catheter and radio waves to shrink the collagen within the vessel wall. The vein is gradually absorbed by the body over a period of time of up to eight weeks.
  • Ambulatory phlebectomy is an older procedure still in use. The vein is extracted through very small micro-incisions. The incisions are so small sutures are not needed. Patients can return to most of their activities the next day, with walking encouraged. This procedure offers the advantage of there being no need to wait for absorption to occur.


Your dermatologist in Southlake, TX will perform an assessment of your varicose veins and recommend the best treatment based on you, your health, goals and expectations.


Spider Veins


Spider veins, also known as telangiectasias, are enlarged superficial capillaries, similar to varicose veins just beneath the skin surface. They appear as a web of blood vessels, typically red or purple. There are a number of causes for the development of spider veins. They are quite common and are present in half of all adults. The causes are the same as with varicose veins and include over exposure to the sun, obesity, age related causes, pregnancy, prolonged standing and hormonal changes. They typically occur on the face and legs, but occasionally occur elsewhere.




The treatment of spider veins is seldom surgical, as they rarely cause pain. Treatment is typically purely for cosmetic reasons. Sclerotherapy is both a common and effective treatment that does not require anesthesia. Laser is an alternative and does not require injections, incisions or anesthesia for spider veins. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with a dermatologist in Southlake, TX.


Compassion Dermatology is committed to providing you with comprehensive, care with advanced technology and the highest personal care available. We customize every treatment to each individual patient needs and condition. When you need a dermatologist in Southlake, TX for medical, or cosmetic needs,give us a call.

Dermatologist in Southlake, TX



Impetigo is a common reason that children require the attention of a medical doctor, or a dermatologist in Southlake, TX. Impetigo is an infection spread either through contact with an infected person or by the bacteria they leave behind on surfaces. Common surfaces involved in the transfer of impetigo among children, include doorknobs, light switches, and toys. It is so contagious, it can even spread from the primary site to other locations on the body simply by touching the lesion. Most cases of impetigo will resolve quickly with proper treatment. However, if it is untreated, complications can occur and healing may take as long as a month. Contact Compassion Dermatology today to schedule a consultation with a dermatologist in Southlake, TX.

What it Is

Impetigo is a common bacterial skin infection caused by staphylococcus aureus or streptococcus pyogenes. It is highly contagious and will spread quickly, especially among children. It often occurs in breaks on the skin, such as cuts, bug bites or rashes. When impetigo begins through a break in the skin it is considered secondary impetigo. Primary impetigo can occur on unbroken skin. It can occur on any persons regardless of socioeconomic status.

The Risk Factors

Impetigo occurs often in daycares and schools due to children being in close quarters. Great care must be practiced to prevent its spread. It occurs more frequently in hot climates with moist conditions. As a result, it is seen more often during the summer months. The use of antibacterial soap is often recommended, but infection may still occur.

The Symptoms

The primary symptom of impetigo is the itchy, red rash. It often begins near the mouth as small sores, progressing to pus filled blisters that may ooze, burst and crust over. Some patients complain of severe pain, while others report only itching. Untreated it can spread to other areas of the body, swelling of the lymph nodes may occur, along with fever. It is also possible impetigo may infect deeper in the skin. When this occurs, erosion occurs, and it is called ecthyma, which can lead to scarring. Additional complications of untreated impetigo can also include cellulitis, meningitis, or post streptococcal glomerulonephritis. In addition to potential secondary infections, untreated impetigo further exposes others to the disease. It is best to seek treatment early with a dermatologist in Southlake, TX.


If you suspect you or a child has impetigo, contact your dermatologist in Southlake, TX. Your doctor will typically diagnose impetigo by inspection of the rash.

However, if your dermatologist in Southlake, TX suspects an infection more severe than impetigo, a sample may be taken for a culture test to determine the type, and the most effective treatment.


Treatment may vary depending on the severity of the infection. Your dermatologist in Southlake, TX will determine the treatment that is right for you. In most instances, a topical antibiotic is prescribed. Use it as directed, and do not skip applications. If the infection is widespread, oral antibiotics may also be prescribed. With any antibiotic treatment of all disease, it is important to take all of the medicine as directed until they have been used up. Never stop taking an antibiotic, because you think you are better. Infections can reoccur, and can possibly lead to a bacterial infection that is harder to treat.

Care of Affected skin

Standard care may be individualized to your specific condition. However, typical treatment includes washing the affected skin twice a day with soap and water. Remove the crusts and dry the site completely. Be careful not to touch the items used on the affected areas of the body elsewhere to prevent additional spread. Once the area is clean and dry, apply the topical antibiotic. Cover the wound with a gauze bandage to prevent contamination with bacteria to clothing and bedding. Once treatment is complete, be sure to wash your own hands thoroughly and reduce your contact with other people. Use a new washcloth and towel each time, and use a new hand towel each time you wash your hands after treatment.

Preventing Impetigo

Impetigo is extremely contagious, and requires careful practice to prevent its spread. In day cares and schools surfaces should be disinfected daily while children are present, including light switches, toys, door knobs, faucet handles and toilet flush levers. In addition, others should avoid skin to skin contact with infected persons. Scratching the sores can result in the spread of the infection to other locations on the body, and should be avoided. Your dermatologist in Southlake, TX can provide a medication for reducing the itching.

Frequent hand washing with soap and warm water is recommended. Frequent showers and baths can also reduce the amount of bacteria. While the infection is present, wash clothing and linen of the affected person often, and separately from those of other family members. This will reduce the number of bacteria on the skin and helps to prevent the spread. The best practice of prevention is to clean new scratches and wounds with soap and water, and apply an antibiotic ointment and a bandage.

Compassion Dermatology offers a number of services for your medical and cosmetic needs. With summer approaching and yard chores, with children playing outdoors careful attention is required for injuries, even when minor. We are available for your concerns when you need a  dermatologist in Southlake, TX. In addition, do not forget to protect your skin with sunscreen this summer!