Choosing the Right Dermatologist for You | Southlake, TX

Photo By Alim Yakubov at Shutterstock Exposure to sunlight increases the risk of skin cancer. This is relatively common knowledge, but skin is exposed to sunlight almost every day. People often forget sunscreen, and the sunny climate in Southlake, TX encourages outdoor activities. Small growths on the skin are a common occurrence, but they should not […]

Laser-based Cosmetic Procedures | Insight from Your Trusted Southlake, TX Dermatology Specialist

Photo By Intarapong at Shutterstock People often seek dermatology services for skin conditions or other health problems. Skin health is definitely important, but dermatology offers cosmetic services as well. Cosmetic procedures can provide a confidence boost and a lot of excitement. Two laser-based cosmetic services available in Southlake, TX, include ICON and SculpSure. SculpSure is a noninvasive […]

Sunscreen Myths | Insight from Your Southlake, TX Dermatologist

Photo By Maridav at Shutterstock Over 9,500 people are diagnosed with skin cancer every year in the U.S. One of the best protection against skin cancer is by covering up in the sun and regularly applying sunscreen. Unfortunately, there are dozens of sunscreens to choose from and everyone has a different idea about what’s good for your […]

Why Should You Consider PRP Injections? | Tips from Your Trusted Southlake, TX Dermatology Professional

Photo By Nicolas Orallo at Shutterstock Male or female-pattern baldness affects approximately 50 million men and 30 million women in the United States. Hair loss usually begins after age 50, but it can occur much earlier. Self-worth does not revolve around physical appearance, but baldness can negatively affect emotional and mental health. Men and women […]

Common Skin Problems Your Dermatologist Can Help | Southlake, TX

Photo By Josep Suria at Shutterstock Healthy skin is not just a matter of personal appearance. The skin is a very important part of the immune system. It is the barrier protecting the rest of the body from pathogens, allergens, and pollution in the environment. Skincare routines need to remove dirt, toxins, sweat, oil, and […]

How Dermatology Defeats Bad Skin | Southlake, TX

Photo By AshTproductions at Shutterstock When we think of our most important organs, we often think of our hearts or our brains. However, the skin is our largest organ. As a matter of fact, most of us are carrying around eight pounds of it, and if Southlake, TX, is like the majority of the country, […]

Benefits of Exfoliating for Men and Women | Tips from Your Southlake, TX Dermatologist

Photo By puhhha at Shutterstock There are several steps you can take to keep your skin clear, smooth, and looking younger, even if you’re already seeing a dermatologist in Southlake, TX. Along with cleaning, moisturizing, and minimizing sun exposure, exfoliation is a safe, easy face and body care step that promotes healthier and happier skin with a natural […]

All About Skin Care | Tips from Your Southlake, TX Dermatologist

Photo By wavebreakmedia at Shutterstock Concocted “Facts” About Skin Care There are a lot of things that are considered “common information” about skin care that are actually myths and concocted “facts” that are not true. If you are receiving treatment from a dermatologist in Southlake, TX they can also debunk these myths for you. In this post, […]