Dermatologist in Southlake, TX

The Icon Aesthetic System provides multiple devices in one piece of equipment. The Icon enables practitioners to provide a number of the most popular aesthetic treatments, included in its suite of devices is laser treatment, a proven solution to wrinkles, facial veins and sun damage.  In addition, the Icon offers state-of-the-art cooling, and a Melanin Reader for fast treatments with optimal results. Popular treatments the Icon enables your Compassion Dermatology, dermatologist in Southlake, TX to offer include:

  • Treatment of facial vessels and pigment
  • The treatment of scars, including acne and surgical scarring
  • The treatment of stretch marks
  • Wrinkle reduction
  • Clearing of leg veins
  • Permanent hair reduction

The Icon system’s patented innovations include, but are not limited to the following:

  • The Skintel Melanin Reader determines the average melanin density of skin before treatment begins.
  • A variety of Microlenses for personalized treatments.
  • Advanced Contact Cooling maintains a steady temperature for maximizing comfort and the protection of skin.
  • The Icon delivers the most powerful laser with an optimized light platform for the best results yet. With the first session you can see the improvement in tone and texture. With the Icon system, you can experience a more youthful appearance and minimal down time.

Say Hello to Younger-looking Skin

The ICON system also reduces the appearance of lines and wrinkles in just one treatment. By delivering energy deep into the skin, it stimulates the regeneration of new skin. Recovery is as little as four days and lacks the side effects experienced with invasive surgery.  The ICON is a non-invasive treatment option that provides you with younger looking skin and offers the advantage of avoiding unnatural changes associated with invasive surgery. Contact your Compassion Dermatology, dermatologist in Southlake, TX today to schedule a consultation.

Hair Removal

The ICON system provides an effective hair reduction treatment with just a few treatments. The ICON light-based technology targets the hair follicles responsible for hair growth. The result is permanent hair removal of unwanted facial and body hair without causing any harm to the surrounding skin. The treatment is complete within minutes and is TGA approved and effective for a variety of skin types. Treatment is most effective when the hair follicle is in its growth stage. As hair follicles do not share the same growth cycle, repeat treatment may be required. Your dermatologist in Southlake, TX can provide you with additional information.

Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are a common and unwanted problem for many women. The Icon system can improve the appearance of stretch marks. The ICON uses fractional laser technology to target stretch marks and stimulates the production of new collagen to provide smoother skin. The procedure typically requires from three to five treatments. The required time can be as little as 30 minutes and requires no down time at all. If you are embarrassed by stretch marks, we can help. Contact a Compassion Dermatology, dermatologist in Southlake, TX today for stretch mark removal.


The ICON fractional laser system is a fast, effective treatment for removing the scars of acne and surgical scars, anywhere on the body. There is minimal downtime and it can be used on any skin type, including extremely light and dark skin. Most scars will require 3 to 5 treatments. Contact a dermatologist in Southlake, TX.


The ICON laser treatment can improve the appearance of multiple skin flaws and blemishes, without surgery or lengthy downtime. Some examples of conditions it provides a solution for include:

  • Acne scars
  • Age spots
  • Skin tone and texture
  • Stretch marks
  • Sun damage
  • Surgical scars
  • Wrinkles

How the ICON Fractional Laser Works

The ICON fractional laser uses laser energy microbeams to treat areas of affected tissue that extend through the epidermis into the dermis. The body naturally produces new, healthy tissue resulting in younger-looking skin for you.

Photo Rejuvenation

The ICON fractional laser system can rejuvenate your skin with Optimized Light photo rejuvenation technology. In this procedure, gentle pulses of intense, optimized light are delivered to regions of areas of redness and other pigmentation, facial vessels, sun spots, age spots, spider veins, wrinkles, large pores, rosacea and capillaries.

The Icon system rejuvenates your skin by activating the body’s natural healing processes to reduce skin imperfections, diminishing lines and reduce redness naturally. Photo rejuvenation stimulates the natural production of collagen in the skin, restoring fullness and an overall younger appearance. During the first few weeks, you will see imperfections fade away. Depending on the area to be treated, the treatment may require as little as 30 minutes. Contact a dermatologist in Southlake, TX today.

Leg Veins

The ICON laser system treats leg veins without incisions, or damage to surrounding tissue. The system safely treats varicose veinsspider veins and reticular veins. The noninvasive treatment means down time and discomfort is minimal. Laser constricts the blood vessels, diminishing their appearance at the skin surface. Treatment time is typically less than 30 minutes and is safe for all skin types. Improvement is typically noticeable after just one treatment, but additional treatments may be required. You can rely on our dermatologist in Southlake, TX to provide the treatment you require for your skin issues, both aesthetic and medical.

The ICON Aesthetic System offers a number of treatments for a variety of aesthetic skin problems. Contact Compassion Dermatology today to schedule a consultation with our dermatologistin Southlake, TX.

