Sensitive Skin Issues | Dermatologist in Southlake, TX

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Persistent and chronic skin sensitivity can be a result of either skin disorders like rosacea or allergies like dermatitis. However, your skin can also be sensitive due to reactions to weather inSouthlake, harsh products and chemicals.

How to Tell if You Have Sensitive Skin?

There are often common signs of sensitive skin. You can tell if you have sensitive skin when you exhibit any of the following symptoms.

Easily Flushed Skin

When you have skin that flushes often and is red, you can have a genetic dermatological condition like rosacea or sensitivity to products and/or weather.

If your skin is irritated and red after using a certain product, you should take caution and not use it further. Consult with a dermatologist in Southlake if you have persistent redness, inflammation or irritation.

Frequent Rashes and Bumps

It is often a clear sign of skin sensitivity if you keep getting rashes and bump spots on your skin, on any surface of your body. This can happen if you use new products.

You should be careful when purchasing new products and consult with store attendants or dermatologists on the best products to use for sensitive skin.

Stinging and Burning

Often using beauty or makeup products that are chemical-based can irritate the skin and cause stinging and burning as well due to skin reactions.  If you have sensitive skin, you tend to have thin skin barriers which cause stinging.

 Dry Patches

Another sign of sensitive skin is dryness. These conditions often occur because of eczema where the skin barriers do not trap moisture. In eczema patients, skin flakes and becomes scaly as it dries.

Eczema patients can seek out dermatological care from dermatologists in Southlake, TX. Dermatologists in Southlake, TX will often prescribe specialized medicine to avoid and relieve flare-ups in the skin barriers.

Dermatologists in Southlake, TX will prescribe steroids for people with persistent and harsh eczema to relieve the patients or dryness and irritation.

Itchy Skin

If you have continuously itchy skin, it might be a sign of skin sensitivity. Itching can be due to excessive showering in hot water or harsh cleansers. Dermatologists in Southlake, TX often recommend using gentler cleansers and moisturizers. Your moisturizer should additionally have ceramide in it.

UV Ray and Weather Sensitivity

If you have sensitive or red skin whenever you are in the sun, you are probably sensitive to UV rays. This is called photosensitivity by dermatologists and can cause rashes on your body and face.

A dermatologist in Southlake will often recommend SPF 30 sunscreen to protect your skin.

Additionally, people can have sensitivity to all kinds of harsh weather. Your skin can become inflamed, especially if you have rosacea, and will need dermatologist-approved chamomile and azulene products.

Excessive Breakouts

If you have a lot of breakouts, it is probably due to skin sensitivity. See, when you have dry or sensitive skin, your skin tends to make a lot of oil which in turn clogs pores and causes breakouts.

How to Deal with Sensitive Skin?

If you have sensitive skin, have no fear. Sensitivity can be easily handled through either of the following measures:

Testing New Products

Always remember to test new beauty or makeup products. It is ideal that you use a small amount behind your ear to see if you are sensitive to the product. Wait a day to determine if the product is suitable and look for signs of inflammation or redness.

It is important to be careful with products in general. You should be cautious with hypoallergenic labels in particular since these labels can be misleading at times.

Buy sunscreens that have physical active ingredients. Physical active ingredients can include elements like zinc oxide and titanium dioxide and are often readily available in Southlake.

Always read the labels before you purchase it and if you have any confusions or concerns, you should always consult with a dermatologist in Southlake, TX on which products to choose.

It is a rule of thumb for The American Academy of Dermatology to use products that have less than ten ingredients.

Be cautious when using new and even old products, read up on the products and ingredients. It is often wise to consult with a dermatologist to determine which products are suitable for you.

Have a Skin-Scare Routine

You should take care of your sensitive skin and use appropriate products. You should use moisturizers several times a day and protect your skin from natural and artificial irritants.

You should wash your face regularly to keep pores unclog. It is wise to use cleansers, moisturizers and sunscreens routinely.

Use Makeup Carefully

When you have sensitive skin, you need to be careful about makeup in particular. Do not use makeup excessively and do not try new products that might cause flare-ups.

