Top 10 Reasons to Visit a Dermatologist | Southlake, TX

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Visiting one may not be a regular occurrence in the same way an annual check up with your dentist or family doctor is, but a good dermatologist still has an important role to play as part of a personal health care team. Especially as we age, skin problems can crop up. They may simply be signs of aging, wear and tear on the body’s largest organ, but skin issues can also indicate underlying health problems. A good one can unravel the mystery of skin irritations, sorting which are normal yet unwanted, which should be corrected to avoid future problems, and which demand more immediate attention.

And a good dermatology clinic such as Compassion Dermatology in Southlake, TX will have a well-rounded staff of clinicians, surgeons and certified dermatologists who specialize in different aspects of cosmetic and medical skincare. Here are some the top conditions that might make you consider making a dermatology appointment :


The bane of teenagers everywhere, acne is a very common skin condition that can actually affect people of all ages. It’s caused by clogged pores, but can also be an indication of hormone imbalance and other health issues. When whiteheads, bumps and pimples don’t respond to over the counter remedies, a visit to the dermatologist may help. Prescriptions of antibiotics or topical creams can address serious flare-ups, or other treatments offered in the event of scarring.

Scar Treatment

Scars can result from injury, surgery, and as result of skin conditions like psoriasis and acne. A dermatology clinic such as Compassion Dermatology can treat scars with lasers and topical medication to smooth out the skin and lessen discoloration. In some cases, severe scarring from trauma injury or burns can be surgically removed.

Eczema and Psoriasis

Both eczema (also known as atopic dermatitis) and psoriasis are uncomfortable skin conditions that result in scaly red or white patches that itch or burn. But their treatments are very different. Eczema is caused by a hypersensitive reaction to skin irritants while psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune condition that results in the overproduction of skin cells. A certified dermatologist can treat either condition with topical corticosteroid or antibiotic creams or newer technologies such as light therapy.


Skin can degrade over time due to sun exposure or simple aging. The types of skin care technologies available to dermatologists to help with sagging skin and wrinkles has grown in recent years. From injectables such as Botox, chemical peels, laser therapy and other cosmetic and surgical procedures, there are a multitude of tools in the dermatologist’s kit for combating the effects of age on the skin of the face and body.

Body Sculpting

Sometimes fat deposits on the body resist diet and exercise efforts. Especially in the belly area, surgical interventions such as liposuction or procedures like laser therapy can help to sculpt the body for a more pleasing silhouette and better fitting clothes. This can lead to a sense of well being and better self esteem.

Skin Cancer

A skilled dermatologist can assess moles, uneven skin patches and lesions for signs of pre-cancer or melanoma and take immediate action. Following biopsy a number of treatments are available — from topical liquid nitrogen, Blu Light or surgical excision. Working with your insurance provider, an established dermatologist will also follow up post-treatment. As the climate changes and the effects of sun exposure on lighter skin become more extreme, regular check ins with a dermatology professional are becoming essential.

Hair Loss

Losing your hair can be traumatic, even if it is a slow development due to aging or hereditary baldness. In many cases hair restoration can be achieved by using Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) treatments. In this procedure, the injection of protein-rich blood into the scalp encourages the follicles to re-engage in hair production.

Varicose and Spider Veins

Although it is not often their primary focus, dermatologists do often get involved in caring for patients with varicose veins. They can treat isolated spider veins as well as skin discolorations with injection sclerotherapy, or laser therapy to make veins less visible. However, patients with bulging or painful varicose veins may want to seek the help of a vein specialist.

Brittle Nails

While nail abnormalities can sometimes be linked to illness, split, discolored or brittle nails often result from purely cosmetic causes, such as long term nail polish use and exposure to harsh chemicals, soaps and detergents. There are a number of dermatology treatments for onychoschizia, as it is known, including prescribed medication.

Stretch Marks

Although they are the natural result of sudden weight gain or loss, or pregnancy, many people don’t like the look of stretch marks on their skin. There are several treatments that can help make stretch marks much less noticeable, such as the Icon system and micro-needling. Your dermatology professional will assess which treatment is right for your particular needs.


A common inflammatory skin condition, rosacea affects more women than men with embarrassing flare-ups of reddened skin and, in some cases, swollen eyelids. A complex condition thought to be related to the immune system, it can be easily treated in a dermatology office. Treatments include antibacterial washes, topical creams, antibiotic pills, lasers, pulsed-light therapies, photo-dynamic therapy, and the medication isotretinoin (known as Accutane).

Dermatology isn’t just about cosmetic fixes for minor skin and body issues that bother you. It can provide vigilant medical care and treatments that are essential for ongoing health and well being. If you think you might be in need of a dermatologist in the Southlake, TX area, don’t hesitate to act. Get in touch with the friendly professionals at Compassion Dermatology to learn more about dermatology services can help you feel and look your best.

What Is Acne and How To Treat It? Dermatology Answers | Southlake Area

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Acne is one of those things you may have been dealing with since your youth and may or may not have gone away. Maybe you need some dermatology help with it or just want to know more about acne so you’ll be more educated to help yourself in the future. Acne isn’t something that should be considered a youth only problem or a face only problem. It can cause bigger issues for those who suffer from it.

What Causes Acne?

Acne can be caused by a variety of issues, and based on that can be difficult to pinpoint. The American Academy of Dermatology states that it is actually the most common skin condition Americans face but it is not considered life threatening. Acne forms when your pores are blocked by oils, bacteria, dirt, or dead skin. It’s not something that happens necessarily because the person affected by it isn’t clean, but clogged pores are the basis of the issue.

What Are the Symptoms of Acne?

The most obvious one is a series of pimples or zits on a section of skin. It’s important to remember that acne is considered to be the series or repetitive instance in the same locations on a person’s body. Acne can also sometimes be painful, especially when it’s severe as the pores and nerve endings near them swell closer together. Acne is not considered life-threatening but it can affect mental health. After it clears up there is a chance of scarring that will require excess treatment.

