6 Surprising Issues Treated By A Dermatologist | Southlake, TX

Photo by Jacob Lund at Shutterstock

When most people think of dermatologists they think of wrinkles or acne, and while you can get care for both at a dermatology office, you might be surprised to hear that the average practice treats much more. In fact, they are trained to treat everything on the skin including hair and nails as well. Therefore, if you are suffering from hair loss or dealing with brittle nails you actually might need to head to your local Southlake, TX dermatology office for help. The truth is that dermatologists do much more than pop pimples and administer Botox, your local dermatology expert can explain all the options they provide. 

They are medically trained doctors who attend medical school for the same length of time as any other doctor and are tasked with knowing thousands of skin diseases. A lot of things can go wrong with your skin, as it is the largest organ in your body, and they have to know how to treat each and every one of them. The following is a quick list of some of the most surprising things that are treated at a dermatology office. Keep reading because you may be surprised to find that the answer to your health problems is actually on this list.

Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is one of the most commonly occurring cancers and it is rising every year. The good news is that most skin cancers can be treated easily if they are caught before they spread. Melanoma is the most dangerous skin cancer, but even it can be treated if caught in the early stages before it metastasizes. A simple visit to a dermatology office once a year for a full-body exam is all it takes to stay ahead of potential skin cancer issues. During the checkup, the dermatologist will inspect you from head to toe to look for lesions and warts or areas of skin that are changing in size, color, texture, or shape.

Hair Loss

Chances are if you are losing your hair you are not thinking about going to the dermatologist, but this is exactly who you should see if thinning hair is becoming a problem. It is completely normal for people to shed as many as 100 hairs each day, but when hair loss gets excessive it is usually a sign of an underlying problem. Stress, pregnancy, malnourishment, and many other health issues can lead to your falling out or even bald patches throughout your head.

The best way to get to the bottom of the issue is to schedule a visit at the local dermatologist’s office. The doctor will likely examine your scalp carefully under a high-powered microscope so that they can see if there are any skin conditions on your head that might be prompting the hair loss. They will then run some blood tests to look for markers that could explain your hair loss if necessary. There are many options for treating hair loss, so if you are dealing with thinning hair or a bald spot there is no need to suffer. From laser treatments to medications and surgical procedures there are solutions depending on the cause.


Rosacea is a skin condition that causes people to look flushed or red in the face for no apparent reason. Many people describe it as looking embarrassed on a constant basis, but it can also be embarrassing for some people who experience skin bumps and swelling along with red skin along the chin, nose, and cheeks. Rosacea tends to be more common in people who have lighter skin and women, but anyone can develop it.

Doctors are not positive what causes rosacea to occur in some people but they theorize that it could be because blood vessels quickly expand as a result of stress, alcohol, sunlight, heat, cold, wind, and exercise. It also could be that it occurs on its own, but all of these actions make it worse. While there is no cure, a dermatologist can help treat rosacea by offering you laser therapy or medication along with suggestions to adjust your lifestyle to help prevent it from occurring as frequently.


As the largest organ on your body, there is a lot of room for infections to form, and just like any infection, if you suspect that your skin is infected you need to see a doctor. There is a wide range of things that can cause an infection to form including bacteria, fungus, yeast, and viruses. All of them are equally annoying and most cause some form of irritation such as itching and rashes. Some common skin infections include athlete’s foot, herpes, warts, cellulitis, and life. If you suspect that any area of your skin is inflamed and infected then the smart move is to schedule a visit with a dermatologist. Some skin infections like cellulitis can be deadly if left untreated for too long.

Varicose Veins

As we age, the veins in our body often become swollen, twisted, and even painful. This results in what many people call spider veins or varicose veins. They often look like they are rolling and raised above the skin level. Even if they are not painful, they can increase the risk of skin sores and blood clots as you age which is why it is important to have a dermatologist look at them in Southlake, TX. At the very least, they are generally not attractive and bother many people who have to deal with red and blue lines plastering their skin. Hormonal changes, blood backup, and excessive sun exposure can all lead to varicose veins.

Poison Ivy

If you have a bad case of poison ivy, then you are going to need help from a dermatologist. Poison ivy, sumac, and oak contain an allergen that can cause your skin to become inflamed, itchy, and covered in a tell-tale rash. It can take as much as 72 hours to appear after contact, but when it does some people will suffer from open blisters that can then become infected. A doctor is the best person to visit for relief from this painful acute skin condition.

If you suffer from any of the above conditions or have another skin issue that needs to be looked at, contact Compassion Dermatology of Southlake, TX. We can set up an appointment and help you find relief from whatever skin or hair issue is currently causing you stress and/or pain.

4 Most Common Reasons To Go To A Dermatologist | Southlake, TX

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Dermatology is actually a very exciting field. A lot of people think that dermatology is just about treating wrinkles and acne, and while it certainly does include these two things there is a lot more to it. At its most basic, dermatology involves treating the skin, but the skin is very complex and as the largest organ on the body involves a highly intricate treatment plan. There are thousands of things that can happen to your skin, and a dermatologist goes through extensive training to ensure that they can spot, identify, and then treat each and every single one of those things.

Therefore there is a good chance that at some point in your life you will need to see a dermatologist in Southlake, TX. These professionals go through medical school and then specialize in dermatology once they begin their residencies. They receive the same education as any other type of doctor, and rightfully so since they have to deal with such an extensive organ. In general, there are two types of dermatologists: medical and cosmetic. There is overlap between the two so many dermatology offices actually offer a combination of both services although for specific procedures you will want to choose the office that caters to your needs.

