Afraid to Ask The Internet? Just Get a Skin Check | Dermatologist in Southlake, TX

Most of us have tried to self-diagnose our problems by Googling our symptoms. Some researchers have even found that about 72% of the people on the internet have searched for health-related information at least once.

We already know that there a huge problem in this practice. Not all the results in our searches are credible and they just cause us to panic for no real reason at all. Don’t get us wrong, the internet is a great place to carry out several types of searches. Replacing professional kinds of diagnosis, however, isn’t one of them.

So what should you do instead? We recommend that you get yourself a full-body skin check by booking an appointment with a dermatologist in Southlake, TX.

If you haven’t gotten a full-body skin anytime soon – or ever for that matter, we’re not going to guilt trip you. We will tell you, however, that it’s quick, painless and really worth your while. That being said, here is everything your dermatologist in Southlake, TX wants you to know about a full-body skin check.

Everything You Wanted to Know About a Skin Check

1.   Is There Anything You Can Do To Be Ready?

Almost every dermatologist in Southlake, TX will want you to remove your nail polish and wear your hair down. This is because they will want to examine your scalp and your nails are an important part of your exam too.

In the room of your dermatologist in Southlake, TX, you will have to remove all your clothes and slip into the robe provided to you. It might be alright to wear some light make-up, but you should bring some things along with you for touchups.

2.   Will I Have To Stand Completely Naked?

When your dermatologist in Southlake, TX says full-body skin check up, they really mean it. They will begin from your scalp and move down to your face, ears, lips, inner mouth, neck, chest, arms, nails, palms, armpits, buttocks, legs, and the soles of your feet.

Even though they will conduct a full-body examination, almost every dermatologist in Southlake, TX will let their patients keep their underwear on. This is because they don’t normally examine genitals unless their patients actually mention a specific concern.

3.   What Will Your Dermatologist in Southlake, TX Be Looking For Exactly?

The most common thing they look for are open sore that wouldn’t heal and rough looking or pearly bumps. On your face, back of the hand and the forearms, they will be on the lookout for tiny rough papules.

Other than this, your dermatologist in Southlake, TX will be looking for asymmetric moles or ones that are very large in size, have jagged borders or an uneven color. Lastly, they will also look for lesions or moles that visually stand out from the rest of the skin around it.

4.   What Sort of Questions Are You Going to Be Answering?

Your dermatologist in Southlake, TX may ask whether you have noticed something new on your body or whether you have had skin problems before. They will ask about skin problems that run in the family, or whether you frequent the tanning bed often. Finally, you will also be asked about whether you use sunscreen on a daily basis.

Why these questions though? Well, these and a lot more questions can help determine the chances of skin cancer a person has. This is why you should answer all of these questions honestly.

5.   If You Have A Ton of Moles, Should You Be Worried About The Examination?

Some benign brown spots on your body are completely normal. It doesn’t even matter whether they are flat or slightly raised, as they are a simple collection of pigment-producing cells called melanocytes. Many among us are simply predisposed to large clusters of moles due to our genetics. Even a lot of sun exposure has been known to trigger the formation of new moles.

Your dermatologist in Southlake, TX will pay special attention to moles because they mostly resemble melanoma – so much so that this is the case approximately 54% of the time. You don’t need to be worried about that though; your dermatologist in Southlake, TX will evaluate this for you.

6.   What is Mole Mapping?

Mole mapping is a noninvasive and painless tool that helps detect melanoma. Your dermatologist in Southlake, TX will take about 20 photos of the surface of your skin to microscopically look for atypical-looking ones. This is done by ‘mapping’ the photos into larger ones.

This process, however, is only carried out for those people who have a problem that is of high risk and can’t be solved without a skin biopsy; which brings us to your next question.

7.   Is It A Bad Sign That You Need A Biopsy?

No it isn’t. If you need a biopsy, this only means that your dermatologist in Southlake, TX wants to carry out a simple test to arrive to a conclusion about what kind of skin legion you have. This is usually done by having a look at your skin through a microscopic lens in order to determine what cells they are dealing with.

Before you freak about getting a biopsy, know that these are much less painful as compared to getting a simple flu shot. The tiny needle will only sting for about 10 seconds and will extract a sample from the problem you are dealing with.

Compassion Dermatology Can Help You Out

We would like to welcome you to Compassion Dermatology to find the experts in cosmetic, surgical and medical procedures for your nail, hair and skin’s health. All of this will be done with the most innovative technologies and up-to-date researches.

Learn more about our services by visiting our website or calling us at 817-380-5911.



Why Should You Get a Skin Evaluation from Your Dermatologist in Southlake, TX?

Is your skin bothering you these days? Are you looking for a way to get rid of those unappealing acne scars on your face?

Most people take their skin for granted. With their busy and hectic schedule, they have no time to look after their skin which makes it appear dry and patchy. Moreover, with prolonged negligence, their skin develops problems over a period of time and that’s when they realize that they should’ve taken care of their skin earlier.

Your skin is the largest tissue of your body. It covers your body which exposes it to the harsh elements outside and makes it highly susceptible to damage. Hence, it is important that you do everything to take care of your skin. A good nighttime skincare routine paired with a wholesome and nutritious diet will make your skin glow and keep it healthy.

Moreover, dermatologists in Southlake, TX suggest that people should get their skin evaluated once every year. This will make sure that their skin is healthy and problem-free. During skin evaluation sessions, dermatologists carefully inspect the patient’s skin using modern technology and tools to eliminate possible occurrences of harmful skin diseases.

Here are the advantages that you can enjoy by getting regular skin evaluation from your dermatologist in Southlake, TX.