What Types of Pimples Contribute to Acne?

Most dermatology experts will explain to you the difference between these but you may only know acne as blackheads and whiteheads. They are both the same type of pimple called comedones. The color is based on whether they are exposed to oxygen on the surface of your skin. If they are black then they are open at the surface, if they are white they are closed at the surface. Another type of skin lesions associated with acne include pustules, which are small and red filled with pus. More still are papules which are small, raised, red bumps that can include infecting the deeper hair follicles as well as pores. Nodules are solid lumps that are generally associated with pain. Finally cysts are large lumps containing pus and are generally painful.

Where Does Acne Form?

While a general answer to this can be “anywhere on the body” the most common locations are where more active hair follicles and oil glands are. These areas of the body can include your forehead, face, chest, shoulders, and upper back. These regions are the most susceptible to acne because there are higher concentrations of oil glands than the rest of the body. While these may not be the only places acne can appear your dermatology expert can guide you in the right direction to ensure it does not spread or is not able to spread to other parts of your body.

Who Can Officially Diagnose Acne?

Generally a dermatology expert can give you an official diagnosis and treatment plan. Consult with your doctor in the Southlake area and see if going to a dermatologist is the best course of action for you.

What Treatments May Be Recommended?

First off your dermatology experts may give you specific steps of self care as a first step. This is the easiest way to see if it is a light issue or if more may need to be done. From that they may go over other options in their arsenal like medication. Some common medication compounds include benzoyl peroxide which dries out pores and is an anti-bacterial, sulfur compounds which can help dry the surface of the skin, resorcinol which is used to remove dead skin cells, and salicylic acid which help keep pores clean.

These compounds can be found in many varieties of treatments. Your dermatology expert may recommend different ones based on their usage and your severity. For example oral and topical antibiotics to reduce inflammation are sometimes used in short term trials. You don’t want to be on antibiotics for too long however as you may have a decreased ability to fight infections later on. Topical creams are some of the most common ways that are used to treat acne and may require a prescription from your dermatologist. These generally work for a mass amount of cases and are where most treatments end.

For special cases other medications or treatments may be selected. If you’re a female with acne based on hormonal imbalances you may be given a hormone regulator to decrease skin oil production or be put on birth control to regulate the hormones. More extreme treatments for every person with acne may include photodynamic therapy that uses lasers to reduce bacteria and oil. Chemical peels can also be used, these are generally applied by your dermatologist and remove the top layers of your skin to clear up dead skin cells. Another process is dermabrasion which is a fast spinning, rotating brush used to remove layers of your skin.

What Does Finishing Treatment Look Like?

Most people see success when following a skin clearing plan as prescribed by their dermatologist. It may be done in as little as six weeks. If the problems you have persist or come back after they are cleared you may be prescribed a different regiment or offered an at-home kit that will keep you normal. If your acne was severe enough your dermatologist may present you with options that will help reduce the visibility of acne scarring and make sure your skin pigmentation does not vary because of it.

These items can all be discussed with your dermatology experts at Compassion Dermatology in Southlake, TX. They cover the Southlake area and will answer your questions about your specific dermatologic needs. Visit them at Compassion Dermatology to learn more and get in contact with their Dr. Holly DeBuys, and her staff.

Are You Living with an Undiagnosed Skin Condition? | Insight from Your Trusted Southlake, TX Dermatologist

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Millions of Americans experience symptoms of a skin disease every year, from acne to hair loss to skin cancer. The most prevalent of these issues affect up to 80 million people annually, yet only about a third of skin conditions are evaluated by a licensed dermatologist. The remaining percentage could be putting their skin and overall health at risk if they don’t seek proper diagnosis and treatment.

Your skin is an organ, and your body’s first line of defense against infection and disease. When its well-being is impaired, your immune system is likewise compromised. A dermatologist can help you identify benign and malignant skin disorders, as well as external manifestations of internal disease. Don’t neglect that itchy patch on your eyelid or ignore the prickly heat sensation in your hands. You could be suffering from one of the most common skin disorders without even realizing it.

Atopic Dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is one of the most frequently experienced skin issues in the United States, especially in urban areas like Southlake, TX. More commonly known as a severe form of eczema, AD causes dry and scaly skin, severe itching, rashes or cracks on the face and behind the ears, and red or grayish-brown patches of skin on the arms, legs, torso or neck. Excessive scratching causes blisters to weep, and the skin becomes thick and leathery over time. Other forms of eczema might resemble AD. Visiting a licensed dermatologist can eliminate guesswork with a proper diagnosis.

Symptoms of AD can manifest at any time, but will most likely develop in infancy as red patches of skin on the face and scalp. Your chances of developing AD are even higher if at least one of your parents suffers from eczema, asthma or hay fever. Since there is no cure for this chronic disease, proper skin care and regular check-ups are essential to preventing discomfort and possible infection.


The most prevalent skin condition in the U.S. is not exclusive to any age group or skin type. Typically associated with puberty and early adulthood, acne can develop in children as young as nine, and well into your 30s and 40s. Estimates suggest that 80 percent of all Americans experience acne. Visiting a doctor early on is your first step toward healthy and great-looking skin. Home remedies and over-the-counter solutions may temporarily correct your complexion, but persistent acne begins inside the body.

Hormones, genetics, prescription medications and even stress can cause unsightly breakouts on your face, chest, upper back or shoulders. A primary care physician can prescribe antibiotics or medicated lotions, but there are no guarantees that your acne will not worsen. A dermatologist will evaluate the severity of your condition and propose specialized therapies right away. They can also determine if an underlying disease is to blame for sudden onsets of severe acne in adults.

Hair Loss

Genetics is the number one culprit in pattern baldness for 80 million American men and women. While this hereditary condition is not preventable, there are surgical techniques and treatments available at your local Southlake, TXdermatologist to slow the process and camouflage its effects. There could be other underlying reasons for your unexplained hair loss, however, such as hormonal changes, medications and excessive stress.