Wondering if you need to see a dermatologist for a health issue that you are facing that deals with your skin? Like most things, a great place to start is always your primary care doctor who can refer you to a local dermatology office if need be, but if your insurance does not require a referral then you can make your own appointment. Most insurance doesn’t cover cosmetic procedures, so if you are in search of cosmetic procedures you can begin your search for a dermatology practice on your own.

Most cosmetic dermatology offices offer free consultations so that customers can talk about what their options are for dealing with bothersome conditions, and then discuss the process of curing or fixing skin ailments. If you are thinking about a cosmetic procedure, it is best to go ahead and schedule your consultation. You will never know if something is an option for you until you speak to a medical professional about it, and you have nothing to lose by meeting with a doctor to see if you are comfortable with their services or not. Here are just a few of the things that you may want to see a Southlake, TX dermatologist about.

Acne: AKA Pimples

While it is true that dermatologists can treat a number of different diseases, acne is still one of the most common. In fact, acne is one of the most common skin affiliations facing people in the US. Not only can acne and blackheads be painful when they form on your face, but they are usually extremely annoying and they cause blemishes that are hard to hide from the world. A lot of people think that acne only happens to teenagers, but the truth is that you can get it at any age, and a lot of people battle with it throughout their lives.

While acne is not a life-threatening skin disorder, it can ruin your self-confidence and can lead to scars that you will carry on your face for the rest of your life. For this reason, proper acne treatment can be a lifesaver for many teenagers and adults who constantly battle with insidious skin disease.


Eczema is somewhat a catch-all phrase for skin conditions that cause the skin to swell and rash. Most people consider eczema to be a rash that causes itchy skin, but in reality, it is actually inflamed skin that can become so agitated that it actually starts to leak fluids. This makes the skin susceptible to infection and can interfere with sleeping and other daily tasks.

Depending on the location of eczema and its severity, a dermatologist might decide to prescribe prescription creams and/or steroids. In some cases over the counter creams can be used in conjunction with these products to help keep skin inflammation at a minimum. Most dermatology practices will also help you learn healthy skincare to help prevent flares from occurring in the future.

Combat Signs of Aging

No one wants to look old. The skin is the number one thing that will reveal your age because it starts to dry out, discolor, and wrinkle as you get older. Even if you manage to stay in shape and maintain a good physical shape your skin can give you away. Therefore, it is only natural to want to seek out help to help reverse the signs of aging.

You can help prevent sun damage by staying out of the sun, avoiding tanning beds, and quitting smoking. A healthy diet can also improve the health of your skin, but all of these things can only go so far. For more help with your skin, you need to see a professional who can assess the shape of your skin and potentially offer treatments that help to tighten the skin to reduce and smooth our wrinkles. They also have tools at their disposal that can address the color and texture of skin such as Botox injections, chemical peels, wrinkle fillers, and laser therapy.

Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer, but it is also the most treatable if it is caught early enough. Anyone with prolonged sun exposure, which is almost everyone, should see a dermatologist at least once a year for a full-body exam. During the visit, the doctor will look over your skin from head to toe to look for signs of cancer. Regular examinations can help catch skin cancer before it has the chance to develop into something more threatening.

If you are looking for a new dermatologist in Southlake, TX, call Compassion Dermatology to set up a consultation and see what we can do to improve the health and appearance of your skin.

What Will Your Dermatologist Cover In A Skin Evaluation? | Southlake, TX

Photo by Bernardo Emanuelle at Shutterstock

It is said that beauty is skin deep. However, the texture and appearance of one’s skin can go a long way in enhancing their appearance. In a world where creating the perfect first impressions has started to matter more than ever before, it is worth going that extra mile and gaining flawless and glowing skin.

While some are naturally blessed, not everyone, unfortunately, can make similar claims. Skin problems do not just make you conscious about your appearance, but they can also indicate underlying health concerns. Consulting a dermatologist in Southlake, TX, is a good idea to get a complete skin evaluation.

What Can You Expect During Skin Evaluations?

Once you arrive for your appointment, your assigned dermatologist will ask you about some specific skin concerns that you might be currently having. Generally, the experts usually start with a complete, full-body skin check-up. They will cover every inch of your body and will go through every spot and markings.

At this point, they will usually concentrate more on any new marks that you might have recently spotted on your body. While some marks, like birthmarks, or scars from external injuries that you might have suffered as a child, are pretty harmless, some marks, moles, and spots are not.

Dermatologists also use equipments like dermatoscopes to examine moles and spots from close quarters, which helps them determine whether they are harmless or unusual.

Addressing Specific Skin Problems

Commonly Occurring Skin Problems

People worldwide suffer from pertinent skin problems like eczema, psoriasis, acne, shingles, hives, dermatitis, rosacea, and more. Yours will determine the intensity of the problem and ask you pertinent questions about when the problem started and whether the condition seems more severe during certain times of the month.

Such problems are usually traced to hormonal imbalances in the body. Women with polycystic ovaries can also suffer from severe bouts of acne and eczema. Your doctor will suggest tests and, subsequently, medications to balance your hormones as much as possible.

Lotions and ointments will also be prescribed subsequently to take care of any scars, pigmentation, or marks that might have already occurred from your previous bouts of acne. It could take more than one appointment on your part, but your dermatologist will track your progress at regular intervals and check if your condition is improving.

Sunburns and Scar Tissues

Severe cases of sunburn or nasty accidents can also leave behind ugly marks and scars. Scar tissues are mostly comprised of dead skin cells, and they are almost impossible to remove with the help of drugstore ointments or lotions. It would help if you had a specialized and complete evaluation to understand the extent of the problem.

Your dermatologist will suggest medical remedies that break down your scar tissues and helps in improving the texture of your skin. In very severe cases, like burns, yours in Southlake, TX, might also suggest procedures like skin grafting. If you have been living with the scars for a very long time, consulting an expert is your next step towards reclaiming your skin.