It is best to use mineral powders or silicone-based foundation. You should also steer clear of waterproof products like mascara which will need chemical and harsh cleansing products for removal.

You should use pencil eyeliners as liquid liners have irritants like latex. Another thing to keep in mind is to clean and renew your makeup products regularly.

Contact Us!

If you are having skin trouble and live in the Southlakearea, you should come see the dermatologists in Southlake, TX at Compassion Dermatology.

You should visit the dermatologists in Southlake, TX at Compassion Dermatology. We are available for consultations and treatments throughout the week. We can be contacted through this number: 817-380-5911.

Our dermatologists can evaluate moles, pigment changes, growths and inflammations. We check your hair and nails for problems like cuticle growth, hair growth, balding, dandruff.

We will provide consultation services to Southlake residents see if you have any concerns and if you are having skin or hair issues.

We also provide specialized treatments for multiple skin and beauty issues. On offer are services for the skin like chemical peels, Botox injectables, as well as SculpSure, ICON and HydraFacial.

If you have any kind of scarring, from surgery, injuries or acne, we are available for treatments and dermatological care consultations and procedures as well.

A Full Guide to Common Acne Problems | Dermatologist in Southlake, TX

Photo By ZephyrMedia at Shutterstock

You stare into the mirror, horrified. A zit is on your forehead and right before your presentation, too. You try to squeeze and pop it. Then you realize you have fleshy bumps on your nose, as well. Why is your skin breaking out so much?

Skin issues like fleshy bumps, called whiteheads, and pimples are extremely common. They naturally occur when you get excess dirt and oil on your face.

There’s no shame in them. Everyone gets a pimple every now and then. However, some people can develop actual acne problems that might dermatological care. It is in these cases that people should be concerned about skin.

If you live in the Southlake area in Texas, you should go book an appointment for consultations and treatments with dermatologists in Southlake, TX at Compassion Dermatology.

But how do know if you have a serious problem? How do you know which dermatological measures to seek out? How do you know what are the causes and solutions to your acne? And what is a whitehead anyway?

Fear not, you can find out the answer to each of the questions above in this handy guide below.

What Are the Causes of Acne?

So, you might be wondering what exactly causes acne on your face. Well the pimples, blackheads and cysts on your face or body appear because you have something blocking your pores. Your pores are tiny holes in your skin that release naturally existing skin oils and sweat.

Pores are openings to follicles and constitute hair sebaceous gland. Don’t worry, the latter only means oil glands. Dermatologists in Southlake, TX call the oil coming out of these glands sebum. When you have acne, it is very likely that you have dead skin, oil or bacteria inside your pores that are blocking them.

You can often get acne and oil on your skin in Southlake’s climate. When it’s hot, humid and dusty outside in Southlake, your pores can get blocked with oils and sweat.

What Are the Different Types of Acne?

When you are dealing with acne, you need to know which kind you have. There several kinds of acne that can occur in Southlakeresidents, whether male or female. Here are some of the most common ones:


These are usually white, small spots that can appear on your face and back. They can also be flesh colored in some instances.

You can tell if you have a whitehead if the skin around it is wrinkled and if the whitehead seems very large. Whiteheads can usually be easily treated and taken out and do not cause scarring. You can seek out a dermatologists in Southlake, TX if the whiteheads are persistent or do not go away from measures taken at home.


Blackheads can appear on your nose, back, cheeks, chin along with multiple other parts of your body. You can tell if you have blackheads if there are black colored spots on your face.

The cause of a blackhead is clogging though sebum and dead skin cells. What happens is that the pore remains open at the top but there is still clogging inside the pore.

Blackheads can be pulled out and treated with dermatological measures and can even be treated at home. You can seek out a good dermatologist in Southlake, TX, if the blackheads recur and are particularly large or stubborn.


You can also get cysts. These are usually the result of pores getting clogged by bacteria, sebum and dead skin cells. The blockages or clogging is usually below the nodules and goes deep inside the skin layers.

