Everything You Wanted to Know About PRP Therapy for Skin Rejuvenation | Dermatologist in Southlake, TX


Oftentimes people ask their dermatologist in Southlake, TX whether PRP therapy for skin rejuvenation and microneedling are the same thing. Well, yes and no. Microneedling is a common cosmetic procedure that is primarily used in order to minimize the signs of aging.

During standard sessions, your dermatologist in Southlake, TX will use a needled device or a special roller to prick your skin and stimulate new production of collagen. Due to this, microneedling is also known as a therapy that induces collagen.

That being said, PRP of Platelet-Rich Plasma injections can be added into these sessions. Microneedling with the help of PRP can proven to be effective in introducing speed in the skin’s healing process and adding more tightness to it.

How Can This Procedure Help You?

Traditional microneedling has been used for everything that ranges from wrinkles and age spots all the way to scarring and many other forms of hyperpigmentation. PRP injections, on the other hand, will actually boost these results tenfold and will help your achieve your original skin type much more quickly.

Even though your dermatologist in Southlake, TX uses microneedling to treat stretch marks and scars on every part of your body, PRP has been designed only for your face. You may have come across a lot of influencers on social media that had their face covered in blood after a skin procedure. This is why some of them started calling it the ‘vampire facial’.

These pictures, however, portray a traditional method of the procedure by applying whole blood to the individual’s face during microneedling. With recent advances, however, your dermatologist in Southlake, TX will only apply the PRP extracted from your blood to the face. As a result, your face will only become a mild pink.

Are You A Good Candidate for the Procedure?

Your dermatologist in Southlake, TX will consider you a great candidate for this procedure with only a few simple conditions. You need to be in good health and you should be on the lookout for ways to remove the minor signs of aging on your face.

This treatment, however, will not be a good option for you if you:

  1. Have experience skin radiation over the past 12 months
  2. Have a history of slow healing wounds
  3. Tend to scar easily
  4. Have a particular set of skin symptoms like Rosacea and facial eczema
  5. Have acne and use Accutane
  6. Are pregnant

You don’t need to worry though; your dermatologist in Southlake, TX will actually evaluate your medical history in order to pass you as a good candidate for the PRP therapy.

What Should You Expect During Your Appointment?

PRP with microneedling is a very quick process compared to all the other similar cosmetic procedures out there.


You may have to arrive about ten minutes earlier than your appointment with your dermatologist in Southlake, TX. This will be sufficient time for you to finish any paperwork or payments. When all of this has been done, you will probably be given something to change into.

Now that you’re ready, your dermatologist in Southlake, TX will cleanse your skin and administer a topical anesthetic. They will then wait for it to kick in for about 30 minutes before beginning the procedure.


The actual process of PRP therapy for skin rejuvenation will only involve 2 steps. The portion with microneedling will only last for about half an hour. During this time, your dermatologist in Southlake, TX will apply their FDA approved derma roller (or some other device) to your face and move it around in circular and sweeping motions.

A syringe of your blood will then be drawn – usually from your arm, while your face gradually becomes numb. The blood will go through the centrifuge and the extracted PRP solution will be massaged onto your treatment area. This is done during or after the microneedling process because it opens the channels into the skin like a good preparation for PRP.

Traditionally, PRP used to be injected into the skin, but now this combination with microneedling is becoming more and more common.


Once your dermatologist in Southlake, TX is done with the PRP procedure, they will apply a balm or serum to help soothe any irritation or redness on your skin. Now you will be allowed to use makeup as a camouflage to hide the temporary side effects of redness or swelling.

How You Can Prepare for the Appointment

Your dermatologist in Southlake, TX will give you a specific set of instructions to prepare for your PRP treatment. These instructions will commonly include:

  1. Arriving for treatment with a bare face – which means no moisturizers or makeup. You may only cleanse your face before coming in.
  2. Arranging a ride home after the appointment
  3. Drinking healthy amounts of water in the days before your appointment
  4. Avoiding direct exposure to the sun or any tanning activities atleast a week before the actual appointment.

When Will You See Some Results?

With the help of PRP and microneedling, you will be able to experience firm and smooth skin once you have finished your course of treatment. Your doctor will determine whether you need maintenance sessions after the initial treatment.

Finally, the sessions of the treatment will usually be spaced out on a period of a few weeks. That being said, skipping a few sessions may have the ability to hinder its overall effectiveness.

Compassion Dermatology Can Help You Out

We would like to welcome you to Compassion Dermatology to find the experts in cosmetic, surgical and medical procedures for your nails, hair and skin’s health. All of this will be done with the most innovative technologies and up-to-date researches.

Learn more about our services by visiting our website or calling us at 817-380-5911.