Healthy Skin

Who doesn’t want healthy, glowing skin? People all around the world spend thousands of dollars, buying expensive skincare creams and masks, to make their skin glow. What they fail to realize is that if they spend the same money in booking an appointment with their dermatologist in Southlake, TX, it will benefit them more.

A skin evaluation session with the dermatologist will ensure that your skin is healthy and happy. The dermatologist will closely inspect your skin for abnormal changes such as pigmentation, excessive hair growth, discoloration, bumps, breakouts, and changes in skin texture. The professional will recommend that you switch to a healthy and wholesome diet full of vitamins and nutrients so that your skin glows naturally.

The secret to healthy and radiant skin is booking a skin evaluation appointment with your dermatologist in Southlake, TX.

Reduced Risk of Developing Skin Cancer

According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, one in every five people in the US will develop skin cancer by the time they turn 70. People spend about $8.1 billion every year to treat this terrible disease. Booking a skin evaluation appointment with a dermatologist in Southlake, TX will greatly reduce your chances of developing skin cancer. It will also save you from developing the most dangerous type of skin cancer – melanoma. It shows up in form of moles, hence it can be easily identified through a detailed skin examination. Early detection helps in combating this deadly cancer.

Prevent Horrible Hairfall

What’s more stressing than finding a huge bunch of hair stuck in your comb’s teeth after you’ve brushed your hair?

Hairfall is something all of us dread. Your hair become weak and fall from their roots because of a number of problems such as scalp infections and alopecia – a disease that weakens the hair follicles present on your head. Regular skin evaluation sessions will make sure that you don’t develop these awful hair diseases. Having thick and healthy hair adds value to your outlook and a dermatologist in Southlake, TX can make that happen.

During a skin evaluation session, your dermatologist will also inspect your hair for faults and abnormalities. This will make sure that your hair remains healthy and you don’t experience horrible hairfall.

Pretty Nails

Nails can either make your hands and feet look good or completely terrible. Women use nail-paints to cover their imperfect nails but men don’t have that option. What they can do is consult a dermatologist to make sure their nails remain in good shape.

Your dermatologist in Southlake, TX will also inspect your nails during a skin evaluation session. If there are any abnormal changes such as grooves, pits, dark spots and streaks, your dermatologist will examine them and find out the underlying issue that’s causing these imperfections to appear. The professional will recommend medicines and lifestyle changes to treat your nails and make them look pretty.

Save Money

It may be hard to believe but the fact remains that regular skin evaluation sessions at the dermatologist will allow you to save money.

Booking an appointment with your dermatologist in Southlake, TX will require some money but it will help you in the long run by preventing numerous skin-related diseases and saving you from spending huge sums of money in recovering from them. During the skin evaluation session, your dermatologist will guide you on various ways to take care of your skin. This will keep your skin healthy and prevent it from developing diseases.

Other Skin Treatments

A skin evaluation session will open your way to various other skin treatments and procedures. According to the condition of your skin, your dermatologist will suggest different skin treatments for you such as micro-needling, Hydrafacial, and various other medical and cosmetic treatments. Your dermatologist will properly guide you about these skin treatments in order to make your skin look flawless. Without a skin evaluation session, you wouldn’t get to know about these skin treatments and their numerous benefits.

When it comes to the best dermatologist in Southlake, TX who deals with regular skin evaluation sessions, Compassion Dermatology is the only option. They offer expert medical, cosmetic and surgical skin services to make your skin glow and look flawless. They are equipped with state-of-the-art dermatological tools and equipment that skilled doctors use to treat all kinds of skin-related problems. Their compassionate and caring staff will listen to all your needs and never disappoint you. Visit their website to have a look at the services they offer or call them at 817-380-5911 to book your appointment today.

How Does Microneedling Affect The Skin? | Dermatologist in Southlake, TX

Microneedling is a reliable and quick method to restore the youthfulness and freshness of dull skin. It helps treat acne and reduces scars, blackheads, whiteheads and so on. Before exploring the benefits of microneedling on the skin, let us first define what microneedling actually is.

What is Microneedling?

Dermatologists in Southlake, TX define microneedling as a process that can heal specific areas of the skin through micro-trauma. Southlake dermatology uses a pen with a small head for this procedure. This pen contains more than 10 needles, which vibrate at a high power and depth to pierce through the skin, thousands of times within a few seconds.

These tiny piercings into the upper layer of the skin can activate its healing process. With the healing process activated, elastin and collagen formation begins. As the collagen and elastin levels in the body increase, the skin becomes plumper and smoother.

Apart from giving the skin a plump and smooth texture, microneedling can offer your skin many other benefits:

Improves Overall Skin Quality

​As the microneedling process involves piercing, the skin ends up bleeding a bit. Now most people would be terrified of this fact, but what they don’t know is that the bleeding ends up providing the best results. Bleeding, after an hour-long session of microneedling, makes the skin slightly red for a couple of days. Even during the redness phase, right after the treatment, it’ll seem like you have a slight sunburn.

However, once this redness starts to wear out, the results start becoming evident. You will notice the quality and texture of your skin gradually improve. How does that happen, you are wondering?

The pricks from the needles produce new collagen, which gives a fresh glow to the skin. As women reach the age of 30, their collagen levels start to decrease, resulting in the formation of sagging skin.

After getting microneedling from a dermatologist in Southlake, TX, you will notice your sagging skin start to heal and become softer.

Reduces Scars and Spots

Skin scarring can be difficult to treat. However, Southlake dermatology offers a solution to reduce scars significantly through microneedling. The body goes through a process known as fibrosis during scarring. The glue beneath the skin, due to this process, pulls down the skin as it is really strong. This creates spots and scars all over the surface.

Through microneedling, the glue underneath the skin created by the fibrosis process is broken down. This allows the marks created on the surface to loosen up and reduce. The results of microneedling for scarring are evident after taking two sessions.