They can also help you if you notice your skin aging too quickly, with wrinkles, dark spots, and pigmentation rapidly increasing within a short span. This can happen when the collagen production in your body slows down. A doctor will help by suggesting methods of boosting your collagen production and introducing antioxidants to combat signs of early aging.


Skin allergies and pigmentation are other reasons why several people seek the help of an expert. During a complete skin evaluation, your doctor will try to ascertain what causes your allergies. They can be in the form of skin rashes, redness, severe itching, breakouts, boil, and inflammation, accompanied by tenderness or soreness. They can be a result of something you eat, but also due to external factors.

Your dermatologist will tell you about the best methods of keeping your allergies under control after ascertaining the reasons behind them.

Skin Cancer

Most importantly, some moles and spots are indicative of certain kinds of skin cancer, like melanoma. A complete skin evaluation will include a thorough check-up of all these problems. Your doctor will note the suspicious spots and send them for further assessment by suggesting some tests for you. The test results will determine the next course of action.

They might take pictures of the moles and, in subsequent appointments, check if the moles have changed size, color, or texture. Usually, moles with uneven edges and shifting shapes are considered unusual and are indicative of skin cancer. If your doctor suspects cancer, then you will be asked to undergo a biopsy.

The specimen will go to the dermatopathologist for evaluation, and the next course of action will be decided by yours, depending on the test results. Skin cancer screening is an essential service provided by most dermatology clinics.

Healthy Skin Habits

A visit to the dermatologist does not only stop with identifying your skin issues. Your doctor will also tell you how to make healthy lifestyle choices for improving the texture, tone, and complexion of your skin.

While internal issues like hormonal imbalance often cause skin issues, the hormones are often triggered due to the wrong choice of food, excessive stress, and an erratic lifestyle. You will see a marked improvement in your skin tone and texture by following the guidelines provided by yours.

Have You Been Suffering from Skin Irritation Lately? Consult Our Expert Dermatologists Today

At Compassion Dermatology in Southlake, TX, we understand how difficult it must be for you to live with constant skin irritability or hyper-pigmentation. It can prevent you from wearing your favorite swimsuit, applying any makeup you might want, or simply from enjoying your life to your fullest by making you conscious in the presence of the company.

Our panel of expert dermatologists makes sure that all your skin issues are addressed. We have board-certified and licensed doctors who have diagnosed hundreds of cases in the past. Consult our experts today if you have a growing concern about any kind of skin issue at all. Our complete and detailed skin evaluation includes multitudes of procedures, at the end of which you will be given permanent solutions to combat all the skin issues, paving the way to attaining youthful and glowing skin.

How To Locate A Trustworthy Dermatologist | Southlake, TX

Photo by Dmytro Zinkevych at Shutterstock

A doctor of dermatology can help you with many issues. Their Southlake, TX practice provides a variety of services that meet your needs. Upon researching your options further, you discover just how beneficial it is to go to one dermatologist over another in the city. After all, you want to see results quickly and benefit from the knowledge and expertise of the best doctor in town.0

If you’re not needed dermatology services before, it can be not easy to know who to reach out to today. To help you with the selection process, we’ve created this guide for you to look at whenever you have questions. It helps you better understand what will take place once you arrive at the dermatologist’s office. You’ll feel less apprehensive when you know what to expect from the interaction.

Finding a Professional You Can Trust to Help You with Your Dermatological Issues

You don’t want to trust just anyone with your request for assistance with your dermatology needs. That’s why you want to be very selective when searching for a dermatology expert to go to for the first time. If you have no clue who to see, you can ask your medical doctor for a recommendation. If they don’t have anyone to refer you to, you’ll find the advice listed below just as useful.

Here is how to locate a dermatologist in Southlake, TX:

  • Use a mobile device to do a local web search of the area’s professionals. Learn who offers services in the city by using the internet to research area doctors of dermatology. You’ll find many to choose from in one convenient online directory. Using the information that you pulled up, start narrowing your choices to one or two candidates. Call or email your choices to see who’s available to assist you with your service request. If you find one dermatologist more accommodating than another, book an appointment with the professional and end your search right away.


  • Reach out to family and friends who use dermatological services. There are many people you know who have experienced issues with their hair, nails, and skin. They’ve sought the help of a skilled dermatologist in the past and can help refer you to the same doctor that assisted them. All you need to do is reach out to the people you know and request assistance from them. By doing so, you can find out more about the doctor from a confidential source who won’t leave out any important details.


  • Read reviews left on online review sites by people with skin problems. Get to know what makes one company better than another by reading what other people say about it. You may find a stranger’s review more helpful than any other resource you have access to today. Take some time to read through the various review sites you find online to see who is highly recommended repeatedly by their patients. You’ll learn very quickly that some stand out in a crowd for all the right reasons while others simply do not.


  • Schedule a consultation to get a feel for how the dermatology expert works and treats you. An excellent way to know how a medical professional performs is to get to know them better through a scheduled consultation. It gives you the chance to reach out to them and ask them questions before seeking treatment for your condition. It’s time for you to learn about the types of insurance accepted by the doctor and their approach to healing your hair, skin, or nails. You’ll feel good about having the opportunity to sit down for a face-to-face meeting with the professional before explicitly selecting them as your doctor of dermatology.

Dermatologists are trusted professionals who provide support and guidance concerning your hair, nails, and skin. Contacting one today with your request for assistance allows you to ask the questions that you’re the most concerned about without delay. You have a very good idea of what to expect from the interaction because you’ve taken time to get to know the professionals in the area offering dermatology services.

