The Most Commonly Occurring Dermatology Conditions | Dermatologist in Southlake, TX

Dermatology is defined as the branch of medical science that pertains to the diagnosis and treatment of all kinds of skin diseases. Any ailment that adversely affects the skin falls in the dermatology spectrum. In some cases, qualified personnel treat the hair and skin related concerns of their patients as well. Dermatology is considered a specialty and is comprised of both medical and surgical aspects.

A dermatologist in Southlake, TX is a physician who is trained to assess and treat both children and adults who suffer from either a benign or malignant form of skin disorder. Quite often, dermatologists are tasked with tackling issues of the hair, nails and adjacent mucous membranes as well.

Typically, consulting a dermatologist in Southlake, TX will consist of ailments like acne, psoriasis, eczema, warts and mole observation. We will take a closer look at frequent maladies that a dermatologist in Southlake, TX may be faced with.


Acne is a temporary albeit aggravating skin condition that predominantly affects youngsters. In fact, acne is the most common skin disease in the United States and is known to be a concern for teenagers in particular. Conventional acne manifests itself in the form of pimples. These usually germinate on the face and neck area of individuals and affect their appearance. It is not just teens who find acne an annoyance. There have been growing instances in America of adults also contracting acne.

The actual cause of acne is the obstruction of hair follicles and oil i.e. sebaceous glands of the skin. Acne may be triggered when the body experiences hormonal changes, which explains why acne often transpires when kids undergo puberty, which occurs when they reach double figures. A bout of acne requires a visit to a dermatologist in Southlake, TX.

For the uninitiated, acne is not just confined to the pimples that are evident on the face, but also includes blackheads, cysts and nodules that are conspicuous with the passage of time. Those who are unlucky have acne on other parts of their body as well, such as their back and chest region. In this case, a dermatologist in Southlake, TX should be contacted immediately. Treating the advent of acne is essential since it can lead to permanent marks on the body if left unchecked.


The second skin disease we will consider that may require the expertise of a dermatologist in Southlake, TX is a permanent condition called eczema. Also called atopic dermatitis, eczema generally impacts children. Although the precise causes of eczema are still relatively unknown, scientists attribute it to a combination of genetics, environmental effects and the potency of the patient’s immune system as well.

Furthermore, like acne, eczema can become palpable on the face, particularly in infants. Otherwise, the affliction appears on the hands and feet of the individuals it affects. The condition results in extraordinarily dry, scaly and itchy skin. These factors are considered normal when eczema happens. Those who do not exhibit restraint and scratch the affected areas suffer as a result, since the skin becomes denser.

Steroids may be utilized in order to assuage the disturbance caused by eczema. Besides atopic dermatitis, other forms of eczema include contact dermatitis and seborrheic dermatitis. These are effectively advanced stages of the condition and require prompt consultation with a dermatologist in Southlake, TX.

In recent years, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Dupixent, an injection devised for the treatment of mild and severe cases of eczema, specifically meant for patients who have undergone conventional treatment but it made no discernible difference to their health.


The third type of skin disorder that a dermatologist in Southlake, TX will encounter is called hives. These are raised, red and itchy areas that affect the skin. The usual causes of hives consist of medication, food and in extreme cases, bug bites too. In particular, if bright red spots begin to appear on the skin, it is strongly advised to call a doctor or dermatologist in Southlake, TX and seek urgent treatment.

Thankfully, hives are frequently short lived and subside in a matter of hours. Their transient nature means seeing health care personnel may not be mandatory in some cases as well. However, if individuals notice that they last longer, then they must proceed carefully, since there are plenty of cases where hives persist for months and possibly years as well. This specific condition is called chronic urticaria.

The best course of action when it comes to tackling hives is to avoid the trigger, which may take different forms and shapes. If and when that is not a realistic possibility, then medication such as OTC antihistamines (loratadine and fexofenadine) may be administered. These drugs help control the itching sensation in patients.


Yet another common skin disease is called rosacea. It is known as the chronic swelling of the face. Symptoms include redness, blood vessels that appear more prominent and the manifestation of pimples as well.

Rosacea is generally found in women aged 30 and above, although men are not always safe from this particular condition. Causes of rosacea include issues that affect the immune system and the veins as well. Also, the environment patients inhabit may also play a role in the development of rosacea and will require immediately seeing a dermatologist in Southlake, TX.

Moreover, based on the indications that the patient shows, there are a number of viable treatments that can be followed. Examples include a pharmaceutical drug called metronidazole cream, which is an antibiotic. Other treatments include oral doxycycline and azelaic acid gel (finacea), both of which must be applied to the affected area and can lead to the inflamed pimples dissipating. In case antibiotics don’t do the trick, doctors recommend using a drug called isotretinoin, beta blockers and estrogen as well.

Make your appointment today with the experts in skincare at Compassion Dermatology.


Symptoms that Require an Immediate Dermatology Appointment | Dermatology in Alliance

Since individuals are heavily involved in the hustle and bustle of their daily lives, catering to the needs of the body and mind often fall by the wayside. Between office meetings, running errands and household chores, you may be forgiven for taking your health for granted. A skipped meal, skipped medication, and skipped gym routine are all run of the mill occurrences.