Microneedling is the most effective way to reduce small skin scars, acne scars and improve uneven skin texture.

Decreases the Production of Blackheads

Many women suffer from blackheads due to hormonal imbalances. The micro-trauma invoked by microneedling helps with the elimination of blackheads. Right after getting microneedling from a dermatologist in Southlake, TX, you will notice a decrease in the overall number of blackheads on your skin. The pores will also decrease in size within 3-4 weeks of getting the microneedling procedure. This happens due to the revascularization process activated by microneedling.

Treats Various Types of Acne

Southlake dermatology helps with the treatment of acne scars. However, it doesn’t just stop here. It goes a step further to completely stop acne. Now that is a dream come true for most of us. However, how does that happen?

Although researchers are still figuring out a way to explain the role of microneedling in the removal of acne, it is understood that microneedling reduces the production of sebum. With the level of sebum reduced, the skin becomes less oily. This also reduces the formation of acne.


​Exfoliation involves the removal of the uppermost layer of the skin. This is called the stratum corneum. This surface has dead skin cells. When this layer is removed due to microneedling, the dead cells are also removed, , giving the skin a fresher and smoother look.

Reduces Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Microneedling can make you look younger as you age. Dermatologists in Southlake, TX confirm that microneedling plays a huge role in making you look younger. However, you must be wondering how microneedling achieves this.

When the needles break into the skin, they help activate the repair and healing mechanism of the body. As cells are released in the body, it can treat the damage caused by micro-trauma. This also helps to enhance the levels of collagen and elastin in the body. Moreover, the micro-trauma also causes the formation of new and tiny blood vessels that supply blood, oxygen and other nutrients to the traumatized area.

Thus, the domino effect of invoking micro-damage causes the body to react in a way that causes the reduction of fine lines and wrinkles as a side effect.

Helps with Inflammation

Southlake dermatology treats hyper-pigmentation on your skin by microneedling. Microneedling increases the nutrients in the body, thereby reducing inflammation.

In conclusion, microneedling offers various benefits to the skin, which is why you should schedule a session of microneedling for yourself from the experts of Southlake Dermatology available at Compassion Dermatology.

Benefits of Getting SculpSure Treatment | Dermatologist in Southlake, TX

Do you want to get rid of stubborn pockets of body fat? If regular exercise and a healthy diet isn’t making much of a difference, maybe it’s time you try a new approach. This approach is called the SculpSure treatment. Dermatologists in Southlake, TX offer this new laser focused therapy that helps with body contouring. In this procedure, laser breaks down the stubborn fat cells and eliminates them as waste. If you are wondering what SculpSure offers, here’s a look at its few benefits:

No Pain, No Gain

Does the thought of body contouring scare you? While several body contouring treatments entail the use of injections and can be painful, SculpSure ensures a painless process where you wouldn’t have to worry about needle pricks. All you will feel is a slight tingling sensation because of laser but it will fade away. Dermatologists in Southlake, TX also ensure that the patient is comfortable with the heat radiating from laser by optimizing it according to their threshold level.

No Body Part Left Out

The SculpSure treatment affects more than just the stubborn belly fat. There are many other body areas that have stubborn fat cells. These include thighs, flanks, back and beneath the chin. SculpSure contours all these areas as well, making your overall figure slimmer rather than a selected body part. Dermatologists in Southlake, TX have the capability to treat four targeted body areas simultaneously, which can result in a bigger impact in just one session.


Unlike other body fat reduction treatments, SculpSure is a non-invasive procedure. It’s designed to get rid of unwanted fat cells safely and effectively, without surgery. In fact, the high-tech lasers used in SculpSure only target the fat cells in the skin rather than cutting out the skin to remove them. Through this treatment, you won’t have to worry about the risks associated with anesthesia or infections.

Also, if you are wondering whether all the laser lights directed on your skin will lead to side-effects, it won’t. SculpSure does not leave any scars on the skin. Since the process only uses laser lights; the skin isn’t burnt or bruised in any way. Thus, you won’t have to worry about laser damaging your skin.

 Speedy Treatment and Recovery

There is no downtime required after getting a SculpSure treatment. You can return to your daily life activities immediately after getting the treatment as there is no long periods of recovery required. After the treatment, the heated fat cells die overtime. The results of the procedure start to become evident in 4 weeks and your body contours completely within a 12-week time span.

Generally speaking, SculpSure is a fast, convenient and non-invasive treatment. All you have to do is sit in a chair for half an hour while your dermatologist in Southlake, TX uses SculpSure laser lights on your body. It does not require you to clear out your entire schedule as there is no recovery time. You can get the laser session done during your lunch break and go back to work.

The treatment itself is fast as it requires a minimum of 30 minutes of your time. The time, however, varies based on different body parts.

Permanent Results

SculpSure offers long lasting results as once the fat cells are destroyed via laser, there is no chance for them to regenerate. Just a single laser session of SculpSure can reduce 25 percent of the fatty tissues. Thus, once your treatment is complete, you won’t have to undergo maintenance treatments as dermatologists in Southlake, TX provide permanent results.

However, it should be kept in mind that the fat cells near the targeted area have the potential to expand. So, you will have to exercise and stick to a balanced diet to prevent them from expanding.


Are you worried if SculpSure is a safe treatment? In case you didn’t know, SculpSure has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration as a completely safe laser treatment for fat elimination. There is no risk of infection and scarring as there are no incisions involved in the treatment. The results of SculpSure are safe with minimal side-effects such as tenderness and redness.

Effective Alternative to Diet and Exercise

Despite exercising regularly and controlling their diet, some people struggle to lose their excess body fat. However, with the help of a reputable dermatologist in Southlake, TX, you can get the SculpSure treatment. This treatment has shown to work and be effective when all else has failed.