Now that you’ve had the chance to discover different ways to locate a doctor of dermatology in the area, you can choose a professional to work with long into the future. It’s an option that makes your life easier because having a trusted provider makes healing inevitable. You’re more likely to follow the doctor’s advice for treatment when you feel like they have your best interests in mind.

How to Maintain a Good Professional Relationship with Your Dermatologist

There are things you can do to keep the professional relationship you’ve created with your doctor of dermatology going. The first is to attend all scheduled appointments. It’s imperative to your physical and mental well-being. Even if you feel like you no longer have a problem, you’ll want to see the doctor for advice on maintaining the progress you’ve made with your hair, skin, or nails.

It’s also important to ask questions that help you progress with your treatment plan. Don’t hold back information. It’s vital to your healing and lets your dermatology doctor know if they need to switch your medication or give you a different option to choose from altogether. Honesty and transparency with your dermatologist are essential.

Get the Help That You Deserve with Your Hair, Skin, and Nails

Compassion Dermatology has a lot to offer you in the way of value. First and foremost, we’re committed to getting to the root of the problem you’re experiencing so we can give you more favorable results. Next, we treat you with care and compassion because we know how alarming skin conditions can be. Finally, we make you feel comfortable from the minute you first step inside our practice.

It’s our mission to give you the best customer experience possible. That’s why we take the time to explain everything we can to you during your initial consultation at our Southlake, TX office. Call 817-380-5911 with your request to set up an appointment. We’ll get you put on the schedule so you can see the dermatologist immediately.

Things Every Dermatologist Should Do For Their Patients | Southlake, TX

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There are many dermatologists in Southlake, TX to choose from today. Learning which of the options is best for you takes some research, especially if you’ve never received treatment for your skin before. The things that set an excellent dermatology expert apart from a good one are listed below. You can reference the guide and make your decision to pick an excellent doctor of dermatology based on the information it contains.

What to Expect from the Dermatologist You See as a Patient

As a patient, you have high standards. You want to know that the person you see about your skin cares about you, your health, and your well-being. Fortunately, you can do so without inhibitions because you’ll know what to expect from the professional you visit to treat your condition.

Here are some things that every dermatologist should do for their patients in Southlake, TX:

  • Get to know their unique needs. No two people are exactly alike. That’s why the doctor you go to must recognize your differences. A personalized treatment plan is preferable because you may be experiencing more than one issue at once. Being able to work with a medical professional that respects your individuality is imperative. You’ll feel the most satisfaction from the process that way.


  • Offer a variety of services that address hair, skin, and nail health. The more services a dermatology clinic provides, the better. That means that you can go to one location to have all of your needs met. You’ll experience fewer instances of dissatisfaction. Instead, you’ll be able to reach out to your doctor of dermatology and feel comfortable addressing issues involving your hair, skin, and nails. Resolving one issue with your health can improve other problems that you’re experiencing.


  • Provide multiple payment options. A patient portal online makes paying for appointments much easier. When you look for a dermatologist to go to, inquire about their billing process. That way, you know what to expect when you go to pay for your latest visit. Signing up for and using the patient portal allows you to see what’s going on and when.


  • Be a compassionate source of information and support. You can benefit tremendously from the knowledge of an excellent doctor of dermatology. They help you overcome barriers to healing by letting you know what you should do to accelerate your body’s ability to do it right away. When you reach out to the doctor, they should greet you with kindness and understanding. It’s hard to discuss problems with problematic skin, hair loss, and brittle nails. Knowing that you have someone in your corner rooting you on makes every dermatology appointment much easier to accept.


  • Educate people on things they can do to improve the health of their hair, skin, and nails. Again, you have a valuable resource to use when you’ve found a dermatologist that listens to you. Once you’ve established a relationship with them, you can start healing successfully. The advice that they give you and the regimens that they put you on will suddenly make sense. You’ll have a greater understanding of what you should do to heal. You’ll avoid doing things that could potentially disrupt the progress that you’ve made with your doctor.

The best dermatologist is one that is very attentive to your needs. They care about your well-being and do everything they can to deliver satisfactory results. If you have questions, you feel comfortable asking them. The professional has no problem instructing you on what to do next.

When you seek care from a medical professional, you want to know that they’re honoring your request with confidentiality, compassion, and dignity. After all, your hair, skin, and nails make up a large part of your appearance, and you may not feel as confident as you did before you experienced issues. Having someone you can trust to guide you on your journey to healing is essential to your physical and mental well-being.

Where to Find a Qualified and Caring Dermatologist

Locating a Southlake, TX dermatologist that checks all the boxes is easy. Now that you’ve gotten a feel for what makes a professional stand out, you can narrow your selection of worthy candidates to one. It’s much easier to know who in the area provides dermatology services when you do a web search or ask a family member or friend to suggest a doctor to you. You also can research dermatology offices by reading online reviews posted by patients from the area.

All of the suggestions listed here make the process of selecting the right doctor for dermatology fast and easy. A consultation allows you to get acquainted with the professional before they have a chance to treat your skin, hair, or nails. You can get a gut feeling for how they work and the type of rapport they’re able to build with you from the very start of your appointment.

You can then decide if you feel the professional relationship is one worth having long-term. If it is, you’re able to call the doctor of dermatology whenever you need assistance in the future. You’ll have a doctor you can count on that knows you and what you’re going through. They’ll be able to make suggestions on treating you based on what they’ve learned about your medical history, known allergies, and lifestyle choices.

Get the Care That You Deserve Delivered by a Kind and Compassionate Dermatologist

Are you ready to schedule a dermatology appointment? If you are, it’s time to contact Compassion Dermatology. You can call 817-380-5911 today with your request for assistance. You’re also able to schedule appointments online through our scheduling tool.