A dermatologist will hone in on the cause of your hair loss by reviewing your medical history, conducting a physical examination and possibly taking a scalp biopsy or blood sample. Potential disorders of the hair shaft could also become apparent during a light microscopy session. If a condition like alopecia areata is to blame, your dermatologist can recommend a variety of specialized treatments.


Characterized by red patches of skin covered in dry, silvery scales, psoriasis affects more than seven million Americans. The skin becomes sore and itches, often cracking and bleeding during severe flare-ups. Your family doctor can diagnose and prescribe medication for psoriasis, but they may not have access to the same alternative treatments that a dermatologist provides. Procedures like phototherapy are painless with minor adverse effects, and biologics are at the forefront of contemporary psoriasis treatment.

Other types of psoriasis affect the body differently, making a diagnosis even more necessary. Psoriatic arthritis occurs when swollen and painful joints accompany the inflamed, scaly skin. In some cases, aching joints are the first or only indication of the disorder. Nail psoriasis causes abnormal growth in the fingernails and toenails, from discoloration to pitting, and even separation from the nail bed. Pustular psoriasis affects the hands and feet. In addition to pus-filled blisters, flare-ups can cause fever, chills and diarrhea. You may not be aware that psoriasis is to blame for your symptoms, but a dermatologist can tell you for sure.

Skin Cancer 

Skin cancer treatments are the most commonly administered dermatologic procedures. Cancer is the abnormal growth of skin cells and usually occurs on areas of the body exposed to sun, although it can develop in areas not exposed to UV rays. Early detection is the key to beating this disease, so schedule a consultation if you spot any red flags.

The most common forms of skin cancer manifest themselves as raised lesions or nodules, which range from waxy to scaly or crusty in texture. A bump may be firm and red, flesh-colored, or flat and brown with uneven borders that change shape. If a lesion bleeds, itches, burns, or changes in appearance in any way, don’t hesitate to pick up the phone and schedule an appointment with your local Southlake, TX, dermatologist.

Not all skin conditions are created equally, nor are the numerous products and remedies available on the market. Skin care brands will try to sell you their idea of healthy and beautiful skin, but in the end, you have the responsibility to choose what’s best for you. The team at Compassion Dermatology in Southlake, TX, is committed to enhancing your health along with your beauty and providing a comfortable healing experience.

How Your Dermatologist Can Tell a Lot About Your Health | Southlake, TX

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Did you know that your skin is an organ? The skin is actually one huge organ, and changes in your complexion can tell you a lot about your overall health. Healthy skin means a healthy body. Dry, pale, flaky or inflamed skin is a sign that something is wrong. Taking a trip to a dermatologist can help you not just look your best, but feel your best too.

Your Skin Reflects Your Wellbeing

If you look at models and actors, you’ll probably notice that they have a vibrant, healthy glow. Indeed, on occasions when a famous person goes out looking anything less than their best, magazines and newspapers will comment on that and ponder on the wellbeing of the person in question. Achieving that healthy appearance requires more than just cleansing, toning and moisturizing. Yes, famous people have a dermatologist on hand to give them tips for retaining a youthful complexion, but taking care of your body is important too. There are many ways that your skin can reflect your overall health, a few of which we list here:

1) Dry or Itchy Skin

Hot summers and cold, windy winters mean that living in Southlake, TX can play havoc with your complexion. If you’re struggling with dry or itchy skin then it is well worth asking a dermatologist for some tips for how to improve your skincare routine. Dry skin can sometimes be a sign of health issues, however. Eczema is a common condition that is not serious but can be frustrating to deal with. Inflammatory responses to hay fever and even asthma can lead to irritated, dry skin.

2) Acne

Acne is often thought of as a condition that is exclusive to teenagers, but again it can affect almost anyone. Adult acne is something that many women suffer from during stressful times, and even women who did not suffer from acne during puberty sometimes experience it during the menopause. Acne is not a sign of being ‘dirty’, and it is nothing to worry about, but many women find that working with a good dermatologist helps them to get it under control.

3) Scaly Rashes

Dry, raised scaly rashes are sometimes a sign of psoriasis, an inflammatory skin condition. Living in Southlake, TX, it’s easy to dismiss the need for constant moisturizing as being a hazard of the combination of wind and humidity, but if you find that your skin is drier than you’re used to, or that your face feels puffy a lot, it may be worth talking to a doctor to rule out any underlying causes for the inflammation.

Psoriasis often appears in unusual places such as around the belly button or on the scalp, so it can sometimes go unnoticed. Some people with psoriasis later develops psoriatic arthritis, which is a condition that affects the small joints, and can also increase your risk of other health issues such as cardiovascular disease. Because of these risks, it is important to pay attention to changes in your skin, and talk to your healthcare provider if you have any concerns.

4) Sun Spots

Sun exposure can lead to lines, wrinkles, dry skin and sun spots. Your mom was right when she told you to put sunscreen on every day! Ask a dermatologist and they will tell you that skipping sunscreen is one of the worst things that you can do for your skin’s health, especially if you live in a part of the world that sees a lot of sun! Your skin is resilient and if you start taking care of it you can stop the damage getting worse and work with a dermatologist to smooth out those lines and restore an even complexion, but long-term, it’s your job to protect your skin from those harsh UV rays.

Sunburn is no laughing matter. People who have had sunburn are at greatly increased risk of developing skin cancer. Even if you’ve never actually been burned, however, years of sun exposure (or tanning beds) will take their toll. Ask yourself if it’s worth getting a tan today if the price is looking older than your years in the long term.

5) Greasy Skin

Some people have greasy skin from childhood, some people have ‘combination’ skin with normal or dry areas, and a greasy ‘T-Zone’ around the forehead and nose. It’s common for skin to dry out as you get older. If your skin suddenly becomes greasy, especially around the forehead area, this could be related to issues with your diet or digestive system. A trip to the dermatologist can help you clear up those greasy areas and stop breakouts forming.

