Dermatologist Exfoliating Tips For Sensitive Skin | Southlake, TX

Photo by Maridav at Shutterstock Exfoliation is good for the skin. Most experts recommend that you should exfoliate anywhere from two to three times a week. Those with dry or sensitive skin will need to be especially careful about the type of exfoliators that they use. Harsh exfoliators can easily irritate the skin and cause […]

Dermatologist Tips To Improve Your Skin With Specific Foods | Southlake, TX

Photo by New Africa at Shutterstock Dermatologists recommend eating a diet packed full of vitamin-rich foods, which will help improve your skin condition naturally. Vitamin A is particularly beneficial for skin, hair, and nails and will help to give you a glowing complexion. If you live in Southlake, TX, and are looking for a dermatologist, […]

Dermatologist Tips: Improve Your Skin With Squalane Oil | Southlake, TX

Photo by fizkes at Shutterstock If you’re looking to improve your skin’s complexion, you may like to try using Squalane oil. This type of oil is often recommended by dermatologists as it helps to reduce redness and adds antioxidants to the skin. It also has anti-aging properties. If you suffer from any skin irritation or […]

After Microneedling At Your Dermatologist | Southlake, TX

Photo by Robert Przybysz at Shutterstock Microneedling is all the rage nowadays. It involves using a small instrument that will poke microneedles into your skin. This will “damage” your skin in a way, causing it to produce more collagen to repair the damaged areas. The microneedles don’t actually end up hurting your skin at all, […]

Your First Dermatology Appointment | Southlake Area

Photo by ALEKSEYSHVEDOV by Shutterstock If you’ve never been to a dermatologist before, you likely have many questions that require answers. That way, you feel comfortable with the process. You’re ready for your appointment without apprehension. You also come prepared to fill out the necessary paperwork and provide background information about your skin to the […]

What is Chloracne And Should You See A Dermatologist? | Southlake, TX

Photo by ShotPrime Studio by Shutterstock Attributing acne to oily foods or inadequate hygiene has, thankfully, become very rare. People now understand that acne has many causes and consult dermatologists for assistance. Seeking medical help is much safer and more effective than diet fads or fancy cleansers. Chloracne is a medical disorder caused by exposure […]

Questions For Your Dermatologist About Icon Treatments | Southlake, TX

Photo by Irina Bg at Shutterstock The Icon aesthetic system is a multi-purpose platform with seven hand pieces, each designed to tackle a particular skincare issue. From hair removal to wrinkle reduction and skin resurfacing through state-of-the-art cooling and fractional laser use, the Icon can take care of nearly every skincare issue you raise with […]

Caring For Your Lips: Dermatologist Tips | Southlake, TX

Photo by There’s a lot of discussion about the skin on your face and the extensive areas covering your body. But what about the thin layers across the lips? The skin that covers your lips is sensitive, essential, and comes in contact with everything from other people, food, drinks, cosmetics, and the weather. It’s critical […]

Itchy Skin? Your Dermatology Experts Can Help You | Southlake Area

Photo by Lisa-S at Shutterstock Itchy skin is a common problem that happens to everyone. The uncomfortable sensation to scratch, also known as pruritus, can distract you from everything until you give into it. When you do, the relief is often short-lived and leads to other problems, such as pain, broken skin that’s unsightly, and […]