Why Choose Compassion Dermatology? | Southlake, TX

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Compassion Dermatology is a science-based institution dealing with medical surgical and cosmetic procedures for skin, hair and nails based in Southlake, TX. Our center has a pool of highly qualified and trained personnel who use technological innovations such as laser coupled up with vast research in dermatology to ensure we deliver what we promise.

Our reputable center is grounded on the values of kindness, respect and care uniformly applied to all its clients devoid of social, economic and political class. Fundamentally, we aim at building strong relationships and networks with our patients guaranteed of desirable results and provide an opportunity to smile again – compassionate patient experience.

It’s always a worthwhile ingrained feeling when one feels great about themselves, how you look, the way you think or valued or an illusion of the same. At Compassion, boosting one’s self-esteemed through taking care of your skin, hair and nail is an integral element. This is in full recognition that aesthetics earns one confidence and peace of mind.

Ability to create a patient relationship steered through by kindness, respect, care and excellence is a boon to our center. Unparalleled knowledge in science, skills and extensive practice is equally admirable and cements trust in our medical procedures.

Unbeatable Elements

Compassion is no ordinary dermatology center; our center places great value in patients along you’re your need to get better quickly. Here is what our Southlake, TX center is defined by:

A Place of Healing

It’s a center where patients have come with deep skin and hair condition and have been healed both in the inside and out. Our services give the best feeling of wellbeing and wholeness.

A Place of Medicine

Our treatment options have been established scientifically and tested to ascertain that they are indeed safe and effective in treatment. A range of treatment plans exists to ensure that any patient has a package suitable for them.

A Place of Peace

Our facility has been dubbed a place of peace as many have walk in distressed and walked out graceful. Medical and surgical personnel work tirelessly to understand you and change that which bothers you.

A Place of Comfort

It’s a home far away from home. A medical center where doctors along with other staff treat you cordially as family. What’s more our doctors bring to an end your skin and hair concerns.

A Place of Professionalism

Compassion Dermatology enjoys a boost of seasoned physician, dermatologists, care givers and medical engineers who all work together in helping patients realize their dreams of flawless and healthy skin. Our pool of experts occasionally go through improvement and refresh courses to ensure them at fully aware of emerging technologies and new inventions.

A Place of Education

Our staff do not hold back at sharing useful information with their patient on how to take care of their skin, nail and hair to avoid future recurrence if the cause is human inflicted. We also unfold in simplicity your condition and how it is going to be managed, available options and the duration of recovery.

Dermatology Science-based Services at Compassion

Everyone wishes to have flawless skin and healthy hair, visible skin-related issues that we all strive to achieve. Sadly, this is not always the case, with many people struggling to deal with varied skin conditions from hyperpigmentation, toning, skin elasticity, aging, acnes, pimples, scarring and facial vessels. Compassion Dermatology, Southlake, TX is however at your services with the following procedures:

Skin Evaluation

Medical personnel understand far too well that the bottom line of treatment is making an accurate diagnosis. Thorough skin examination is done at Compassion to establish the underlying issue that is causing your skin or hair to be unhealthy. Evaluation may entail, finding out directly from the patient what they need addressed or enhanced.

Cosmetic Procedures

There are many cosmetic services and procedures, you can choose if you wish to enhance your physical outlook. Technology has come in handy in enabling skin-care treatment such as use of chemical peels, Botox injectable and topical products. With our medical staff having a vast knowledge in dermatology, they are able to advise you accordingly.


This is a medical procedure done skillfully to minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles or generally reduce the signs of aging. It is one of the many minimally invasive technology used in skin treatment where the healing process in initiated by stimulating growth factors such as cytokines, collagen and elastin. The skin becomes more youthful, elastic, scars and acnes are removed and well as reduce pore size.

Skin Pen with PRP

This is closely linked to micro-needling only that skin pen with PRP procedure is commonly used in orthopedic and reconstructive medicine. Ideally, the platelet rich plasma goes into the skin as tiny punctures which rejuvenates the skin to heal quickly as production of collagen a key factor is released.

Platelet-Rich Plasma for Hair Loss

Dermatology entails the health of the hair at the hair follicle and scalp. They have used PRP in initiating normal hair growth where it was lost – baldness of thinning out. The latter concept of using PRP to trigger production and release of collagen replenishes the scalp encouraging hair restoration.


It’s an art where your face is drowned into moisture and is great for all skin types. This process leaves the skin vibrant, glowing and healthy. It works magically in improving the skin texture, elasticity, evenness, congestion and clogging and hyperpigmentation.

If you are looking to enhance your skin, hair and nail health, Compassion Dermatology, Southlake, TX is at your service. A place where compassion meets professionalism and use of safe scientific medicine tried and tested is used.

6 Reasons to Visit a Professional Dermatologist | Southlake, TX

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Our health is our biggest asset in life and we should do everything we can to get access to the best healthcare facilities for it. It is common for many people to ignore subtle signs of skin problems and not visit your dermatologist in the Southlake, TX area.

Whenever they notice any problematic symptoms, they simply turn to Google and try to treat the problem on their own. They take their health for granted and have a non serious attitude towards it. What they don’t realize is these symptoms could be indications for a harmful disease. Treating this problem on their own can actually make things worse for them in the long run.

A dermatologist is the only person who can come to your rescue at such a time. They have studied the science behind your skin, hair and nails for years. They have the knowledge, experience and latest equipment to effectively treat the problems you are facing. For this reason, it is important to visit your dermatologist in the Southlake, TX area if you suspect you are facing any of the problems explained below.

1.  Eczema

Eczema is a general term for many chronic skin conditions that cause inflammation, redness and irritation in your skin. It leads to constant discomfort and emotional distress. Furthermore, such skin problems can be reoccurring and very difficult to get rid of.

This is why you need to consult a professionalif you are facing any such skin problems. They will initially confirm if you have eczema through specific tests and in-depth skin examination. Then they will prescribe you over-the-counter and other prescription creams that will heal your skin. They might also suggest certain skincare products to improve your skin condition drastically.