With the kind of soulful comfort food that is so popular in Southlake, TX, it’s not uncommon for people to struggle with greasy skin. So, drink water, wear sunscreen, and treat yourself to a good face mask from a friendly dermatologist.

Look Healthy, Feel Healthy

Makeup, masks, and scrubs can hide a multitude of issues with your skin. They are no substitute for taking good care of yourself, though. Pay attention to how you look and feel. If you see moles, spots or marks that crop up suddenly, change in size or appearance, or otherwise don’t seem normal, get them checked out.

Seeing a dermatologist should be a routine thing just like seeing a dentist or doctor. Looking after your skin while you’re still young, fit and healthy will help to keep you that way.

If you’re not happy with how your skin looks, why not book an appointment with your friendly Southlake, TX dermatologist for a check-up? Call Compassion Dermatology today for a skin exam, so that you can look, and feel, your best.

How Dermatology Defeats Bad Skin | Southlake, TX

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When we think of our most important organs, we often think of our hearts or our brains. However, the skin is our largest organ. As a matter of fact, most of us are carrying around eight pounds of it, and if Southlake, TX, is like the majority of the country, less than a tenth of its citizens has bothered to seek professional help for their skin.

With the amount of information freely available on the Internet, it can be easy to take rumors as truth and incorporate them into our daily routines. While many people turn to expensive supplements, trendy skincare products, avoiding sunlight and chocolate, and other myth-based practices, dermatologists practice a specific branch of medicine that deals with cosmetic problems and diseases of the skin, making it a much more reliable solution and an ally in the fight against bad skin.

1.  Dermatology vs the Sun

Like most of the state, Southlake, TX, is characterized by unbearably hot summers, with temperatures hovering above 100 degrees for several months at a time. This type of weather dehydrates the skin and creates a buildup of oil, dead skin cells, and sweat, which also happen to be the equation for acne.

Most treatments involve a complete skin evaluation, including a thorough cancer screening and an inspection of nails and hair. This allows doctors to discover any possible medical conditions or dangerous cancers that require treatment. If you experience constant rashes or itchy skin, you should consider visiting your local dermatologist.

2. Dermatology vs Acne

Three in every four people have experienced some form of acne. It’s not commonly thought of as a dangerous or life-threatening condition, but it can make us feel unattractive or self-conscious, and the scars it leaves behind are permanent. Although our diet and climate play a role in our tendency to develop acne, so does anxiety, genetics, makeup, and the number of times we or our loved ones touch our faces each day.

In contrast to popular belief, you don’t have to have severe acne to see a dermatologist. Dermatology offers solutions to individuals who experience recurring breakouts, painful cysts, and conditions brought on by new medication.

3.  Dermatology vs Humidity

Southlake, TX has a humid subtropical climate, meaning the summers are long and wet, often punctuated by monsoons and daily thunderstorms. The increased moisture in the air causes your pores to expand, allowing them to absorb more oil and dirt than usual. A condition commonly treated by dermatology is called “tropical acne” because of the breakouts, allergic reactions, and other skin conditions associated with this subtropical climate.

Dermatologists clear pores with a device that provides a pulsed light laser to kill bacteria and a suction mechanism to remove dead skin cells and other debris from clogged pores. Most doctors recommend the regular use of mechanical exfoliation with microdermabrasion and chemical exfoliation with salicylic or glycolic acid. Your local dermatologist can determine the best treatment for you.

4.  Dermatology vs Psoriasis

Psoriasis causes patches of itchy red skin and silvery scales, typically on the knees, scalp, lower back, and face. Recent studies have shown that, while a person cannot cure the symptoms of the condition, medical treatment can reduce the environmental triggers that cause the symptoms to flare.

Your local Southlake, TX, dermatologist provides an assortment of solutions, ranging from topical to injected medications. Systemic therapies offer biologics, which are protein-based drugs that reduce the cells and immune proteins that cause psoriasis. Phototherapy is another popular procedure. It involves exposing the skin to ultraviolet light to reduce irritation and slow cell growth. In order to suppress immune activity, your doctor will determine whether you need psoralen pills to make your skin more sensitive to light.

5.  Dermatology vs Scars

Whether from acne, injury, or surgery, many individuals in Southlake, TX, are seeking medical assistance to make their scars less visible. Skincare specialists handle all types of scars, including contracture, keloid, and hypertrophic scars. Treatments generally consist of topical products, laser treatments, or surgical revisions.

Chemical peels are the simplest option. A solution is placed over the skin and, when peeled away, takes the top layers with it, allowing smoother and younger-looking skin to grow in its place.

Laser treatment is a great technique for removing surgical scars. The noninvasive procedure uses concentrated light to break down scar tissue, allowing your skin to proceed with its natural healing process.

Scar revision uses tissue expansion, skin grafts, and dermal filler to minimize and alter scars to blend in with the surrounding skin’s color and texture.

6.  Dermatology vs Cancer

Cancer is scary. Just reading the word can make your body suddenly tense. And with good reason; it’s dangerous and it’s everywhere. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States, meaning that one in five Americans will develop skin cancer in their lifetime. Just to put that in perspective, that’s 9,500 people being diagnosed with skin cancer every day.

A dermatologist makes recommendations specifically tailored to you, based on your history of sun exposure, skin type, family history, and other individual risk factors. Doctors commonly use noninvasive treatment methods like cryosurgery, which destroys growths on the skin’s surface by freezing them with liquid nitrogen. Mohs surgery, a technique that involves a dermatologist removing the cancerous tissue in layers, is also a common method for treating skin cancer.

Review and Conclusion

Our skin may be the most sensitive and exposed organ on our bodies. It’s exposed to the environment’s extreme range of pollution, humidity, heat, and ultraviolet rays. Mentioned above are just six ways seeking professional dermatological can help you protect your skin, heal your scars, and treat medical conditions. Visit Compassion Dermatology to learn even more about how to treat your skin right.