The same applies to our skin condition. When the wellbeing of the skin is disregarded, it can lead to all types of problems and may require consulting an expert in dermatology in Alliance promptly.

When to see a Dermatologist?

Preferably, individuals should schedule regular checkups, a fact that is lost on many. This does not have to be on a monthly basis but seeing an expert in dermatology in Alliance should be done biannually at least.

Furthermore, individuals should consult healthcare professionals, particularly those who are adroit in dermatology in Alliance, when they experience common skin issues. That represents the ideal course of action since any case with a systemic component must be shown to a dermatologist promptly.

For instance, if a rash appears and covers more than 10% of your skin, then it is strongly urged that you should see a professional whose expertise like in dermatology in Alliance. This is imperative since dermatologists can expedite the entire process of diagnosis, since there are additional concerns that may come about if skin concerns are not addressed in a proper manner.

Seeing someone who knows all things dermatology in Alliance can also help prevent permanent damage, such as scars that tend to manifest themselves if treatment is not administered in timely fashion. There are a number of skin conditions that can leave a permanent mark on the body.

We will now proceed by looking at signals that must be taken seriously are require consultation with a dermatologist.

A New Spot Emerges on Your Skin

This is the primary reason why an expert in dermatology in Alliance should be contacted. For all we know, even worse case scenarios begin with spots appearing on the skin. For example, let us examine the advent of skin cancer.

Skin cancer is the most commonly form of cancer that transpires in the United States. In fact, more than 3.5 million new cases of skin cancer are diagnosis yearly in America. It occurs because there is unmitigated growth of skin cells that are an anomaly. Once the DNA of these cells suffers detriment, they experience a metamorphosis in their composition and undergo mutation and become cancerous as a result.

Skin cancer may be in situ, which is when the affected cells are grouped together. However, a malignant tumor is when the abnormal cells begin to infiltrate tissues found in close proximity to the source. Fortunately, early detection by an authority in dermatology in Alliance allows them to stem the development of skin cancer and nip it in the bud per se. In this case, chances of recovery are high.

This is precisely why regular checkups are recommended by health care professionals. There is no guarantee whatsoever that a simple mark that emanates on the skin may or may not lead to something like skin cancer.

You Require Mole Removal

Moles are black marks that manifest on the skin. In some cases, they protrude slightly further from the skin and look like an appendix. Individuals who have atypical moles or those who observe the growth of a new one, particularly later on in life, should take to a specialist in dermatology in Alliance. This step is obligatory since the dermatologist may seek to perform a biopsy on the mole.

If the results of the biopsy delineate that the mole is benign, then there is no cause for concern. However, any other consequence would entail a procedure since the dermatologist will look to remove the mole.

For instance, cryosurgery or related therapy is a run of the mill, non-invasive procedure where a professional in dermatology in Alliance will use liquid nitrogen to freeze and destroy the mole and other irregular growths on the skin.

The application of liquid nitrogen is related to skin lesions. Dermatologists can aim for skin cells that have sustained damage and obliterate these on a cellular level, which ensures that the affliction is eliminated entirely.

Cryosurgery is simplistic, innocuous and affordable in nature. While the affected area may show signs of blistering or scabbing, the body heals itself in the aftermath of the procedure.

Your Case of Acne is Not Dissipating

Acne is a temporary albeit persistent cosmetic concern that is faced by individuals of all ages, particularly those who are undergoing puberty. Acne is an inflammation that can become a serious concern for those who suffer and may require the opinion of a professional in dermatology in Alliance.

The advent of acne is caused by a swelling of the pores, which may be clogged due to the presence of agents like oil, dead skin cells and bacteria as well. All of these are determinants that can incite an episode of acne.

If and when pores experience blockage, the bacteria found inside multiplies. This results in the immune system reacting to the inflammation with a redness, which ends in the formation of a pimple. Since it is such a common chain reaction, acne can adversely affect people of all ages. It may also be triggered by hormones, a lackluster diet, high stress levels and the consumption of certain medications too.

Furthermore, mild and moderate forms of acne can be treated using medications that are available over the counter. For example, applying a face wash or an ointment prescribed by your dermatologist may work. However, if the case of acne is more obdurate and is potentially recurrent in nature, then dermatologists may ask you to switch to other forms of treatment.

Contact the experts at Compassion Dermatology and schedule your appointment today.

Should You Visit a Dermatologist For Your Acne Problems? | Dermatologist in Southlake, TX

What you need to know

Acne is an inflammatory skin condition resulting from excessive sebum, enlarged pores and dead skin cells. It can cause pimples, blackheads and whiteheads. Pimples could appear on your face, back, shoulders and chest. The term used for back acne is bacne. Acne can affect people of all ages and is mostly common among adolescents.

You may try short-term remedies for acne but there could be a serious underlying issue. It may appear as if the pimples are vanishing with the help of remedies but the product you use may at times aggravate your skin condition and cause more pimples to appear. When one pimple seems to vanish, others seem to pop out.