Customized Treatment

You can seek a customized SculpSure treatment plan from a dermatologist in Southlake, TX. Your dermatologist will determine the temperature your body can bear. The temperature in SculpSure is maintained through an internal component that keeps the body cool. This is why the process doesn’t cause any discomfort. However, your dermatologist can always assist you in customizing your treatment according to your specific needs.

Enhances Overall Appearance

SculpSure rebuilds the body’s collagen and elastin levels, which tightens the skin around the target fat cells, thereby reducing the formation of saggy skin. The treatment is designed to rejuvenate your body and provide you with a fresher look.

Now you would be on the lookout for dermatologists in Southlake, TX that provide SculpSure. Look no further as Compassion Dermatology caters to all your needs for body contouring.

All You Need To Know About Dermatology in Southlake Area

Dermatology is more than just skin deep. Most people often tend to overlook the importance of dermatology. It is the study of diseases associated with the skin. Skin is the largest part of the human body and the most exposed to risks.

Skin diseases aren’t taken seriously by many physicians in other specialities; however, they can be life threatening as they have the potential to cause immense psychological, physical and economical damages. This is where dermatology in the Southlake area comes in to protect your skin from harm.

Skin diseases are often misunderstood. However, they are more prevalent than any other type of disease.Statistics of 2013 show that one in four Americans required treatment for a skin condition in that year. Skin diseases were more prevalent in Americans over the age of 65. Moreover, treatment of these skin diseases accounted up to $75 billion in medical and drug costs.

Dermatology in Alliance stresses upon the seriousness of skin diseases. If not treated properly, they can prove to be fatal. This is because skin diseases affect other organs. Thus, if a skin disease is left untreated, it can lead to a host of other issues. For example, a skin condition such as psoriasis is associated with heart disease and diabetes.

Even though, dermatology in Alliance is a basic need, many people don’t know much about the importance of dermatologists. Here is a look at what dermatology entails and the kind of skin conditions treated by dermatologists:

  • The primary function of dermatologists in Alliance is to treat skin disorders. This includes a wide range of disorders such as psoriasis, allergic reactions, eczema, lupus, acne, hair and nail disorders. Moreover, they also help with the treatment of skin cancer by surgically removing the cancerous cells. Apart from that, dermatologists in Alliance engage in cosmetic procedures for the enhancement of different skin features as well.
  • Many internal diseases can be identified through signs showing up on the skin. For example, signs of pigmentation on the fingernails is a sign of arsenic poisoning; dry and scaly skin is an indication of hypothyroidism; liver failure becomes evident by the yellowing of the skin; rashes are a sign of lupus; red bumps on the surface of the joints of the skin indicate dermatomyositis; and soft tissues are often a sign of Cowden’s syndrome. Dermatology in the Southlake area diagnoses the internal problems of the body and gets them treated at an earlier stage.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases are often hard to identify. However, with the help of a dermatologist, these diseases can be diagnosed and treated.
  • Dermatologists in the Southlake area can treat skin-related emergencies as well, such as the formation of blisters or itchy skin. Moreover, rashes often manifest as a reaction to certain drugs or autoimmune diseases that need to be treated immediately.
  • Skin diseases can have a psychological impact on individuals. People who have cardiac or renal diseases or diabetes don’t show any outward signs of their disease. On the other hand, people with chronic skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis, vitiligo and acne be conscious about their appearance, which can adversely affect their confidence and quality of life. This is why dermatology in the Southlake area is important; to treat skin issues before they start having a major psychological impact on a person.
  • Melanoma is a deadly form of skin cancer that doesn’t manifest itself at an earlier stage. It can occur in people of all ages and skin tones/types. This is why anyone can be prone to developing melanoma. The symptoms can be diagnosed and treated at an early stage through the services of dermatology in the Southlake area, which is why regular checkups to a dermatologist are extremely important.
  • People often overspend on their skincare routine by getting pricey facials and using specialized creams that promise a reduction in pores and improvement in skin tone. However, it is important to consult a dermatologist in Alliance before using any skin care product. This is because many skin care products contain harmful chemicals that have the potential to damage the skin, especially if you have sensitive skin.
  •  Although a dermatologist can treat different skin conditions, they cannot change your skin condition overnight. Different treatments involve a specified procedure and making changes to one’s lifestyle, which is why the results start to show in time. Until then, dermatologists expect their patients to be patient with the treatments.

The field of dermatology in the Southlake area is vast. It encompasses many treatments. If you notice any issues with your skin or experience symptoms of a disease, make sure to consult a dermatologist immediately.

Those seeking cosmetic procedures can also consult a dermatologist. Moreover, people who want to examine their skin for the possibility of skin cancer can also take help from a dermatologist. Hence, dermatology is more than skin deep and can help you deal with a range of skin conditions.

Compassion Dermatology has a network of specialized dermatologists in Southlake area, who are proficient in diagnosing and treating all types of skin conditions.

What is Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) and why is Everyone Getting it | Dermatology in Southlake Area

Platelet rich plasma therapy, commonly known as PRP, is a non-surgical treatment for skin rejuvenation that uses your blood to improve your facial tissue. This treatment is trendy as most celebrities have started getting it.

The PRP treatment is used to treat different conditions, such as acne, scars, hair loss, wrinkles and more. It relies on the protein in your blood to heal different parts of your body. This article gives an insight into PRP and whether or not it is worth getting. Dermatology in the Southlake Area provides the best PRP Treatments.

What is PRP?

Dermatology in Southlake Area conducts the PRP procedure in three steps. If you’re interested in this treatment, your blood will be drawn from one of your arms. The drawn blood is then placed into a machine responsible for separating the platelets from your blood. The part of the blood that has a high concentration of platelets is re-injected into your face or scalp. Dermatology in Southlake Area is testing PRP for the treatment of hair loss and faster healing of wounds. The entire process takes approximately 45 minutes.

