Did a new pimple grow on your face or a new mole on your forearm? Does your face turn red in specific situations? Pretty common skin issues are generally not concerning and don’t warrant a visit to your dermatologist in Southlake, TX.
On the contrary, there can be instances in which you schedule an appointment right away without further delays. But how do you figure out when you should definitely visit a dermatologist in Southlake, TX and when there isn’t a need? We’ll take you through some of the most common skin problems, and accordingly advise you of the best approach.
Acne is completely normal and you have nothing to worry about if you notice a few small bumps or red spots on your skin during your teens and 20s. But if you’re suffering from adult acne or feel your skin to be bumpy and blemished on most of the days, then you should schedule an appointment with your dermatologist in Southlake, TX.
If you suffer from acne during adulthood, there could be more things going on with your skin and body than what appears at the surface. Generally, acne appears because of an internal imbalance or maybe even an unhealthy diet. If over the counter medicines don’t seem to treat acne, visit a dermatologist in Southlake, TX and share your concerns.
Cold Sores
Cold sores, oral herpes or fever blisters occur around or near your mouth, lips or gums. Cold sores are small, but can often be painful. They do go away without any medications or specific treatments, but if the issue persists or they appear more frequently, then get in touch with a skilled dermatologist in Southlake, TX.
If you don’t have a lot of dandruff, then over the counter shampoos and simple treatment plans may help you control them. However, the issue is more concerning if itchy and scaly patches appear on your scalp. Get yourself examined by a dermatologist in Southlake, TX and seek medical advice. Dandruff may occur because of stress, imbalances in the body or even because of environmental changes. But in most of the cases, it can be cured.
Hair Loss
Hair loss is absolutely normal if it’s within an acceptable range. You do lose around 150 hairs daily, but there shouldn’t be any bald, circular patches on your scalp. The main reasons for hair fall include excessive dyeing, over usage of styling tools, certain medications, hormonal imbalances and stress.
Nail Issues
Do your nails appear to separate from the bed or have grown thicker? Your nails can separate from the bed because of an infection, recent injury or a skin disease. If they thicken, it may be due to nail psoriasis. Your dermatologist in Southlake, TX would assess your condition, and accordingly, suggest a suitable treatment plan for you.
Rashes can be itchy and painful, appearing due to numerous reasons either because of a skin condition or a certain product that you may have used. Generally, you shouldn’t worry about them except in certain specific situations. For instance, if the rash is circular and seems to have a raised edge, then it might potentially be a ringworm, which is contagious but easily treatable. However, that would only be so when you visit a dermatologist in Southlake, TX and act on their advice.
If your skin is sensitive, you may notice certain patches that appear to be mildly itchy, but seem to go away with OTC medicines or on their own. However, if these patches start affecting your sleep and quality of life, you should schedule an appointment with your dermatologist in Southlake, TX immediately. Over the counter medicine for eczema may help you control triggers, but you need to follow a proper treatment plan to completely cure the condition.
Psoriasis is an autoimmune skin condition which worsens in the presence of certain environmental factors. It is best to visit a dermatologist and let them examine your skin.
Aging Skin
Elasticity losses, losses in face volume, and appearance of fine lines and wrinkles are normal as you age. However, if you are younger and your wrinkles seem to have appeared earlier along with dark spots, then your skin may have been affected by the sun.
UV rays, pollution, your daily skin care routines and even lifestyle habits can affect the manner and speed at which your skin ages. If you’ve already started noticing aging signs, then your dermatologist in Southlake, TX may suggest changes to your daily routine.
Skin Lesion
Skin lesion includes freckles and age spots, which are regarded as normal. However, if skin lesion persists, then there’s a chance you may be suffering from skin cancer. So you should always be on the lookout for freckles and spots, and if anything appears out of ordinary such as if your spot is larger or uneven, you should visit your dermatologist in Southlake, TX.
Rosacea isn’t concerning if you’re suffering from mild redness over your cheeks and the mid area of the face. But if your skin is sensitive, painful and prone to acne, your dermatologist in Southlake, TX can help you out and suggest possible triggers and their reactions.
Skin Discoloration
Scattered brown spots on your skin are normally okay, but if your cheeks, forehead and upper lips are pigmented, the condition may be associated with birth control pills or pregnancy. Your skin discolors due to irregular hormonal levels & changes, sun damage, injuries and excess melanin. Your dermatologist can suggest medicines and lotions that help you even out your skin tone.
Warts occur when your skin’s top layer is infected. Thought they are harmless, they can be contagious so you should seek advice from a dermatologist in Southlake, TX.
If you face any of the above skin problems, give the experts at Compassion Dermatology a call. Schedule an appointment, share your concerns and our qualified dermatologists will come up with an effective treatment plan for you.