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Healthy skin is not just a matter of personal appearance. The skin is a very important part of the immune system. It is the barrier protecting the rest of the body from pathogens, allergens, and pollution in the environment. Skincare routines need to remove dirt, toxins, sweat, oil, and everything else that accumulates on skin throughout the day in Southlake, TX.
The tricky part is removing all of the substances that build up on skin without harming delicate cells or disturbing the skin’s natural pH balance. An appointment with a dermatologist is a great way to establish a healthy skin care routine and identify any potential problems.
Unhealthy Skin Care Habits
Many factors affect skin health and increase the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Skin ages prematurely as the effects of poor skincare build up over time. Going to bed without removing cosmetics is a common habit that damages skin.
Cosmetics clog pores and irritate skin when they remain on the face for hours overnight. They also trap dirt, bacteria, and other contaminants against the skin. Mascara and other eye makeup can scratch the eyes during sleep and create a breeding ground for bacteria that cause eye infections. Remove makeup with a gentle cleanser before bed, even if a shower or bath is out of the question until morning.
Hot showers and baths irritate skin and exacerbate any existing skin conditions. The hot water removes natural oils that protect skin and keep it hydrated. Red skin is a clear indication that water is too hot. Skin develops red coloration in hot water because epidermal cells are damaged and inflamed.
Keep showers short, and make sure the water temperature is warm and comfortable instead of hot. Apply a high quality moisturizer immediately after bathing to lock moisture into skin cells. A knowledgeable dermatologist can recommend appropriate cleansers and moisturizers to help damaged skin cells heal and prevent damage in the future.
Each skin type requires different care. People with oily skin often believe that scrubbing their faces with strong soaps is beneficial. They are actually making the problem worse. Friction from scrubbing damages skin and lets irritants from the soap into exposed areas. Irritation triggers even more oil production because the skin is trying to protect itself.
Never scrub skin forcefully with a washcloth, loofah, or other bathing accessories. Use an oil-free cleanser with warm water and rub a soft cloth gently in circular motions. Excessive oil production could be a response to an underlying problem. Consult a dermatologist if skin seems to produce more oil than usual over an extended period.
People with dry skin in Southlake, TX, often experience flaking, irritation, and dull or discolored areas on the face. Heavy cleansers and moisturizers are not always effective remedies. The first step in relieving dry skin is keeping the body hydrated. Dry skin may be a sign of consistent dehydration or a nutritional deficiency. A dermatologist helps clients identify causes of dry skin and their corresponding solutions.
Sun Exposure
Exposure to sunlight poses a significant threat to overall health. The sun’s ultraviolet rays damage skin cells and increase the risk of melanoma and other skin cancers. Melanin in the epidermis, or the skin’s outer layer, provides protection from UV radiation, but this protection can be overwhelmed with consistent exposure. A sun burn occurs when UV radiation damages or kills skin cells.
Apply sunscreen at least 30 minutes before going outside in Southlake, TX. Visit a dermatologist for a skin evaluation on a regular basis to detect early warning signs of possible cancer or damage to the skin in general. Medical professionals can recommend appropriate sunscreen.
Consult a Dermatologist for Acne
Acne is one of the most commonly reported skin care problems. Most acne outbreaks occur on the face, back, and shoulders, although they can appear anywhere on the body. Some myths concerning the causes of acne still persist. Common myths claim that chocolate, greasy food, or sugary snacks cause acne. Refusing to eat certain foods will not have any effect on acne. A dermatologist can explain the real causes of acne and help client’s separate myths from facts.
There are several causes of acne. Sebaceous glands produce a slightly oily substance called sebum that protects skin cells and retains moisture. Acne, including ‘whiteheads’ and ‘blackheads,’ occurs when blocked pores in the skin accumulate sebum, dead skin cells, and contaminants from the air and environment.
Sweat and dirt can clog pores after outdoor activities during warm days in Southlake, TX. Blocked hair follicles can also fill up with hair, oil, and dirt. Sometimes blocked follicles lead to ingrown hair. Infection occurs when bacteria enter blocked pores and hair follicles.
Cystic acne is a painful condition characterized by swelling and inflammation. Sometimes individual blemishes in cystic acne outbreaks are called ‘blind pimples’ because the sore, infected ‘pimple’ seems to be under the skin. “Popping” cystic acne blemishes is rarely beneficial.
Cystic acne is almost always caused by a bacterial infection. The infection can spread deep into the dermis, or the layers of skin underneath epidermal cells. Successfully ‘popping’ a blemish releases infectious fluid and spreads the bacteria to new areas.
Squeezing or poking cystic acne can also damages tissues and generate scar tissue because significant force is necessary to expel fluid from deep layers of the dermis. A needle or other sharp object damages tissue and creates a wound in the epidermis that lets more bacteria reach the infected area.
Mild cleansers are best during an active acne breakout. Use caution with over-the-counter acne relief products. Many of these products contain harsh chemicals or exfoliators that damage sensitive skin. Consult a dermatologist for help with cystic acne and any type of acne that occurs repeatedly.
An appointment with Compassion Dermatology in the Southlake, TX area, when acne breakouts first appear can save clients a great deal of time and aggravation. Many people with acne notice improvement within days of receiving appropriate medications from a dermatologist.