The Role of Platelets

Dermatology in Southlake Area has studied the role of platelets for this new technique of healing. PRP plays an effective role in managing pain. Platelets are natural substances that form the liquid within your blood. Platelets are the blood components that are used for clotting.

Within platelets, there are hundreds of proteins. These proteins are responsible for growth. The growth helps with the healing process of tissues and joints. When taken from healthy joints and injected into damaged tissues, PRP serves to be a safer alternative to dangerous surgical treatments.

PRP for Cosmetic Purposes

The platelets are able to correct any cosmetic flaw that you may have. Dermatology in Southlake Area already offers various treatments for cosmetic enhancement, such as fillers, contouring, and laser treatments. PRP can be done along with these treatments as it does not affect them. Generally speaking, PRP can give a youthful glow to your face and make it look more aesthetically pleasing.

PRP as a Treatment for Hair Loss

PRP is being increasingly used as an effective method for the treatment of hair loss in both men and women. With this method, the PRP is injected into the patient’s scalp as the protein in the platelets help with the hair follicle growth. Dermatology in Southlake Area has been employing this method to treat hair thinning and hair loss.

Dermatologists in Alliance believe that PRP therapy counteracts the effect that dihydrotestosterone (DHT) has on the hair with the DHT receptor. In some cases, it has also reversed the process of rapid loss of hair rather than just preventing it.

PRP for Facial Rejuvenation

PRP stimulates collagen production. Collagen is a type of protein that the body produces to make the skin smooth and firm. With age, the natural production of collagen in the body decreases. Other than that, factors like sun exposure and smoking also reduce the production of collagen. These factors cause lead to the development of aging signs, such as wrinkles, on the face. With the help of PRP, you can boost your collagen in order to maintain a youthful, clear and smooth skin. PRP is injected into specific areas where wrinkles and fine lines occur.

PRP for Scar Reduction

Dermatology in Southlake Area promotes the use of PRP in treating scars. Most of these are acne scars. The scar tissue is broken up and pulled downwards. Then, PRP is injected into the empty space below the skin. In this process, PRP again restores the production of collagen in the affected area for the scar to heal.

Anti-Aging Benefits

Since PRP has the ability to rejuvenate your skin and prevent wrinkles, many people have started using it as an anti-aging agent. This non-invasive skin care treatment employs a natural solution to prevent the signs of aging and boost the body’s healing process.

How Long Does it Last?

According to the research of Dermatology in Southlake Area, it is observed that the effects of PRP can last for three months since the initial injection. Platelets work directly in the places where they’ve been injected giving instant aesthetic benefits.

Moreover, there isn’t any recovery time required after getting this treatment. Some might take a day or two for rest; however, it isn’t considered necessary by dermatologists in Southlake.

Warnings and Possible Side Effects

It should also be noted that this treatment is not completely inclusive. Dermatology in Southlake Area doesn’t recommend PRP treatment to pregnant or breastfeeding women, people who are anemic, people who have an active infection, or those with a blood disorder or who use anticoagulants.


Other than this, the side effects of PRP are rare as the treatment involves the usage of your own blood. So, injecting your own blood in yourself won’t cause any harm. There may be slight pain or redness at the injection site but even that is temporary and short lived. PRP for hair loss may cause mild headaches for a couple of days but they disappear with over–the-counter pills. If you get PRP for lower eyelids, then there might be puffiness but this side effect lasts for 36 hours maximum. All in all, there aren’t any serious side effects to this treatment.


PRP has a lot of benefits and it can help you reach your cosmetic and aesthetic goals through a safe and natural process. It is a tried and tested treatment, which can be customized according to the needs and goals of patients. Dermatology in Southlake Area has professional dermatologists at Compassion Dermatology providing the PRP treatment to many individuals, making them more satisfied and happy with themselves after the successful results.



Dermatologist in Southlake, TX

Every 15 seconds, a HydraFacial is performed in some part of the world. This facial treatment has grown popular with time and everyone wants to try it. Why is that so? The answer is simple. Everyone wants a clear and perfect skin. With this facial, the skin gets hydrated and nourished, making it clear, fresh and radiant.

If you are confused about getting a HydraFacial then this article will serve as a guide to what a it entails and why you should get it from a dermatologist in Southlake, TX.

What is a HydraFacial Treatment?

According to dermatologists in Southlake, TX, HydraFacial is a skin treatment divided into three parts; cleansing, exfoliating, and then infusing skin with intensive serums. HydraFacial cleanses the skin by giving it a glowing look.

Southlake Dermatology follows a certain routine in HydraFacials to remove dirt and dust particles from the skin. Dermatologists in Southlake, TX use specialized vortex technology for this treatment. The procedure consists of several steps:


In the first step, the dead cells on the surface of the skin are removed through a process of water-based exfoliation. This step also removes the oil secreted from your skin, which can block the access of skin care ingredients nutrients within the skin.

Loosening Up of Pores

This step entails the opening of the skin pores. The pores are loosened up by adding a mixture of salicylic and glycolic acids, which are commonly found in several skin care products.

Extraction of Pores and Vortex Cleansing

In this step, the loose pores are removed through vortex cleansing. Dirt and dust particles are suctioned from the face, providing a deep cleanse to it. This deep cleaning helps in preventing acne and inflammation of the skin. Since the skin gets clear, it is able to penetrate all the nutrients from skin care ointments.

Serum Fusion

The final step of the procedure involves the infusion of a mixture of different serums on the skin. These include peptides, antioxidants and hyaluronic acid. Antioxidants help to repair the previous damage done to the skin, while peptides serve as building blocks for the new skin cells. Moreover, hyaluronic acid helps with the upkeep of the skin’s glow. It gathers moisture on the skin to minimize the risk of wrinkles.