Whichever way is the most convenient for you, know that we’re in the business of providing compassionate, caring, and customized dermatologic solutions to meet your needs. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us with any questions or concerns that you might have about your skin issue. Getting to the root of the problem is our specialty and allows us to address the issue more effectively you’re experiencing successfully.

10 Dermatologist Tips For Saving Skin From Sun Damage | Southlake, TX

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Ask any Southlake, TX dermatologist for their top piece of advice for preserving the youthful appearance of skin and they’ll likely answer, “protect it from the sun”. Sun damage is cumulative and can lead to premature aging, wrinkles, and, in worst-case scenarios, certain kinds of skin cancer. Here are some of the top suggestions from certified dermatologists. They deal with sun-damaged skin on a daily basis. Sure, some sun damage can be reversed using specialized treatments and procedures, but prevention is still your best bet for life-long great skin.

Use Sunscreen

Science has taught us the necessity of protecting skin in a changing environment that is becoming increasingly harsh. Broad spectrum sunscreens (products that address both types of ultraviolet light, or UV and UVB sun rays) are a useful line of defense. Apply daily before sun exposure, on the face, arms, legs, and body parts that you might forget are also vulnerable such as ears and the tops of your feet. For best results, apply 15 to 20 minutes before going out in order to give the skin a chance to fully absorb the protection. With so many products available these days, there are options for creams, lotions, and sprays in different formulations. Choose the one you are most likely to use consistently every day.

Wear a Hat

Physically blocking sun rays from hitting your scalp, hair and face is also a good idea. Choose a hat with a wide brim (today’s fashionable bucket hats are ideal) in a light color. You don’t have to wear it all day, but when the sun’s rays are harshest in the afternoon, or around the beach – wearing a hat can reduce the risk of burns and heat stroke.

Use a Sunblock

While sunscreens use chemistry (and agents such as avobenzone and octinoxate) to protect your skin from the sun, sunblock creates a physical barrier with minerals like titanium oxide and zinc oxide to keep rays from reaching your skin. When you see lifeguards wearing unabsorbed white cream on their noses, it’s a mineral-based sunblock. It’s great for protecting very vulnerable areas, or if you are fair-skinned and must be in direct sunlight for a period of time.

Re-apply, Re-apply, Re-apply

Sunscreen needs to be re-applied frequently to be an effective protection for fragile skin. Dermatologists recommend refreshing sunscreen every two hours or so while in the sun, more frequently if you are swimming, exercising, or sweating heavily. This applies even if you are using a waterproof or resistant sunscreen.

Up the SPF

Sun protection factor (SPF) is a scale that indicates how long you can stay in the sun without burning if you use sunscreen. Go for at least a 30 SPF for outdoor use – this means that, with proper application, your skin is 30 times less likely to burn than it would be going without sunscreen. These days, it’s not uncommon for sunscreen products to be available in SPF 60 or 70.

Explore Sun-Protective Clothing

In response to increased awareness about sun damage, the fashion industry is innovating with UV-filtering fabrics that can be worn in the sun, even while swimming. These fabrics are ranked using a UPF scale, which stands for ultraviolet protection factor. UPF protection clothing rated 50 means that only 2% ( or 1/50th) of UV rays can penetrate the fabric. So the higher the UPF rating is, the more UV protective the piece of clothing is. One note: wearing UPF clothing doesn’t mean you can go without sunscreen.

Monitor for Skin Cancers

Sun damage can alter human DNA, and lead to disruptions at the cellular level. And sun damage accumulates over your lifetime and can result in a number of types of skin cancer. The most deadly type of cutaneous cancer, melanoma, has increased radically in the past few decades according to the Mayo Clinic. Especially if you are over the age of 60, keep an eye out for skin irregularities like tags, spots of discoloration, or moles, and consult with a dermatologist or doctor if you suspect they are out of the ordinary.

Avoid Peak Sun Hours

In North America, the sun’s UV rays are at their most fierce and potentially damaging between 10 am and 4 pm. Avoid being outdoors in direct sunlight during this time, especially during summer months, if it’s possible. Sunny winter days can also wreak havoc on skin.

Cold Weather Precautions

Be extra careful around water, snow, and sand. These elements all have reflective properties that can amplify the effects of UV rays, and bounce them onto unprotected areas of your skin. So be extra cautious and attentive to sunscreen when skiing on a sunny day or hanging out at the beach.

See a Dermatologist Regularly

In addition to providing great advice about ongoing sun care, a certified dermatologist can recommend corrective treatments such as laser or chemical peels that can help reverse superficial sun damage. Dermatologists are also familiar with innovations in the field and can recommend the newest and best sun care products. Finally, certified dermatologists can help learn about your skin, its care, and the threats against it. This is not just a cosmetic concern (though we are all impacted by the aesthetics of aging, and each of us is deserving of efforts to control it to the best of our ability), it’s a question of health and wellbeing.

If you live in the greater Southlake, TX area and would like to learn more about how dermatology can help repair and prevent sun damage to your skin, get in touch with the experts at Compassion Dermatology. Their certified dermatologists have a wealth of knowledge to share. Call 817-380-5911 or use the handy contact form to book a consultation today.

Your Dermatologist: Medical And Cosmetic Dermatology | Southlake, TX

Photo by True Touch Lifestyle at Shutterstock

Do you often look in the mirror and not like what you see looking back at you? It might be time to consult with a dermatologist in Southlake, TX, but if you have never been to a dermatology practice before you may be hesitant because you don’t know what to expect. Regardless of why you choose to see a dermatology expert, you can rest assured that they are just as professional as any other medical expert you may choose to see. They are completely discrete and will offer you advice based on what is best in your scenario.

