4 Reasons You Need To Visit A Dermatology Expert | Southlake Area

Photo by Dmytro Zinkevych at Shutterstock

Did you know that your skin is considered an organ? It is actually the largest organ of the body. The skin’s main priority is providing protection for the rest of the body. a dermatologist is a medical doctor that specializes in this magnificent organ. Dermatologists are able to treat many different skin conditions, such as psoriasis, skin cancer, eczema, allergies, moles, and much more. There are over 3,000 skin ailments that dermatology is able to treat. If you live in the Southlake area and are in need of a dermatologist, contact Compassion Dermatology for a professional and healing experience.

Reasons to See a Dermatologist

There are many reasons you may want to visit a dermatologist. Those reasons may or may not be cosmetically related, however, regardless of your reason for visiting, you will be glad you did. Dermatology is a special practice that can help save lives and make you look more beautiful.


Dermatology is perfect for those who suffer from acne. Acne may be one of the biggest reasons individuals visit a dermatologist. While you can and should visit a dermatologist for acne and other skin ailments of any sort. Serious acne sufferers will benefit greatly from visiting one of these medical professionals.

If you have little to moderate acne, then you may be aware of the scarring and blemishes it can leave in your skin making you feel self-conscious about your appearance. Well, by visiting a trained dermatologist, you can get rid of those blemishes faster with medical treatments that will make them vanish and help your skin glow. Skin clearing methods used in dermatology have been proven to be safe and effective. These treatments will help you reduce the appearance of scars and reduce the occurrence of acne. If you suffer from mild or moderate acne, you may want to visit a dermatologist today.

Cystic Acne

Acne can become more severe, depending on the cause. Cystic acne is a serious and possibly life-threatening type of acne that should be addressed by a medical professional right away. If you live in the area, you should contact Compassion Dermatology right away, if you believe you are suffering from cystic acne.

You may be wondering what cystic acne is. Well, cystic acne is cyst-like acne that develops under the skin. A cyst is defined as noncancerous growths filled with liquid or a substance that may be painful at times. Cystic acne usually occurs from bacteria and other bacteria oils being trapped underneath the skin. Dry skin cells trapped inside your pores can also lead to cyst acne. Bacteria and dry skin don’t belong underneath your skin, and when it becomes trapped, it will cause these abnormal growths to grow and become painful. If cystic acne isn’t properly cared for, it could become infected and lead to other health problems.

Cystic acne is an extremely unfortunate skin condition that can be addressed by your local and reputable dermatologist. If you live in the Southlake area, you should visit Compassion Dermatology to have it assessed and treating. Your professional dermatologist will be able to help you determine the cause of cystic acne and help recommend applicable treatments that you can do at home. Your dermatologist will also be able to provide immediate treatment for the acne by using methods to drain the bacteria-filled cyst in a safe and sanitary way. If any infections have occurred, your doctor will also be able to treat them with techniques and methods conducive to your ailments and that has been proven to be safe and effective.

A Mole

Most moles are benign, blemishes that can be removed with the help of skin technology. You may decide that you like your mole or moles and decide not to remove them. Removing moles for cosmetic reasons is easy and safe to do, however, if you have a more serious mole problem, the key is to act fast. Irregular moles could be a sign of skin cancer. Skin cancer is something your dermatologist will be an expert in. If you suspect your mole could be cancerous, you should visit a dermatologist right away.

Cancerous moles could look like a regular mole, however, most cancerous moles are irregular in shape and size, and may begin to grow as well. If you notice any of these signs it is imperative you act fast. If melanoma – a form of skin cancer – is found early, it can be removed quickly with surgery. If melanoma has spread, it becomes harder to remove and may cause serious health issues, and even death.

Unfortunately, moles and birthmarks that you have had all of your life can turn cancerous. The key to saving your own life is to pay attention to your body and the signs and visit a dermatologist right away. Signs that a mole may be becoming a problem, is changing in shape and size, or itching and pain. If you see any new blemishes on your body, it is important to have them checked out right away.

Chronic Skin Conditions

Chronic skin conditions can be uncomfortable and may change your appearance for the worse. Having a skin condition is no reason to be ashamed and can be helped with professional dermatology treatments. There are many different types of chronic skin conditions that may be hard to self-diagnose without any proper training. Proper identification and treatment are important for healing. Getting treatment for a chronic skin condition can be life-changing.

Some chronic skin conditions may look and feel like overly sensitive skin, red or flushed skin, as well as dry or flaky skin. Itchiness, pain, and sensitivity to products or weather could be considered chronic skin conditions as well. The best way to find out is to visit a doctor that specializes in skin ailments. Once you find out what’s bothering you, you can then take steps to fix it.

If you are suffering from any skin condition or ailment, it will be beneficial for you to visit a dermatologist no matter what the answer is, answers are the first step to healing. If you live in the area, you should visit Compassion Dermatology for answers and treatment for all of your skin, nail, and hair related issues, no matter the level of seriousness.

6 Common Issues Treated By A Dermatologist | Southlake, TX

Photo by Studio Romantic at Shutterstock

Your skin is your largest organ, and it is one of the first people that people notice when they see you. It is not uncommon for blemishes and fine lines, and wrinkles to appear on your skin. These things are part of life. However, there are other skin issues that would require professional help from a dermatologist.

A dermatologist is a doctor who specializes in conditions of the skin, hair, and nails. A trained professional can diagnose and treat over 3,000 conditions.

If you are experiencing any of the issues listed below, a doctor can help.

#1 Acne

Acne is the most common skin condition in the United States. Some people get a random pimple here and there, while others develop pimples, whiteheads, blackheads, and deep cysts all over their faces, neck, back, and shoulders.

Acne occurs when the oil glands produce too much sebum, which causes the pores to clog. Bacteria can also cause bacteria.

Although acne isn’t life-threatening, it can affect your quality of life. If you have severe acne, you won’t want to go out in public. Just having a conversation with a person can be difficult.

A professional in Southlake, TX, can create a treatment plan which can include prescription creams and gels, chemical peels, oral medication, and laser therapy. When your acne is under control, you will start looking better and feeling better about yourself.