Only Southlake Dermatology can provide these in-depth skin care routines as the dermatologists in Southlake, TX are experienced in giving HydraFacial.

Why Do You Need It?

Getting a HydraFacial treatment has many benefits. Some of the benefits that dermatologists in Southlake, TX promise include:

Pore Cleansing

HydraFacial helps to clean every single pore of your face so that your skin appears fresher, smoother and healthier.


The exfoliation and antioxidant serums have an anti-aging effect. They make your skin look fresh, making all the lines and wrinkles disappear.

Improving the Skin Texture

The exfoliation process helps to improve the texture of the skin. As it refines the pores on your skin, it evens out the texture of your entire skin and makes it smoother.

Prevents Acne

As HydraFacials include the use of a water treatment, it helps to reduce the secretion of sebum and prevent acne symptoms.


The biggest benefit of this facial treatment is that it can be applied on any type of skin, as can be customized according to skin type. The dermatologists in Southlake, TX can customize the treatment by providing you with the exact concentration of acids and serums that your skin requires. This entire treatment helps to detoxify the skin.

Instant Gratification

Another advantage of getting a HydraFacial treatment is that it feels like a spa treatment. In some instances, it is even more satisfying than a spa treatment.  It is satisfying to your nerves and makes the skin radiant.

Can Be Done Alongside Other Treatments

Some people believe that visiting a dermatologist just for one facial treatment is be a waste of time. Ideally, they want to get multiple skin care treatments done on a single visit to their dermatologist. The benefit of HydraFacial is that you can get other skin care procedures done the same day as your HydraFacial. Some of these include getting Botox or fillers. HydraFacial won’t affect any of your other treatments. Thus, it plays along smoothly with other treatments.

Does It Have Any Side Effects?

Southlake Dermatology has deemed HydraFacial as a safe treatment with no significant side effects. This treatment uses water to freshen the skin instead of vaporizing it to make it look better. However, it must be kept in mind that serums and suctioning can cause slight irritation to the skin. This is why it is advised to be cautious about where you get your HydraFacial from.  Dermatologists in Southlake, TX are trained professionals and well-versed with different skin types and the operation of tools used for the treatment. This is why their treatment does not have any side effects.

Does It Work?

Since the introduction of this particular treatment is relatively new, many people wonder whether HydraFacial even works. However, Southlake Dermatology provides stellar results for this treatment. The best thing about HydraFacial is that it does not cause any skin damage. The whole process is gentle and based on liquid exfoliation. In addition, the facial entails the use of skin care products with ingredients that are beneficial to the skin. It is advised to always provide a full and clear history of your skin to your dermatologist in Southlake, TX before going in for HydraFacial as they will decide the dosage of the ingredients accordingly.

Book an appointment for HydraFacial with the professional dermatologists in Southlake, TX of Southlake Dermatology at Compassion Dermatology.

What Are the Benefits of SculpSure Treatment? Answers from Dermatologists in Southlake TX

SculpSure is a noninvasive device and procedure. It is used for body contouring. It is a form of laser treatment that results in lipolysis, i.e., a procedure that melts and eliminates body fat. With the help of SculpSure, you can remove unwanted fatty tissue in the abdomen, thighs, back, and double chin.

Before we talk about the various benefits of SculpSure described by Dermatologists in Southlake TX, let’s understand what the procedure entails, how it works and what you’ll feel during a SculpSure Treatment.

How Does a SculpSure Treatment Feel?

A common question that people have is, what will a SculpSure session feel like? Will it be painful or uncomfortable in any way? They also expect the device to emit heat onto their skin, but in reality, there is initially a cooling sensation which prepares the skin for the treatment. The cooling capacity of the device is not merely restricted to the onset of the treatment as well. It remains active throughout as the laser heats the treatment area from time to time. The action of the laser subsequently raises the temperature of the fat cells underneath. According to Dermatologists in Southlake, TX, patients who have undergone SculpSure treatment have reported a pins and needles sensation during the course of the treatment or an occasional, penetrating kind of warmth. The level of discomfort is on-and-off and very slight.

How Does a SculpSure Treatment Work?

There are 4 steps involved in a SculpSure Treatment:

Step 1: Using the SculpSure, the practitioner will direct laser energy toward the fat cells that lie within the target area. Bear in mind that the laser energy is delivered in a way that has zero negative impact on the skin surface.

Step 2: The heat energy from the laser is delivered to the fatty tissue cells. This destroys and breaks down the cells.

Step 3: Post the treatment, the body of the recipient takes control.  In the next three months after a SculpSure treatment session, the body’s lymphatic system periodically removes the targeted fat cells and eliminates them.

Step 4: Once the fat cells are removed from the body, they cannot regenerate. You will notice a visible impact with 6 weeks of the treatment, and the final results will be evident after three months.

Your Dermatologist in Southlake, TX, can answer any further questions you have about the treatment procedure.

Benefits of SculpSure Treatment

There are several reasons why this treatment has become popular and is currently one of the top choices for body contouring. It is also likely to be recommended by your Dermatologist in Southlake, TX, for its various benefits.

1.   Safety

SculpSure is one of the safest ways to remove unwanted fatty tissue. Due to the nonsurgical, noninvasive nature of the treatment, it has been declared safe by the Food and Drug Administration as well and is the first FDA approved laser treatment in the world. There is also no recovery time required and after the treatment, a patient can easily go back home or even to work. If you want to, you can even head to the gym after the procedure. If you’re unsure about any precautions you need to take, your Dermatologist in Southlake, TX, can guide you.

