4 Most Common Reasons To Go To A Dermatologist | Southlake, TX

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Dermatology is actually a very exciting field. A lot of people think that dermatology is just about treating wrinkles and acne, and while it certainly does include these two things there is a lot more to it. At its most basic, dermatology involves treating the skin, but the skin is very complex and as the largest organ on the body involves a highly intricate treatment plan. There are thousands of things that can happen to your skin, and a dermatologist goes through extensive training to ensure that they can spot, identify, and then treat each and every single one of those things.

Therefore there is a good chance that at some point in your life you will need to see a dermatologist in Southlake, TX. These professionals go through medical school and then specialize in dermatology once they begin their residencies. They receive the same education as any other type of doctor, and rightfully so since they have to deal with such an extensive organ. In general, there are two types of dermatologists: medical and cosmetic. There is overlap between the two so many dermatology offices actually offer a combination of both services although for specific procedures you will want to choose the office that caters to your needs.

Wondering if you need to see a dermatologist for a health issue that you are facing that deals with your skin? Like most things, a great place to start is always your primary care doctor who can refer you to a local dermatology office if need be, but if your insurance does not require a referral then you can make your own appointment. Most insurance doesn’t cover cosmetic procedures, so if you are in search of cosmetic procedures you can begin your search for a dermatology practice on your own.

Most cosmetic dermatology offices offer free consultations so that customers can talk about what their options are for dealing with bothersome conditions, and then discuss the process of curing or fixing skin ailments. If you are thinking about a cosmetic procedure, it is best to go ahead and schedule your consultation. You will never know if something is an option for you until you speak to a medical professional about it, and you have nothing to lose by meeting with a doctor to see if you are comfortable with their services or not. Here are just a few of the things that you may want to see a Southlake, TX dermatologist about.

Acne: AKA Pimples

While it is true that dermatologists can treat a number of different diseases, acne is still one of the most common. In fact, acne is one of the most common skin affiliations facing people in the US. Not only can acne and blackheads be painful when they form on your face, but they are usually extremely annoying and they cause blemishes that are hard to hide from the world. A lot of people think that acne only happens to teenagers, but the truth is that you can get it at any age, and a lot of people battle with it throughout their lives.

While acne is not a life-threatening skin disorder, it can ruin your self-confidence and can lead to scars that you will carry on your face for the rest of your life. For this reason, proper acne treatment can be a lifesaver for many teenagers and adults who constantly battle with insidious skin disease.


Eczema is somewhat a catch-all phrase for skin conditions that cause the skin to swell and rash. Most people consider eczema to be a rash that causes itchy skin, but in reality, it is actually inflamed skin that can become so agitated that it actually starts to leak fluids. This makes the skin susceptible to infection and can interfere with sleeping and other daily tasks.

Depending on the location of eczema and its severity, a dermatologist might decide to prescribe prescription creams and/or steroids. In some cases over the counter creams can be used in conjunction with these products to help keep skin inflammation at a minimum. Most dermatology practices will also help you learn healthy skincare to help prevent flares from occurring in the future.

Combat Signs of Aging

No one wants to look old. The skin is the number one thing that will reveal your age because it starts to dry out, discolor, and wrinkle as you get older. Even if you manage to stay in shape and maintain a good physical shape your skin can give you away. Therefore, it is only natural to want to seek out help to help reverse the signs of aging.

You can help prevent sun damage by staying out of the sun, avoiding tanning beds, and quitting smoking. A healthy diet can also improve the health of your skin, but all of these things can only go so far. For more help with your skin, you need to see a professional who can assess the shape of your skin and potentially offer treatments that help to tighten the skin to reduce and smooth our wrinkles. They also have tools at their disposal that can address the color and texture of skin such as Botox injections, chemical peels, wrinkle fillers, and laser therapy.

Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer, but it is also the most treatable if it is caught early enough. Anyone with prolonged sun exposure, which is almost everyone, should see a dermatologist at least once a year for a full-body exam. During the visit, the doctor will look over your skin from head to toe to look for signs of cancer. Regular examinations can help catch skin cancer before it has the chance to develop into something more threatening.

If you are looking for a new dermatologist in Southlake, TX, call Compassion Dermatology to set up a consultation and see what we can do to improve the health and appearance of your skin.