Skin Tag Diagnosis and Removal
A skin tag is a small, soft, raised, benign skin growth that is flesh-colored or slightly darker. It is typically distinct from other growths due to the stalk attaching it to the skin. The growth is typically small, less than 2 mm in size, although some can be larger. They can form anywhere on the body but are common in areas where skin folds occur. However, there are a few areas where they seem to occur more frequently. These areas include the neck, armpits, groin, under the breasts and eyelids. It is not unusual for multiple skin tags to occur and may even form clusters. Although the skin tag itself is typically harmless and painless, they can cause discomfort. The growths may become irritated and painful where jewelry, other skin or clothing rubs or catches on them. Compassion Dermatology can provide you with a dermatologist in Southlake, TX for skin tag removal.
What causes skin tags is not fully understood, however, people over the age of 50, and those with specific medical conditions are more likely to develop them. Skin tags are seen most frequently in seniors, and in those who are overweight, or suffer from diabetes. Insulin resistance, which can lead to type 2 diabetes, is also thought to contribute to the development of skin tags. In a 2010 study, multiple skin tags were associated with insulin resistance, a high body mass index, and high triglycerides. In addition, wearing tight clothing appears to be a contributing factor, as well as genetics. Preventing additional skin tags from occurring may be alleviated by losing weight if you are obese, and by controlling diabetes and/or treating a prediabetic condition. Skin tags are typically permanent unless removed by a dermatologist in Southlake, TX. Give us a call, we can help!
Dermatologists are able to diagnose skin tags by sight. The typical skin tag presents no health risk, however skin growths that are hard, multicolored or that bleed should be examined by a doctor. Often, skin tags are simply a nuisance and no ill health efforts occur. If your dermatologist in Southlake, TX is concerned a growth may be more than a skin tag, a biopsy may be performed. It is a procedure our dermatologist in Southlake, TX can perform in our office.
There are several reasons why a dermatologist may recommend removing one or more skin tags. Those with skin tags in noticeable areas may wish to have it removed for cosmetic reasons alone. In addition, skin tags which cause discomfort or pain due to rubbing against other skin, jewelry or clothing should be removed by a dermatologist.
Treatments include cryotherapy, which freeze them, then they will fall off. In addition, your dermatologist in Southlake, TX may remove the growth with ligation (tying them off with surgical thread). Removing them with scissors or a scalpel is also an option, or they may be burned off in a procedure known as electrodessication. Occasionally, skin tags may recur after the removal. If this happens, the treatment of skin tags may require repeating the procedure to keep them off.Your dermatologist can determine the best method for the removal of your skin tags. However, your doctor may recommend eyelid skin tags be removed by an ophthalmologist.
Depending on the method of removal, you may need more than one treatment to get rid of them. When the treatment involves ligation, freezing or electrodessication, it can take a few weeks for it to fall off. In some cases, skin tags will regrow and need to be removed again. Your dermatologist in Southlake, TX will provide you with follow-up care instructions. Typically, when ligation, freezing or electrodessication is provided, it can take up to a few weeks for the growth to fall off. In addition, it is common for the treated area to be sensitive for a few days afterwards. The site should be kept clean and avoid exposure to the sun. Treatment of skin tags is safe and effective and provides relief from the itching and pain due to rubbing or snagging.
The internet offers a number of DIY treatments for skin tags. However, you should never attempt to remove them yourself. Scarring, bleeding and infection are potential risks with DIY methods of removal. In addition, there is the possibility you may have misdiagnosed your skin tag. You may be inappropriately treating skin cancer or a mole. Your dermatologist in Southlake, TX can provide the professional diagnosis and treatment you need for smoother skin.
If you would like to receive additional information about the options for the removal of skin tags, contact Compassion Dermatology today to schedule a consultation in our office. We offer the latest treatments for the safe removal of a variety of skin growths, including skin tags, moles, skin cancer, cysts and others. Contact our board-certified dermatologist in Southlake, TX today.
It is important to note some skin conditions that may appear to be skin tags can actually be a more serious skin condition. Skin growths that have irregular edges, change color, or rapidly increase in size, should be inspected right away by a dermatologist in Southlake, TX. Catching potential skin cancer early is essential in the treatment of some types of skin cancer. Schedule a consultation with Compassion Dermatology today for safe, effective skin tag removal, or for other cosmetic, surgical or medical dermatology questions and needs.