Cysts can be painful and can be either red or white large bumps on the skin. Cysts are the result of infections and can scar and damage your skin permanently so you should take them seriously.

Cysts should alert you to skin problems that will need proper care. If you have cysts, you should go see a dermatologist in Southlake, TX, at your earliest convenience.

What Are the Treatments Available for Acne?

So now you know what the different types of acne are. Now what do you do about them? What are measures that prevent or fix acne issues and scarring?

Well, there are several measures available. You have acne creams that can prevent new pimples. They will even dry out and finish old pimples.

These creams usually have benzoyl peroxide that kills acne-causing bacteria. You can seek out sulfur-containing lotions, cleansers and masks to get rid of acne. You can use resorcinol to remove dead skin cells and cleanse out your pores.

A dermatologist in Southlake, TX will often recommend soaps and acne washes to prevent pore clogging. These usually have salicylic acid in them.

What Can You Do to Help Acne?

There are several steps you can take to help with your acne. You can:

  • Wash and cleanse your skin daily to prevent your pores clogging with excess oil and dirt. This can happen a lot in Southlake’s humid weather.
  • You should shampoo at regular intervals throughout the week and keep your hair out of your face. This prevents the oil in your hair from creating pimples on your face.
  • You should use makeup products that are non-comedogenic so that your pores are not clogged. You can ask a dermatologist in Southlake, TX for advice on which makeup products to use.
  • You should drink a lot of water, especially during Southlake Hydration often makes skin look and feel better.
  • You should change your pillow cover at regular intervals because sleeping on the same pillow, which has oils and bacteria collecting on it, can lead to acne.
  • To prevent scarring and further acne, you should not touch, pick or squeeze a pimple. If you do, you will end up spreading bacteria and oil all over your face. If you have scars already, go see a licensed dermatologist in Southlake, TX for treatment.
  • You should not touch your face too often since any bacteria or dirt on your hands can clog your pores on your face.
  • Visit a licensed dermatologist in your area in Southlake, TX.

If you have acne issues, you should pay a visit to dermatologists in Southlake, TX at Compassion Dermatology.

Dry Skin Problems: A Comprehensive Guide | Dermatologist in Southlake, TX

Photo By cunaplus at Shutterstock

Do you have dry skin? Are you constantly fed up with skin peeling off, chapping, cracking, drying and bleeding? You need this guide to dry skin problems.

Don’t worry dry skin can happen to anyone and at any time. It is a problem that is easily handled, however, by dermatologists in Southlake, TX. Now Southlake might not have the driest weather but its residents can have dry skin issues due to bad habits, weather exposure, work and winter weather.

All Southlake residents need to make sure to moisturize and hydrate during especially dry weather to protect their outside appearance as well as their internal bodily systems

You can have occasional dry skin and recurrent, naturally existing dryness in your skin. You can have occasional dry skin at instances where you are:

Not Hydrating

If you do not drink enough water, you might notice that your skin and lips especially start drying out. It is so important to ensure regular intake of water or other hydrating substances, for instance fruits like watermelons, strawberries and tomatoes.

You should then take care to hydrate on a regular basis and drink the daily required amount of eight glasses per day to prevent skin problems.

Exposed to Winter

You can also have dry skin due to weather. Southlake winters can often have dry, cold atmospheres in the house and outside the house. This causes your hair and skin to start drying out and the driest parts of your body, like elbows, heels and lips, to chap and even bleed.

This is why it is often recommended by dermatologists in Southlake, TX that you moisturize, hydrate and take extra fluids during the winter. To take care of your skin during the winter, you should have special skincare routines where you apply hydrating creams and masks and make sure to moisturize using lotions and chap sticks.

You can ask dermatologists in Southlake, TX for recommendations on the types of products to use.

Exposed to Dry Climates

Weather is not the only thing that can lead to dry skin issues; you can also have a climate around yourself that is harsh on the skin. You should take care then to moisturize and hydrate, especially if you spend a lot of time outdoors inSouthlake.