2.  Skin Cancer

Did you know that the most common type of cancer is skin cancer? We all know cancer is a deadly disease. The most dangerous type of skin cancer is called Melanoma. It causes irregular growths in skin that frequently change in color, shape, size and texture.

Common symptoms of skin cancer include itchy skin, crusty skin or constant rashes. You must always visit a professional if you notice these problems in your skin.  If your cancer is diagnosed at an earlier stage, it will be far easier to cure. Routine checkups are always a good safety measure to protect you from a disease as dangerous as skin cancer.

3.  Acne

We all get a pimple here and there once in a while and that’s completely fine. These pimples vanish as soon as we start drinking more water and taking proper care of our skin. However, if you have had acne for months now and you don’t see any improve despite many efforts then you need a dermatologist.

While acne is not the most dangerous skin disease, it can still harm a person’s self esteem greatly. People get frustrated when they see no improvement after trying every possible cream or face wash. They waste so much time and money trying to reduce acne when the simple solution is to go to a dermatologist.

They can treat your acne efficiently.  They will ask you to undergo certain tests to find out whether it is hormonal or not. The treatment will differ person to person depending on the cause and extent of your acne. The treatment plans for acne often include oral medication and over-the-counter gels or creams.

4.  Scar Treatment

Scarring is the result of having severe acne. It leaves little dents and marks all over your skin in place the pimples originally were. This results in an uneven skin texture and undermines the confidence of many people.  There are many beauty products that claim to fix scarring however their results are negligible and show only after prolonged regular usages.

On the other hand, a dermatologistcan offer you much better solutions.Once your acne is treated, you can choose for treatments that will visibly reduce your scarring after a single sitting. Micro-needling, chemical peeling and laser therapy are common procedures used to reduce scars.  They are highly popular procedures as they show instant improvements in the texture of your skin.

5.  Intense Hair Loss

Some shedding of hair is absolutely normal. However intense hair loss or hair thinning can lead to baldness. Furthermore, intense hair loss can happen due to a variety of causes and also be an indication of a health problem. It can be due to stress, health issues, skin problems on your scalp, pregnancy or even an inherited condition.

This is why you should never take the problem of intense hair loss lightly. Visit a dermatologist to find out the underlying cause and try to get the proper treatment to fix it.

6.  Early Signs of Aging

Aging is a natural process one must accept. We all expect graceful wrinkles to appear as we age with time. However it can be disappointing when this process starts early and alarming signs start to show up.

Dryness and discoloration are common signs of aging that can go unnoticed and cause your skin to look dry. These early signs of aging can appear due to prolong exposure to the sun. The ultraviolet rays of the sun are harmful for our skin and speed up the aging process.

If you are concerned with early signs of aging appearing on your skin then visit a dermatologist to help. Modern treatments such as micro-needling with PRP are popular procedures which can restore the health of your skin and give you flawless younger looking skin.

Last Few Words

As discussed above, there are several problems require the expertise of a professional dermatologistfor their treatment.  Contact Compassion Dermatology in the Southlake, TX area to consult your skin problems with highly trained doctors. With the right medical care, your skin will improve gradually and you’ll be thankful you decided to take such measures.

Dry Skin Problems: A Comprehensive Guide | Dermatologist in Southlake, TX

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Do you have dry skin? Are you constantly fed up with skin peeling off, chapping, cracking, drying and bleeding? You need this guide to dry skin problems.

Don’t worry dry skin can happen to anyone and at any time. It is a problem that is easily handled, however, by dermatologists in Southlake, TX. Now Southlake might not have the driest weather but its residents can have dry skin issues due to bad habits, weather exposure, work and winter weather.

All Southlake residents need to make sure to moisturize and hydrate during especially dry weather to protect their outside appearance as well as their internal bodily systems

You can have occasional dry skin and recurrent, naturally existing dryness in your skin. You can have occasional dry skin at instances where you are:

Not Hydrating

If you do not drink enough water, you might notice that your skin and lips especially start drying out. It is so important to ensure regular intake of water or other hydrating substances, for instance fruits like watermelons, strawberries and tomatoes.

You should then take care to hydrate on a regular basis and drink the daily required amount of eight glasses per day to prevent skin problems.

Exposed to Winter

You can also have dry skin due to weather. Southlake winters can often have dry, cold atmospheres in the house and outside the house. This causes your hair and skin to start drying out and the driest parts of your body, like elbows, heels and lips, to chap and even bleed.

This is why it is often recommended by dermatologists in Southlake, TX that you moisturize, hydrate and take extra fluids during the winter. To take care of your skin during the winter, you should have special skincare routines where you apply hydrating creams and masks and make sure to moisturize using lotions and chap sticks.

You can ask dermatologists in Southlake, TX for recommendations on the types of products to use.

Exposed to Dry Climates

Weather is not the only thing that can lead to dry skin issues; you can also have a climate around yourself that is harsh on the skin. You should take care then to moisturize and hydrate, especially if you spend a lot of time outdoors inSouthlake.

Not Moisturizing

Dermatologists in Southlake, TX always recommend moisturizing even during humid, hot weather inSouthlake. Moisturizing creams, lotions and masks can mean a world of difference for skin.

Moisturizing can help it rejuvenate, feel and look healthier. You should even moisturize to prevent other skin problems like acne, dark circles and chapped skin. You can take your moisturizer and even mix it up with other sunblock lotion creams in order to go out.

Now, you can recurrent dry skin if you have naturally existing issues with your skin or if your habits are causing certain problems.

You can have recurrent dry skin if:

You Have Excessive Indoor Heating

Indoor heating can be a blessing for everyone since it provides comfort and warmth in the harshest of winters. However, it can be a bad omen for dry skin.

Heating can dry your skin out faster than it can even warm the entire house. If you are constantly exposed to heating in your home or at your workplace, make sure to take proper precautions to moisturize and hydrate your skin to prevent dry skin problems.

You Tend to Shower Excessively

If you have very lengthy shower routines or use a lot of hot water in your showers, you will eventually have skin drying out all over your body.

You should ideally limit your shower time to 10 minutes and make sure to moisturize routinely after you bathe or shower in hot water.

You Use Drying Soaps

You should always make sure to take care to find out about what is inside your soaps, lotions and moisturizers. You can seek out the help of a licensed dermatologist in Southlake, TX to help figure this out and work through which products to use.