#2 Eczema

Eczema is a term that describes various skin conditions that cause the skin to swell and become itchy. Eczema also causes your skin to dry out. The most common type of eczema is called atopic dermatitis. Most people who have eczema are uncomfortable and itchy most of the time. If the eczema is in areas that are not covered by clothing, people who suffer from this condition become embarrassed by the red and flaky skin.

If you are experiencing eczema symptoms, you should contact a dermatologist in Southlake, TX. There are over-the-counter creams available; however, they aren’t as strong as what you can get from a professional. A professional can prescribe prescription-strength creams and lotions, as well as oral medication. A professional can also recommend a skin regimen that can reduce the severity of your symptoms.

#3 Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a condition of the skin that affects 125 million people worldwide. The condition occurs due to an overactive immune system. It causes your skin cells to form too quickly, and they begin to pile up on the surface of the skin. This causes patches called plaques. The plaques are thick and red and can have silvery scales. Psoriasis is very itchy and painful. The plaques typically appear on the scalp, face, elbows, knees, and legs. The plaques can appear on other parts of the body, but it is rare.

Unfortunately, psoriasis is a chronic condition, and there is no cure. However, a dermatologist can create a treatment plan to help treat the condition. If your professional suspects that you have psoriasis, they will take a sample of your skin and examine it under the microscope. If you do have psoriasis, a doctor can prescribe cream to help soothe and heal the skin. They can also prescribe oral medication to help suppress your overactive immune system.

#4 Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer, and if it is caught early, it is the easiest type of cancer to treat. The most serious type of skin cancer is melanoma, and it can result in death. There are symptoms of skin cancer that you should always be looking out for. These include:

  • Skin growths that change in shape or size
  • Skin growths that change in color
  • A skin growth that gets thicker or changes in texture
  • An irregular growth that is wider than a pencil eraser
  • Skin that continuously bleeds, crusts, or scabs

A dermatologist can diagnose skin cancer. If they determine that you have cancer, they will create a treatment plan based on how advanced your cancer already is. It is a good idea to have a dermatologist examine your skin once a year to check for any signs of skin cancer. If you have any growths that you cannot see yourself, your dermatologist will catch it.

#5 Rosacea

Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that can also affect the eyes. The condition causes you to look flushed. The redness typically appears on your cheek, nose, and chin. Some people also experience redness on their ears and chest. In severe cases, skin bumps, swelling, and thickness of the skin can occur. Doctors aren’t quite sure what causes this condition, but some believe that it occurs when the blood vessels expand too quickly.

Unfortunately, there is no cure for rosacea; however, a dermatologist can help treat the symptoms. They can prescribe medication, laser therapy, and certain lifestyle changes.

#6 Varicose Veins

Varicose veins typically occur in the legs, and they are swollen, twisted veins that are very visible and very painful. This condition is not only painful; it can also be deadly. Varicose veins can cause skin sores and can increase your risk of developing blood clots.

A dermatologist can treat varicose veins using support stockings and taking oral medications. In severe cases, they can inject a chemical into the vein to help reduce the size. There are also laser and surgical options available.

If you are experiencing any issues with your skin, hair, or nails, schedule an appointment with Compassion Dermatology in Southlake. We have a friendly, highly trained medical team, and we are always up-to-date on the latest technology and research regarding dermatology.

We understand that skin, hair, and nail issues are more than just painful and uncomfortable. We realize that many of these conditions can affect your appearance and can be embarrassing. Because of this, you can be sure that we will treat you with the utmost kindness and respect.

At Compassion Dermatology, we will do our best to treat your skin condition, helping you look and feel better. To book your appointment, give us a call today.

Dermatologist Tips: 5 Active Ingredients In Anti-Acne Products | Southlake, TX

Photo by Maridav at Shutterstock

If you’re struggling with acne, you’re not alone. Acne is one of the most common skin conditions that affect Americans. In fact, as many as 80% of Americans will have to deal with acne at some point in their lives. Many of these people will end up speaking with a dermatologist about their problem. Skincare treatments that can get rid of acne can be rather expensive.


There are a plethora of over-the-counter anti-acne products out there. However, some of these products are using buzzwords to attract attention. They don’t actually include any active ingredients that can help reduce acne and acne scars. Before investing a lot of money on skincare products, you should always take some time to learn about the active ingredients that can help with acne. If you are unsure of which ingredients will help, speak with a dermatologist.


This article will look at 5 the most common active ingredients that dermatologists in Southlake, TX recommend.


#1. Salicylic Acid

Salicylic acid is perhaps one of the most common active ingredients that doctors look for in anti-acne products. This ingredient will help prevent pores from getting clogged or plugged, and is one of the main ingredients present in most over-the-counter anti-acne products. You’ll usually want to look for a product that contains anywhere from 0.5 to 5% salicylic acid for best results.


It’s important to note that there are some possible side effects with using salicylic acid. Some consumers have reported mild stinging and skin irritation; however, these side effects are not permanent.


#2. Benzoyl Peroxide

Benzoyl peroxide is another common ingredient that you’ll find in over-the-counter anti-acne products. This ingredient does a great job at killing bacteria that causes acne. In a way, it prevents acne from forming at all. Benzoyl peroxide can also help remove excess oil and dead skin cells. This clears up the skin and prevents your pores from clogging. In general, you’ll want to look for products that contain anywhere from 2.5 to 10% of this ingredient.


Like with salicylic acid, there are some side effects that you should be wary of. Benzoyl peroxide has been known to cause dry skin, scaling and redness. If you have sensitive skin, you may want to stray away from this ingredient. You should also speak to a dermatologist before using this active ingredient, as it may end up irritating your skin. There may be better alternatives out there.


#3. Clay

That’s right. Clay is not only for pottery. It’s also a great ingredient for those who are struggling with acne, and can help unclog pores and soothe skin. Clay has anti-inflammatory properties that will prevent inflammation and also temporarily reduce oil production, which will also help reduce acne. It’s one of the best calming ingredients out there, and it’s always easy to find an effective mask to put on after a long day. The clay may also brighten your skin and give it a beautiful glow!