Common Dermatology Problems Teenagers Need to Look Out For | Southlake Area

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If you are, or know a teenager living in the Southlake area, you may find this guide helpful for advice on what to do when you encounter these skin problems most teens will run into growing up. Health is wealth in this case, and caring for your skin is the first step to caring for the rest of your body.


During a teenager’s pubescent years, a teenagers pores can be clogged with sebum, a chemical that’s intended to keep your skin moisturized and protected from germs and other debris. When this happens, a common skin bacteria, called Propionibacterium acnes can cause redness, inflammation, and swelling in the pores of your skin, sometimes causing cysts and nodules to form. Dermatology centers advise not to pop your cysts yourself, as this can damage the skin and cause the cyst to reform over time. Symptoms include black and white “heads” appearing at the tip of a pore, as well as redness, and the tendency for that area to form bumps. Common treatment options include antibacterial ointments, hormone therapy, and professional acne removal for cases where the cysts get especially large and painful.


An umbrella term for rashes, and itching that spread from the skin, it commonly occurs on the face, inside elbows, on hands, and feet. Avoiding the urge to scratch that area is imperative as dryness can spread out from the inflammation that scratching causes. Symptoms of eczema include severely dry skin, redness and irritation of the skin, sensitive skin, inflammation and swelling. Because eczema is worsened by irritation, consulting with a dermatology specialist can help identify specific treatment options such as setting up a moisturizing/bathing routine, or taking antihistamines to reduce irritation and swelling.


What some Southlake area residents may not know, is dandruff, similar to eczema, doesn’t have a single cause. For many teens who may worry that their dandruff is because of some hygiene problem, this isn’t based in fact, and they shouldn’t be ashamed of that, Common symptoms include white flakes in the hair or on clothing, itching or burning in the scalp, and oily skin that also has dry patches and flakes. Dermatology centers recommend a combination of skin and hair care treatments such as a more frequent hair washing routine and treating skin inflammation with a hydrocortisone cream.

Athlete’s Foot

For Southlake area residents who participate in physically demanding activities, and wear the same socks for long periods of time, they can contract a fungal infection that clings to the skin of the feet toes and ankles. Symptoms include red, inflamed rash usually starting between the toes, and itching that is especially pronounced immediately after removing shoes. Severe cases may result in blisters or ulcers on your feet. Because athlete’s foot can be chronic, dermatology centers advocate for prevention before treatment. Avoid exposing feet to fungus in places where people may contract athletes foot such as gym locker rooms, bathrooms, and swimming pools. Depending on the severity of the infection, doctors recommend treatment ranging from vigorously scrubbing the feet with warm soapy water, to prescribing antifungal medication.

Cold Sore

Cold sores are the result of an open cut in or on the mouth that are exposed to a type of herpes virus. The virus is typically contracted during childhood, but remains dormant until hormonal changes occur, causing the virus to become more active. Common symptoms include blisters, pain, swelling, and in more serious cases, high fever, muscle aches, nausea, and swollen glands in the neck and face. While the sore itself should clear itself up in a few weeks, dermatology specialists have several recommendations for treating the pain and other symptoms, such as using a cold compress, taking oral pain medication, and using topical agents to numb the sore itself.


For Southlake area teens going through puberty, their physical appearance can mean a lot to them. That’s why it may seem especially serious when they develop warts around their face, hands and arms. Caused by the human papillomavirus, or HPV, warts are relatively common blemishes that stay isolated in that part of the skin. Common treatments for wart removal include laser removal, freezing the wart, and cutting the wart off. Skin that is injured is more susceptible to getting warts, so dermatology centers agree that maintaining good hygiene, and not scratching at sores or cuts on your body can do a lot to prevent warts.


Similar to athlete’s foot, ringworm is a fungal infection that occurs on the skin other than areas where athlete’s foot occur, such as the arms, biceps, face, and other open parts of the body. The fungus that causes ringworm is infectious, but unlike athletes’ foot, usually occurs from direct contact that’s skin to skin as opposed to indirect contact from simply touching the same places an infected person has been. Ringworm (named for its ring/circular appearance on the skin) is can be treated by a dermatology specialist, typically prescribing antifungal treatments, and washing the infected area so it doesn’t spread, or infect other people.


Without proper supervision, young adults can quickly undergo the effects of both short term and long-term sun exposure. While short term side effects include skin irritation and scarring, long term side effects include the development of skin cancer and severe swelling. Dermatology treatments for sunburns include cooling the affected area with cold water and keeping the burned area moisturized with intense moisturizers such as Aloe Vera.

In Conclusion

Southlake area residents may be worried by the sudden outbreak of skin conditions like acne and warts, but aside from their physical appearance, most dermatology treatments are comprehensive enough that teenagers can still be happy and healthy.

Benefits of Exfoliating for Men and Women | Tips from Your Southlake, TX Dermatologist

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There are several steps you can take to keep your skin clear, smooth, and looking younger, even if you’re already seeing a dermatologist in Southlake, TX. Along with cleaning, moisturizing, and minimizing sun exposure, exfoliation is a safe, easy face and body care step that promotes healthier and happier skin with a natural glow.

You can exfoliate your face and body using manual tools, such as an abrasive cloth or sponge, with enzymes, and with chemical-based products. For questions on which of these methods is best for your skin type, consult with a dermatologist.


You have small holes all over your skin to release oil and sweat. The problem is these tiny openings clog with dead skin cells, dirt, makeup, and debris from various environmental factors. When pores fill up, it can cause whiteheads, blackheads, and dreaded outbreaks of acne. Slow cellular turnover can increase the rate of clogs, which occurs from excess stress, an unhealthy diet, and poor skincare.

If this continues to occur, speak with a dermatologist in Southlake, TX, to see if there are other solutions to reduce buildup. For specific locations, such as the chin or around the nose, there are different removal methods and products they can recommend.


