Dermatologist Tips: Swimmers Can Protect Their Skin | Southlake, TX

Photo by Juice Dash at Shutterstock If you’re an avid swimmer and enjoy going to the pool, then you need to take extra care of your skin. If you’re heading to the beach, you’re exposing your skin to a lot of salt and other chemicals. However, if you go to an indoor or outdoor swimming […]

Skin Evaluation With Your Dermatology Office | Southlake Area

Photo by Bernardo Emanuelle at Shutterstock Did you know that skin cancer has a genetic component to it? In fact, 1 in 10 people who are diagnosed with skin cancer will have a family member who was also diagnosed with skin cancer in the past. If this applies to you, you’ll need to be a […]

Winter Dermatologist Tips For Healthy Skin | Southlake, TX

Photo by BLACKDAY at Shutterstock Although Southlake, TX, is known for mild winters, that doesn’t mean that your skin won’t suffer from colder, dry air. Even without the “snowmageddon”, we experienced last year, winter weather is still harsh for your face, hands, and entire body. Dry, cold winter temperatures can make your skin red, itchy, […]

Dermatologist Tips: Vitamins That Are Great For Your Skin | Southlake, TX

Photo by puhhha at Shutterstock You are what you eat, and your diet can have a profound impact on the overall texture, condition, and appearance of your skin. For example, researchers have found that a low-glycemic diet, which is low in sugars, reduced acne in 87% of their patients. The decrease in sugars reduced inflammatory […]

Reasons To See A Dermatologist: Nothing Too Small | Southlake, TX

Photo by New Africa at Shutterstock If you haven’t been to the dermatologist before, you might be wondering if you really need to see an expert in Southlake, TX to deal with skin concerns. After all, doesn’t your skin replenish itself automatically on its own every month? While that’s true, your skin’s natural process of […]

Dermatology And Switching Your Skin Care Routine | Southlake Area

Photo by JLco Julia Amaral at Shutterstock When it comes to taking care of your skin, most people in the Southlake area probably have at least one or two things that they do on a regular basis to keep their skin in good shape. Whether it’s drinking enough water, staying out of the sun or […]

Dermatologist Tips: The Causes Of Dry Skin | Southlake, TX

Photo by ARTFULLY PHOTOGRAPHER at Shutterstock When temperatures start to drop in Southlake, TX, dry skin can become a real problem that requires the help of a dermatologist to properly treat. If you don’t give your skin the attention it deserves, it can eventually peel and crack, putting your body at risk of diseases and […]

How To Tell An Excellent Dermatologist From A Good One | Southlake, TX

Photo by Africa Studio at Shutterstock Skin conditions are widespread and treatable in most cases. They involve your hair and nails as well as the skin on your face and body. If not looked at and diagnosed correctly by a dermatologist in Southlake, TX, they can go on a lot longer than necessary. Quick treatment […]

Dermatologist Tips: 3 Ways To Clear Up Psoriasis | Southlake, TX

Photo by Dragana Gordic at Shutterstock Psoriasis is a skin disorder where a person’s skin cells multiply up to 10 times faster than normal. This causes the skin to take on a scaly, patchy appearance that’s also red and itchy. Unfortunately, there is no cure for this disease; however, there are various treatments that can […]

5 Dermatology Tips Giving Your Skin A Healthy Glow | Southlake Area

Photo by puhhha at Shutterstock Having radiant, flawless skin doesn’t have to be a dream. With the right dermatology clinic in the Southlake area, you too can have the skin that you’ve always dreamed of. Oftentimes, we simply aren’t aware of the type of nutrients or skincare that our skin needs. As a result, the […]