#4. Sulfur

This may sound like a weird ingredient, but it’s actually very effective at fighting acne. Sulfur does a great job at removing and getting rid of dead skin cells on your face. It’ll also remove any excess oil that’s present. These two abilities will allow sulfur to help unclog your pores. In many cases, sulfur will be found in over-the-counter anti-acne products that contain other ingredients in our list, like salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide.


With that said, you should consult with a dermatologist before using any products that contain sulfur, as sulfur can be drying on the skin. It may actually irritate those who already have dry skin. This ingredient is also often associated with an unpleasant odor.


#5. Alpha Hydroxy Acids

There are many different types of alpha hydroxy acids that can be found in over-the-counter anti-acne products. Two of the most popular types include glycolic acid and lactic acid. Both are loved by dermatologists, as they can do a great job at reducing acne.


These acids work by removing dead skin cells and reducing inflammation. They’ll often soothe skin as well, so it feels more relaxed. Some alpha hydroxy acids stimulate the growth of new skin, which will reduce pores and give you a more balanced tone and complexion. These active ingredients can improve the appearance of acne scars if used for long periods of time.


As there are many different types of alpha hydroxy acids, it can be difficult to discern which one may be most beneficial for your skin. Fortunately, our dermatologists can take a look at your skin and give you a more in-depth analysis of the type of acids that will be more effective for your skin, so you only purchase products that work for you! Keep in mind that different ingredients are more effective for different skin types and tones.

Compassion Dermatology Can Help!

There are actually a lot of over the counter anti acne products out there that can make a huge difference to your skin. They can unclog your pores and get rid of acne. Some of these products may even prevent acne scars from forming. The only issue is that it is often difficult for consumers to find the right product for their skin. Without the help of a dermatologist in Southlake, TX, many consumers fall into the Trap of purchasing products based on the buzzwords that are on the packaging. They actually have no idea whether the ingredients in the products are effective at all.


If you want to have clear, beautiful skin, give Compassion Dermatology a call at 817-380-5911. Or, you can even request an appointment online! We can help you find the products that you need. Or, we can even recommend certain skin care treatments that can help you get flawless skin. Together, we can build a plan for you that will help you achieve the skin goals that you may have with ease. Everyone has different skin and our dermatologists can tailor our program to your needs. We can help you find both over-the-counter anti-acne products or write you a prescription!

Questions For Your Dermatologist About Icon Treatments | Southlake, TX

Photo by Irina Bg at Shutterstock

The Icon aesthetic system is a multi-purpose platform with seven hand pieces, each designed to tackle a particular skincare issue. From hair removal to wrinkle reduction and skin resurfacing through state-of-the-art cooling and fractional laser use, the Icon can take care of nearly every skincare issue you raise with your dermatologist.

What can Icon treatments be used for?

The Icon Aesthetic System from Palomar offers fast, significant results for a wide variety of skincare treatments. Some of the more popular treatment services your dermatologist in Southlake, TX, can provide you with include:

  • Pigment clearance
  • Wrinkle reduction
  • Hair reduction
  • Stretch mark reduction
  • Acne scar reduction
  • Leg vein clearance
  • Skin resurfacing

The Icon system has various hand attachments that can be used, depending on the resurfacing treatment required. In particular, the Icon 2940 is designed to effectively reduce wrinkles, age spots, brown spots, caused by either natural aging or excess sun exposure.

Is an Icon treatment classed as a surgical procedure?

No, Icon treatments provided by your dermatologist are not classed as surgical treatments.

What is the average recovery time?

Since the Icon system utilizes a fractional laser, the recovery process is much less intensive. Fractional lasers focus the intense heat energy in specifically targeted areas, avoiding the healthy surrounding tissue, which means the healing process is much quicker than with other treatments—the average recovery time is between 10-14 days.

Is there anything I should avoid before undertaking an Icon treatment?

Before undergoing an Icon treatment at your local dermatologist office, we may ask you to prepare in the following ways during the lead-up to to your appointment:

  • Avoid excess sun exposure
  • Avoid using tanning products
  • Decrease your alcohol intake
  • Discontinue the use of harsh skin care products
  • Avoid drinking or eating for 6 hours before your treatment

Of particular importance is the discontinuance of chemical skincare peels, aggressive scrubs, and other harsh skincare routines, though topical moisturizers and other products such as sunscreen may still be used. Sunscreen is vital if you’re unable to decrease sun exposure before your treatment occurs.

What if I’m using a prescription topical acne treatment? Can I still have Icon skin treatments done by my dermatologist?

Before proceeding with any skincare treatment, you should make your dermatologist aware of any topical treatments you’re using on the areas you wish your Icon treatment to target if they aren’t already aware of them. Your skin should be assessed before the booking occurs, as a medical professional will need to determine the appropriate wait time.

We prefer to treat healthy, non-irritated skin. If you’re using anything that causes your skin to be dry, flaky, or irritated, then a waiting period of 1-2 weeks after discontinuing use of the product that has affected your skin may be recommended. It does not mean that you won’t qualify for treatment.

I’m taking antibiotics. Can I still get Icon laser treatments?

If you’re taking antibiotics, your dermatologist may wish to perform test spots before treatment to determine your sensitivity to the lasers used. If the test spot results are satisfactory, you can proceed with your laser treatment of choice.

What can I expect to happen during treatment?

On the day of your treatment, before the laser process begins, your dermatologist will examine, cleanse, and prepare your skin. Local anesthetic or numbing cream may be applied as necessary before the laser targets the chosen area. The laser can target areas of irregular pigmentation, uneven skin texture, wrinkles, fine lines, and other imperfections.

As the procedure goes on, your dermatologist will closely monitor the effect on your skin and make sure the session is both effective and as comfortable as possible for you. Once the skin treatment has finished, soothing ointment or serum should be applied to help ease initial discomfort.

How many sessions will I need to book?