When done correctly, removing dead skin cells and keeping your pores clear with exfoliation can reduce acne outbreaks. It’s essential to pay attention to your skin type and only exfoliate accordingly. For example, if you have sensitive skin, don’t scrub too long and limit this step in your skincare routine to once or twice a week. Many products use salicylic acid, which is excellent for clearing acne but can cause irritation for people with sensitivities.

If your skin continues to look red and puffy following a reduction in exfoliating, schedule an appointment with a dermatologist in Southlake, TX. After the acne clears, they can recommend a less abrasive exfoliator for sensitive skin.


Your outer layer of skin can vary in the shade even when your face is clean because of those clogged pores and excess dead skin cells. As people age, their skin produces less oil, leaving it drier, leading to more dead skin cells. These also cause the skin to look dull and lackluster, even after a full night’s sleep and with a healthy diet. Regular exfoliation rejuvenates the skin, making it glow and reducing signs of aging.

Patients with conditions such as eczema and psoriasis experience cell build-up at younger ages and their symptoms can worsen as they age. For help with products specific to these diseases, set up an exam to speak with your dermatologist.


When you clear away the dead cells and other dirt and oils clogging pores, your skin’s moisture absorption rate increases. The dead cells act as a barrier, blocking your skin’s ability to breathe, rejuvenate with moisture, and providing the conditions for acne and infections.

Additionally, improving absorption rates also enhances the effectiveness of skincare products. For questions on other ways to increase the efficacy, consult with a dermatologist in Southlake, TX.


You want your skin to be soft and touchable from your face to your toes. Between weather and aging, this isn’t always easy, but it is possible. Regular exfoliation in your skincare routine can help soften even the most hardened skin. Use manual or chemical methods depending on your skin type, and if you have any concerns, contact your dermatologist.

Another way to keep skin smooth and improve moisture is to increase your water intake. Hydration can help your skin glow and for fewer trips to the bathroom, use a humidifier, avoid products that have alcohol, especially deodorant and soap.


Exfoliating your skin regularly can help detoxify through the increase in circulation and promotes lymph drainage. This ancient technique is a form of Ayurveda medicine that removes dead cells and allows the skin to breathe, absorb moisture, and expel toxins through the body’s pores. For questions about boosting circulation through exfoliation, contact a dermatologist for an appointment.


People that neglect skincare can develop serious inflammatory skin conditions that are both embarrassing and painful. More specifically, if you don’t wash certain areas, especially with some vigor, the dead cells that clog pores and cause pimples and other outbreaks just build up on the skin causing scaly, dark patches containing oil, moisture, dirt, sweat, bacteria, and other germs and environmental items. If this buildup gets into a cut or other open sore, it can cause dangerous bacterial infections.

Patients that have very sensitive skin and avoid cleaning all or specific areas of their face or body should schedule an immediate exam with a dermatologist that can help them reduce discomfort and get their skin, happy, healthy, and glowing again with the right care products.

On the other end of the spectrum, over-exfoliating your skin can be just as dangerous as avoiding the task. This can lead to at bare minimum, irritated skin that’s red, puffy, and painful to severe infections and even scarring from too much scrubbing or use of chemical exfoliators. To avoid this situation, don’t exfoliate daily. If you find yourself getting red and puffy, stop entirely and speak with a dermatologist.

Exfoliation is an essential skincare step for people of all ages. By perfecting this part of your routine, it’s possible to reduce acne, blackheads, and whiteheads, as well as improve your skin’s appearance and texture and minimize lines and other signs of aging.

Contact Compassion Dermatology today at 817-380-5911 or schedule an appointment online to keep your skin healthy, moist, and glowing year-round with a dermatologist in Southlake, TX.

6 Reasons to Visit a Professional Dermatologist | Southlake, TX

Photo By Maridav at Shutterstock

Our health is our biggest asset in life and we should do everything we can to get access to the best healthcare facilities for it. It is common for many people to ignore subtle signs of skin problems and not visit your dermatologist in the Southlake, TX area.

Whenever they notice any problematic symptoms, they simply turn to Google and try to treat the problem on their own. They take their health for granted and have a non serious attitude towards it. What they don’t realize is these symptoms could be indications for a harmful disease. Treating this problem on their own can actually make things worse for them in the long run.

A dermatologist is the only person who can come to your rescue at such a time. They have studied the science behind your skin, hair and nails for years. They have the knowledge, experience and latest equipment to effectively treat the problems you are facing. For this reason, it is important to visit your dermatologist in the Southlake, TX area if you suspect you are facing any of the problems explained below.

1.  Eczema

Eczema is a general term for many chronic skin conditions that cause inflammation, redness and irritation in your skin. It leads to constant discomfort and emotional distress. Furthermore, such skin problems can be reoccurring and very difficult to get rid of.

This is why you need to consult a professionalif you are facing any such skin problems. They will initially confirm if you have eczema through specific tests and in-depth skin examination. Then they will prescribe you over-the-counter and other prescription creams that will heal your skin. They might also suggest certain skincare products to improve your skin condition drastically.

2.  Skin Cancer

Did you know that the most common type of cancer is skin cancer? We all know cancer is a deadly disease. The most dangerous type of skin cancer is called Melanoma. It causes irregular growths in skin that frequently change in color, shape, size and texture.

Common symptoms of skin cancer include itchy skin, crusty skin or constant rashes. You must always visit a professional if you notice these problems in your skin.  If your cancer is diagnosed at an earlier stage, it will be far easier to cure. Routine checkups are always a good safety measure to protect you from a disease as dangerous as skin cancer.

3.  Acne

We all get a pimple here and there once in a while and that’s completely fine. These pimples vanish as soon as we start drinking more water and taking proper care of our skin. However, if you have had acne for months now and you don’t see any improve despite many efforts then you need a dermatologist.

