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Contrary to popular belief, dermatologists are not just cosmetic practitioners who inject Botox and make wrinkles disappear. Their scope of practice goes beyond working on your facial and cosmetic appearance.
It is a distinct and diverse field of medicine and healthcare with its own need and purpose. Due to environmental pollution, ozone depletion, and general state of the climate becoming adverse, skin conditions and ailments are becoming all too common. This is why it is important to know and understand what a dermatologist can do for you.
Most misunderstandings about dermatology are due to the fact this field is as well or extensively depicted in media and entertainment as other disciplines like surgery or dentistry. Naturally, there is a general ignorance among the public. It might be very well worth your while to pay your local dermatologist in Southlake, TX a visit and inquire just exactly what they do and how you can benefit from them.
If you are too busy to do that then check here for a list of some common procedures and operations that dermatologists perform. You will be surprised to find out that most of them are not even concerned with physical beauty or cosmetic purposes.
1. Cyst Extraction
Sebaceous cysts are large pockets and growths which are filled with dead white blood cells, oils, liquid, and sebaceous secretions. They are often benign and appear as little more than bumps and don’t require any treatment.
Sometimes, they can appear to be quite big and start bulging from the skin which looks very off putting, not to mention at that point they can be very painful and if they become infected then can lead to serious infection. Your local dermatologist in Southlake, TX knows how to handle them.
Cyst removal usually requires local anesthesia and surgical extraction. You must never attempt to rupture the cyst on your own since unlike a pimple they are located under the thick epidermal layer.
2. Boil Lancing
Boils are infected hair follicles which grow red, inflamed, and sensitive. They are very painful and often develop a lot of pus.
Usually your dermatologist in Southlake, TX will prescribe you pain medication to manage the pain and wait for the boil to dry up on its own. However, if after a certain point the boil does not shrivel up and is causing pain then it will be time to drain it.
Using local anesthesia, the dermatologist will puncture it and allow the accumulated pus to drain out and then sterilize the wound so re-infection does not occur. The draining of abscesses which are collections of pus anywhere in the body, not all too dissimilar from boils, is also done the same way.
3. Comedome Extraction
Comedomes are collections of keratin, oils, and sebum in hair follicles. They block the hair follicle and depending on whether this collection of matter takes place inside the follicle or nearer the skin, you get what are called whiteheads or blackheads.
Comedomes can be treated with normal hygiene practices and don’t require the service of your dermatologist in Southlake, TX but in some cases, they can get infected and inflamed or perhaps become too big and become macrodomes. This can become aesthetically unappealing.
In such a case, your dermatologist can remove them with precise cleaning instruments and leave your face feeling fresh and clean. Such cases of comedomes requiring dermatological intervention are usually in individuals with poor hygiene, excessive sebum and oil production or old people.
4. Mole Removal
Moles are benign tumors which really don’t do anything to affect a person and occur post-puberty usually. However, they can be unappealing and cause psychological anxiety and self-esteem issues in teenagers if they appear on the face, lips, and neck.
Your dermatologist in Southlake, TX can snip and remove them easily without scarring; it is a simple process over in a few minutes. There is another reason why you should get moles inspected and checked by your dermatologist in Southlake, TX. It is because new mole development is often associated with skin cancers. Considering the likelihood of skin cancer has increased due to ozone depletion, it is better to be safe than sorry and have that new growth, no matter where it might be on the body, checked out.
5. Laser Treatments
The use of lasers in dermatology and medicine overall has picked up steam. This has been possible due to advancements in laser technology which have made the use of it more easily plausible than before.
Your dermatologist in Southlake, TX might use laser treatment for a number of different procedures like burning unwanted hair follicles to prevent re-growth, removing scars, removing acne or for removing warts and other growths. It is possible, however, that not every dermatologist offers laser treatment so you should first check with your dermatologist in Southlake, TX if they do so.
6. Fungal Treatments
Fungal infections and yeast infections, a major example being athlete’s foot, are common skin conditions, particularly, in people with compromised immune systems.
Fungal infections can be very itchy and annoying while leaving the skin red, moist, and clammy. Your dermatologist in Southlake, TX can apply local topical ointments and creams which can clear such infections right away and prescribe proper hygiene practices to ensure they don’t return.
This list was just scratching the surface of all the different procedures and operations that dermatologists carry out. This did not even touch the many conditions of the nails and hair which are also treated by dermatologists. If you want to get a dermatological checkup and are looking for a dermatologist in Southlake, TX then consider Compassion Dermatology today. Our specialists provide a variety of treatments and services for various dermatological problems and conditions common in everyday life.
You can call us on 817-380-5911 to book an appointment today.