If neglected, your acne could turn into something more serious and result in emotional issues. The earlier you can contact a dermatologist in Southlake, TX, the higher the chances of successful treatment. Severe acne could leave permanent scars on the skin unless treated. You know when you have to visit a dermatologist if your acne keeps getting worse. You may keep trying new products to fix acne but non-prescription creams, lotions and gels may only make it worse.

Unlike mainstream misconception, eating greasy foods has no effect on acne. However, if you stay in greasy environments for prolonged periods, such as the kitchen, you could get acne because oil clings to the skin and clogs pores. Pollutants may not cause acne but using products with harsh chemicals, such as scrubs or exfoliators could worsen skin condition. Other risk factors include menstruation, stress, hormonal changes and certain medications. Therefore, you should visit a dermatologist in Southlake, TX to determine the true cause and make appropriate changes.

When should you seek dermatologist treatment?


Products are not working

You could spend hundred on pharmaceutical products or mainstream creams and lotions to cure acne but in the long-term, these products could only worsen your skin condition. Mainstream, over-the counter products could contain harsh chemicals or toxins that irritate your skin. If they don’t work, you would be tempted to move on to new products and you skin does not have capacity to adapt at that speed.

Those products may work only temporarily but cause more breakouts later on. If you have tried everything and still have unable to fix your acne problem, you should stop by at Compassion Dermatology in Southlake, TX, for effective treatment. You could use remedies in an endless cycle and still see no fruitful results. Rather than spending all that money on products, invest in a good dermatologist for a one-time effective treatment that could last years. After visiting a dermatologist in Southlake, TX, you would have a better idea of what is good or bad for your skin and the changes you should make to maintain youthful skin.

You have never experienced acne before

If you have never had issues with acne before and started experiencing it all of a sudden, now is a good time to contact a dermatologist in Southlake, TX, rather than just handling the situation on your own. There could be several causes behind your sudden breakouts and you may not know accurately what is causing it, until you visit a dermatologist in Southlake, TX, to find out about the cause.

Visiting a dermatologist has benefits and the doctor would ask you the right questions about your medical history, determine the root cause and provide you with effective solutions. If you have started using a new product or medicine, visiting a dermatologist should not be at the bottom of your to-do list. High stress levels, lifestyle changes or health issues could also be a contributing factor to acne.

It is possible that an underlying condition could be causing you to break out. Dermatologists have specialized knowledge to identify the core issues that cause acne or make your acne worse. Dermatologists are trained to recognize skin issues, address underlying risk factors and refer you to specialists if the problem is complicated.

With effective treatment, you would notice a significant reduction in acne and be spared from having to deal with acne in the future. You need to visit a dermatologist in Southlake, TX, when your skin turns red, itchy, and painful.

You have cystic acne    

You can tell it is cystic acne if it becomes painful and inflamed bumps appear on your skin. This type of acne is difficult to treat with DIY home remedies and it is best for the sake of your skin health that you drop by at Compassion Dermatology a dermatologist in Southlake, TX office for a routine check-up. Even with treatment, cystic acne takes longer to subside and could appear on face, arms and back and could last weeks. It could lead to long-term scars or blemishes. Before further damage is done, contact a dermatologist to start early treatment. Remember, the earlier the treatment starts, the higher your chances for success, before acne becomes difficult to treat in the later stages or becomes worse.

Dermatologist would provide you with medication that is suitable for your skin and can help calm the inflammation. You can’t just rely on pharmaceutical products to cure acne as they could aggravate the condition. Seeking treatment from a dermatologist could help treatment last for a long time and prevent further acne-related issues.

Acne may affect your self-confidence

If your acne gets worse, you may dread having to go out with people thinking that you look really bad and that your acne may repel or disgust others. While you should not let it get to the head because you are definitely not alone and there are millions of other people around the globe suffering from acne, you still have the chance to cure it by visiting Compassion Dermatology a Dermatologist in Southlake, TXNeglecting it could increase your emotional issues in the long-run and lead to anxiety or depression. It could destroy your body image and you would avoid going out or having pictures taken. Therefore, it is better to invest in acne treatment now to prevent expenditures on ineffective acne treatments in the future.

Signs that Indicate You Should Visit Your Dermatologist in Southlake, TX Right Away

Did a new pimple grow on your face or a new mole on your forearm? Does your face turn red in specific situations? Pretty common skin issues are generally not concerning and don’t warrant a visit to your dermatologist in Southlake, TX.

On the contrary, there can be instances in which you schedule an appointment right away without further delays. But how do you figure out when you should definitely visit a dermatologist in Southlake, TX and when there isn’t a need? We’ll take you through some of the most common skin problems, and accordingly advise you of the best approach.


Acne is completely normal and you have nothing to worry about if you notice a few small bumps or red spots on your skin during your teens and 20s. But if you’re suffering from adult acne or feel your skin to be bumpy and blemished on most of the days, then you should schedule an appointment with your dermatologist in Southlake, TX.