Sometimes, you can be using products that are completely unsuitable for your skin type or use chemicals that have a nasty effect on your skin.

What are the Risks of Dry Skin?

So what can happen when you do not take care of dry skin?

Well, for one you can develop Atopic dermatitis. This is also known as eczema. If you are predisposed to this condition, you should take extra care to avoid your skin from drying out and causing problems.

If you have eczema, you will get causing redness, cracking and inflammation. You should take care to avoid this in children by moisturizing their skin since the condition can be especially uncomfortable and unbearable for children.

If you or anyone in your family has this condition, you should go see and get treatments from dermatologists in in Southlake, TX.

Along with eczema you can get infections from your dry skin. When dry skin cracks or chaps, it creates openings. This is the perfect opportunity for external bacteria to strike.

Bacteria will then enter your body through these cracks and spread infections. You will definitely need medical attention from a trained dermatologist in Southlake, TX, if this occurs.

Contact Us!

If you are having skin trouble and live in the Southlake area, you should come see the dermatologists in Southlake, TX at Compassion Dermatology Clinic.

You should visit the dermatologists in Southlake, TX at Compassion Dermatology Clinic. We are available for consultations and treatments throughout the week. We can be contacted through this number: 817-380-5911.

Our dermatologists in Southlake, TX can evaluate moles, pigment changes, growths and inflammations. We check your hair and nails for problems like cuticle growth, hair growth, balding, dandruff. We will provide consultation services to see if you have any concerns and if you are having skin or hair issues.

We also provide specialized treatments for multiple skin and beauty issues. On offer are services for the skin like chemical peels, Botox injectables, as well as SculpSure, ICON and HydraFacial.

If you have any kind of scarring, from surgery, injuries or acne, we are available for treatments and dermatological care consultations and procedures as well.

4 Common Skin Problems For Which You Need To See A Dermatologist | Dermatologist in Southlake, TX

Photo By Dmytro Zinkevych  at Shutterstock

There can be thousands of skin problems that you face as you grow up. From hormonal changes to changing weather conditions and even our lifestyles, anything can cause your skin to act up.

Many skin problems may have mild symptoms that you can ignore but if serious skin issues are left untreated for too long, they can turn into severe health conditions. Visiting a dermatologist may prove to be much more beneficial for you than you can imagine. In fact, regular skin checkups can reduce your chances of developing skin cancer by up to 40%, according to a study.

The most common skin problems include acne, wrinkles, blemishes, and eczema amongst others. These skin problems are often self-treated but without the supervision of a dermatologist, over-the-counter medications can do more harm than good.

Here are the causes and symptoms of 4 common skin problems for which you need to see a dermatologist in Southlake, TX.

1.  Acne

Every 1 in 10 teenagers and adults in America have acne. Many parents think that acne is nothing to worry about as it is a common condition that comes with puberty and hormonal changes. Many over-the-counter medications are available to treat the condition as well.

Acne can be mild with small bumps or inflammation spots on the face. This type of acne is often painless and less irritating. However, acne can also turn into your worst nightmare. It can be irritating and can impact your self-confidence to a great extent.

Especially for teenagers, acne can be a devastating experience. It affects the self-confidence and can lead to crankiness. If not treated timely, it can lead to redness and swollen skin, also causing scars and blemishes.

Whether the acne is mild or severe, seeing your dermatologist in Southlake, TX may be a good option as they will give you professional help about where to start. They will first determine the cause and intensity of your acne, and then recommend the medication that suits your skin type and condition. You may be taking medication for acne while ignoring other factors alongside acne such as blackheads, cysts, or pimples.

A dermatologist in Southlake, TX will give you professional help without you having to rely on over-the-counter medicines.

2.  Wrinkles/Sagging Skin

We all know that wrinkles are a part of aging. They are natural and often cannot be controlled. However, wrinkles and sagging skin can become a skin problem when it happened prematurely or causes side-effects such as discoloration or decomposing of skin texture.

This skin condition has a severe impact on self-esteem. No one wants to start looking old before time. For women, it may be a sensitive issue to look older than their counterparts as according to a study, women develop wrinkles earlier than men do.

Apart from age, the ultraviolet rays from the sun can accelerate the process of wrinkles along with an unhealthy diet or using too much skin products.

A dermatologist in Southlake, TX cannot stop your skin from aging, but they can certainly make the process easier and make you look younger for a longer time. There are many treatments for wrinkles, sagging skin, and discoloration.

Premature wrinkles and sagging skin is a common condition seen in many youngsters today. This is due to their lifestyles and unhealthy diet routines. Too much exposure in the sun and lack of regular checkups with the dermatologist can also cause the skin to fade. Regular visits to your dermatologist in Southlake, TX after the age of 30 can help you prevent premature wrinkling. Your skin will age when you do! But only if you take professional help and don’t ignore the signs that your skin is giving you.

3.  Blemishes

As you grow older you may start to notice small changes or marks that appear on your skin. Many times you can ignore these but they could be one of those skin conditions that turn into something big. You cannot ignore your skin, especially if it’s your face.

Everybody wants to look pretty, don’t they? Blemishes are one of the skin conditions that can start at a very early age and stay there for your entire life. A blemish is any type of spot, mark, or visual flaw that appears on the face. While many are not life-threatening, there are cases in which blemishes lead to skin cancer. So why risk it with using home remedies or waiting for them to go away with age? See your dermatologist in Southlake, TX today so that you don’t have to live with your face having marks and spots.

Blemishes can be caused by other skin conditions such as acne, papules, nodules, birthmarks, ingrown hair, sores, spots, cysts, hyper-pigmentation, and others.

4.  Eczema

Eczema is a skin condition that can go from being a mildly itchy rash to raising the risk of skin cancer. It may be normal for a person with sensitive skin to can get itchy patches on their skin but even they must see a dermatologist in Southlake, TX to get a proper plan to control and treat eczema.

Eczema can be emotionally distressing if it gets out of control. It can affect your sleep, your daily activities, and become highly uncomfortable. It can affect any part of your body. The rashes on sensitive areas of the skin can grow from mild to severe in no time.