Dermatology in Southlake, TX


The skin disease scabies will produce intense itching caused by the mite Sarcoptes scabiei hominis. It occurs worldwide, with about 300 million cases reported each year. The incidence occurs most often in children and sexually active individuals. A Compassion Dermatology dermatologist in Southlake, TX can provide the skin treatment and care you need for scabies or other skin conditions.

Signs and Symptoms

Besides its hallmark intense and widespread itching, scabies symptoms and signs include threadlike burrows beneath the skin are evident in the superficial epidermis and are created by the moving female mite. The vesicles are 1 to 3 mm erthematous papules and vesicles filled with clear or cloudy fluid depending on the vesicle age. Common sites of heavy manifestations include the following locations:

  • Between the fingers
  • Flexor areas of the wrists
  • Elbows
  • Axillae
  • Abdomen
  • Feet
  • The scrotum in males

In the elderly, scabies is commonly found in heavy presence on the back, often appearing as excoriations. In infants and small children, burrows are commonly located on the palms of the hand and the soles of the feet. All are typically uncomfortable, and our dermatologist in Southlake, TX can provide the treatment and relief from the intense itching you require.

Nodular Scabies

A nodular form of scabies may occur in a small number of patients and is more likely to develop in young children. In infants who are unable to scratch, nodules may develop ranging in size from 2 to 20 mm in diameter.

Crusted Scabies

Lesions in larger areas may present as crusted scabies. Scaling is common, and pruritus may be slight or even absent. Nail dystrophy and scalp lesions can also occur in this form of scabies. The hands and arms are common locations of lesions, but all sites can be affected. Crusted scabies can be difficult to treat. See your dermatologist in Southlake, TX for effective treatment.

Secondary Lesions

Secondary lesions may result from scratching, secondary infection, or an immune response against the scabies mites and their products. Characteristic signs that may accompany secondary lesions include the following:

  • Excoriation of the skin due to scratching
  • Widespread eczematous dermatitis
  • Honey-colored crusting
  • Post inflammatory hyperpigmentation
  • Erythroderma (reddening of the skin)
  • Prurigo nodules (often accompanies damage to the skin from scratching)
  • Frank pyoderma (deep ulcers and potential necrotic flesh)


The diagnosis of scabies is often made based on the intense pruritic rash and characteristic linear burrows. The diagnosis is confirmed by light microscopic. Skin scrapings can also identify the presence of the mites, larvae, ova, or scybala (feces).

A biopsy is occasionally used to identify mites and to rule out other skin diseases. In the absence of the mites, histopathology may suggest the diagnosis of scabies. These and other tests are available from Compassion Dermatology’s dermatologist in Southlake, TX.


The treatment of scabies includes the administration of one or more prescription scabicidal agents. When a secondary infection is present, an antimicrobial agent may be prescribed. As crusted scabies indicates a heavy presence of the mite, repeated topical treatment or the use of both an oral and topical treatment may be required. Over the counter medications are ineffective against scabies. See your dermatologist in Southlake, TX today for scabies treatment or the treatment of other skin disorders.

The extreme pruritus accompanying scabies may be partially alleviated with an oral antihistamine. In extreme cases, prednisone may be prescribed. For your items such as bedding, clothing, and towels used by a person with scabies, they can be decontaminated by machine-washing in hot water and drying using the hot cycle or by dry-cleaning. Contact your dermatologist in Southlake, TX for the treatment of severe pruritus.

Because of the extremely heavy mite infestation accompanying crusted scabies, repeated applications of topical scabicides or other treatments may be required. In addition, treatment is often required for other family members and contacts who have been exposed. Treatment is required to resolve the condition. The prevalence of scabies in higher in children and sexually active individuals.

The Transmission

The transmission of scabies is typically through direct skin-to-skin contact. Less frequently, it can be transmitted by fomites such as infested bedding or clothing. This especially true with heavy infestations. Items such as bedding, clothing, and towels used by an individual with scabies should be machine washed in hot water and dried using the hot cycle or by dry-cleaning. The mite is not able to run or jump, but does crawl. Its life cycle is entirely on the host, but it is able to survive for as long as three days on bed linens, clothing, upholstery or other surfaces. There are different variants of the mite, including some that can infest other mammals such as your pets or livestock. They can irritate human skin, but are unable to reproduce in humans.

An individual with scabies can spread it even they do not have any symptoms. The interval between the primary infection, when the person becomes contagious, and the onset of clinical manifestations may be as long as 10 weeks. If you suspect scabies, contact your Compassion Dermatology dermatologist in Southlake, TX for diagnosis and treatment.

Additional Complications

A scabies infestation can exacerbate psoriasis, eczema, and other preexisting skin diseases. Even with treatment, scabies can cause longer term issues to vulnerable individuals. Compassion Dermatology offers the expertise and experience you need in a dermatologist in Southlake, TX.  We offer compassionate, professional care you can trust.