However, before you go you need to think about whether you need medical or cosmetic dermatology. Some practices only offer one or the other while other practices are able to offer both medical and cosmetic services depending on how the doctors within the practice are licensed and what they choose to specialize in. If you are unsure of what type of dermatologist you need, you can always call the Southlake, TX practice you have in mind and ask questions. Our office is always happy to answer questions and would be glad to help you determine what exactly you need. This actually helps us out in advance because we can schedule a time that is appropriate for your needs.

Most people divide medical dermatology and cosmetic dermatology by what your insurance will or will not cover, but there is more to it than just that. Like most medical treatments, what your insurance will or will not cover changes based on what you need and what type of insurance you carry. There is no way to say one way or another in a short article whether or not your insurance will cover a service. Therefore, if you have any concerns it is best to schedule a consultation and talk to our practice and billing department about your specific needs.

What is Medical Dermatology?

Medical dermatology focuses on improving the appearance of skin and ensuring that it is healthy. The skin is the largest organ in the body and needs to be properly taken care of as you age. The main goal of medical dermatologists is to address medical conditions that concern the skin as they arise. Usually, these conditions first affect the appearance of the skin so it is not uncommon for people to first schedule an appointment with a dermatology expert because they are worried about how their skin looks.

The main difference here is that while cosmetic dermatologists treat a skin problem with the intent of making you look better, medical dermatologists only care that your skin is healthy. As you can see, there is a lot of crossover between the two since sometimes poor skin is a reflection of poor health and sometimes it is just a sign of aging. However, there are solutions that address each issue which is why it is always important to visit a dermatologist to see what can be done to improve the health of your skin.

Medical dermatology practices treat a wide variety of skin issues, but they tend to see certain conditions more than ever. For instance, among teens treatment for acne that is severe or scarring is very popular. Among adults, treatment for skin cancer is also common as skin cancer is on the rise and most people will at some point in their life have a basal cell carcinoma due to repeated exposure to the sun. As the ozone layer continues to deteriorate the damage is growing worse than it was before. Some people are also at high risk for skin cancer and should book an annual skin examination earlier in life than others.

These are just a few of the many, many conditions that are treated by medical dermatology practices. Others include eczema, psoriasis, warts, alopecia, and contact allergies. It is important to realize that skin conditions can occur at any age. Some people can live until their 60s without any skin issues and then suddenly develop skin diseases while other people might suffer from things like severe eczema from two months of age.

What is Cosmetic Dermatology?

Cosmetic dermatology on the other hand is based solely upon wants and does not have anything to do with medical needs. People who see a cosmetic dermatology expert traditionally want to reverse the signs of aging or want to improve areas of their skin that they don’t like such as non-cancerous moles or liver spots. Most cosmetic procedures involve the face since this is the area that most people feel shows the signs of aging first, but cosmetic procedures can be carried out all over the body.

In general, you see a cosmetic dermatologist if you simply want to improve the way you look, and apparently many people do as cosmetic dermatology is growing in popularity. In fact, every year more and more procedures are being performed making it a cutting-edge practice that is worth a second look. The demand is likely to continue to keep growing as people recognize how accessible cosmetic dermatology is these days. Some of the most sought-after cosmetic dermatology treatments include chemical peels, botox, laser rejuvenation, skin tightening, dermal fillers, laser hair removal, and skin tightening.

Keep in mind this is only a limited list, there are dozens of other procedures that can help you improve your appearance if you speak to a cosmetic dermatologist about your options. Whether you need to address your appearance or you need to address a medical issue that is affecting the health of your skin, Compassion Dermatology can help you. Give our Southlake, TX office a call today so we can make you an appointment with one of our fully licensed dermatologists.

Skin Cancer And Your Dermatology Service | Southlake Area

Photo by Cherries at Shutterstock

A lot of people don’t think much about their skin until they have a problem. In fact, unless you are a fan of makeup you probably don’t even think about it at all outside of ensuring you wash your face and body on a regular basis. However, the second a suspicious mole or discoloration shows up your skin will be the only thing that you can think about. With skin cancer on the rise, for many people, it is only a matter of time until a visit to the dermatologist pops up on their to-do list. So what should you expect from the field of dermatology?

Surprisingly a lot. Dermatology is one field that continues to make rapid advances every year. There are always new products and prescription creams debuting on the market and as skin cancer grows there is a growing field of innovative ways to treat it. Even people who think they know the skincare market inside and out are amazed at the secret creams that dermatologists in the Southlake area have up their sleeves. The simple truth of the matter is that if it deals with the skin, a dermatologist is the best solution every time.

Visit a Dermatologist Before Spending Hundreds in the Beauty Aisle

There are a million skincare products on the market, and they all want you to think that they will cure your problems, but the simple truth is if one of them actually worked don’t you think everyone would know? There is a reason why you don’t hear about an amazing fountain of youth or cream that everyone your age is using. It is because there isn’t one magic elixir. However, in the world of dermatology, there are effective solutions to common skin issues that aren’t on the shelf.

These medications are trialed, controlled, and properly overseen because they have the ability to help treat many skin ailments. You can keep pouring your money into beauty products that will not actually help (outside of sunscreen- that can help your skin immensely) or you can take the plunge and visit a dermatology practice to get real help for your concerns. Sometimes discolored skin and raised bumps are symptoms of other issues that require more than what the beauty aisle can get you at your local drug store. You won’t know until you allow a doctor at a local practice to get a good look.

When to Head to a Dermatologist for Skin Cancer

Skin cancer, also known as basal cell carcinoma can have many appearances during the early stages which is why it is important to always be alarmed by changes to your skin. Visiting a dermatology practice and finding out that something is simply a sign of aging is never going to hurt you, but skipping a visit and allowing skin cancer to progress is going to have potentially disastrous results so it is always best to be safe than sorry.