As little as one session can provide the results that you need. If more treatment sessions are desired, your doctor will advise on when it’s possible to schedule another skin treatment session. It often depends on how long it takes your skin to recover and your skin’s characteristics.

What can I expect to happen after treatment?

Immediately after treatment, you’ll notice some discomfort. Your skin will feel raw and swollen. The good news is you can safely ease the pain with over-the-counter medications and cold compresses.

Approximately 1-2 weeks after your Icon treatment session, your skin will be healing. You may see scabbing and crusting as the new skin forms. Scabbing is nothing to worry about, and you can often return to work at the end of the first week after treatment. You may find it beneficial to take antibiotics and antiviral medications, which can be prescribed. Keep taking these medications until the course is complete for the best chance at healing. During the first few weeks, try to avoid excess sun exposure.

Beyond the first few weeks, you’ll notice your new skin will remain pink. The pinkness can remain for several months. Wrinkles and other signs of aging will eventually reappear as your new skin ages.

Why choose an Icon laser treatment?

One of the unique features of an Icon laser treatment is that the device has a melanin reader. This state-of-the-art technology is the industry’s only melanin reading device which measures your skin’s melanin index during every treatment. The index helps to determine the ideal settings for your laser treatment so that the laser is safely calibrated to provide the best results possible.

Why choose Compassion Dermatology?

Our skilled skincare team remains actively informed on the latest dermatology research and innovations that will help you to maintain the best skin appearance possible. We trust the results of the Icon Aesthetic System and believe that you should too. In addition to our knowledge and skill, you’ll receive the utmost compassion and care at our Southlake facility that also serves Southlake, TX, residents. Request an appointment with us, and we’ll be happy to discuss any concerns or requirements you may have regarding our advanced Icon laser treatments.

5 Signs You Should See A Dermatologist | Southlake, TX

Photo By Albina Glisic at Shutterstock

Wrinkles and blemishes are not the only unwelcome skin conditions you may experience. There are thousands of other condition problems that affect the skin. Some of these problems show mild symptoms, while others may be severe and can interfere with your life.

Pus, rashes, pain, itching, and redness are just a few signs that you need to see a dermatologist.

Compassion Dermatology specializes in nails, hair, and skin treatments. Some of these treatments can make your skin look better.

Here, we look at five reasons you should see a dermatologist.

1. Infection

Skin infections can irritate because our skin is very sensitive. Skin infections may be caused by bacteria, viruses, fungus, or yeast. Fungal infection, for instance, leads to itchy and nagging problems, while viruses cause herpes and warts. All these infections, including those caused by bacteria, can become deadly if left unchecked. A dermatologist is well placed to diagnose the cause of your skin itchiness and offer the best solution.

2. Acne

Acne is a normal skin condition in adolescents, but it can become a nuisance if it crosses the normal boundaries. Acne can cause unsightly blemishes on your face that appear in the form of deep cysts, pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads.

Acne forms when the oil glands in your skin produce too much sebum, which ends up clogging the skin pores. The accumulated sebum causes swelling and is a good breeding ground for bacteria. Blemishes can appear on your shoulders, chest, back, neck, and face.

Even though acne isn’t dangerous, it is unsightly and upsetting. If not treated properly and in good time, you can cause a permanent scar. When acne is much of a concern to you, visit a doctor. Treatment of acne can include prescription or over-the-counter gels and creams, chemical peels, oral medication, or laser therapy.

3. Eczema

Eczema is a term that refers to many degenerative skin problems that cause skin swelling (inflammation). If you are suffering from any of these conditions, your skin can become rough, cracked, itchy, and inflamed. Eczema is emotionally distressing and very uncomfortable.

Atopic dermatitis is the most common eczema type in children and babies.

Kids can develop eczema-related rashes on any part of their bodies, which may leak fluid. Because of the itchiness, an affected kid may have trouble sleeping.

Eczema can affect most parts of your body, including your eyelids, hands, and face. You may feel unbearable itching in these areas, and this can end up affecting your whole body. If you suspect you are suffering from this condition, contact your doctor as soon as possible. The dermatologist will carry out tests to determine the cause of your skin condition and prescribe proper medication.

4. Psoriasis

Psoriasis can cause your skin cells to grow ten times faster than normal. This condition is connected to the immune system, and it results in red bumpy patches on the skin that is covered with scales. Psoriasis can grow on any part of your body, but they mostly appear on the lower back, knees, elbows, and scalp. They can also appear on genitals, fingernails, and even in the mouth. The patches (plaques) can be thick, painful, and itchy.

If you experience these symptoms, visit your doctor for a proper diagnosis. Being a chronic condition, you need not wait for long. Your doctor can prescribe creams to help soothe your skin and also give you oral medication to check your immune system.

5. Aging Signs

Are you getting concerned about your aging skin? Your skin is bound to age naturally, but you may not feel comfortable with the discolorations, dryness, and wrinkles. If you are a smoker or you like to expose your skin to the harmful UV rays from the sun, your signs of aging can be worse.

You can try to improve the quality of your skin by stopping smoking, eating healthy, exercising, using sunscreens, and drinking a lot of water. But if your appearance is an issue, talk to your dermatologist. Many treatments are available to tighten your skin and smooth the wrinkles.

A dermatologist can work on your skin to improve its color and texture. After such a treatment, you’ll have an attractive youthful look. Your doctor may recommend wrinkle fillers, Botox injections, laser therapy, or chemical peels. The procedure recommended by your doctor will depend on your skin condition.

Dermatologist in Southlake, TX

If you have any skin condition that worries you, contact a dermatologist as soon as possible. Any delay can cause unbearable health complications. Compassion Dermatology is your partner in all your skincare needs.

We have experts in cosmetic, surgical, and medical services for nail, hair, and skin health. We have a new building dedicated to the comfort and needs of our cosmetic and medical dermatology patients.