Icon Aesthetic System: The Future of Beauty Treatments | Dermatologists in Southlake, TX

Beautiful younger looking skin is what most people desire; things like aging, pigmentation and scars make it impossible to have smooth and clean looking skin. But now, with the help of the Icon Aesthetic System, it is possible to achieve the flawless and youthful looking skin of your dreams.

It offers multiple cosmetic treatments for a variety of skin types and the process is almost pain-free and most of all it is also suggested by the dermatologists in Southlake, TX.

How does it work?

The device is equipped with the Skintel melanin reader, a device which determines the average melanin density of the skin. The laser from the device emits micro beams which penetrate deep into the skin and target its flaws.

The laser stimulates the body’s natural collagen and elastin production which are responsible for the production of new healthy skin cells that will replace the damaged cells. In other words this treatment enables the body to heal itself.

Equipped with the advance contact cooling system, the device maintains a fix temperature at 5° Celsius throughout the treatment to comfort the customer. Dual filters minimize the unnecessary exposure to enhance the comfort of the person being treated. The dermatologists in Southlake, TX, consider it to be one of the best laser treatments available which doesn’t compromise on comfort.

Different treatment options

The icon aesthetic system is equipped with multiple devices; therefore, it provides many cosmetic treatments that the dermatologists in Southlake, TX, recommend for a healthy skin. Following are the aesthetic treatments that this device has to offer:

1.   Wrinkle reduction


The device has the ability to get rid of wrinkles in just a single treatment. The laser from the device goes deep into the skin and enables the body to generate new wrinkle free skin. It is a non-invasive treatment that is suitable for the people who don’t want to go through a surgical process.

This is the best option for those looking for a natural way to get rid of their wrinkles.

With a fast recovery process the treatment will noticeably reduce the wrinkles around your eyes and your mouth, that too in a single treatment.

2.   Skin resurfacing


The treatment from this device will definitely give your skin a healthier and flawless look without going through painful and harmful procedures. You will get long-lasting results from this aesthetic system.

Without the lengthy downtime, this device can help you with several skin flaws that include:

  • Aging
  • Skin tone and texture
  • Sun damage
  • Pigmentation
  • Acne problem
  • And more


3.   Permanent hair reduction


The system provides an effective and permanent hair reduction solution; few treatments are required to get the job done completely.

Unlike shaving, waxing and other conventional methods the hair you remove with this treatment is not growing back. Light based technology permanently destroys the hair roots that inhibit hair growth. This permanent solution allows you to get rid of the everyday hassle of dealing with unwanted hair.

The process is completely safe and the surrounding skin remains unharmed. Therapeutic Goods Administration has approved this technology.


4.   Scarring


The technology has been developed by the world leaders in laser technology for the treatment of scars; the treatment is effective on different skin types and offers a minimum recovery time.

The procedure involves the emission of a laser light that dissolves the scar tissue and triggers the regeneration process of the skin.

It is an efficient alternate of surgically removing the scar recommended by the dermatologists in Forth Worth, TX and works best for both light and dark toned skins.


5.   Photo rejuvenation


As per the dermatologist in Forth Worth, TX, remarkable rejuvenation of the skin is possible by this laser treatment. The system optimized light photo-rejuvenation which targets the unwanted pigmented areas with pulses of intense and optimized laser light. This method can help get rid of age spots, sun spots and spider veins.

The treatment can be formed as short as 30 minutes; one or two treatments are enough for the noticeable results depending on the skin.


6.   Veins reduction


The aesthetic system is capable of reducing visible veins anywhere on the body. This non-invasive treatment may take 30 minutes to complete and the end results will be pleasing. The icon aesthetic system can efficiently reduce the appearance of spider and reticular veins and that too without harming the skin in the surrounding area.

With no incision and minimum discomfort, the dermatologist in Southlake, TX, recommends this treatment to those who want to get rid of visible veins.


7.   Treatment for Rosacea


Rosacea is a facial skin condition which often begins with the tendency to blush more than other people. Abnormalities in facial blood vessels contribute a lot to this condition.

The redness that is caused on the skin due this disease can spread beyond the cheeks and can reach till the forehead and chin.

The aesthetic system reduces the redness by reducing the size of the blood vessels in the affected area. The process is completely safe and painless. This treatment is gentle and has a long-lasting effect that will reduce the flare-ups of rosacea.

8.   Stretch mark reduction


As per the recommendation of the dermatologists in Forth Worth, TX, this treatment is a must for the women suffering from post-pregnancy stretch marks.

The laser penetrates deep into the skin dissolving the affected tissue and enabling the skin to produce new cells. The treatment is save and non-invasive.

The results can be noticed visibly just after a single treatment.

The icon aesthetic system is a comprehensive cosmetic device that can perform a wide-range of beauty treatments. It is one of the most versatile laser treatment devices that is effective, safe and comfortable at the same time.

Compassion Dermatology is equipped with this state-of-the-art technology; so, if you live in Southlake, TX, schedule your appointment today and experience the wonders of the device yourself.