Some of the most common signs that skin cancer might be growing include a white or waxy bump, increased visible blood vessels, new scaly brown patches on the body, or sometimes a new waxy scar that forms independently of an injury. The most common places for skin cancer to appear are areas that receive the most sun such as the ears, face, and neck. Skin cancer is also common in the back and for men with thinning hair on the scalp. Keep in mind that while these are the most common areas to have patches of basal cell tumors, skin cancer can appear anywhere so always be on the lookout.

The Benefits of a Full-Body Skin Exam

Given the fact that skin cancer can appear at any stage of your life and/or in many forms, it is not a bad idea to book a full-body skin exam with a dermatology practice as you grow older. This type of exam is recommended for anyone that has spent a large amount of time in the sun or anyone that is over the age of 30. While that may seem young, keep in mind that repeated exposure to the sun is all it takes to develop skin cancer, and catching small clusters of basal cell carcinoma early is key in treatment.

However, some groups of people should see a dermatologist earlier to be checked for skin cancer. Children that are considered at high risk for skin cancer are actually recommended to start seeing the doctor at age 15. Risk factors that increase your chances of developing skin cancer include a family history of skin cancer, the presence of moles on the body, and those who spend a great deal of time in the sun unprotected. Regular indoor tanning also heightens your chances of developing skin cancer and should be considered a risk factor. Those with fair skin, blonde or red hair, and skin that easily burns are also at a heightened risk of skin cancer.

What Happens During a Skin Exam at a Dermatologist?

Skin cancer screening is non-invasive and is a fairly easy practice which is why it is recommended anyone with skin concerns book a screening at their local dermatology office. The actual screening is simply a visual exam that involves a doctor looking over a patient from head to toe. Patients wear a hospital gown but should not be concerned about any private areas being checked, although, if a patient has specific concerns about growth in a private region they should mention it to their doctor at which point it can be respectfully examined.

Now that you know how easy it is to get screened for skin cancer, it is time to make an appointment at your local dermatology office for a check-up in the Southlake area. Compassion Dermatology offers regular skin cancer screenings along with other exams for all patients that live in the Southlake area. Give us a call today to get your first visit scheduled.

What To Expect From Your First Time Seeing A Dermatologist | Southlake, TX

Photo by New Africa at Shutterstock

When you have a serious skin condition, it can be very damaging to your self-esteem. It’s particularly bad when other people can see it and judge you based on your appearance. If you feel nervous about setting up your first Southlake, TX dermatology appointment, don’t be! The right dermatologic team is caring and compassionate, two things that make you feel right at home when seeking treatment options.

It Starts with One Phone Call or Email

This guide is one that you’ll return to regularly because of the valuable information that it contains. It helps acquaint you with dermatologic services and prepares you for your initial consultation. It provides valuable insight into what to expect when meeting with a dermatology team and dermatologist for the first time. By the time you’ve finished reading it, you’ll be more than ready to tackle the task at hand by getting your very first appointment scheduled without delay.

Here is what to expect from your first Southlake, TX dermatology appointment:

  • Fill out the forms on the website to bring with you to your consultation with the dermatologist. There are two to six to complete. You can also email them to Compassion Dermatology. We must have them on file before seeing you and treating you. It allows us to build a medical history on you that we can reference at future appointments with your doctor.


  • If you’re an unaccompanied minor, please have the Minor Consent to Treat form available, too. It states that your parents have given their explicit consent to the treatment you’ll be receiving from the dermatologist. If you are underage, we cannot see you without the form. It, too, is available on our website under the category of ‘Your First Appointment.’ You’ll want to print it out and bring it in with you unless you have the option to scan it and send it to us by email three days before your appointment.


  • Arrive at our office at least 15 minutes before your scheduled appointment time. It allows us plenty of time to get you checked in so that we can make sure that you’ve completed all of the forms entirely before you see the dermatologist. It gives the doctor a chance to finish up with other patients, too, before seeing you.


  • Bring your insurance card with you to enter into the system along with the rest of your paperwork. When it comes time to bill you for your visit, we contact your insurance company to cover the portion of the appointment that your co-pay doesn’t cover. The receptionist often makes a copy of the card or enters it into the database for future visits. If your insurance changes for any reason between your first and follow-up appointments, you must let us know to bill the right provider.


  • Note that your initial consultation is a time for asking questions and seeking advice. If you have specific things you want to ask your dermatologist, it’s important that you know what they are in advance. That way, you get everything you can from your dermatology appointment. It may help to write them down on a piece of paper or create a note on your phone, so you don’t forget what they are currently. The more you know about the doctor and dermatology office, the more comfortable you feel having them treat your skin condition.


  • Once we set you up in the system, you can access the Patient Portal to read notes left by the dermatologist. If you’re the type of person that appreciates doing things online, you’ll love being able to access information after your appointment through the Patient Portal located on our website. It puts the power of patient advocacy into your hands. It also allows you to pay any remaining balance left on your account by debit or credit card after seeing the doctor. We make things as comfortable as possible for you so that you’re able to take care of all of your needs by visiting our website if it’s your preferred way of gathering knowledge from us.


  • We treat you with kindness and respect at all times. It’s vital that you feel like we treat you with care during every visit you make to our office. We know how much courage it takes to treat a skin condition that has been highly problematic for you. Know that you’ll get the care that you deserve when you schedule an appointment to see us. We get to know you as a person to help you achieve the goals you’ve set for yourself in treating your skin.