We offer complete skin evaluation, surgical & medical procedures, and cosmetic & procedures services. Some services we offer include:

  • Sculpsure
  • Icon
  • Hydrafacial
  • Microneedling for rejuvenation of skin
  • Skin pen with PRP
  • PRP for hair loss

We have a relaxing and welcoming facility that supports state-of-the-art cosmetic and medical technology. Our exam rooms are comfortable and private, meaning you’ll have ample time to explain your problem without worrying about someone’s eavesdropping.

At Compassion Dermatology, we offer services that will restore your confidence. We can enhance your nail, skin, and hair health with professionalism, compassion, and scientific treatment. We encourage our customers to lead healthy lifestyles to maintain healthy skin.


If you are in the market for skincare experts, don’t look further than Compassion Dermatology. We have established ourselves as a household name in Southlake, TX having served here for many years. All our customers have reported great improvements with their skin conditions. As stated above, we offer a wide range of medical, surgical, and cosmetic services for the general wellbeing of our customers.

We keep up to date with the latest technology and research on skincare. That’s why we can comfortably use modern equipment and procedures rarely found with other dermatologists.

Everything You Need To Know About Acne And Finding A Dermatologist | Southlake, TX

Photo By RomarioIen at Shutterstock

If you suffer from acne, you’ll know that it can be a deliberating condition that can cause your confidence and self-esteem to suffer. Many people have acne when they are a teenager and are left with scarring on their faces. These can be removed or the appearance reduced by investing in a chemical peel treatment.

This article will look at the different treatments available for acne and how you can reduce the appearance of scarring. If you have problems with acne or any other skin condition and live in Southlake, TX, you may contact a dermatologist at Compassion Dermatology. The clinic provides a wide range of treatments for the skin, hair, and nails.

What is acne?

Acne is often caused by several factors that can be health or hormone-related or due to environmental factors. Acne is most common during the teenage years and occurs when oil glands become activated during puberty. Hormones from the adrenal glands stimulate these glands, and acne is a common problem in both males and females.

Oil naturally occurs in the skin, and its job is to lubricate the skin and keep it protected from damage. Sometimes skin cells become blocked, and this creates a build-up of oil. When this happens, bacteria will multiply and cause acne. Acne causes the skin to become red and inflamed.

Depending on how close to the skin’s surface, the inflammation is, a variety of acne will form. When the inflammation is close to the skin’s surface, a pustule will form. If the swelling is slightly deeper, you’ll end up with pimples, and a cyst will form if it’s deeper still.

What happens next will determine whether a whitehead or blackhead forms. When the oil can break through the skin’s surface, this will cause a whitehead to form. Blackheads are formed when the oil becomes oxidized, and its color changes to black.

What causes acne?

There are many different causes of acne. Some of the most common reasons are listed below. If you are suffering from acne, you can contact a dermatologist who will prescribe treatment, which will help clear your skin up. Treatment will also reduce the likelihood of scarring occurring.


Almost everyone will have acne when they’re a teenager. However, severe acne is more likely to run in families.


You may have heard that junk foods such as pizza, chocolate, and fried foods cause acne. While it’s true that these types of foods aren’t very good for your health, they don’t cause acne. Research has shown that its dairy products and foods that contain high GI can trigger acne.


It is also a myth that blackheads are caused by dirt; they are caused by oxidized oil rather than dirt. Some people have oily skin and are more prone to blackheads. Sweat also doesn’t cause acne to form; however, it does increase the build-up of bacteria. This is particularly true after exercise, it’s, therefore, advisable to shower daily. You should also be aware that excessive washing, or washing your face with soap can dry out your skin and could cause irritation.


Hormones cause teenagers to get acne as they go through puberty. Most women will continue to have breakouts at monthly intervals due to their cycle. Some types of oral contraceptive pills can be used to help relieve acne. Others are likely to be making it worse. It’s best to speak to your doctor if you think your contraception is making your acne worse.


A professional will often recommend choosing makeup that’s water-based or says oil-free on the packaging as these won’t clog your pores.

Treatments for acne

If you’re suffering from acne, you may like to seek help and advice from a dermatologist. Conventional treatments for acne include creams, face washes, or even a prescription from a doctor to reduce acne effects. Acne treatment will help to reduce redness and inflammation while allowing your skin to heal.

It’s a good idea to book an appointment with a dermatologist if you have acne or other skin conditions. The dermatologist will be able to evaluate your skin and can decide what the best type of treatment would be.

Chemical Peel

A dermatologist can also help you if you’ve been left with scarring from acne. They can carry out a chemical peel, which is a treatment that will dramatically improve the condition of your skin. A dermatologist can treat your face and neck with a chemical peel to improve various skin conditions such as acne, spots, freckles, and sun damage. It can also be used to reduce the appearance of mild scars.

During a chemical peel treatment, the dermatologist will apply a solution to your skin. This will cause the skin to blister, and it will eventually peel off. Patients will then be left with a new layer of skin that is smoother and healthier looking.

Chemical peels are also commonly used to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles from under the eyes and around the mouth. After the patient’s skin peels, it will be less wrinkly than the old skin.

Compassion Dermatology, Dermatologist

If you suffer from acne or any other skin condition and are looking for skincare advice or treatment, don’t hesitate to contact Compassion Dermatology. The clinic serves Southlake, TX, and the surrounding area.

Compassion Dermatology employs a skilled medical team that will help your skin to heal. If you aim to improve your skin’s overall health, a visit to the practice will help. The practice employs a selection of expert medical, surgical, and cosmetic doctors who provide services for skin, hair, and nails.

The skilled skin-care team remains up-to-date with the latest treatments, research, and technologies. If you’re looking to improve the appearance of acne scars or reduce irritating symptoms associated with acne or any other skin condition, contact Compassion Dermatology today on 817-380-5911.

Things a Dermatologist Can Help You with | Southlake, TX

Photo By Budimir Jevtic at Shuttestock

If you’ve ever questioned whether you need to visit a dermatologist or not, you’re not alone. Many people aren’t sure if they need to see a skin doctor because of a problem that they’re experiencing. To help you understand which types of problems a doctor of dermatology

treats, we’ve created this short but accessible guide for you to reference.