If you suffer from acne during adulthood, there could be more things going on with your skin and body than what appears at the surface. Generally, acne appears because of an internal imbalance or maybe even an unhealthy diet. If over the counter medicines don’t seem to treat acne, visit a dermatologist in Southlake, TX and share your concerns.

Cold Sores

Cold sores, oral herpes or fever blisters occur around or near your mouth, lips or gums. Cold sores are small, but can often be painful. They do go away without any medications or specific treatments, but if the issue persists or they appear more frequently, then get in touch with a skilled dermatologist in Southlake, TX.


If you don’t have a lot of dandruff, then over the counter shampoos and simple treatment plans may help you control them. However, the issue is more concerning if itchy and scaly patches appear on your scalp.  Get yourself examined by a dermatologist in Southlake, TX and seek medical advice. Dandruff may occur because of stress, imbalances in the body or even because of environmental changes. But in most of the cases, it can be cured.

Hair Loss

Hair loss is absolutely normal if it’s within an acceptable range. You do lose around 150 hairs daily, but there shouldn’t be any bald, circular patches on your scalp. The main reasons for hair fall include excessive dyeing, over usage of styling tools, certain medications, hormonal imbalances and stress.

Nail Issues

Do your nails appear to separate from the bed or have grown thicker? Your nails can separate from the bed because of an infection, recent injury or a skin disease. If they thicken, it may be due to nail psoriasis. Your dermatologist in Southlake, TX would assess your condition, and accordingly, suggest a suitable treatment plan for you.


Rashes can be itchy and painful, appearing due to numerous reasons either because of a skin condition or a certain product that you may have used. Generally, you shouldn’t worry about them except in certain specific situations. For instance, if the rash is circular and seems to have a raised edge, then it might potentially be a ringworm, which is contagious but easily treatable. However, that would only be so when you visit a dermatologist in Southlake, TX and act on their advice.


If your skin is sensitive, you may notice certain patches that appear to be mildly itchy, but seem to go away with OTC medicines or on their own. However, if these patches start affecting your sleep and quality of life, you should schedule an appointment with your dermatologist in Southlake, TX immediately. Over the counter medicine for eczema may help you control triggers, but you need to follow a proper treatment plan to completely cure the condition.


Psoriasis is an autoimmune skin condition which worsens in the presence of certain environmental factors. It is best to visit a dermatologist and let them examine your skin.

Aging Skin

Elasticity losses, losses in face volume, and appearance of fine lines and wrinkles are normal as you age. However, if you are younger and your wrinkles seem to have appeared earlier along with dark spots, then your skin may have been affected by the sun.

UV rays, pollution, your daily skin care routines and even lifestyle habits can affect the manner and speed at which your skin ages. If you’ve already started noticing aging signs, then your dermatologist in Southlake, TX may suggest changes to your daily routine.

Skin Lesion

Skin lesion includes freckles and age spots, which are regarded as normal. However, if skin lesion persists, then there’s a chance you may be suffering from skin cancer.  So you should always be on the lookout for freckles and spots, and if anything appears out of ordinary such as if your spot is larger or uneven, you should visit your dermatologist in Southlake, TX.


Rosacea isn’t concerning if you’re suffering from mild redness over your cheeks and the mid area of the face. But if your skin is sensitive, painful and prone to acne, your dermatologist in Southlake, TX can help you out and suggest possible triggers and their reactions.

Skin Discoloration

Scattered brown spots on your skin are normally okay, but if your cheeks, forehead and upper lips are pigmented, the condition may be associated with birth control pills or pregnancy. Your skin discolors due to irregular hormonal levels & changes, sun damage, injuries and excess melanin. Your dermatologist can suggest medicines and lotions that help you even out your skin tone.


Warts occur when your skin’s top layer is infected.  Thought they are harmless, they can be contagious so you should seek advice from a dermatologist in Southlake, TX.


If you face any of the above skin problems, give the experts at Compassion Dermatology a call. Schedule an appointment, share your concerns and our qualified dermatologists will come up with an effective treatment plan for you.

Dermatologist in Southlake, TX

The Icon Aesthetic System provides multiple devices in one piece of equipment. The Icon enables practitioners to provide a number of the most popular aesthetic treatments, included in its suite of devices is laser treatment, a proven solution to wrinkles, facial veins and sun damage.  In addition, the Icon offers state-of-the-art cooling, and a Melanin Reader for fast treatments with optimal results. Popular treatments the Icon enables your Compassion Dermatology, dermatologist in Southlake, TX to offer include:

  • Treatment of facial vessels and pigment
  • The treatment of scars, including acne and surgical scarring
  • The treatment of stretch marks
  • Wrinkle reduction
  • Clearing of leg veins
  • Permanent hair reduction

The Icon system’s patented innovations include, but are not limited to the following:

  • The Skintel Melanin Reader determines the average melanin density of skin before treatment begins.
  • A variety of Microlenses for personalized treatments.
  • Advanced Contact Cooling maintains a steady temperature for maximizing comfort and the protection of skin.
  • The Icon delivers the most powerful laser with an optimized light platform for the best results yet. With the first session you can see the improvement in tone and texture. With the Icon system, you can experience a more youthful appearance and minimal down time.