Collagen Induction Therapy — Is It Worth the Pain? | Dermatologists in Southlake, TX

Every person wants to live, but no one wants to age; youthful, clean and a flawless skin is every aging person’s goal! Collagen induction therapy can help you achieve the skin that will make you look years younger than your actual age.

Collagen induction therapy or micro-needling therapy, is a minimally-invasive and a non-surgical procedure for skin rejuvenation. It is considered to be one of the safest and natural therapies by the dermatologists in Southlake, TX.

What is collagen?

Collagens are one of the most abundant proteins found in a human body. They are responsible for the skin’s strength and elasticity.

As we grow older the production of these proteins slowdown, as a result the signs of aging start appearing on our skin.

How does micro-needling help?

This therapy is carried out mostly using a derma-roller; a simple cylindrical drum studded device with micro-needles which can be rolled onto the skin.

The collagen induction therapy uses a derma-roller, to create tiny punctures on the skin that create micro-wounds. This controlled damage triggers the natural response of the body to heal itself.

The body heals these micro-wounds on the skin by producing collagens, as a result new skin cells are generated and the skin dramatically looks healthier and smoother. The procedure can be understood by the images below.

Penetration levels

From light to deep penetration, the size of the needle will depend on the treatment you are looking for.

  • Light penetration is done to create enough space for the molecules of the treatment serum to enter the skin.
  • Mid penetrations are beneficial for healing the superficial damage caused by the sun and to improve the skin tone and texture.
  • Deeper penetrations can improve stretch marks, wrinkles, skin tightening and scars.

These levels are prescribed by the dermatologists in Southlake, TX.

Is the therapy painful?

Yes the process is slightly painful, and your skin might get red during the treatment; you may also face slight bleeding due to the needles. A topical numbing gel can be used to lessen the pain.

What to do and expect?

If you are looking to opt for this therapy there are certain thing you should keep in mind:

1.   Pre-therapy

  • An antiviral medication is recommended before getting this therapy to reduce the possibility of an infection as a result of the therapy.
  • It is advised to refrain from using retinoid products. There should be a gap of at least 2 days before you can start using them.

2.   During therapy

  • The procedure is a bit painless but can easily be tolerated.
  • It can take up to an hour to complete this procedure depending on the area being targeted and the severity of the skin condition.
  • No type of topical creams or makeup should be applied on the day of the procedure.
  • A numbing topical gel is applied by the medical expert to make the procedure painless as much as possible.
  • A minimum six week gap between two treatments is recommended. As natural collagen takes this much duration to form.
  • Keep this in mind due to the micro-wounds your skin will turn red and might even bleed.

3.   Post-therapy

  • Depending on the intensity of the treatment, your face will appear bruised and red.
  • You may experience a slight burning sensation, similar to that of sunburn.
  • You may experience mild swelling.
  • After two or three days, the redness and the swelling will subside and your face will become a bit pinkish in color.
  • It is recommended by the dermatologist in Southlake, TX, to protect yourself from the sun for several weeks after the treatment.
  • Anti-biotic creams should be used in case of skin infection.
  • The results will show up after 2 weeks and will continue up till 8 months.
  • The process is slow, but dramatically effective in a long run.

How many treatments are required?

As per the dermatologists in Southlake, TX, the number of treatments a person needs depend upon their skin condition. For normal scars, 4 treatments are enough, while 5 to 6 treatments are recommended in case of more severe scars.

Dermatologists in Southlake, TX recommend 1 to 3 treatments to fight the wrinkle, every year.

Benefits of the therapy

These are the following benefits of collagen induction therapy:

  • A completely natural process.
  • Suitable for people with thin and sensitive skin.
  • A cost-effective therapy.
  • This can be performed near eyes and other places where laser treatment is not recommended.
  • A lower risk of hyper-pigmentation.

Possible side effects

While this is a very safe procedure, but as per the dermatologists in Southlake, TX, few patients may experience some of the side effects listed below:

  • Some patients experience swelling on the treated area during recovery phase.
  • Some patients develop infections, especially those who are prone to cold sores.
  • Patients may experience mild acne flares.
  • Some patients develop milia which can be removed easily.

Is this therapy for you?

Well, if you want:

  • Wrinkle free skin
  • Well toned and smooth skin
  • Scar free skin
  • Acne free skin
  • Baby smooth skin
  • Reduced stretch marks
  • Reduced burn marks

Then this is the treatment that the dermatologists in Southlake, TXwill advise you to go for because of its long-lasting results.


This is one of the best options available today and at the same time it is the most natural treatment as well. By making the body heal itself you can regenerate smoother and younger looking skin. The pain this process causes can be a downside, but it is a small price to pay for the multiple benefits of the micro-needling therapy.

We at Compassion Dermatology make sure that you get the best of both worlds. Our expert skin therapists will make sure that you get this treatment in the most professional and comfortable manner possible. Book your appointment today.