Having a dermatologist that you trust to visit is imperative to the health of your skin. It makes you more confident of the professional’s ability to help you with your condition. You don’t put off appointments because you’re nervous or feel like they don’t help you in any way. Instead, you get the service scheduled quickly, so you’re able to benefit from having access to the treatments and medications that you need to eliminate or reduce the effects of your skin problem.

Get the help that you deserve by scheduling your initial consultation with a dermatologist without delay. Putting it off only makes things worse. When you have a team of caring medical professionals by your side, it’s empowering. It allows you to get the help that you need and deserve when dealing with your skin.

Set Up Your First Appointment with a Caring Dermatological Team of Professionals Today

Compassion Dermatology in Southlake, TX, is here to help you with your request for assistance in seeing a dermatologist. We make scheduling your first appointment fast and easy. You can call 817-380-5911 or email welcome@compassiondermatology.com. Whatever way you choose to reach out to us, know that you’ll get an expedient response so we can get your initial consultation booked without delay.

It’s important that we’re able to assist you with your request on time. The sooner you reach out to us for a dermatology appointment, the better. Letting us know more about your condition helps us provide as much information to the doctor as possible before your visit. That way, they’re prepared to assist you in a way that feels comfortable and convenient for you.

5 Dermatologist Tips On How To Deal With Oily Skin | Southlake, TX

Photo by Boyloso at Shutterstock

Depending on your skin type, you may have very different concerns. For example, someone with dry skin may worry more about cracked skin than someone with oily skin. Someone with oily skin may be more concerned with figuring out how to control their skin’s oil production, so they don’t look extremely greasy throughout the day.

The key to having great skin is knowing exactly what your skin needs. This isn’t easy, which is why we highly recommend that you speak with one of our dermatologists in Southlake, TX for more information. Below, we’ve listed out 5 general tips that you can follow.

#1. Exfoliate Once a Week

Many dermatologists will recommend exfoliating once a week if you have oily skin. Choosing the right type of exfoliator is crucial. Look for products that contain both alpha- and beta-hydroxy acids, as they are very effective at removing oil and dirt that have made their way into your pores. You’ll notice a difference right away with these products.

Exfoliating once a week can prevent your pores from clogging, which is one of the main concerns of people with oily skin. They’re usually more prone to getting acne.

#2. Use an Astringent Every Other Day

Other than exfoliating, you should also consider using an astringent every other day. Astringents are usually liquid-based products that will help clean your skin, tighten your pores, and also remove oil. By tightening your pores, astringents can also help regulate oil production and make your skin less oily. With that said, astringents usually contain isopropyl, which is rubbing alcohol, so it can dry out your skin. This is why you need to use it moderately.

If you’re worried about the alcohol, you can look around, as some of the newer products on the market are alcohol-free or contain alcohol from botanicals, which can be less drying.

#3. Always Have Some Blotting Paper On Hand

You’ve probably seen blotting paper being used by some people who seem to sweat a lot more than others. There are some arguments over whether blotting papers really are good for your skin or not. Some people say that it will push the dirt and dust on your skin further in; however, blotting papers do work. You need to be careful with how often you use them, the type of blotting papers that you use, and whether you clean your face properly at the end of the day.

With that said, blotting papers don’t actually treat the problem. They simply remove the oil, so you won’t have to worry about it as much for the time being.

#4. Use a Clay Mask

Proper skincare is crucial for managing oily skin. One of the main reasons why many people will seek help from a dermatologist is because it can be difficult to find the right types of products. If you use the wrong products, it can make your oil problem worse.

One of the best products that you can use to control oily skin is a clay mask. Try to apply a clay mask on your face at least once a week. It will make a huge difference. If you’re not sure what type of clay mask to use, speak with a dermatologist. An experienced professional can look at the ingredients in each mask to figure out which one may be most beneficial for your skin.

One of the main reasons why many dermatologists recommend clay masks is because they contain minerals like bentonite or smectite. These minerals do a really good job of absorbing excess oils and reducing overall shine without irritating the skin. They’ll prevent your skin from drying out and will keep it smooth and moisturized.

If you don’t feel comfortable applying a face mask by yourself at home, you can always find an experienced professional who offers this type of skin care treatment and routine at their office. It’s a great way to relax, and you can always add on other services that will make your skin glow.

#5. Consider Professional Treatment

Many people simply can’t seem to handle the amount of oil that’s being produced by their skin. In these situations, it might be a good idea to book a consultation with a dermatologist for not only skincare products but also professional treatment.

Some of the more popular treatment options for oily skin include pulsed light therapy, heat energy therapy, and even diode laser therapy. These therapies are able to effectively target and destroy the sebaceous glands in your face. This will greatly reduce the amount of oil that your skin produces on a regular basis.

With that said, these therapies can be quite expensive, so it’s important to explore the long-term benefits, as well as side effects, with an experienced professional in detail. It’s important to also discuss your concerns at this time as well since various treatments come with their own unique concerns and side effects.

Get a Skin Evaluation from a Dermatologist in Southlake, TX

It can be really difficult to gauge how you should treat your skin or what your skin needs if you haven’t spent years studying dermatology. It’s easy to get pulled in by social media influencers that promote certain skincare products; however, these products may not necessarily work for your skin based on its type and texture.

To get a better idea of how you should maintain and care for your skin, get a complete skin evaluation of your skin from head to toe. Our dermatologists can easily determine your skin type and whether there are any issues that need to be addressed. For example, they’ll monitor and evaluate moles and pigment changes in order to identify medical issues and cosmetic concerns.

With that information, our dermatologists in Southlake, TX can work with your insurance provider to create a personalized skincare routine and regimen that perfectly suits your skin. For more information, give us at Compassion Dermatology a call at 817-380-5911.