Say Hello to Younger-looking Skin

The ICON system also reduces the appearance of lines and wrinkles in just one treatment. By delivering energy deep into the skin, it stimulates the regeneration of new skin. Recovery is as little as four days and lacks the side effects experienced with invasive surgery.  The ICON is a non-invasive treatment option that provides you with younger looking skin and offers the advantage of avoiding unnatural changes associated with invasive surgery. Contact your Compassion Dermatology, dermatologist in Southlake, TX today to schedule a consultation.

Hair Removal

The ICON system provides an effective hair reduction treatment with just a few treatments. The ICON light-based technology targets the hair follicles responsible for hair growth. The result is permanent hair removal of unwanted facial and body hair without causing any harm to the surrounding skin. The treatment is complete within minutes and is TGA approved and effective for a variety of skin types. Treatment is most effective when the hair follicle is in its growth stage. As hair follicles do not share the same growth cycle, repeat treatment may be required. Your dermatologist in Southlake, TX can provide you with additional information.

Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are a common and unwanted problem for many women. The Icon system can improve the appearance of stretch marks. The ICON uses fractional laser technology to target stretch marks and stimulates the production of new collagen to provide smoother skin. The procedure typically requires from three to five treatments. The required time can be as little as 30 minutes and requires no down time at all. If you are embarrassed by stretch marks, we can help. Contact a Compassion Dermatology, dermatologist in Southlake, TX today for stretch mark removal.


The ICON fractional laser system is a fast, effective treatment for removing the scars of acne and surgical scars, anywhere on the body. There is minimal downtime and it can be used on any skin type, including extremely light and dark skin. Most scars will require 3 to 5 treatments. Contact a dermatologist in Southlake, TX.


The ICON laser treatment can improve the appearance of multiple skin flaws and blemishes, without surgery or lengthy downtime. Some examples of conditions it provides a solution for include:

  • Acne scars
  • Age spots
  • Skin tone and texture
  • Stretch marks
  • Sun damage
  • Surgical scars
  • Wrinkles

How the ICON Fractional Laser Works

The ICON fractional laser uses laser energy microbeams to treat areas of affected tissue that extend through the epidermis into the dermis. The body naturally produces new, healthy tissue resulting in younger-looking skin for you.

Photo Rejuvenation

The ICON fractional laser system can rejuvenate your skin with Optimized Light photo rejuvenation technology. In this procedure, gentle pulses of intense, optimized light are delivered to regions of areas of redness and other pigmentation, facial vessels, sun spots, age spots, spider veins, wrinkles, large pores, rosacea and capillaries.

The Icon system rejuvenates your skin by activating the body’s natural healing processes to reduce skin imperfections, diminishing lines and reduce redness naturally. Photo rejuvenation stimulates the natural production of collagen in the skin, restoring fullness and an overall younger appearance. During the first few weeks, you will see imperfections fade away. Depending on the area to be treated, the treatment may require as little as 30 minutes. Contact a dermatologist in Southlake, TX today.

Leg Veins

The ICON laser system treats leg veins without incisions, or damage to surrounding tissue. The system safely treats varicose veinsspider veins and reticular veins. The noninvasive treatment means down time and discomfort is minimal. Laser constricts the blood vessels, diminishing their appearance at the skin surface. Treatment time is typically less than 30 minutes and is safe for all skin types. Improvement is typically noticeable after just one treatment, but additional treatments may be required. You can rely on our dermatologist in Southlake, TX to provide the treatment you require for your skin issues, both aesthetic and medical.

The ICON Aesthetic System offers a number of treatments for a variety of aesthetic skin problems. Contact Compassion Dermatology today to schedule a consultation with our dermatologistin Southlake, TX.

HydraFacial – What You Need To Know? | Dermatologist in Southlake, TX

The unique philosophy of HydraFacial is about improving the skin appearance. It also aids in restoring healthy, youthful skin. HydraFacial is a procedure that uses advanced patented vertex technology.

As per the Dermatologist in Southlake, TX, it provides botanical ingredients with the highly desirable nutrients like hyaluronic acid, red algae extracthorse chestnut seed extract, magnesium, and copper-zinc peptides.

The technique is full of powerful antioxidants that work to counteract the free radicals damage. This damage usually results from pollution, stress and sunlight effects on the skin. These effects not only damage the skin but also accelerate the aging process.

How Do HydraFacial Work?

Well, the major treatment consists of 6 different stage processes. These processes help detoxify the skin while removing dead skin cells. They extract the debris from the skin and provide long-lasting hydration and necessary nutrient support that is responsible to rebuild and protect the collagen levels.

Who Can Use HydraFacial Technique?

The HydraFacial is a technique that everyone can opt for. As per the Dermatologist in Southlake, TX, the best part about this treatment is that it rebuilds and restores the health of your skin immediately. You will start to feel the difference on your skin after just one session. HydraFacial is best known to provide an immediate and visible improvement.

