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You stare into the mirror, horrified. A zit is on your forehead and right before your presentation, too. You try to squeeze and pop it. Then you realize you have fleshy bumps on your nose, as well. Why is your skin breaking out so much?
Skin issues like fleshy bumps, called whiteheads, and pimples are extremely common. They naturally occur when you get excess dirt and oil on your face.
There’s no shame in them. Everyone gets a pimple every now and then. However, some people can develop actual acne problems that might dermatological care. It is in these cases that people should be concerned about skin.
If you live in the Southlake area in Texas, you should go book an appointment for consultations and treatments with dermatologists in Southlake, TX at Compassion Dermatology.
But how do know if you have a serious problem? How do you know which dermatological measures to seek out? How do you know what are the causes and solutions to your acne? And what is a whitehead anyway?
Fear not, you can find out the answer to each of the questions above in this handy guide below.
What Are the Causes of Acne?
So, you might be wondering what exactly causes acne on your face. Well the pimples, blackheads and cysts on your face or body appear because you have something blocking your pores. Your pores are tiny holes in your skin that release naturally existing skin oils and sweat.
Pores are openings to follicles and constitute hair sebaceous gland. Don’t worry, the latter only means oil glands. Dermatologists in Southlake, TX call the oil coming out of these glands sebum. When you have acne, it is very likely that you have dead skin, oil or bacteria inside your pores that are blocking them.
You can often get acne and oil on your skin in Southlake’s climate. When it’s hot, humid and dusty outside in Southlake, your pores can get blocked with oils and sweat.
What Are the Different Types of Acne?
When you are dealing with acne, you need to know which kind you have. There several kinds of acne that can occur in Southlakeresidents, whether male or female. Here are some of the most common ones:
These are usually white, small spots that can appear on your face and back. They can also be flesh colored in some instances.
You can tell if you have a whitehead if the skin around it is wrinkled and if the whitehead seems very large. Whiteheads can usually be easily treated and taken out and do not cause scarring. You can seek out a dermatologists in Southlake, TX if the whiteheads are persistent or do not go away from measures taken at home.
Blackheads can appear on your nose, back, cheeks, chin along with multiple other parts of your body. You can tell if you have blackheads if there are black colored spots on your face.
The cause of a blackhead is clogging though sebum and dead skin cells. What happens is that the pore remains open at the top but there is still clogging inside the pore.
Blackheads can be pulled out and treated with dermatological measures and can even be treated at home. You can seek out a good dermatologist in Southlake, TX, if the blackheads recur and are particularly large or stubborn.
You can also get cysts. These are usually the result of pores getting clogged by bacteria, sebum and dead skin cells. The blockages or clogging is usually below the nodules and goes deep inside the skin layers.
Cysts can be painful and can be either red or white large bumps on the skin. Cysts are the result of infections and can scar and damage your skin permanently so you should take them seriously.
Cysts should alert you to skin problems that will need proper care. If you have cysts, you should go see a dermatologist in Southlake, TX, at your earliest convenience.
What Are the Treatments Available for Acne?
So now you know what the different types of acne are. Now what do you do about them? What are measures that prevent or fix acne issues and scarring?
Well, there are several measures available. You have acne creams that can prevent new pimples. They will even dry out and finish old pimples.
These creams usually have benzoyl peroxide that kills acne-causing bacteria. You can seek out sulfur-containing lotions, cleansers and masks to get rid of acne. You can use resorcinol to remove dead skin cells and cleanse out your pores.
A dermatologist in Southlake, TX will often recommend soaps and acne washes to prevent pore clogging. These usually have salicylic acid in them.
What Can You Do to Help Acne?
There are several steps you can take to help with your acne. You can:
- Wash and cleanse your skin daily to prevent your pores clogging with excess oil and dirt. This can happen a lot in Southlake’s humid weather.
- You should shampoo at regular intervals throughout the week and keep your hair out of your face. This prevents the oil in your hair from creating pimples on your face.
- You should use makeup products that are non-comedogenic so that your pores are not clogged. You can ask a dermatologist in Southlake, TX for advice on which makeup products to use.
- You should drink a lot of water, especially during Southlake Hydration often makes skin look and feel better.
- You should change your pillow cover at regular intervals because sleeping on the same pillow, which has oils and bacteria collecting on it, can lead to acne.
- To prevent scarring and further acne, you should not touch, pick or squeeze a pimple. If you do, you will end up spreading bacteria and oil all over your face. If you have scars already, go see a licensed dermatologist in Southlake, TX for treatment.
- You should not touch your face too often since any bacteria or dirt on your hands can clog your pores on your face.
- Visit a licensed dermatologist in your area in Southlake, TX.
If you have acne issues, you should pay a visit to dermatologists in Southlake, TX at Compassion Dermatology.