Not Moisturizing

Dermatologists in Southlake, TX always recommend moisturizing even during humid, hot weather inSouthlake. Moisturizing creams, lotions and masks can mean a world of difference for skin.

Moisturizing can help it rejuvenate, feel and look healthier. You should even moisturize to prevent other skin problems like acne, dark circles and chapped skin. You can take your moisturizer and even mix it up with other sunblock lotion creams in order to go out.

Now, you can recurrent dry skin if you have naturally existing issues with your skin or if your habits are causing certain problems.

You can have recurrent dry skin if:

You Have Excessive Indoor Heating

Indoor heating can be a blessing for everyone since it provides comfort and warmth in the harshest of winters. However, it can be a bad omen for dry skin.

Heating can dry your skin out faster than it can even warm the entire house. If you are constantly exposed to heating in your home or at your workplace, make sure to take proper precautions to moisturize and hydrate your skin to prevent dry skin problems.

You Tend to Shower Excessively

If you have very lengthy shower routines or use a lot of hot water in your showers, you will eventually have skin drying out all over your body.

You should ideally limit your shower time to 10 minutes and make sure to moisturize routinely after you bathe or shower in hot water.

You Use Drying Soaps

You should always make sure to take care to find out about what is inside your soaps, lotions and moisturizers. You can seek out the help of a licensed dermatologist in Southlake, TX to help figure this out and work through which products to use.

Sometimes, you can be using products that are completely unsuitable for your skin type or use chemicals that have a nasty effect on your skin.

What are the Risks of Dry Skin?

So what can happen when you do not take care of dry skin?

Well, for one you can develop Atopic dermatitis. This is also known as eczema. If you are predisposed to this condition, you should take extra care to avoid your skin from drying out and causing problems.

If you have eczema, you will get causing redness, cracking and inflammation. You should take care to avoid this in children by moisturizing their skin since the condition can be especially uncomfortable and unbearable for children.

If you or anyone in your family has this condition, you should go see and get treatments from dermatologists in in Southlake, TX.

Along with eczema you can get infections from your dry skin. When dry skin cracks or chaps, it creates openings. This is the perfect opportunity for external bacteria to strike.

Bacteria will then enter your body through these cracks and spread infections. You will definitely need medical attention from a trained dermatologist in Southlake, TX, if this occurs.

Contact Us!

If you are having skin trouble and live in the Southlake area, you should come see the dermatologists in Southlake, TX at Compassion Dermatology Clinic.

You should visit the dermatologists in Southlake, TX at Compassion Dermatology Clinic. We are available for consultations and treatments throughout the week. We can be contacted through this number: 817-380-5911.

Our dermatologists in Southlake, TX can evaluate moles, pigment changes, growths and inflammations. We check your hair and nails for problems like cuticle growth, hair growth, balding, dandruff. We will provide consultation services to see if you have any concerns and if you are having skin or hair issues.

We also provide specialized treatments for multiple skin and beauty issues. On offer are services for the skin like chemical peels, Botox injectables, as well as SculpSure, ICON and HydraFacial.

If you have any kind of scarring, from surgery, injuries or acne, we are available for treatments and dermatological care consultations and procedures as well.

The PRP Treatment – All You Need to Know | Dermatologist in Southlake, TX

Photo By Kite_rin at Shutterstock

Are you wondering what all the hype related to PRP is about? We have got your back, folks! The PRP treatment has gained a lot of popularity recently. That’s for good reasons! It is one of the most common cosmetic procedures that any Dermatologist in Southlake, TX carries out.

It has many benefits and almost no side effects. We hope this article helps shed light on any of your concerns regarding the PRP treatment. We hope it motivates you to take a step towards a glowing healthy skin!

Let’s first take you through the procedure.

The PRP Procedure

To start a PRP facial, a Dermatologist in Southlake, TX will initially draw some blood from your body. This blood will then be spun at high speeds to isolate the plasma from the red and white blood cells. Once the plasma is separated, the liquid is ready to be microneedled into your skin.