Another major benefit of opting for HydraFacial is that it can easily be tailored to treat particular skin problems. The HydraFacial technique holds great importance as people start facing skin problems from the very young age.

Here are some skin related facts that will help you understand the importance of great HydraFacial treatment.

  1. Almost 40% of kids start having some form of acne as soon as they reach mid-teens.
  2. As soon as a person crosses the age of 20, he/she starts producing at least 1% less collagen in the skin, every year.
  3. 90% of patients who opt for HydraFacial or other similar treatments suffer from damaged skin that usually results from excessive sunlight exposure.
  4. Ageing UVA rays are equally powerful on cloudy and sunny days.

Nonetheless, HydraFacial is a medical-grade facial technique that rejuvenates your skin and fights off the skin problems. The technique detoxifies, cleanses, exfoliates, hydrates and extracts. All of this is achieved in just one treatment that works best for all skin types. This may include the oily, normal, aging or even sensitive skin type.

As per the Dermatologist in Southlake, TX, it also promises to help with wrinkles, fine lines, pore size as well as hyperpigmentation. Since this is exactly why people opt for HydraFacial, no wonder it provides superior results.

How to Perform HydraFacial?

The HydraFacial is performed with the help of a machine. It is a handheld device that utilizes four different types of HydroPeel tips and some other skin care solutions. These solutions may include antioxidants, chemical exfoliants, hyaluronicacid and a hydrating serum.

The tips are spiral in design and used in conjunction with the vacuum technology of HydraFacial that creates a vortex effect to simply dislodge and eliminate impurities. Meanwhile introducing solutions that exfoliate infuse and hydrate your skin by using antioxidants.

Basically,the practitioners move the Vortex-Fusion tips all over the face while delivering different kinds of the solution at varying degrees of pressure and then sucking them back up again, along with sebum and dead skin cells.

The Four Steps of HydraFacial

Here the steps involved in HydraFacial treatment.


As per the Dermatologist in Southlake, TX, the HydraFacial treatment begins with an instant manual cleanse done by the esthetician. The next step is the Vortex-Fusiontreatment. This combinesthe glucosamine HLI and lactic acid with anti-oxidant-rich algae that conditions and soften the skin.

Deeper Exfoliation

This step is to give your skin a deeper exfoliation effect. For this, two different tips can be used. One is a more aggressive than the other that delivers one of the three different glycolic acid levels including 15%, 7.5%, and30%. These are combined with 1.5% to 2% salicylic acid.

This combination of chemical exfoliation from the peels and physical exfoliation from the tip provide great results instantly and without the tingling and wait that you may experience with the different and traditional peel.


This step makes use of different Beta-HD and tip to soften sebum using salicylic acid and take away blackheads as well as sebum in skin’s open pores. In addition to that, the honey extract hydrates while the extract of spire Ulimaroa flower calms and soothe the skin. If you are also suffering from milieu, an overgrown whitehead, you should talk to your skin professional since HydraFacial is not a recommended treatment for this skin problem.


The extracted, cleansed and exfoliated skin is now all set for the antioxidants infusion. Once you are done with this last step of HydraFacial treatment, your skin becomes plump and hydrated.


In the bottom line

Your skin is a sensitive part of your body. It requires regular treatment and care to remain fresh and soothing. As per the Dermatologist in Southlake, TXwhen we go out and face the sunlight, there are many factors that affect our skin.

These factors not only affect the skin tone or complexion but may damage it completely. Thus, it is very important that you take adequate and timely measures to keep your skin fresh regardless of your age.

Speaking of which, our age also plays a crucial role in changing our skin condition. While it is highly recommended to have a healthy diet, it is also important to take the professional assistance of a dermatologist.

Professionals are well versed in treating your skin problems using various advanced techniques. Thus, if you are in Southlake, TX and looking for expert dermatologist then head over to Compassion Dermatology right away to get the best skin treatment.

Dermatologist Guide to Getting Rid of Bacne | Derma Clinic in Southlake, TX

What you need to know about bacne

It’s a cruel world we live in. Sadly, your face is not the only place where you get zits or painful pimples. There’s more to the equation. If you consistently notice pimples on your shoulders and back, you’re facing bacne.

Don’t worry. You are not alone in facing this issue. Even if this is not the most talked about issue – because it isn’t really a pleasant topic to talk about now, is it? – there are many people out there facing this common problem. Noticing acne on your thighs, shoulders, and arms are common. Ask a dermatologist, and you’d be surprised to know what you find out.

If you are suffering from face acne, you are also most likely to suffer from body acne. Adolescents and young men tend to be the most affected by bacne. But let’s make that easier for you. Derma Clinic in Southlake, TX can assure you that the acne on your body is the same that appears on your face. You may need to use more or less the same treatment – yes, you can use an acne-control facewash as a body wash as well. There’s a higher chance of the breakouts on your back being as mild as the ones you get on your face. Moreover, the same goes for bacne as it goes for face acne – don’t touch or pop them as you stand a higher risk of causing scars. You may not be able to reach certain areas anyway. So keep your hands off of your bacne.