Your dermatologist in Southlake, TX will give you a detailed skincare treatment plan through which your eczema can be controlled. If you are living with someone who has eczema, you need your dermatologist to give you preventive care measures so that you don’t catch it. As they say, prevention is better than cure.

Compassion Dermatology brings to you the best dermatologists in Southlake, TX. Our mission is to help you heal and live a healthy and happy life. Our experts work with innovative technologies and advanced machinery to provide you the best skin care for all your skin troubles. All you have to do is call at 817-380-5911 and book your appointment today with the best dermatologist in Southlake, TX!

Reasons for Going to the Dermatologist | Dermatologist in Southlake, TX

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Out of the many professions in the medical and health industry, perhaps none is as mischaracterized as dermatology or dermatologists.

People mistakenly assume that going to dermatologists is only for fashion and skin obsessed social media models or vain people who chalk everything up to physical beauty. People who are trying to prolong their youth and never let go of it no matter how much it might cost or how far they might have to go resorting to all sorts of skin treatments and procedures.

That could not be further from the truth however, dermatology and dermatologists proper deal with all manner of diseases, conditions and surgical procedures dealing with the skin, hair and nails. Yes this aspect also includes cosmetic dermatology but that constitutes only one discipline among many in dermatology.

Just as you would get routinely checkups with your dentist, doctor, children’s physician and gynecologist, so too should you get them with your dermatologist in Southlake, TX.  If you still are not convinced, then here is a list of conditions and reasons why you might need to go the dermatologist. Some you will see are very common nuisances which people resort to self medicate and end up increasing the damage in the process. A consultation with a proper dermatologist in Southlake, TX could have solved them with much more convenience.

1.  Acne

Acne is the most common skin affliction which starts to target people soon after the onset of puberty. It usually targets teenagers as the body is changing and outputting hormones with different levels and such. It usually clears out after teenage but can well persist into adulthood sometimes or persist because of hormonal and body chemistry reasons.

Usually acne is small and contained, the minor pimple here and there but it can become quite serious too with large red swollen patches on the skin filled with pus filled pimples and clusters. This can have a number of side effects since not only will that likely to scarification of the skins and permanent pit formation but it may cause acute social and psychological anxiety. Feelings of depression and low self esteem are not uncommon in teenagers afflicted with more serious bouts of acne. Going to your local dermatologist in Southlake, TX and scheduling regular appointments can help to easily control an acne outbreak and eliminate it or keep at more manageable levels. Cleanliness is something every individual must pursue and acne can cause a dirty appearance in other ways. It can cause whiteheads and blackheads which block pores and often begin to enlarge with time. This generally creates a very unpleasant facial appearance which can otherwise be easily solved by your dermatologist in Southlake, TX.

2.  Eczema and Rashes

Eczema refers to a number of skin conditions and ailments. What is common across them is the manner of their symptoms. They produce inflamed and swelled skin which itches and is more sensitive. It can ooze fluids too.

Rashes are similar too only they usually don’t have swelling or leakage. Otherwise they are also red inflamed patches which cause a lot of itching.

Eczema and rashes can be annoying at best and painful at worst, the constant itching and rubbing of an already inflamed and sensitive area can cause one to scratch raw skin off and develop a wound. That only complicates the condition and makes it more painful and liable to infections.

Adults may still weather them out but kids, children and babies can often not tolerate the itchiness and annoyance. Your dermatologist in Southlake, TX can prescribe various kinds of medicines and topical ointments which can expedite the healing process and eliminate any trace in a couple of days.

3.  Premature Skin Aging

How our modern lifestyle has changed with consumption of much more fast food and exposure to much more pollution around us means our skin ages much more rapidly. Wrinkle formation from stress and tension and unhealthy looking skin from pollution and contaminants are common sights to see in the faces of people.

As much as we harp on social media models and influencers who are trying out all sorts of skin rejuvenation treatments, there is no harm in reversing or fighting aging which is caused by unnatural causes. A trip to your dermatologist in Southlake, TX can have those wrinkles lifted and your skin looking fresher and cleaner than before. You don’t even need to get expensive treatments done, your dermatologist in Southlake, TX can best advise you on what lifestyle changes to make and how to best take care of your skin.

4.  Skin Cancer

As with all cancers, skin cancer is best treatable if it is caught in time. The earlier the detection the better the chances of completely curing it and ensuring it does not return.

Unfortunately with the depletion of the ozone layer, the chances of developing skin cancer and other malignant skin conditions have increased. Timely trips and checkups with your dermatologist inSouthlake, TX can mean the difference between a small localized removal procedure or a large and complex surgery with skin grafts and the like.

5.  Cysts and Boil Drainage

Your dermatologist in Southlake, TX or anywhere else for that matter are also uniquely qualified to deal with sebaceous cysts and draining boils. The former is a collection of dead white cells, sebaceous material and other fluids and solids in sacs. These sacs may begin to bulge the skin or appear as small bumps. The dermatologist can operate on them and remove them completely so they don’t come back.

Boils are painful infections of hair follicles which become filled with pus and are quite painful. Dermatologists can lance them and drain the pus and blood while sterilizing them. This removes the pressure on the boil and provides immediate pain relief.

Book Your Appointment Today!

If you are looking for a dermatologist in Southlake, TX to catch up on your skin and dermatological health assessment then visit Compassion Dermatology today. Our duo of specialists provides a variety of treatments and services for various dermatological problems and conditions and takes pride in satisfying our clients completely.

You can call us on 817-380-5911 to book an appointment today.

Reasons to Schedule a Dermatologist Visit | Dermatologist in Southlake, TX

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Acne, breakouts, hair loss and itchiness are the most common skin problems. Skin problems can have a strong influence on a person’s self-confidence, comfort, and mental peace. Such skin conditions usually lead a person to depression and anxiety.

However, skin problems can arise anytime; you can’t rely on your home remedies to solve them. For that, you need to visit a dermatologist in Southlake, TX, to address and solve your skin issues before it gets worse.

Who is a Dermatologist?