While acne is not the most dangerous skin disease, it can still harm a person’s self esteem greatly. People get frustrated when they see no improvement after trying every possible cream or face wash. They waste so much time and money trying to reduce acne when the simple solution is to go to a dermatologist.

They can treat your acne efficiently.  They will ask you to undergo certain tests to find out whether it is hormonal or not. The treatment will differ person to person depending on the cause and extent of your acne. The treatment plans for acne often include oral medication and over-the-counter gels or creams.

4.  Scar Treatment

Scarring is the result of having severe acne. It leaves little dents and marks all over your skin in place the pimples originally were. This results in an uneven skin texture and undermines the confidence of many people.  There are many beauty products that claim to fix scarring however their results are negligible and show only after prolonged regular usages.

On the other hand, a dermatologistcan offer you much better solutions.Once your acne is treated, you can choose for treatments that will visibly reduce your scarring after a single sitting. Micro-needling, chemical peeling and laser therapy are common procedures used to reduce scars.  They are highly popular procedures as they show instant improvements in the texture of your skin.

5.  Intense Hair Loss

Some shedding of hair is absolutely normal. However intense hair loss or hair thinning can lead to baldness. Furthermore, intense hair loss can happen due to a variety of causes and also be an indication of a health problem. It can be due to stress, health issues, skin problems on your scalp, pregnancy or even an inherited condition.

This is why you should never take the problem of intense hair loss lightly. Visit a dermatologist to find out the underlying cause and try to get the proper treatment to fix it.

6.  Early Signs of Aging

Aging is a natural process one must accept. We all expect graceful wrinkles to appear as we age with time. However it can be disappointing when this process starts early and alarming signs start to show up.

Dryness and discoloration are common signs of aging that can go unnoticed and cause your skin to look dry. These early signs of aging can appear due to prolong exposure to the sun. The ultraviolet rays of the sun are harmful for our skin and speed up the aging process.

If you are concerned with early signs of aging appearing on your skin then visit a dermatologist to help. Modern treatments such as micro-needling with PRP are popular procedures which can restore the health of your skin and give you flawless younger looking skin.

Last Few Words

As discussed above, there are several problems require the expertise of a professional dermatologistfor their treatment.  Contact Compassion Dermatology in the Southlake, TX area to consult your skin problems with highly trained doctors. With the right medical care, your skin will improve gradually and you’ll be thankful you decided to take such measures.

5 Common Skincare Issues That Require You to See a Dermatologist | Southlake, TX

Photo By wavebreakmedia at Shutterstock

Your skin is the largest organ of your body so it deserves your attention. It is a protective barrier for your body to keep you safe. Your skin keeps various external threats like microorganisms, chemical intoxicants and harmful rays of sun at bay. While doing so, it’s most prone to getting affected by the outside environment as it’s the only organ that’s completely exposed.

With hundreds of errands you have to run every day and several evens on your to-do list, most of you fall short on your routine health checkups. And even when you do plan for them, getting a skin check up is usually never on the list. With over 3 million cases of skin cancer detected in the US every year, you should rethink not seeing a dermatologist in the Southlake, TX area.

But it’s not just the risk of skin cancer that should be your reason to visit a dermatologist. Although blemishes or dry patches are common skincare problems and most people like to treat them with over-the-counter medicines. But a lot of other skin issues appear harmless at first and later develop into serious conditions that call for a professional.

Therefore it’s best to tackle them as early as possible. To help you out, we’ve put together a list of common skincare issues that merit a visit to the dermatologist.

1.  Acne with Painful Cystic Pimples

Acne is the most common skin condition among Americans. It typically manifests itself as various blemishes, pimples, deep cysts, blackheads and whiteheads all over your face. The reason is the excessive oil production by the sebaceous glands of the skin, that clog the pores. Acne is also caused due to a bacterial infection.

While few, small pimples or papules appearing occasionally are normal, getting larger cystic pimples that hurt when you touch them may indicate something serious. Cystic acne requires proper medical treatment and you need to see a professionalfor it.

2.  You Notice a Mole on Your Skin with Irregular Borders

It’s normal to have freckles, moles and birthmarks but with these natural marks comes a possibility that they might change their appearance with time. In most cases, the changes that take place are totally harmless, however, in other cases they might signal something more serious.

Sometimes there could be new growths altogether that you need to watch out for. Any changes with an existing moles or a new growth that bleeds, has irregular shape and ill defined borders, is itchy or doesn’t heal on its own is most often a sign of skin cancer. That’s why you should immediately see a dermatologist if you spot any such signs on your skin.

An early diagnosis of melanoma can make it much easier to simply remove it without having to go through a surgery. If it’s left untreated, it will spread and will become harder to cure. A dermatologist in the Southlake, TX area can expertly check a mole using various tools and techniques and call for a biopsy if needed.

3.  There Are Rough, Scaly Patches on Your Scalp, Knees, Elbows, Palms and Back

A small itchy and dry patch on your skin could be due to some climatic or cosmetic allergy or sometimes a change in weather can cause it. However, if the condition persists and is not going away with use of an over the counter cortisone cream, it could be linked to conditions like eczema and psoriasis. This is especially true if the patches are constantly growing or spreading.

If you have flare-ups are affecting your every day normal life, you need to pay a visit to a dermatologist before the condition worsens. They can do a thorough skin exam and prescribe you a suitable treatment along with skincare advice to help your recover fast.

4.  You Are Losing Way Too Much Hair

Hair fall is a normal phenomenon and everyone sheds a good amount of hair (about 100 hair strands a day) every day so that it can be replaced with new growth. However, if you notice hair fall that’s more than usual, your body’s balance between hair fall and hair re-growth can get disturbed. It can lead to growing bald spots or widened parting especially from the front.

There could be a lot of underlying reasons that lead to excessive hair loss such as stress, genetics, pregnancy, nutritional deficiencies and a long list of health issues. So don’t take it lightly. Schedule an appointment. They can make the correct diagnosis by running blood tests and other medical examinations. Laser treatments, medications and surgical procedures are among the treatment options that can reduce hair fall and restore hair growth.