According to Derma Clinic in Southlake, TX, acne breakouts vary among different people. Therefore, bacne may cause more extreme discomfort to people who are susceptible to hormonal imbalance, or inflammatory acne. If you haven’t been able to treat bacne after trying various methods or don’t know what type of skin condition you have, Derma Clinic in Southlake, TX, can guide you in using the right treatment and products.

You could be on the safe side when you have acne breakouts in the form of whiteheads and blackheads as those do not cause swelling. But if you are having painful red acne, visit Derma Clinic in Southlake, TX, immediately. You don’t want to take that into your own hands.

Causes of bacne

In most cases, the causes of bacne are similar to the causes of facial acne. Your body also comprises of sebaceous glands that produce sebum to shield the skin from toxins, pollutants, and bacterial infections. Sebum forms a protective barrier to keep the microbes out, prevents cells from overlapping, and reduces inflammation.

Acne breakouts result from excessive sebum production and difference in chemical composition. Sebum is why you also get whiteheads or blackheads because oil glands trap dirt, which clogs pores and leads to white- or blackheads. Men, especially athletes, are more likely to suffer from bacne due to sweaty clothes, and frequent contact with sweaty surfaces.

What can I do to get rid of it for good

You know how much care and effort goes into taking care of your face. Since face is the most visible part of the body, we tend to take care of it more and neglect other body parts. It’s equally important to select the right products for your body just like it is for your face. Derma Clinic in Southlake, TX could guide you in selecting the right products according to your skin type.

You need to use gentle and mild products to treat acne because chemicals would only aggravate the condition. Getting the right hair products, face wash, and body wash can work wonders for your skin. The key is to go easy on your skin rather than loading it with multiple products simultaneously. Your skin needs time to adjust to a product and overloading it with toxins would only do more harm than good. Some products could cause your skin to become too dry, irritating your skin further. Here’s what Derma Clinic in Southlake, TX suggests you could do to cure bacne.

  • Your showering techniques could be wrong. And Derma Clinic in Southlake, TX knows about the trouble. It’s easy to treat bacne by changing your showering habits. What you don’t know is that you use shampoo and conditioner then body wash. Since you wash out conditioner after washing body, the conditioner sticks to the skin, leaving an oily residue and causing you to breakout more. Washing your body should be the final step.
  • Wear loose, light clothing, preferably that made of cotton. Cotton helps in absorbing oil and sweat from your back. Therefore, all the oil gets trapped in your clothes instead of pores. Make sure that you wash your clothes after wearing them to avoid bacterial infections. Loose clothes also allow your skin to breathe and lower risks of irritation. Air circulation can help you sweat less. Choose soft, woolen clothes during winter. Moreover, you could take a shower after changing to wash off sweat and bacteria. Wash your clothes with anti-bacterial detergents to wash off all bacteria. Change clothes after working out or returning home after a long day.
  • Use oil-control skin care products and cosmetics. Derma Clinic in Southlake, TX can guide you in selecting products that are non-comedogenic or non-acnegenic. Certain products may claim to be oil-free but it’s not possible for every product to suit your skin type. Therefore, contact Derma Clinic, Southlake, TX to have your skin type assessed to get the most suitable products that regulate oil production and don’t clog pores. Stop using too many harsh products on your skin as they can exacerbate the condition and lead to other skin problems. The best way to go is to use fragrance-free and mild products on your skin. As a matter of fact, Derma Clinic in Southlake, TX can inform you about anti-bacterial washes and astringents that are actually detrimental for your skin.
  • Last but certainly not the least, shield your skin from the sun because UV radiation can cause acne to become darker and last longer. It’s a myth that the sun reduces acne. Apply sunscreen half an hour before going outdoors. Derma Clinic in Southlake, TX can provide you with the right products including oil-free, non-comedogenic, and broad spectrum sunscreens that can help clear acne.

Dermatologist in Southlake, TX

Clogged Pores and Acne

Clogged pores can result in what is commonly called blackheads. Our first instinct is often to get it out. However, this can lead to injury of the delicate pore and further problems, such as a pimple, or even acne. Pores produce the oil that makes our skin waterproof.  Unfortunately, the oil, called sebum sometimes clogs the pore, and along with dead skin cells, produces the blackhead. Your body recognizes the oil as something not supposed to be stuck there, and sends in white blood cells, creating red inflammation. The best way to prevent ongoing blackheads, pimples or acne is to see your dermatologist. A Compassion Dermatology, dermatologist in Southlake, TX knows how to treat the conditions that lead to unsightly pimples, and acne. You can have better skin, and we can you! Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

Chemical exfoliation is one treatment for removing blackheads. Most over the counter products simply are not strong enough to properly exfoliate the skin. A Compassion Dermatology dermatologist will assess your skin, and can develop a treatment plan for you, and prescribe a prescription strength product. This product not only generates skin cell turnover to rid your skin of blackheads, it will also help to prevent new ones from forming. After approximately a month of treatment, if any remain, your dermatologist in Southlake can safely extract them.