According to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), a doctor who specializes in dermatology to study the health of your hair, nails and skin is known as a dermatologist. The field of dermatology is so vast that it requires deep knowledge to practice dermatological issues.

What Can a Dermatologist Treat?

Dermatologists are trained professionals that are able to address and treat over 3,000 skin problems in patients from all age groups. People often self-diagnose their skin problems to avoid visiting a dermatologist, but such ignorance can be very dangerous for overall health. The following are a few reasons that show why you need to schedule an appointment with a dermatologist in Southlake, TX.

1.  Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is the most common disease that can be caused by the damage of ultraviolet rays from the sun. It is most often seen in people who are constantly exposed to the sun and those who might have previous experience of blistering sunburn. According to research, each year over two million people are diagnosed with skin cancer. It is important to get your body screened on an annual basis by a dermatologist in Southlake, TX, so that you can prevent your body from developing such deadly diseases.

2.  Eczema

Eczema is a term for chronic skin conditions that cause dryness and inflammation of the skin. Such types of skin condition can be very distressing and uncomfortable. It regularly causes red, swollen, dry and irritated skin. The most widely recognized kind of skin inflammation is atopic dermatitis. This typically influences infants and kids. Children may get a rash on their cheeks and different areas of their body. The rash can release a liquid. Kids may experience difficulty as a result of irritation and swelling. A good dermatologist in Southlake, TX, carries out a few tests and a skin exam to diagnose the skin condition. Creams and different medicines prescribed by a dermatologist can help to facilitate the condition. Following a proper skin care routine also helps.

3.  Acne

Acne is a skin condition in which small papules or inflammatory bumps occur on your skin. Usually, adults suffer from breakouts, which are caused because of some common reasons, including bad skin products and an imbalance of hormones. If you can’t seem to get rid of your acne even with your home remedies, contact a dermatologist in Southlake, TX, to save your skin from acne.

Acne is a skin condition that is widely common in the United States. However, many people use over-the-counter medications and home solutions for it. However, there are times when it is important to see a dermatologist in Southlake, TX, and get an effective treatment routine.

4.  Hair Loss

Pregnancy, stress, and an extensive rundown of medical problems may lead a person to experience hair loss. Hair loss could also be an inherited condition. To discover the reason for bald patches and hair loss, a dermatologist in Southlake, TX, may do blood tests and use a microscope to examine a sample tissue from the scalp. Laser treatments, medicines, and surgeries are among the choices that could help lessen the presence of hair loss or reestablish the growth of new hair.

5.  Skin Discoloration

Skin discoloration is also one of the most common skin conditions that may be caused by sun damage, hormonal changes, skin injuries or skin cancers. If you are noticing pesky brown spots or blotchy brown pigments on any area of your face, it may be time to schedule an appointment with a dermatologist in Southlake, TX.

6.  Rosacea

Rosacea is known to be a chronic skin condition that can affect the eyes of a person. Individuals with rosacea may look flushed. Redness normally shows up on the nose, cheeks, and jaw. It may stretch out to the ears and chest, as well. Some of the time, swelling and bumps occur on the skin. In extreme cases, the skin gets thicker. Usually, people with light skin tone have a higher danger of rosacea occurrence on their skin. Some skin specialists aren’t sure what causes rosacea. It might happen because of the quick expansion of blood vessels. This could be a result of work out, cold, daylight, heat, wind, consumption of spicy foods and liquor or stress. These components additionally may aggravate symptoms. There’s no solution for rosacea. However, laser treatments, medicines and a change of lifestyle by a dermatologist in Southlake, TX, can help to control rosacea.

7.  Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are swollen, curved and agonizing veins that occur when valves in the veins become powerless or harmed. Varicose veins frequently look raised and bulging and usually occurs on the legs. They can build your danger of blood clusters and skin injuries. The probability of having varicose veins increases with age, unhealthy weight, and a sedentary way of life. These spider veins might seem like a bulging bunch of red or blue lines on the skin. Clotting of blood, hormonal changes, sun damage can cause varicose. Treatment relies upon the kind of vein issue. A professional dermatologist in Southlake, TX, can cure varicose veins by injecting a chemical into the problematic area. Laser treatments and different medical procedures can also be done by a dermatologist in Southlake, TX.

8.  Aging Skin

It’s a fact that skin changes with age. You may notice wrinkles, dryness, age spots or fine lines as you age. The dangerous UV rays of the sun and smoking can accelerate and intensify these indications of aging. Wearing sunscreen can help avoid more sun harm. Not smoking and maintaining a sound eating routine can also secure the skin. In case, you’re discontent with your appearance, you might need to see a dermatologist in Southlake, TX, to get a tight and younger looking skin with the help of fillers, botox, and laser treatments.


Because we are busy with dozens of responsibilities, we often forget to look after our skin. For healthy and problem-free skin, we must visit a dermatologist annually to diagnose our skin conditions and solve any skin-related issue that may be present. Look to the experts at Compassion Dermatology for all of your skincare needs.



Five Reasons to Visit a Dermatologist in Southlake, TX

Photo By goodluz at Shutterstock

In traveling to and from work and home, going places, and running errands in all sorts of weather and atmospheric conditions, your skin remains exposed. It has to put up with all the changes and environmental elements.

Skin is the largest organ of your body. You cannot undermine the attention and care it requires and deserves. Being exposed to the environmental factors such as harmful sun rays, and toxins in the air, your skin is at risk of developing certain conditions which require you to get professional help from a dermatologist in Southlake, TX.

Skin conditions, if not addressed timely, can get embarrassing and curb your physical appeal substantially. Acne, for instance, is one of the most common skin conditions that are experienced by people of almost all age and skin type. Mostly common among teenagers, acne can be a highly embarrassing condition and can affect their self-esteem. You may try to treat it with over-the-counter treatment but that’s not the way to do it. It is imperative that you visit a dermatologist in Southlake, TX and get this skin issue professionally addressed with proper prescription treatment.

The thought of visiting a dermatologist in Southlake, TX may not cross your mind as often because it is easier to believe that the condition or issue would get resolved on its own. Some of the skin conditions do go away on their own, but not all. It can be difficult to determine which condition warrants a trip to a dermatologist in Southlake, TX. To help you with the decision making, we’ve worked on some of the reasons that will convince you why making the trip to the professional is a must.