Dermatologist in Southlake, TX

Skin Tag Diagnosis and Removal


A skin tag is a small, soft, raised, benign skin growth that is flesh-colored or slightly darker. It is typically distinct from other growths due to the stalk attaching it to the skin. The growth is typically small, less than 2 mm in size, although some can be larger. They can form anywhere on the body but are common in areas where skin folds occur. However, there are a few areas where they seem to occur more frequently. These areas include the neck, armpits, groin, under the breasts and eyelids. It is not unusual for multiple skin tags to occur and may even form clusters. Although the skin tag itself is typically harmless and painless, they can cause discomfort. The growths may become irritated and painful where jewelry, other skin or clothing rubs or catches on them. Compassion Dermatology can provide you with a dermatologist in Southlake, TX for skin tag removal.


What causes skin tags is not fully understood, however, people over the age of 50, and those with specific medical conditions are more likely to develop them. Skin tags are seen most frequently in seniors, and in those who are overweight, or suffer from diabetes. Insulin resistance, which can lead to type 2 diabetes, is also thought to contribute to the development of skin tags. In a 2010 study, multiple skin tags were associated with insulin resistance, a high body mass index, and high triglycerides. In addition, wearing tight clothing appears to be a contributing factor, as well as genetics. Preventing additional skin tags from occurring may be alleviated by losing weight if you are obese, and by controlling diabetes and/or treating a prediabetic condition. Skin tags are typically permanent unless removed by a dermatologist in Southlake, TX. Give us a call, we can help!


Dermatologists are able to diagnose skin tags by sight. The typical skin tag presents no health risk, however skin growths that are hard, multicolored or that bleed should be examined by a doctor. Often, skin tags are simply a nuisance and no ill health efforts occur. If your dermatologist in Southlake, TX is concerned a growth may be more than a skin tag, a biopsy may be performed. It is a procedure our dermatologist in Southlake, TX can perform in our office.


There are several reasons why a dermatologist may recommend removing one or more skin tags. Those with skin tags in noticeable areas may wish to have it removed for cosmetic reasons alone. In addition, skin tags which cause discomfort or pain due to rubbing against other skin, jewelry or clothing should be removed by a dermatologist.

Treatments include cryotherapy, which freeze them, then they will fall off. In addition, your dermatologist in Southlake, TX may remove the growth with ligation (tying them off with surgical thread). Removing them with scissors or a scalpel is also an option, or they may be burned off in a procedure known as electrodessication. Occasionally, skin tags may recur after the removal. If this happens, the treatment of skin tags may require repeating the procedure to keep them off.Your dermatologist can determine the best method for the removal of your skin tags. However, your doctor may recommend eyelid skin tags be removed by an ophthalmologist.

Depending on the method of removal, you may need more than one treatment to get rid of them. When the treatment involves ligation, freezing or electrodessication, it can take a few weeks for it to fall off. In some cases, skin tags will regrow and need to be removed again. Your dermatologist in Southlake, TX will provide you with follow-up care instructions. Typically, when ligation, freezing or electrodessication is provided, it can take up to a few weeks for the growth to fall off. In addition, it is common for the treated area to be sensitive for a few days afterwards. The site should be kept clean and avoid exposure to the sun. Treatment of skin tags is safe and effective and provides relief from the itching and pain due to rubbing or snagging.

The internet offers a number of DIY treatments for skin tags. However, you should never attempt to remove them yourself. Scarring, bleeding and infection are potential risks with DIY methods of removal. In addition, there is the possibility you may have misdiagnosed your skin tag. You may be inappropriately treating skin cancer or a mole. Your dermatologist in Southlake, TX can provide the professional diagnosis and treatment you need for smoother skin.

If you would like to receive additional information about the options for the removal of skin tags, contact Compassion Dermatology today to schedule a consultation in our office. We offer the latest treatments for the safe removal of a variety of skin growths, including skin tags, moles, skin cancer, cysts and others.  Contact our board-certified dermatologist in Southlake, TX today.

It is important to note some skin conditions that may appear to be skin tags can actually be a more serious skin condition. Skin growths that have irregular edges, change color, or rapidly increase in size, should be inspected right away by a dermatologist in Southlake, TX. Catching potential skin cancer early is essential in the treatment of some types of skin cancer. Schedule a consultation with Compassion Dermatology today for safe, effective skin tag removal, or for other cosmetic, surgical or medical dermatology questions and needs.

HydraFacial – What You Need To Know? | Dermatologist in Southlake, TX

The unique philosophy of HydraFacial is about improving the skin appearance. It also aids in restoring healthy, youthful skin. HydraFacial is a procedure that uses advanced patented vertex technology.

As per the Dermatologist in Southlake, TX, it provides botanical ingredients with the highly desirable nutrients like hyaluronic acid, red algae extracthorse chestnut seed extract, magnesium, and copper-zinc peptides.

The technique is full of powerful antioxidants that work to counteract the free radicals damage. This damage usually results from pollution, stress and sunlight effects on the skin. These effects not only damage the skin but also accelerate the aging process.