You can seek guidance from it whenever you experience a skin-related issue that needs medical attention. Knowing what signs and symptoms to look for in rashes and other skin problems help you learn the cause of them and the best treatment options available. Adding a dermatologist in Southlake, TX, to your team of medical professionals helps you look and feel your very best.

The Types of Services a Dermatologist Has to Offer You

A doctor of dermatology deals with skin conditions that are mild to aggressive in nature. You may have never needed to see a doctor of dermatology until now because you weren’t facing an issue with your skin. Now that you feel discomfort, it’s imperative to see someone who can get to the root of the issue and offer you solutions for relief.

Here are some things a dermatologist can help you with:

  • Moles
  • Pigment Changes
  • Growths
  • Inflammation
  • Precancer
  • Skin Cancer
  • Melanoma
  • Dysplastic Moles
  • Facial Vessels
  • Acne Scars
  • Stretch Marks
  • Scalp Issues
  • Permanent Hair Reduction

The list contains just a few of the issues best addressed by a doctor of dermatology. The doctor of dermatology that you work with treats each patient like the unique person that they are. They do not offer one-size-fits-all solutions because they know that they won’t help things at all. Instead, they treat you as an individual with unique skin care needs.

A dermatologist has a lot they can do for you. After reading the list, you have a better understanding of why dermatology matters. It should be a service that you seek as part of your ongoing healthcare regimen. Considering that the skin is the largest organ that you have, you must take good care of it.

What to Look for in a Good Dermatologist in Southlake, TX

An excellent doctor of dermatology can make any skin problem better. Knowing what to look for in a medical professional is imperative. It helps you choose the right skincare expert to work with based on the needs that you have currently.

To help you identify the best dermatologist office to work with, we’ve included some character traits that excellent doctors of dermatology exhibit. That way, you’re not left wondering why you chose to go to a doctor of dermatology in the first place.

Here is what makes a skincare doctor the best option for you:

  • They take time to get to know you and the issue you’re experiencing. Empowering the patient is something that many doctors want to do. They want you to feel like your thoughts and ideas matter. They don’t know the level of discomfort that you’ve experienced, so they listen so that they’re better able to understand and assist you. They get to know you as an individual and the problem that you’re experiencing with your skin.


  • They provide you with solutions that best meet your needs. Everyone is different. You can’t expect the same results as someone else. Your skincare doctor takes into account all of the things that could be causing the problem with your skin. They then go to work, trying to treat the issue to the best of their ability. They use their knowledge, expertise, and training to determine whether surgery or medication will help you with your rash, acne, or other skin-related problem.


  • They give you their undivided attention when you have an appointment with them. A good patient/doctor relationship built on trust is valuable. When the doctor of dermatology you see gives you their time and listens to you, a magical exchange occurs. You feel like your needs will be met, and the doctor knows that you’ll do everything you can to follow their suggestions. There is nothing more frustrating than asking for assistance and not getting the time or respect that you deserve.


  • They treat you with compassion. Many people experience anxiety when they need to see a doctor. Visiting a dermatologist isn’t much different for them. A skincare doctor should be one that offers you kindness and compassion in everything they do. They should help you overcome your fears and challenges by treating you with care. Doing so can help expedite the healing process and ensure that you come back to see them again.


  • They explain what you should do next following a visit or treatment option from them. You have clear instructions as to what to do to help your issue. The doctor of dermatology makes it very easy to follow the directions that they’ve given to you. They go above and beyond to make sure that instructions aren’t hard-to-follow or understand. They ask you to contact them if they have any ongoing questions that they need to resolve.


  • They’re available to answer your questions while you’re healing and during follow-up visits. The best doctor of dermatology is around when you need them. They go above and beyond to make sure that you feel good about the level of care that you’re receiving from them. The skincare professional has a vested interest in your health and well-being. They make themselves available and accessible to help you whenever you need additional assistance.

The best doctor is one that you can envision yourself working with for years. They are kind, understanding, and helpful. They make you feel seen and heard as a patient. They don’t dismiss your concerns and make you a partner in choosing the right solution to meet your needs.

Compassion Dermatology Makes Skin-Related Issues Better

Got questions? Compassion Dermatology has answers. To learn more about our services and how they can help you, contact us right away. Call 817-893-2670 to schedule an appointment with our skilled and compassionate dermatologist. You can also email us at welcome@compassiondermatology.com or request an appointment through our convenient online form.

Visit A Dermatologist To Treat These Common Skin Conditions | Southlake, TX

Photo By aslysun at shutter stock

Do you suffer from a painful or irritating skin condition? Are you looking for an effective treatment that can help with acne? If you have any type of skin condition, you can visit a dermatologist who will make a diagnosis and prescribe a course of treatment to clear up your skin effectively.

This article will look at some of the most common skin conditions and give details of how a dermatologist may be able to help. If you’re searching for a professional in Southlake, TX or the surrounding area, don’t hesitate to contact Compassion Dermatology for an appointment today. The clinic treats a wide range of skin conditions.


Acne is the number one reason people visit a dermatologist because it is prevalent across America and the rest of the world. Acne is a condition that’s generally associated with teenagers. However, many of the patients seeking treatment from a dermatologist are adults. Acne is usually a long-lasting condition that can have significant effects on the patient’s body image, confidence, and self-esteem. It’s therefore a good idea to get the condition treated as soon as possible.

Most acne sufferers have spots on their faces as well as their chest, neck, upper back, and shoulders. Acne comes in different forms; some people have pimples. Other people have breakouts of whiteheads or blackheads. In other patients, painful nodules and even cysts develop. If acne is left untreated, it can leave scarring or darker spots on the skin.


Hives are a painful and irritating condition where raised, red, lumps develop on the skin, which are itchy. Hives can be caused by several different things, most commonly insect stings, some medication, or a food allergy. The good news is that hives will usually disappear on their own accord, and this usually takes just 2-4 hours.

For some unlucky people, hives will take months to clear up and may need treatment. If you have lots of hives all over your body or if you feel that your breathings are being affected, you should seek advice from a dermatologist as soon as possible.