5.  You Have a Persistently Red or Flushed Skin

Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that causes redness on the nose, cheeks and chin. It can sometimes spread to the chest or ears too. Often times the redness and inflammation is confused with acne. Exposure to cold weather, winds, spicy foods, hot beverages, alcohol and stress can further aggravate this condition.

If you’re experiencing such flushed skin, you should not delay seeing a dermatologist.


Taking care of your skin is extremely important for your overall health and wellness. That’s why it’s best to go for routine skin checkups with a dermatologist in the Southlake, TX area just like you plan your other medical screenings.

If you’re looking for highly professional and experienced dermatologists in the Southlake, TX area, call Compassion Dermatology today. With our medical and technological expertise and skilled skincare team, you are guaranteed to get the best services for skin, hair, and nail health. We conduct complete skin evaluation and are equipped to perform the latest medical, surgical, and cosmetic procedures to solve all your skin issues.

A Full Guide to Common Acne Problems | Dermatologist in Southlake, TX

Photo By ZephyrMedia at Shutterstock

You stare into the mirror, horrified. A zit is on your forehead and right before your presentation, too. You try to squeeze and pop it. Then you realize you have fleshy bumps on your nose, as well. Why is your skin breaking out so much?

Skin issues like fleshy bumps, called whiteheads, and pimples are extremely common. They naturally occur when you get excess dirt and oil on your face.

There’s no shame in them. Everyone gets a pimple every now and then. However, some people can develop actual acne problems that might dermatological care. It is in these cases that people should be concerned about skin.

If you live in the Southlake area in Texas, you should go book an appointment for consultations and treatments with dermatologists in Southlake, TX at Compassion Dermatology.

But how do know if you have a serious problem? How do you know which dermatological measures to seek out? How do you know what are the causes and solutions to your acne? And what is a whitehead anyway?

Fear not, you can find out the answer to each of the questions above in this handy guide below.

What Are the Causes of Acne?

So, you might be wondering what exactly causes acne on your face. Well the pimples, blackheads and cysts on your face or body appear because you have something blocking your pores. Your pores are tiny holes in your skin that release naturally existing skin oils and sweat.

Pores are openings to follicles and constitute hair sebaceous gland. Don’t worry, the latter only means oil glands. Dermatologists in Southlake, TX call the oil coming out of these glands sebum. When you have acne, it is very likely that you have dead skin, oil or bacteria inside your pores that are blocking them.

You can often get acne and oil on your skin in Southlake’s climate. When it’s hot, humid and dusty outside in Southlake, your pores can get blocked with oils and sweat.

What Are the Different Types of Acne?

When you are dealing with acne, you need to know which kind you have. There several kinds of acne that can occur in Southlakeresidents, whether male or female. Here are some of the most common ones:


These are usually white, small spots that can appear on your face and back. They can also be flesh colored in some instances.

You can tell if you have a whitehead if the skin around it is wrinkled and if the whitehead seems very large. Whiteheads can usually be easily treated and taken out and do not cause scarring. You can seek out a dermatologists in Southlake, TX if the whiteheads are persistent or do not go away from measures taken at home.


Blackheads can appear on your nose, back, cheeks, chin along with multiple other parts of your body. You can tell if you have blackheads if there are black colored spots on your face.

The cause of a blackhead is clogging though sebum and dead skin cells. What happens is that the pore remains open at the top but there is still clogging inside the pore.

Blackheads can be pulled out and treated with dermatological measures and can even be treated at home. You can seek out a good dermatologist in Southlake, TX, if the blackheads recur and are particularly large or stubborn.


You can also get cysts. These are usually the result of pores getting clogged by bacteria, sebum and dead skin cells. The blockages or clogging is usually below the nodules and goes deep inside the skin layers.

Cysts can be painful and can be either red or white large bumps on the skin. Cysts are the result of infections and can scar and damage your skin permanently so you should take them seriously.

Cysts should alert you to skin problems that will need proper care. If you have cysts, you should go see a dermatologist in Southlake, TX, at your earliest convenience.

What Are the Treatments Available for Acne?

So now you know what the different types of acne are. Now what do you do about them? What are measures that prevent or fix acne issues and scarring?

Well, there are several measures available. You have acne creams that can prevent new pimples. They will even dry out and finish old pimples.

These creams usually have benzoyl peroxide that kills acne-causing bacteria. You can seek out sulfur-containing lotions, cleansers and masks to get rid of acne. You can use resorcinol to remove dead skin cells and cleanse out your pores.

A dermatologist in Southlake, TX will often recommend soaps and acne washes to prevent pore clogging. These usually have salicylic acid in them.

What Can You Do to Help Acne?

There are several steps you can take to help with your acne. You can:

  • Wash and cleanse your skin daily to prevent your pores clogging with excess oil and dirt. This can happen a lot in Southlake’s humid weather.
  • You should shampoo at regular intervals throughout the week and keep your hair out of your face. This prevents the oil in your hair from creating pimples on your face.
  • You should use makeup products that are non-comedogenic so that your pores are not clogged. You can ask a dermatologist in Southlake, TX for advice on which makeup products to use.
  • You should drink a lot of water, especially during Southlake Hydration often makes skin look and feel better.
  • You should change your pillow cover at regular intervals because sleeping on the same pillow, which has oils and bacteria collecting on it, can lead to acne.
  • To prevent scarring and further acne, you should not touch, pick or squeeze a pimple. If you do, you will end up spreading bacteria and oil all over your face. If you have scars already, go see a licensed dermatologist in Southlake, TX for treatment.
  • You should not touch your face too often since any bacteria or dirt on your hands can clog your pores on your face.
  • Visit a licensed dermatologist in your area in Southlake, TX.

If you have acne issues, you should pay a visit to dermatologists in Southlake, TX at Compassion Dermatology.