How Do HydraFacial Work?

Well, the major treatment consists of 6 different stage processes. These processes help detoxify the skin while removing dead skin cells. They extract the debris from the skin and provide long-lasting hydration and necessary nutrient support that is responsible to rebuild and protect the collagen levels.

Who Can Use HydraFacial Technique?

The HydraFacial is a technique that everyone can opt for. As per the Dermatologist in Southlake, TX, the best part about this treatment is that it rebuilds and restores the health of your skin immediately. You will start to feel the difference on your skin after just one session. HydraFacial is best known to provide an immediate and visible improvement.

Another major benefit of opting for HydraFacial is that it can easily be tailored to treat particular skin problems. The HydraFacial technique holds great importance as people start facing skin problems from the very young age.

Here are some skin related facts that will help you understand the importance of great HydraFacial treatment.

  1. Almost 40% of kids start having some form of acne as soon as they reach mid-teens.
  2. As soon as a person crosses the age of 20, he/she starts producing at least 1% less collagen in the skin, every year.
  3. 90% of patients who opt for HydraFacial or other similar treatments suffer from damaged skin that usually results from excessive sunlight exposure.
  4. Ageing UVA rays are equally powerful on cloudy and sunny days.

Nonetheless, HydraFacial is a medical-grade facial technique that rejuvenates your skin and fights off the skin problems. The technique detoxifies, cleanses, exfoliates, hydrates and extracts. All of this is achieved in just one treatment that works best for all skin types. This may include the oily, normal, aging or even sensitive skin type.

As per the Dermatologist in Southlake, TX, it also promises to help with wrinkles, fine lines, pore size as well as hyperpigmentation. Since this is exactly why people opt for HydraFacial, no wonder it provides superior results.

How to Perform HydraFacial?

The HydraFacial is performed with the help of a machine. It is a handheld device that utilizes four different types of HydroPeel tips and some other skin care solutions. These solutions may include antioxidants, chemical exfoliants, hyaluronicacid and a hydrating serum.

The tips are spiral in design and used in conjunction with the vacuum technology of HydraFacial that creates a vortex effect to simply dislodge and eliminate impurities. Meanwhile introducing solutions that exfoliate infuse and hydrate your skin by using antioxidants.

Basically,the practitioners move the Vortex-Fusion tips all over the face while delivering different kinds of the solution at varying degrees of pressure and then sucking them back up again, along with sebum and dead skin cells.

The Four Steps of HydraFacial

Here the steps involved in HydraFacial treatment.


As per the Dermatologist in Southlake, TX, the HydraFacial treatment begins with an instant manual cleanse done by the esthetician. The next step is the Vortex-Fusiontreatment. This combinesthe glucosamine HLI and lactic acid with anti-oxidant-rich algae that conditions and soften the skin.

Deeper Exfoliation

This step is to give your skin a deeper exfoliation effect. For this, two different tips can be used. One is a more aggressive than the other that delivers one of the three different glycolic acid levels including 15%, 7.5%, and30%. These are combined with 1.5% to 2% salicylic acid.

This combination of chemical exfoliation from the peels and physical exfoliation from the tip provide great results instantly and without the tingling and wait that you may experience with the different and traditional peel.


This step makes use of different Beta-HD and tip to soften sebum using salicylic acid and take away blackheads as well as sebum in skin’s open pores. In addition to that, the honey extract hydrates while the extract of spire Ulimaroa flower calms and soothe the skin. If you are also suffering from milieu, an overgrown whitehead, you should talk to your skin professional since HydraFacial is not a recommended treatment for this skin problem.


The extracted, cleansed and exfoliated skin is now all set for the antioxidants infusion. Once you are done with this last step of HydraFacial treatment, your skin becomes plump and hydrated.


In the bottom line

Your skin is a sensitive part of your body. It requires regular treatment and care to remain fresh and soothing. As per the Dermatologist in Southlake, TXwhen we go out and face the sunlight, there are many factors that affect our skin.

These factors not only affect the skin tone or complexion but may damage it completely. Thus, it is very important that you take adequate and timely measures to keep your skin fresh regardless of your age.

Speaking of which, our age also plays a crucial role in changing our skin condition. While it is highly recommended to have a healthy diet, it is also important to take the professional assistance of a dermatologist.

Professionals are well versed in treating your skin problems using various advanced techniques. Thus, if you are in Southlake, TX and looking for expert dermatologist then head over to Compassion Dermatology right away to get the best skin treatment.

Signs You Need to See a Professional Dermatologist in Southlake, TX

They say beauty is just skin-deep or it’s exclusively in the eyes of the beholder. Let’s be realistic: we, as humans, are our own official faultfinders and we are extremely negative with regards to appreciating our own appearance.

We judge ourselves based on what/who we consider beautiful. To match the picture of ‘beautiful’ that we have, often do we try to enhance our beauty with cosmetics and the rest of the time, we utilize them to conceal our skin problems.

