Photo by Boyloso at Shutterstock
Depending on your skin type, you may have very different concerns. For example, someone with dry skin may worry more about cracked skin than someone with oily skin. Someone with oily skin may be more concerned with figuring out how to control their skin’s oil production, so they don’t look extremely greasy throughout the day.
The key to having great skin is knowing exactly what your skin needs. This isn’t easy, which is why we highly recommend that you speak with one of our dermatologists in Southlake, TX for more information. Below, we’ve listed out 5 general tips that you can follow.
#1. Exfoliate Once a Week
Many dermatologists will recommend exfoliating once a week if you have oily skin. Choosing the right type of exfoliator is crucial. Look for products that contain both alpha- and beta-hydroxy acids, as they are very effective at removing oil and dirt that have made their way into your pores. You’ll notice a difference right away with these products.
Exfoliating once a week can prevent your pores from clogging, which is one of the main concerns of people with oily skin. They’re usually more prone to getting acne.
#2. Use an Astringent Every Other Day
Other than exfoliating, you should also consider using an astringent every other day. Astringents are usually liquid-based products that will help clean your skin, tighten your pores, and also remove oil. By tightening your pores, astringents can also help regulate oil production and make your skin less oily. With that said, astringents usually contain isopropyl, which is rubbing alcohol, so it can dry out your skin. This is why you need to use it moderately.
If you’re worried about the alcohol, you can look around, as some of the newer products on the market are alcohol-free or contain alcohol from botanicals, which can be less drying.
#3. Always Have Some Blotting Paper On Hand
You’ve probably seen blotting paper being used by some people who seem to sweat a lot more than others. There are some arguments over whether blotting papers really are good for your skin or not. Some people say that it will push the dirt and dust on your skin further in; however, blotting papers do work. You need to be careful with how often you use them, the type of blotting papers that you use, and whether you clean your face properly at the end of the day.
With that said, blotting papers don’t actually treat the problem. They simply remove the oil, so you won’t have to worry about it as much for the time being.
#4. Use a Clay Mask
Proper skincare is crucial for managing oily skin. One of the main reasons why many people will seek help from a dermatologist is because it can be difficult to find the right types of products. If you use the wrong products, it can make your oil problem worse.
One of the best products that you can use to control oily skin is a clay mask. Try to apply a clay mask on your face at least once a week. It will make a huge difference. If you’re not sure what type of clay mask to use, speak with a dermatologist. An experienced professional can look at the ingredients in each mask to figure out which one may be most beneficial for your skin.
One of the main reasons why many dermatologists recommend clay masks is because they contain minerals like bentonite or smectite. These minerals do a really good job of absorbing excess oils and reducing overall shine without irritating the skin. They’ll prevent your skin from drying out and will keep it smooth and moisturized.
If you don’t feel comfortable applying a face mask by yourself at home, you can always find an experienced professional who offers this type of skin care treatment and routine at their office. It’s a great way to relax, and you can always add on other services that will make your skin glow.
#5. Consider Professional Treatment
Many people simply can’t seem to handle the amount of oil that’s being produced by their skin. In these situations, it might be a good idea to book a consultation with a dermatologist for not only skincare products but also professional treatment.
Some of the more popular treatment options for oily skin include pulsed light therapy, heat energy therapy, and even diode laser therapy. These therapies are able to effectively target and destroy the sebaceous glands in your face. This will greatly reduce the amount of oil that your skin produces on a regular basis.
With that said, these therapies can be quite expensive, so it’s important to explore the long-term benefits, as well as side effects, with an experienced professional in detail. It’s important to also discuss your concerns at this time as well since various treatments come with their own unique concerns and side effects.
Get a Skin Evaluation from a Dermatologist in Southlake, TX
It can be really difficult to gauge how you should treat your skin or what your skin needs if you haven’t spent years studying dermatology. It’s easy to get pulled in by social media influencers that promote certain skincare products; however, these products may not necessarily work for your skin based on its type and texture.
To get a better idea of how you should maintain and care for your skin, get a complete skin evaluation of your skin from head to toe. Our dermatologists can easily determine your skin type and whether there are any issues that need to be addressed. For example, they’ll monitor and evaluate moles and pigment changes in order to identify medical issues and cosmetic concerns.
With that information, our dermatologists in Southlake, TX can work with your insurance provider to create a personalized skincare routine and regimen that perfectly suits your skin. For more information, give us at Compassion Dermatology a call at 817-380-5911.