So your Dermatologist in Southlake, TX will gently and carefully microneedle and apply the plasma onto your skin. It is not too painful as a numbing gel is applied before the procedure. The whole procedure takes an estimated time of about 20 minutes.

Furthermore, this treatment has amazing long term effects for your skin. The benefits are versatile and it can reduce the appearance of fine lines, acne scars and hyperpigmentation.

Why is the Plasma Used?

This treatment takes advantage of the natural ability in our body to heal. The plasma in our blood has ability to stimulate collagen. This helps form new skin and is what heals all skin problems. It makes our skin appear more youthful and glowy.

Just like a fertilizer helps plants grow, similarly the plasma in our blood helps new skin formation. Plasma is the best part of our blood and has an amazing growth factor. So when your Dermatologist in Southlake, TX microneedles your skin, they make small holes into the skin. This is when the PRP penetrates into the skin and helps it heal.

How Much Does the PRP Treatment Cost?

The financial impact of any procedure is of course an important factor to consider as well. According to Scientific American, the costs of the PRP treatment normally range from $500 to $2000. The PRP treatment is not something that is usually covered by insurance. For further details you should definitely speak to your health insurance company about this.

For a specific price quote according to your skin, you should book a consultation with your dermatologist in Southlake, TX. They will look at the condition of your skin and decide how many sessions you actually need. Then, they will be in a better position to give you a proper estimate of the total cost.

Our recommendation for you is to go to Compassion Dermatology. They have a team of highly trained dermatologists who will provide the quality service you are looking for.

Reasons Why You Should Consider Getting This Treatment

•  It is the Perfect Treatment for Your Skin to Rejuvenate

The PRP Treatment provides total rejuvenation for your skin. It stimulates collagen and elastin production. This helps to tighten your skin and make it smoother. As it boosts collagen, any Dermatologist in Southlake, TX will recommend this treatment for improving the overall skin texture. Furthermore, also helps to even the tone of your skin. It is good for people who want to heal acne scars quickly.

•  PRP Treatment Can Treat Delicate and Difficult to Reach Skin Areas

PRP is exceptionally useful for treating difficult areas. Laser cannot be used near the eyes so the use becomes restricted. On the other hand, PRP is safe to use even near your eyes. Any Dermatologist in Southlake, TX will recommend this treatment for under eye areas where laser cannot be used.

•  It is a Natural Cosmetic Injectable

Many people are afraid to use strong chemicals or foreign products on their skin. They fear a harmful reaction or side effects. This makes PRP Treatment the perfect solution for them. Any Dermatologist in Southlake, TX will explain to you how PRP only uses the natural elements from your own blood. In this procedure, the platelet rich plasma is re-injected back into the treatment area. Nothing else is added.

•  This Treatment is Safe

Your Dermatologist in Southlake, TX will tell you how PRP is a very safe treatment you get. It will use your own blood and is not a new treatment. Doctors in the medical field have used the PRP Treatment for decades. This treatment has exceptional wound healing abilities and it’s been a way to heal sport injuries since the 1970’s.

•  The PRP Treatment Gives Long-Lasting Results

The PRP treatment gives results which take a while to appear. However, once the results appear, they are here to stay! This is what makes this treatment even more attractive. Unlike other treatments which give an instant glow, PRP takes longer to show visible results. It can take up to three to four weeks to see a visible difference in your skin.

Once you start noticing the results, your skin will continue to look better for up to 18 months. This makes the PRP treatment the first choice of many. The results are long lasting so it is worth every penny to get this treatment.


There is no doubt that the PRP Treatment is a promising procedure to treat all your skin problems. From acne scars to uneven skin tone, the PRP Treatment can treat it all!  Furthermore, it is a completely safe treatment that uses no chemicals. This is why the PRP treatment is the perfect solution for all your skin problems

You can consult a Dermatologist in Southlake, TX for further details. Don’t delay getting that flawless skin you’ve been dreaming about anymore. Book your appointment with Compassion Dermatology today!