1.   Over-the-counter Treatments Are Not for Chronic Skin Conditions

You cannot determine which skin condition is of what level. Having itchy and red skin can actually be eczema, a chronic skin condition. Trying to resolve the matter using moisturizers and over-the-counter solutions cannot treat the condition properly and can also worsen it. It’s best to always visit a professional dermatologist in Southlake, TX to look into the matter and determine what exactly the problem is that you’re facing.

Getting the problem addressed professionally is always beneficial and has the least risk. The treatment can make you feel more comfortable, knowing that you’re on your way to getting rid of the problem. Chronic skin conditions can turn into bigger trouble if you don’t treat them properly and timely. If you see the symptoms surfacing, you should definitely make an appointment with the professional.

2.   Annual Screenings Are Necessary

You can avoid a lot of problems if you’re able to detect them at an earlier stage. A lot of skin conditions tend to build quietly and without your knowledge. You only get to know about them when they’ve reached a crucial stage.

Skin cancer, for instance, isn’t something you’ll know from your skin color or formation of new moles. It’s mandatory that you get annual skin screenings from a dermatologist in Southlake, TX to know the exact health status of your skin and have early detection of the presence of any disease. You can successfully prevent the condition from building if it’s diagnosed timely and professional treatment is followed.

3.   Home Skin Care Remedies Are Not Effective for Aggressive Skin Conditions

A lot of skin problems are thought to be sufficiently resolved at home, using organic elements. While these remedies can be effective for some skin conditions in the short-term, you cannot expect them to work against the more aggressive skin health conditions.

For instance, stress and anxiety are often blamed for adult acne and people avoid going to a dermatologist in Southlake, TX to get treatment for it. They try to get rid of it using home remedies and over-the-counter solutions. This can actually worsen the condition for you.

Adult acne often appears as deep nodules that indicate serious and aggressive skin issue. It can only be optimally resolved with prescription medication and topical gels.

4.   Evaluation of Sun Spots and Moles

No matter at time of life you develop a mole, it’s important that you get a skin examination for it. It’s best to have an annual skin examination scheduled so that you’re well-updated with your skin’s health and well-being.

Similarly, sun spots can get problematic and start bleeding, aching, itching, or getting scabs. This calls for immediate professional attention and warrants you a trip to a dermatologist in Southlake, TXIf you have a history of sunburns or have conditions like skin cancer in your family, you should never delay or skip the visit to the professional.

5.   Persistent Itch Refusing to Scratch Away

If you have an itch that refuses to go away even after a week, it means the problem is deeper than it appears. Although persistent itching is not always dangerous, it’s best that you get a professional examination to ensure that whatever the issue is, it’s resolved. In the most severe cases, it can be a symptom of skin cancer. So, you should never take it lightly and should fix an appointment with the dermatologist in Southlake, TX.

If you’re experiencing skin redness, flush, itchiness or having flaky skin, you shouldn’t think of these conditions as something that isn’t big enough to pay a visit to the professional. It’s better to take precautions rather than regretting later. Your dermatologist will tell you what measures to take and prescribe you the most effective medications and remedies to get rid of the skin problems for the long-term.

Compassion Dermatology offers complete skin evaluation, cosmetic services, and medical and surgical procedures to help you heal from your skin conditions in the healthiest manner. Contact us today to book your appointment and get a detailed skin inspection from our professional dermatologists.

You can call us at 817-380-5911 and learn more about our services.

6 Dermatological Treatments for Glowing and Youthful Skin | Dermatologist in Southlake, TX

Photo By goodluz at Shutterstock

Worried about your dull and aging skin? Take a sigh of relief, because we’ve got you covered. It’s every person’s wish to have picture-perfect skin. However, factors like stress and pollution chip in to make the skin situation worse. These are not the only things that are a direct threat to our skin. In fact, hormonal changes also cause the skin to lose its smoothness as the levels of collagen decrease with age. To have a youthful glow to our skin, we need to put in some work and effort by sticking to a certain regime. Taking care of your skin is a very important aspect of self-care which should not be ignored. The best way to describe this is a comparison with the furniture inside your house.

You may have the best décor, but if it’s not cleaned and polished, it will certainly lose its charm. The scorching summer heat of Southlake, TX,may end up causing sunburns and redness on your skin.

It’s a known fact that sun exposure causes ninety percent of the wrinkles. Whether you need to find a dermatologist in Southlake, TX, for expert advice to get wrinkle free and glowing skin or need a few quick fixes, we’ll help you with a few guidelines.

1.  Radio Frequency (RF) Treatment

Radiofrequency utilizes energy to heat tissue, promoting collagen development. This results in the skin becoming plump and firm.

Radiofrequency (RF) is another excellent procedure in-clinic tightening treatment. Radiofrequency stimulates collagen breakdown and skin remodeling (skin structuring). This operation is good for younger skin to avoid the development of wrinkles and loose skin.

Moreover, this treatment is popular as it helps to tighten the jowls (the reduced cheek region), under the eyes, and loose skin after pregnancy. There are now distinct radio frequency devices; Thermage is the classic and original tool. Dermatologist in Southlake, TX, however, utilizes various equipment for a combination therapy to improve skin renewal and decrease wrinkle appearance.

2.  Fractional Resurfacing Treatment

The device uses radio frequency and ultrasound energy to tighten and remodel the skin’s deeper layers. If your goal is to reduce the appearance of existing deep lines and wrinkles, fractional lasers are a great skin rejuvenation method. Annual treatments by a dermatologist in Southlake, TX, are the key to smooth skin and even complexion.

Fractional resurfacing also induces elastin and collagen development and reduces sun damage signs. So If your skin is susceptible to dark spots or hyperpigmentation, you may want to consider fractional resurfacing treatment by a dermatologist in Southlake, TX.

3.  Microneedling Treatment

Microneedling is the method of using a derma roller, a roller to clean your skin with hundreds of small needles attached to it (photo a prickly lint roller). It’s a handheld device that rolls across the skin. Also known as derma rolling, it is used on two skin kinds: scarred / hyperpigmented skin and second skin, dull and lifeless skin.