Do you have pimples, uneven skin, breakouts, pigmentation, moles, warts, signs of aging or any other skin problem that you wish was not there? It is NOT impossible!

You can actually go out without several kilograms of makeup on and be all confident because of the glowing, flawless skin that you have; and all of that is just an appointment away. Probably all that your skin requires is not layers of makeup but proper care and treatment that a professional dermatologist in Southlake, TX provides.

The skin-ideals you have don’t have to wear makeup probably because they are conscious about skincare and do take out time to visit reliable dermatologists in Southlake, TX. We have done some homework give you some motivation behind why one should see a dermatologist in Southlake, TX.

While home remedies are frequently the place to begin at, you can never be certain if that particular remedy is going to work for you without knowing your skin type and the actual origin of the problem.

Like using of natural products, herbs, etc., there are thousands of DIY remedies you have tried at least once in your life and quit because it did not work despite the amazing reviews that it had. Isn’t it? That’s where you probably thought of reaching out to a dermatologist in Southlake, TX and have landed on this page trying to find reasons that support your decision. Fair enough!

If you are at a point where all those awesome remedies have missed their mark, it is an opportunity to search a dermatologist in Southlake, TX. Here are 6 times when making an appointment is your most logical option.


1.   You have a rash that you can’t get rid of.

Rashes are an ordinary piece of our existence. It is difficult to foresee what can cause skin irritation; the reason can be anything from a detergent that you use or face wash to a skincare product, weather conditions, or a viral disease.

In the event that you have a rash that doesn’t hint a change for 7 days, whether or not it irritates or itches, it is time for you to see a dermatologist in Southlake, TX.

A professional dermatologist can analyze a skin condition right there and then and advise an oral treatment or a topical treatment. Depending upon the problem, the treatment may require follow-up(s) and the course could be shorter or longer.

Whatever the case may be, rashes that stick around require proper treatment. If you have one that is sitting there for a week, it’s time to call a dermatologist.

2.   You have signs of aging and it is too early for you to have them.

Of course, no one can hold back time from progressing but the effects of it can be controlled.

Likewise, a dermatologist in Southlake, TX will not be able to completely stop aging; they will instead provide solutions to control the early, untimely signs of aging that you have.

Fighting off the lines, wrinkles, and other skin changes related to aging is a multibillion-dollar industry, and there’s a decent possibility your dermatologist offers the most recent, suitable alternatives to take a portion of the years off.

For instance, Compassion Dermatology in Southlake, TX offers some of the most recent and effective procedures and products that calm wrinkles without leaving any side effects on your skin.

3.   Over-the-counter products fail to treat your skin breakout.

By and large, small breakouts and flaws can be effortlessly treated with drugstore creams. In an event that you get acne that is persistent and just a little harsher than routine breakouts, it should be assessed by an expert dermatologist in Southlake, TX.

Numerous factors and variables, for example, hormonal changes, hypertension, or the atmosphere can add to your skin breakout, and successfully treating cases like these requires a focused approach.

Contingent upon the seriousness and basic reason for your skin break out, your specialist may recommend oral medicines, topical cure, or even procedures such as laser/light treatments.

4.   You have an ugly mole.

Skin is a thing too prone to changes, and new spots, any lump/wart causing unevenness, and stains are likely to appear and disappear often. While a large portion of these problems is not really risky, a mole is continually something that ought to be professionally assessed.

Regardless of whether it is a beauty concern or not, a mole deserves a look from a dermatologist in Southlake, TX, as it might then require removal or just signal some other problems which can be confirmed with a biopsy.

It’s great to take note of the fact that most skin biopsies return with benevolent outcomes, so there’s generally no reason to get anxious about or stress out.

Additionally, other skin diseases such as skin cancer/tumors are treatable and even reparable, particularly when identified in the early stages, and a mole could be an early sign of that.

5.   You’re humiliated.

Despite whether you think your condition important to be medically addressed, if it’s causing you shame or keeping you away from living the normal life that you have, a dermatologist in Southlake, TX can help.

From new rashes to old skin colorations, a dermatologist has seen everything and has the correct gear to deal with whatever on your skin is being a nuisance to you.

6.   No reason is a good reason.

Above all, glowing and flawless skin helps you be comfortable and feel confident about yourself. If not for medical reasons, you should consider visiting Compassion Dermatologist in Southlake, TX for no absolute reason.

With professional care and regular skin assessment, you will have the skin you can’t resist showing off. And truth be told, it is the best feeling ever!

Dermatologist’s Guide to Healthy Skincare | Dermatologist in Southlake, TX

The skin is the most visible as well as the most exposed part of your body. Wherever you go, you are taking in toxins, pathogens, allergens, and environmental pollutants. There are certain timeless skincare routines that should be taken into consideration to maintain healthy skin and prevent premature aging. The idea of skincare is to be gentle on the skin, use mild and lesser products, remove toxins, dirt, dust and pollutants that clog pores and lead to breakouts and get adequate sleep to allow skins cells to rejuvenate and maintain the natural pH balance. Dermatologist Southlake, TX knows just what you need to keep your skin healthy.