The best way to get rid of hives is to avoid things that you think are triggering them. In some cases, there is no known cause for the hives, and a dermatologist will be able to prescribe medication to stop them from feeling itchy.


It’s incredible the number of people who seek help from a dermatologist for sunburn. It’s always better to prevent sunburn from occurring rather than to cure it. Sometimes it can be hard to know how much sun is safe or how long to spend on a UV bed.

Always put on sunscreen when out in the sun to protect your skin and stay in the shade during the hottest part of the day. Burns can be relieved using oil-free moisturizer. For more severe burns, a professional can prescribe a cream that contains iodine as well as anti-inflammatory drugs to help reduce pain and swelling.


Rosacea is a disease that causes swelling to patients’ faces, which is red and painful. There are often prominent blood vessels and pimples. The condition usually develops in females who are over thirty years old. Rosacea is caused by environmental elements or problems with the veins. Immune issues can also trigger it.


Eczema is a common condition in children, but some adults have it as well. Its often not known what causes the disease, but the immune system, genetics, or the environment are all thought to play a part.

Eczema is usually in the skin fold of joints but can also be on the face, feet, and hands. The condition can be flaky and dry with skin that looks red and is itchy. Doctors often use steroids to get rid of the condition, but a dermatologist will be able to prescribe creams that can be used long term.


Herpes is caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox and symptoms of the condition include red, blistered skin that can appear anywhere on the body. Herpes may also be accompanied by other problems such as a headache, fever, or fatigue.

Athlete’s Foot

Athletes’ foot is a common fungal infection that causes redness and itching between the toes. It can also cause cracked skin. Athletes’ foot is often caught from public places, including showers, swimming pools, and gym locker rooms. A dermatologist is likely to provide antifungal treatments.


Psoriasis is a widespread skin condition that affects about 6.7 million people in America. Psoriasis causes painful scaly patches that look red or silver. The condition also causes bone stiffness as well as swelling or pain in the joints.

Applying a moisturizing cream to the affected areas will help psoriasis as this will stop the skin from drying out. You’ll likely be prescribed cortisone cream if you have psoriasis.


Warts are caused by the human papillomavirus and are raised bumps that can be anywhere on the body. There are five different types of warts, and most of these will need to be removed by being frozen off using salicylic acid. Warts usually aren’t dangerous, but they are contagious and look unsightly, they can also be painful.

Compassion Dermatology

If you suffer from any of the above skin conditions and are looking for help, advice, and treatment, don’t hesitate to contact Compassion Dermatology. The clinic serves Southlake, TX, and the surrounding area.

Compassion Dermatology is a place where your skin can heal; the skilled medical team will help you improve your skin’s overall health. The practice comprises expert medical, surgical, and cosmetic doctors who provide services for skin, hair, and nails.

The skilled skin-care team is highly experienced and remains up-to-date with the latest treatments, research, and technologies. If you’re looking to improve your skin appearance or reduce irritating symptoms, contact Compassion Dermatology today on 817-893-2670.

Dermatologist Tips: Skin Care Problems to Avoid This Summer | Southlake, TX

Photo By Elena Sherengovskaya at Shutterstock

As anyone who’s experienced a summer in Southlake, TX can tell you, the heat can do a number on your skin. Whether you’re out in the sun all day or you only go outside sparingly during the hottest months in the Metroplex, it’s important that you take proper care of your skin each and every time.

However, people don’t always take the necessary precautions to avoid skin damage, and the usual result is a meeting with a dermatologist to address those issues and come up with a treatment plan for their skin. It’s important to take good care of your skin all year long, but during the summer, it’s especially critical. There aren’t many things worse than having to miss out on some summer fun because your doctor spotted an issue with your skin that you could have easily prevented.

As with most things, when it comes to skin care, a little bit of knowledge makes a world of difference. By taking proper precautions, you can avoid these common issues and save yourself an unnecessary trip to the dermatologist!

Acne Breakouts

When your pores get clogged, acne is usually one of the results. You might not know it, but your skin is home to over 1,000 different species of bacteria. Most of the time, these microorganisms are helpful to your skin and produce acids that make your skin’s pH level inhospitable to harmful organisms. However, during the summer, you tend to sweat a lot more than usual, and your sweat mixes with the oils and bacteria on your skin to fill your pores.

When that happens, you’re going to end up with several zits on your skin, often in places that you really don’t want. As your dermatologist will tell you, the easiest way to prevent these breakouts is to wash away your sweat on a regular basis. If you’ve been active at all on a hot day make time to take a shower before you go to bed that evening. Your skin will thank you!


If you’re like many young Americans, you’ve probably got a regular workout routine that you stick to, even on days when you really would prefer a day off. That’s great for your body, but during the summer, it isn’t always so great for your skin.

That’s because most people who work out tend to do so in tighter clothes that stick to their body and won’t get in their way while they’re lifting weights, running or otherwise getting active. Again, that’s great for your body, but it causes problems for your skin because it keeps sweat from escaping your skin. Worse, it does so around your hair follicles, which leads to folliculitis, a skin issue that presents itself as itchy bumps on your skin.

The best way to prevent folliculitis and a trip to the doctor is to change out of tight clothes as soon as possible. Ideally, you should bring a change of clothes with you in your workout bag and take a shower after you’ve completed your workout. Not only will this help you feel a lot cleaner and ready to move on to the rest of your day, but it’ll reduce your risk of folliculitis — and that will make both your personal trainer and your dermatologist happy!

Poison Ivy

During the summer, roughly 40 million Americans find themselves in search of a dermatologist because they’ve encountered a patch of poison ivy. Not everyone is allergic to the oils of the plant, but if you’re one of the people that does have a poison ivy allergy, you’re most susceptible to it during the spring and summer.

That’s because these are by far the nicest times to go for a walk in and around Southlake, TX, and because of the high temperatures in the Metroplex, people tend to wear less clothing than in colder months. Plus, the clothes they wear tend to be looser and more comfortable, as many people have the time to dress casual and take more time for themselves.