2.   Time Saving

Besides being safe, SculpSure is also a fast procedure which takes only 25 minutes. This means that within a half hour session, you can have your fat cells removed. While some may consider the speed of the procedure as a marker for danger, the small time-frame is simply because there is no need for needles or anesthesia in this procedure.

3.   No Scarring or Bruising

A person getting SculpSure treatment will not feel any pain or contusions since the procedure does not rely on a suction mechanism and does not tug at the skin. There is no scarring either. The procedure does not cause inner tissue damage. Only the outer walls of the targeted tissue get damaged in the process, the soft tissue nearby remains unharmed.You can visit your Dermatologist in Southlake, TX, if you need more information on this.

4.   Efficiency

The procedure is not limited to just one area during a session.  You can get four different areas treated at the same time, which makes the session all the more effective and efficient. The wide treatment capacity is due to the device having four applicators.

5.   Temperature

As mentioned earlier, an internal cooling component of the SculpSure device maintains the temperature and keeps it moderate during use.  Your Dermatologist in Southlake, TX, will also confirm the level of discomfort to be substantially reduced due to this counteractive element.

6.   Mild Side-Effects

The treatment has very minimal side-effects such as redness or a mild tenderness. Since it is a nonsurgical procedure, the lack of incisions or any other kind of invasive technique significantly reduces the chance of any severe complications. There is no risk of infection post treatment.

7.   Natural and Long-Lasting Results

Treatment results from SculpSure last for several years. One session of SculpSure can reduce unwanted fatty tissue by 25 percent. While the results are not immediately apparent, patients will see the benefits very quickly— within 6 to 8 weeks. Unlike other body contouring procedures, SculpSure does not cause the area of treatment to sag. As your Dermatologist in Southlake, TX, will tell you, SculpSure also rebuilds elastin and collagen which tightens the skin and the end results look natural and aesthetically pleasing.

Book Your First Sculpture Appointment

If you’re looking for a Dermatologist in Southlake, TX, we suggest you pay a visit to Compassion Dermatology. The procedure requires a lot of care and most importantly steady hands. The Dermatologists at Compassion Dermatology are extremely capable in that regard, and you will find them to be very proficient. They keep themselves updated with the latest research involving SculpSure as well other skin and body contouring treatments and are also learned in the latest techniques available. Click here to set an appointment.


11 Reasons Why You Need to Pay a Visit to a Dermatologist in Southlake, TX

Skin is the largest organ if your integumentary system. To make sure it remains healthy and free from diseases, you need to take excellent care of it. A lot of people suffer from skin conditions. Some of them, like acne, are pretty common. There are several reasons why you can get an acne flare-up. Pregnancy and trauma can cause scarring and acne on your face. Also, hormone surges can trigger acne. However, there are some other conditions that need be treated right away by a dermatologist in Southlake, TX. Sun exposure can cause your skin to get dark spots and loss of collagen as well. Regular checkups with a skilled dermatologist in Southlake, TX can keep your skin healthy and glowing.

If you notice any of the following conditions, you need to pay a visit to your dermatologist in Southlake, TX.

1.    Changes in Moles

If your skin has moles, then they need to be monitored very closely. If you notice any discoloration or changes in their appearance, then you need to make an appointment with your dermatologist in Southlake, TX as soon as possible. Itching, bleeding, scabbing, pain, and open sores can be an indication of skin cancer. It is important that you get your mole checked by a skilled and reputable dermatologist in Southlake, TX to get answers.

2.    Brown Spots

If your job required you to stay outside in the sun a lot, you can get dark spots on your skins. Most of the time, sun exposure or aging can cause dark spots. However, there are several other things that can cause this condition as well.

Hormonal imbalances can also result in dark spots. If you notice that the dark spots on your skin are increasing and darkening, contact your dermatologist in Southlake, TX and make an appointment.

3.    Skin Growth

Abnormal skin growths are a sign of skin cancer and need to be checked right away. All the dermatologists in Southlake, TX insist that you check your skin for abnormal skin growths like moles. Any sudden dark spot should also be checked by your dermatologist in Southlake, TX right away as well.

4.    Hair Loss

Every person loses almost 100 hair strands each day. if you suddenly start to lose more hair than before, you need to consult your dermatologist in Southlake, TX.

Few of the things that can cause hair loss are poor eating habits, pregnancy, and stress. An undiagnosed medical condition can also cause hair loss. Too much hair loss can lead you to get a bald patch, poor hair growth, and thinning hair. Make an appointment with your dermatologist in Southlake, TX today.

5.    Scarring

Some people wear their scars like a badge of honor, while others feel self-conscious by them. if you want to get scars from pregnancy and acne removed, contact your dermatologist in Southlake, TX. There are several treatments like micro-needling that can help reduce acne scars and give you smoother skin. Time to put all the insecurities to rest, thanks to your dermatologist in Southlake, TX.

6.    Permanent Blush

Rosacea, more commonly known as permanent blush, is a medical condition that causes redness on your cheeks all the time. The causes of this condition include inflammation and broken red blood vessels.

This condition is not just limited to your cheeks and can also spread to your ears, chest, and eyes. seek assistance from your dermatologist in Southlake, TX if the rosacea won’t go away. Heat and sun exposure can cause this condition to amplify.

7.    Red and Itchy Scalp

In itchy scalp can be very irritating. An itchy or red scalp is an indication of several skin conditions. You need to get it treated right away or it might spread to your entire scalp. Call your dermatologist in Southlake, TX to schedule an appointment. Trust us, you don’t want your coworkers to think you have lice in your hair.

8.    Acne

Acne is one of the most common skin conditions which affects thousands of Americans. Acne can leave permanent scars and marks on your skin if you don’t get it treated. There are a few treatments that can help treat those marks and scars. Make an appointment with your dermatologist in Southlake, TX to know what steps you can take.