It is also known to cause the development of collagen in depressed acne scars. Derma roller treatment helps nearly every other skin issue with scars, pits, wrinkles.

Only a good dermatologist in Southlake, TX, can get the best results with this treatment.

4.  Chemical Peel Treatment

Chemical Peels, as the name indicates, are chemical treatments that resurface and exfoliate various skin layers. There are distinct kinds of chemical peels that target multiple skin issues, such as irregular skin tone, texture pigmentation, acne. It even boosts the development of collagen. In this technique, to remove the skin surface, the physician applies chemical acid alternatives such as glycolic acid and fruit acids to your face. Mild peels are typically acid solutions of 15 to 25 percent and are often done by a dermatologist in Southlake, TX. Skins of higher strength can prickle or burn. Lighter peels may feel relaxed.

Chemical Peels are also ideal for anyone who wants to improve the tone and texture of the skin or who has acne, pigmentation, scarring, sun damage, and wrinkles. To achieve great results, it’s best to have a series of chemical peels performed by a dermatologist in Southlake, TX.

5.  Dermal Filler Treatment

When we age, as a consequence of the decrease in collagen and elastin our bodies produce, we lose volume in our face. Consequently, this can lead to facial creases and wrinkles. Dermal fillers are a non-surgical and secure way of replenishing, lifting, rejuvenating and shaping the face immediately.  Dermatologist in Southlake, TX makes fillers from a natural, allergy-free substance called hyaluronans. Dermal fillers are appropriate for anyone who wants to improve their facial characteristics or fill facial areas like frown lines, creases, wrinkles and hollows. It is also possible to lift deep acne and chickenpox scars with Dermal Fillers.

Dermal fillers usually last 6-8 months depending on the individual and area being treated. Some clients may experience some slight redness and swelling immediately after the procedure. There may be a little bruising, but it should subside within 3-5 days.

6.  Rich Plasma (PRP) Treatment

PRP, also known as the “vampire facial,” has been given so much attention that it may seem as if we eventually discovered the youth fountain. PRP was originally recognized as being used to treat pain and speed up healing in wounded tissue and joints. Many professional athletes have benefited from PRP for years, and it wasn’t long before dermatologists in Southlake, TX, began using this treatment to bring back that youthful glow.

PRP uses the healing capacity of your own body to stimulate skin regeneration and increase the output of collagen. A small amount of blood will be drawn from your arm in this process and the test tube containing your blood would be placed in a medical device called a centrifuge, separating your blood into layers. One of these layers has an elevated platelet concentration. Your dermatologist will then inject the elevated platelet concentration blood using a syringe or microneedling (a device that looks like a lint roller with small needles sticking out of it). To give you immediate results, your dermatologist in Southlake, TX, may also inject a filler. From fine lines, sagging skin and sun damage to profound wrinkles and acne scarring, PRP can treat anything.


Do you wish to have a glowing and younger looking skin? Book your appointment now with Compassion Dermatology to get the best treatments for youthful skin. Call us at 817-380-5911 or visit our website https://compassiondermatology.com/


Why You Need to See a Dermatologist for Your Acne | Dermatologist in Southlake, TX

Photo By New Africa at Shutterstock

Acne can be devastating for you and your skin. Acne is a sign of puberty and can start as young as in your teens when you start noticing those tiny pimples. Soon enough, they can get worse given the diet, weather conditions and other factors. Many parents don’t think their teens need to see a dermatologist for acne – until it worsens.

The truth is acne is a common skin condition that is caused due to hormonal changes in teens. Sometimes it goes away by the time you come out of your teens while it stays through adulthood for some. Acne in adults can be difficult to control.

With the changing weather conditions in Southlake, TX, teens have higher chances of getting acne, especially in winters. More sebum is produced in the skin in dry weather, which clogs pores and causes pimples.

It is wiser to see a dermatologist in Southlake, TX, for your acne for several reasons; even if it has just started.

Professional Advice

Wash your face regularly. Use a medicated face wash. Use gels with benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid.

These are the common things you tell your kids the moment their first pimple pops. These are non-prescription methods that are easily accessible. Why is it still important to see a dermatologist?

Professional advice of a dermatologist in Southlake, TX, can help you control your acne as soon as it has started. With so many medicated face washes and products available at the drug stores, it is always better to get professional advice. Since every person has a different skin type and its properties, through professional advice they can learn more about their skin and how to deal with their acne.

Acne can also worry teenagers and affect their self-esteem. Going to a dermatologist in Southlake and talking to them will help them be more accepting towards their skin condition.

Irritation and Rash

As early as the first pimple, acne can cause irritation, redness or rashes on the skin. For teens, this may be difficult to control as it requires essential care and protection. It may also make them cranky, irritated and lose their concentration on studies. They may feel it is an additional burden as skin conditions on face can be highly uncomfortable.

Teenagers may be careless towards washing their faces regularly, avoiding touching their pimples or putting the medicines on time. This can lead to the acne starting to irritate or cause rash.

Seeking the advice of a dermatologist in Southlake, TX, will help in treating the acne faster and avoiding irritation or rashes.  

It Can Worsen if Not Treated

Acne may not seem to be a serious problem in the beginning but within no time it can worsen if left untreated. The smallest of pimples can also leave scars on the face. To not make it worse, teens and adults should visit a dermatologist in Southlake, TX, regularly.

The treatments for acne vary from person to person, skin type to skin type. The intensity of the treatment and course of medication also varies. If acne is treated the first time, there are higher chances that they won’t return. If you leave your acne untreated, it can worsen and stay forever. Worse conditions include acne being sore to the touch, growing underneath the skin or pimples that bleed.

When a pimple is exposed to dirt or weather, it can become even more sensitive. It is better to let the dermatologist in Southlake, TX, touch it and treat it with sterilized tools.

Preventive Care

A professional dermatologist in Southlake, TX, will be able to determine the reason for your acne and provide you preventive care methods. Preventive care methods can include using medicated face washes, controlling oils in your diet and using lotions that could balance the skin changes. Earliest preventive care is better than long tiring treatment procedures later.