Normally, casual clothes get the dermatologist seal of approval, but when it comes to poison ivy, they can actually work against you. That’s because the oils of the plant have a greater chance to come into contact with bare skin, and when that happens, you’re likely to get a rash. Your best bet is to know what these plants look like and avoid them as best as you can. If you do come into contact with poison ivy, be sure to shower as soon as possible. Sometimes, you can save yourself a trip to the dermatologist by getting the oils off your skin early enough — but you don’t have a long window to do this, so your shower has to be immediate.


By far the most common and most avoidable issue that a dermatologist will see during the summer is a sunburn. Unfortunately, many Americans either don’t use a high enough SPF sunscreen or forget to add sunscreen at all, which leaves their skin vulnerable to UV light coming from the sun.

Even on a cloudy day, you’ve still got to worry about sun damage, because clouds will only block about 20 percent of the UV rays from the sun. The remaining 80 percent still hits your skin, which can cause short and long-term damage.

Luckily, keeping the sun from ruining a beautiful day is rather simple. All you’ve got to do is use a sunscreen of at least 30 SPF and reapply it every two hours for as long as you’re outside.

At Compassion Dermatology, we hope that you’ll take proper care of your skin and help keep it as healthy as possible. But when mistakes happen and skin problems occur, we’ll be happy to help you address them and fix any blemishes or disorders. If you’re in need of expert care from a dermatologist, contact us to set up an appointment. We’re always glad to help your skin look and feel its best!

Don’t Skip These Appointments with Your Dermatologist Even During a Pandemic | Southlake, TX

Photo By peakSTOCK at istock

During the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, you may consider putting off the call to your dermatologist. However, the coronavirus is temporary, some skin conditions and health concerns can have long-term effects and need attention quickly. Compassion Dermatology understands your concerns and is working hard to make sure surfaces are sanitized and all staff are following strict safety protocols to prevent the spread of the viruses. While you can most likely skip non-essential appointments for micro-needling (although it’s perfectly safe to see medical professionals for these procedures), please, don’t pass on your annual skin evaluation, rashes, moles, and other potentially serious conditions.


Even if you do everything right and check every area of your body daily, which is really hard to do, you can miss something. One condition your dermatologist screens for is precancerous skin lesions, such as actinic keratosis, actinic cheilitis, cutaneous horns, and changes in existing moles. According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association, skin cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer in the U.S. and it strikes an estimated one in five Americans throughout their lifetime.

A slightly larger mole, a new bump on the back of your shoulder next to the slightly fading tattoo you got so long ago that you forget about sometimes, or even a little discoloration on the top of your foot can be a sign of skin cancer. Although it develops in areas exposed to the sun the most, the reality is that skin cancer can start anywhere on the body. While it’s easy to see what’s going on with your face, neck, arms, legs, and feet, other spots aren’t as easy to check by yourself. Additionally, it’s best to only have a licensed dermatologist examine your skin. The key to successful cancer treatment is early diagnosis and treatment.


Yes—your zit problem is also your dermatologists and they don’t want you to wait in misery, hide after lockdown ends, or experiment with your own treatments. At our office in Southland, TX, our medical staff understands the frustration and discomfort associated with acne and are available to find the right treatment that offers fast results so you won’t have to hide behind a mask if it’s no longer necessary. Depending on the severity, there are several treatments available that vary from over-the-counter products to prescription medications to slow the spread of acne, stop outbreaks completely, and prevent them from developing. You can also ask your Southland, TX, dermatologist about different therapies available, such as chemical peels and laser treatment.

If you’re experiencing a cystic pimple, which is a golf-ball-size bump under the skin, that’s red and painful. These can form when your skin’s pores are blocked with dirt, debris, oil, and dead skin cells. The practitioner will often prescribe medication that will clear the area over several weeks. However, they can perform an in-office procedure to drain large cysts and reduce inflammation quickly. Additionally, they can administer a steroid injection to further reduce swelling and prevent scarring. To prevent cystic zits, wash your face daily and exfoliate two to three times weekly.


It itches, it won’t compliment any outfit in your wardrobe, and it’ can be embarrassing. No one wants poison ivy, but it happens and sometimes you need more than calamine lotion and an antihistamine for it to clear up. The most common symptoms of poison ivy include an intense itch, a red, streaky rash, swelling, and painful blisters. Some patients can experience hives, which could mean an allergic reaction. If you have trouble breathing, seek immediate medical attention. A dermatologist in Southlake, TX, can help with prescription itch creams that are stronger than what’s available over the counter. If a secondary infection develops from excessive itching and scratching, they can also prescribe antibiotics to help it clear up faster.


Yes, that’s a thing. You don’t have to look far to see pictures of health care workers with skin issues from N-95 masks. Medical professionals and other essential employees are these much longer than they’re intended for, and while these are protecting the people around you, the skin irritation and moisture are a recipe for painful rashes and other types of lesions. While there are neat workarounds that some quick thinkers have developed, such as headbands with buttons to stop masks from rubbing on ears, they don’t prevent all areas where the edges are digging into workers’ delicate skin on their faces and necks.

A quick appointment with a dermatologist in Southlake, TX, can help clear up the rash and prevent future outbreaks. For example, always wash your face thoroughly after removing the mask and use an unscented moisturizer (scented items may be more irritating) at night and throughout the day as a barrier. Creams with ceramides, hyaluronic acid, and niacinamide are essential for treating skin dryness and irritation. Consider using a skin barrier where the edges of the mask touch, even something as simple as petroleum jelly can reduce a rash from occurring. Another danger of leaving these unchecked is you could develop an infection that may need antibiotics. The best way to reduce the chances of developing COVID-19 is to reduce other infections and maintain a healthy immune system function.

In addition to in-person appointments, some concerns may be addressed with tele-visits from the comfort of your own home. However, most conditions require our dermatologist to see you in person for a full evaluation. This office requires all staff and visitors to wear facial coverings for your protection. For more information on our safety procedures and how Compassion Dermatology can help you contact us today, at 817-893-2670 or send us an email.