9.    Sunburns

Another common problem that residents of Southlake, TX face especially in the summer months is sunburns. Sunburns are sneaky and can occur even if you apply sunscreen lotion. If the sunburn is mild, then you don’t need to worry as it will go away on its own. However, if you notice pus, red streaks, blisters, or have a high fever, then you need to contact your dermatologist in Southlake, TX right away.

10.   Changes in Your Nails

Your nails add beauty and grace to your hands. If you are experiencing pain or notice any changes like raised nail bed or pus, you should consult your dermatologist immediately. Don’t ignore these symptoms as they can be a sign of infection.

11.   Sores

Sores are very common, especially if you have sensitive skin. Bug bites can cause sores on your skin and they tend to go away after a few days. If the sores on your skin are not going away and are paining, you need to call and set an appointment with your dermatologist in Southlake, TX.

Are you experiencing any of the above-mentioned conditions? You should never ignore them and contact a dermatologist in Southlake, TX before they get serious.

The health of your skin is important to us, and our skilled team at Compassion Dermatology will take excellent care of you. give us a call at 817-380-5911 or visit our website to learn more about our services.

6 Reasons You Should See Your Dermatologist in Southlake, TX

You have dozens of tasks to attend to on a daily basis. You do the best you can to take care of your health in between these engagements, such as going to the gym or getting your medical checkups done. However, booking an appointment to the dermatologist has taken a backseat along the way as you consider it less important than other tasks.

From genetics to the environment, several different factors can take a toll on your skin and lead to acne breakouts, inflammation, and several other issues.  So, when you have a skin problem, you need to seek professional help and pay a visit to a dermatologist in Southlake, TX, instead of self-diagnosing yourself through Google. Otherwise, what seems as a minor skin problem could turn into something serious and life-threatening. The following are some instances when you should visit a dermatologist in Southlake, TX.

Irregular Mole Shape and Size

Moles are a very common skin problem. Almost everyone has a mole on some part of their body. The trouble arises when the shape of the mole starts to alter on its own and cause irritation, such as bleeding or itchiness. According to dermatologists in Southlake, TX, this is the first sign of skin cancer. The leading cause for this is too much exposure to the sun.

This is why you need to pay a visit to a dermatologist in Southlake, TX because if found early, moles can be removed with surgery before the cancer cells spread to other parts of the body. Dermatologists in Southlake, TX will examine the size and condition of your mole first using a dermatoscope. If it looks suspicious, you will be sent for a biopsy to a lab.

Painful Cystic Pimples

Red and inflamed acne that randomly pops up (especially before an event) can be painful. According to dermatologists in Southlake, TX, these pimples are caused by hormonal changes and stress. The best way to treat this painful condition is to seek help from your dermatologist in Southlake, TX. The treatment for this condition typically varies from patient to patient but the general practice is to give a diluted steroid to minimize the pain and maximize the healing process. Since cystic pimples occur due to hormonal changes or stress, your dermatologist in Southlake, TX may also suggest a change in your overall lifestyle.

Dry, Itchy Skin

This is a skin problem that most of us overlook as something meager. You may usually apply a cream to fix your dry, itchy skin. However, in most instances, the cream irritates the skin and worsens the condition. This skin condition is more than a seasonal change. In fact, it can turn into something more serious such as eczema. Moreover, eczema symptoms vary among different people. Therefore, a common ointment will not help to treat your specific skin type and condition. Therefore, you need to pay a visit your dermatologist in Southlake, TX. They will suggest you different creams and other treatment options, based on your specific skin type and condition, after examining your skin.

Rough Patches All Over The Body

People sometimes get rough and scaly patches on certain body parts, such as the elbows and knees. These scaly patches are red. Dermatologists in Southlake, TX suggest that rough patches should be checked out immediately as they can be the symptoms of an autoimmune disorder, which leads to the rapid growth of skin cells. Due to the fast growth, the body is unable to shed the excess skin cells, which is why they show up on the surface of the skin in the form of rough and red patches.

The change in weather can trigger this skin condition. Thus, it is imperative to consult a dermatologist in Southlake, TX to examine this skin condition and determine the proper treatment.

Frequent Hair Loss and Bald Spots

Your hair falls every day. Every time you brush it or even run a hand through it, it might fall. This type of hair fall is considered normal as the average person loses approximately 50 to 100 hair strands a day. However, excessive hair fall and widening bald spots are serious and should be treated by a dermatologist in Southlake, TX. Hair fall can be a result of several factors, such genetics , insufficient vitamin and nutrients intake, increased stress, etc. If it’s related to any external factors, such as excessive exposure to the sun, then it takes time for the hair to return to its normal volume. However, if the condition is hereditary, then medications are required to prevent hair fall and bald spots.

To get to the root cause of why you are suffering from hair loss; seek help from a dermatologist in Southlake, TX. They will assess your hair fall condition and suggest treatments accordingly whether the reason is internal or external. With the right medication or treatment recommended by your dermatologist in Southlake, TX, you can prevent bald spots or restore your hair to its original lush and volume.

Skin Redness

Rosy cheeks are a sign of beautiful, healthy skin. Who doesn’t want their cheeks to be red all the time? That would even require the use of less makeup. However, continuous redness of your face is also a problem. According to dermatologists in Southlake, TXskin redness is a cause of broken blood vessels and inflammation. There are many factors that can cause this skin problem, such as poor diet and excessive exposure to sun. Your dermatologist can study the intensity of your skin inflammation or broken blood vessels and suggest a treatment accordingly. They will also prescribe you a certain diet to follow to avoid further damage to your skin.

By now, it is evident that going to your dermatologist should be prioritized, especially when you face any of the aforementioned skin conditions. Compassion Dermatology has some of the best dermatologists in Southlake, TX who are proficient in treating all types of skin conditions.