Most people are prone to bad skincare habits that aggravate their skin conditions and speed up signs of aging, such as fine lines and wrinkles. Regular exfoliation is necessary to remove dirt and pollutants and radiate a natural glow. Healthy diet is a vital factor in maintaining healthy skin. To maintain skin health and prevent skin conditions, it is important to know the type of your skin so that you use products that are most appropriate in order to avoid reactions. Dermatologist Southlake, TX knows more about skincare and can guide you about the most suitable treatment plan.

What you should know about Vaseline: Harmful or Harmless

No doubt your favorite product, right? Have you heard that you could use Vaseline to cure acne? Or that you could use Vaseline to ‘melt’ your blackheads?


You can seek professional advice from Dermatologist Southlake, TX about it. Your skin needs Vitamin D from  sunlight but prolonged exposure is damaging to skin tissues.

Vaseline is not an effective treatment for acne or blackheads. The effects could actually backfire, according to Dermatologist Southlake, TX and you could end up clogging your pores. Letting Vaseline stay under a plastic wrap overnight and using cotton buds to push out sebum is counter-productive. It’s a myth that it’s an easy and safe DIY method to extract blackhead but it could actually end up doing more harm than good. Vaseline can function better on dry, cracked skin. Petroleum jelly penetrates deep into the skin, which could lead to breakouts in some people.

You may think that Vaseline is moisturizing your skin, but it is actually clogging your pores, according to Dermatologist Southlake, TX. Some ingredients in petroleum jelly could be toxic. Vaseline is not water-soluble. Since it is water repellant, it forms a barrier so that moisture remains in the skin. This cause your pores to lock in the dirt.

People with acne or rosacea should avoid Vaseline because the thick texture can exacerbate skin conditions. People tend to use it inside their noses during the cold season, which is risky because if it gets into the respiratory system, you could get pneumonia. Vaseline is meant for external use only. If you are suffering from any skin condition, instead of applying Vaseline, consulting Dermatologist Southlake, TX would be a much better idea for your skin.

Never go to bed with make up on

Let’s face it. All of us are guilty or have been guilty of this at some point. The purpose of sleeping is to let your skin tissues revive and slow down premature aging. Maybe you came back late from a party and just hit the bed. May you were too exhausted after a hectic day to remove makeup. You may brush off the thought of removing makeup before hitting the sack, thinking that you are already consistent with your skincare regimen and take good care to maintain it.

Sleep is an opportunity for your skin to recover from everyday toil. The skin tissues, while you are sleeping, are trying to replenish and remove foreign invaders – dirt, dust, pollutants. If you do it one night, take extra care of your skin in the morning by using a good-quality cleanser, makeup removing solution or exfoliator. Makeup forms a barrier on the skin that could lead to clogged pores, sealing in dirt and causing breakouts. If it becomes a habit, you are really putting your skin into trouble.

Dermatologist Southlake, TX would know better that leaving foundation on would clog your pores. Leaving mascara on could be damaging for your eye heath as mascara particle seep inside the eye. Mascara clogs glands around the eye and might cause inflammation or infections. Try using a quick and effective makeup removing solution that is suitable for your skin, to make the task easier.

Never go out without sunscreen

Sunscreen should be applied half an hour before you step out into the sun. Even if it’s a clear day, do not leave without applying sunscreen because the rays of the sun still shine through the clouds. You would feel the effect after a few hours. UV radiation is notorious for causing various skin illnesses, including cancer. Sun rays speed up your skin’s aging process.

As Dermatologist in Southlake, YX states, the skin’s outer – epidermal – layer comprises of melanin, which protects the skin from harmful UV radiation. Extended exposure to the sun could reduce its elasticity and cause premature aging or appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Your skin produces more melanin while sun-tanning. Sun burn happens when UV radiation seeps deep into the skin and damages or kills skin cells. If you are among those people who have less melanin, you should keep your skin protected with the right sunblock. Contact Dermatologist Southlake, TX to have your skin assessed and get a workable sunscreen for your skin type.

How to control oil

  • Wash your face every morning and evening. Avoid scrubbing as it damages skin layer.
  • Choose mild products. You can get more information from Dermatologist Southlake, TX about the right products for your skin.
  • Choose oil-free, non-comedogenic products. Not all would suit you.

How to relieve dryness

  • Keep your skin hydrated.
  • Choose non-comedogenic moisturizers.
  • Avoid mattifying products.
  • Avoid hot showers as they strip your skin off its natural moisture levels. Hot water is washing off natural essential oils. The longer the bath or shower, the drier your skin gets. That’s why your skin gets red and itchy.
  • Apply a moisturizer immediately after a shower.
  • Choose a mild, and fragrant-free product.