Reaction of Medicines or Food

One of the causes of acne is reaction to something you ate. The skin glands can activate due to something edible that goes in our body. The type of food that we eat shows on our skin every now and then. Oily foods in hot weather can result in increase of body heat and reactions can lead to pimples and signs of acne.

Acne can also be activated due to the use of some medicines and their reactions. Teenagers going through hormonal changes can suffer reactions of even the most common antibiotics and painkillers if they don’t suit them. A dermatologist in Southlake, TX, can identify these reactions or allergies to food items. This can help in future care.

Anxiety or Depression

Up to 85% of teens are suffering from acne. Anxiety, depression or stress-related disorders can be the reason why a teenager gets acne or acne can lead to these disorders. It can become difficult to deal with this recurring skin condition, which causes low self-esteem leading to anxiety and depression.

A dermatologist in Southlake, TX, can determine the cause of acne and identify any disorders the teenage may be facing. Teenagers who go through severe acne are more likely to be affected by the social and emotional stresses it brings.

A professional will be able to handle both the problems. Parents can also consult family doctors to know how they can deal with the situation and how they can play a role in the healing of their teens.

Where Should You Go?

If you have decided to go to a dermatologist in Southlake, TX, we have experts waiting for you. Compassion Dermatology is your place of healing and health. We offer you a complete skin evaluation through which you can identify your acne at the earliest stage and go through treatment to cure it. We have a skilled team of skin experts and up-to-date research technology.

Contact us today at 817-380-5911 and book your appointments. Your acne might need our attention.


Everything You Wanted to Know About PRP Therapy for Skin Rejuvenation | Dermatologist in Southlake, TX

Oftentimes people ask their dermatologist in Southlake, TX whether PRP therapy for skin rejuvenation and microneedling are the same thing. Well, yes and no. Microneedling is a common cosmetic procedure that is primarily used in order to minimize the signs of aging.

During standard sessions, your dermatologist in Southlake, TX will use a needled device or a special roller to prick your skin and stimulate new production of collagen. Due to this, microneedling is also known as a therapy that induces collagen.

That being said, PRP of Platelet-Rich Plasma injections can be added into these sessions. Microneedling with the help of PRP can proven to be effective in introducing speed in the skin’s healing process and adding more tightness to it.

How Can This Procedure Help You?

Traditional microneedling has been used for everything that ranges from wrinkles and age spots all the way to scarring and many other forms of hyperpigmentation. PRP injections, on the other hand, will actually boost these results tenfold and will help your achieve your original skin type much more quickly.

Even though your dermatologist in Southlake, TX uses microneedling to treat stretch marks and scars on every part of your body, PRP has been designed only for your face. You may have come across a lot of influencers on social media that had their face covered in blood after a skin procedure. This is why some of them started calling it the ‘vampire facial’.

These pictures, however, portray a traditional method of the procedure by applying whole blood to the individual’s face during microneedling. With recent advances, however, your dermatologist in Southlake, TX will only apply the PRP extracted from your blood to the face. As a result, your face will only become a mild pink.

Are You A Good Candidate for the Procedure?

Your dermatologist in Southlake, TX will consider you a great candidate for this procedure with only a few simple conditions. You need to be in good health and you should be on the lookout for ways to remove the minor signs of aging on your face.

This treatment, however, will not be a good option for you if you:

  1. Have experience skin radiation over the past 12 months
  2. Have a history of slow healing wounds
  3. Tend to scar easily
  4. Have a particular set of skin symptoms like Rosacea and facial eczema
  5. Have acne and use Accutane
  6. Are pregnant

You don’t need to worry though; your dermatologist in Southlake, TX will actually evaluate your medical history in order to pass you as a good candidate for the PRP therapy.

What Should You Expect During Your Appointment?

PRP with microneedling is a very quick process compared to all the other similar cosmetic procedures out there.


You may have to arrive about ten minutes earlier than your appointment with your dermatologist in Southlake, TX. This will be sufficient time for you to finish any paperwork or payments. When all of this has been done, you will probably be given something to change into.

Now that you’re ready, your dermatologist in Southlake, TX will cleanse your skin and administer a topical anesthetic. They will then wait for it to kick in for about 30 minutes before beginning the procedure.


The actual process of PRP therapy for skin rejuvenation will only involve 2 steps. The portion with microneedling will only last for about half an hour. During this time, your dermatologist in Southlake, TX will apply their FDA approved derma roller (or some other device) to your face and move it around in circular and sweeping motions.

A syringe of your blood will then be drawn – usually from your arm, while your face gradually becomes numb. The blood will go through the centrifuge and the extracted PRP solution will be massaged onto your treatment area. This is done during or after the microneedling process because it opens the channels into the skin like a good preparation for PRP.

Traditionally, PRP used to be injected into the skin, but now this combination with microneedling is becoming more and more common.


Once your dermatologist in Southlake, TX is done with the PRP procedure, they will apply a balm or serum to help soothe any irritation or redness on your skin. Now you will be allowed to use makeup as a camouflage to hide the temporary side effects of redness or swelling.

How You Can Prepare for the Appointment

Your dermatologist in Southlake, TX will give you a specific set of instructions to prepare for your PRP treatment. These instructions will commonly include:

  1. Arriving for treatment with a bare face – which means no moisturizers or makeup. You may only cleanse your face before coming in.
  2. Arranging a ride home after the appointment
  3. Drinking healthy amounts of water in the days before your appointment
  4. Avoiding direct exposure to the sun or any tanning activities atleast a week before the actual appointment.

When Will You See Some Results?

With the help of PRP and microneedling, you will be able to experience firm and smooth skin once you have finished your course of treatment. Your doctor will determine whether you need maintenance sessions after the initial treatment.

Finally, the sessions of the treatment will usually be spaced out on a period of a few weeks. That being said, skipping a few sessions may have the ability to hinder its overall effectiveness.

Compassion Dermatology Can Help You Out

We would like to welcome you to Compassion Dermatology to find the experts in cosmetic, surgical and medical procedures for your nails, hair and skin’s health. All of this will be done with the most innovative technologies and up-to-date researches.

Learn more about our services by visiting our website or calling us at 817-380-5911.