Do not pick at clogged pores, but you also do not want to ignore your skin. A Compassion Dermatology dermatologist in Southlake, TX can examine your skin, and provide you with the best treatment based on your skin’s individual characteristics for a successful outcome. Remember, clogged pores can lead to acne, and the resulting potential for scarring. Schedule a consultation with a dermatologist today for the smooth, beautiful skin nature intended.


When the clogged pores lead to acne, prompt attention is required to prevent permanent scarring and dark spots. Acne is not just a skin condition for teens. The number of cases involving adult acne is growing, and at present the causes are not understood. Fortunately, there are a number of effective acne treatments.

Clogged Pores and Acne

Clogged pores can result in what is commonly called blackheads. Our first instinct is often to get it out. However, this can lead to injury of the delicate pore and further problems, such as a pimple, or even acne. Pores produce the oil that makes our skin waterproof.  Unfortunately, the oil, called sebum sometimes clogs the pore, and along with dead skin cells, produces the blackhead. Your body recognizes the oil as something not supposed to be stuck there, and sends in white blood cells, creating red inflammation. The best way to prevent ongoing blackheads, pimples or acne is to see your dermatologist. A Compassion Dermatology, dermatologist in Southlake, TX knows how to treat the conditions that lead to unsightly pimples, and acne. You can have better skin, and we can you! Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

Chemical exfoliation is one treatment for removing blackheads. Most over the counter products simply are not strong enough to properly exfoliate the skin. A Compassion Dermatology dermatologist will assess your skin, and can develop a treatment plan for you, and prescribe a prescription strength product. This product not only generates skin cell turnover to rid your skin of blackheads, it will also help to prevent new ones from forming. After approximately a month of treatment, if any remain, your dermatologist in Southlake can safely extract them.

Do not pick at clogged pores, but you also do not want to ignore your skin. A Compassion Dermatology dermatologist in Southlake, TX can examine your skin, and provide you with the best treatment based on your skin’s individual characteristics for a successful outcome. Remember, clogged pores can lead to acne, and the resulting potential for scarring. Schedule a consultation with a dermatologist today for the smooth, beautiful skin nature intended.


When the clogged pores lead to acne, prompt attention is required to prevent permanent scarring and dark spots. Acne is not just a skin condition for teens. The number of cases involving adult acne is growing, and at present the causes are not understood. Fortunately, there are a number of effective acne treatments.


Acne is graded in severity from one (mild) to 4 (severe). When your dermatologist in Southlake, TX examines your skin, your doctor will note which type or types is affecting your skin.

The variety of treatments for acne mean there is help to control it for all types. This is why you should not share medication with a friend. What is right for your friends acne, may not be the proper product for yours. Even with the proper treatment, it may take 4 to 8 weeks to see an improvement. Once the acne clears, you continue the treatment to prevent future breakouts. Far too often, persons who self treat expect immediate improvement, and when it does not occur they stop treatment. This is another reason you should consult with a dermatologist, who can tell you approximately how long before you should see results. Severe acne often requires professional treatment by a dermatologist in Southlake, TX. It’s better to start earlier, rather than to wait until  permanent scarring and other related problems occurs.

Types of Acne Treatments

If you have severe acne, cysts or nodules you will need to see a dermatologist in Southlake, TX for an effective treatment. The following are some of the treatments available:

Topical Treatments

Topical treatments are a common form of treatment for acne, and are applied to the skin. There are a number of topical acne treatments available from your dermatologist. The treatment you are prescribed will be based on your individual skin needs. For example, some topical products help to  kill the bacteria, while others will reduce the oil. Prescription strength retinoid, benzoyl peroxide, antibiotic, or even salicylic acid may be prescribed. Your dermatologist in Southlake, TX will determine the best treatment for your acne.

Oral Treatments

Severe acne may require an oral treatment. This type of treatment is often necessary to effectively treat acne with cysts and nodules. Your dermatologist may prescribe an oral treatment, which may include:

  • Antibiotics which reduces inflammation and kills bacteria
  • Birth control pills or other hormonal treatment
  • Isotretinoin works on all types of acne, but is used for cystic acne that has not responded to other treatment. It works by reducing the amount of oil produced.

In Office Procedures

Your dermatologist in Southlake, TX may provide in office treatment for your acne. These procedures may include:

  • Light therapies, including laser.
  • In office chemical peels are not available over the counter.
  • Your dermatologist in Southlake, TX may perform drainage and extraction in order to remove a large acne cyst. This procedure helps when the cyst does not respond to medication. The procedure reduces the pain associated with the cyst, and reduces the chances of scarring from the cyst.


Without treatment, acne may lead to permanent scars, low self-esteem, depression, and anxiety. Professional treatment will ensure the best outcome, and can clear the acne, prevent additional scarring, and new breakouts. Contact Compassion Dermatology today to schedule a consultation with a dermatologist in Southlake, TX. We can help you to have beautiful skin.