You have dozens of tasks to attend to on a daily basis. You do the best you can to take care of your health in between these engagements, such as going to the gym or getting your medical checkups done. However, booking an appointment to the dermatologist has taken a backseat along the way as you consider it less important than other tasks.
From genetics to the environment, several different factors can take a toll on your skin and lead to acne breakouts, inflammation, and several other issues. So, when you have a skin problem, you need to seek professional help and pay a visit to a dermatologist in Southlake, TX, instead of self-diagnosing yourself through Google. Otherwise, what seems as a minor skin problem could turn into something serious and life-threatening. The following are some instances when you should visit a dermatologist in Southlake, TX.
Irregular Mole Shape and Size
Moles are a very common skin problem. Almost everyone has a mole on some part of their body. The trouble arises when the shape of the mole starts to alter on its own and cause irritation, such as bleeding or itchiness. According to dermatologists in Southlake, TX, this is the first sign of skin cancer. The leading cause for this is too much exposure to the sun.
This is why you need to pay a visit to a dermatologist in Southlake, TX because if found early, moles can be removed with surgery before the cancer cells spread to other parts of the body. Dermatologists in Southlake, TX will examine the size and condition of your mole first using a dermatoscope. If it looks suspicious, you will be sent for a biopsy to a lab.
Painful Cystic Pimples
Red and inflamed acne that randomly pops up (especially before an event) can be painful. According to dermatologists in Southlake, TX, these pimples are caused by hormonal changes and stress. The best way to treat this painful condition is to seek help from your dermatologist in Southlake, TX. The treatment for this condition typically varies from patient to patient but the general practice is to give a diluted steroid to minimize the pain and maximize the healing process. Since cystic pimples occur due to hormonal changes or stress, your dermatologist in Southlake, TX may also suggest a change in your overall lifestyle.
Dry, Itchy Skin
This is a skin problem that most of us overlook as something meager. You may usually apply a cream to fix your dry, itchy skin. However, in most instances, the cream irritates the skin and worsens the condition. This skin condition is more than a seasonal change. In fact, it can turn into something more serious such as eczema. Moreover, eczema symptoms vary among different people. Therefore, a common ointment will not help to treat your specific skin type and condition. Therefore, you need to pay a visit your dermatologist in Southlake, TX. They will suggest you different creams and other treatment options, based on your specific skin type and condition, after examining your skin.
Rough Patches All Over The Body
People sometimes get rough and scaly patches on certain body parts, such as the elbows and knees. These scaly patches are red. Dermatologists in Southlake, TX suggest that rough patches should be checked out immediately as they can be the symptoms of an autoimmune disorder, which leads to the rapid growth of skin cells. Due to the fast growth, the body is unable to shed the excess skin cells, which is why they show up on the surface of the skin in the form of rough and red patches.
The change in weather can trigger this skin condition. Thus, it is imperative to consult a dermatologist in Southlake, TX to examine this skin condition and determine the proper treatment.
Frequent Hair Loss and Bald Spots
Your hair falls every day. Every time you brush it or even run a hand through it, it might fall. This type of hair fall is considered normal as the average person loses approximately 50 to 100 hair strands a day. However, excessive hair fall and widening bald spots are serious and should be treated by a dermatologist in Southlake, TX. Hair fall can be a result of several factors, such genetics , insufficient vitamin and nutrients intake, increased stress, etc. If it’s related to any external factors, such as excessive exposure to the sun, then it takes time for the hair to return to its normal volume. However, if the condition is hereditary, then medications are required to prevent hair fall and bald spots.
To get to the root cause of why you are suffering from hair loss; seek help from a dermatologist in Southlake, TX. They will assess your hair fall condition and suggest treatments accordingly whether the reason is internal or external. With the right medication or treatment recommended by your dermatologist in Southlake, TX, you can prevent bald spots or restore your hair to its original lush and volume.
Skin Redness
Rosy cheeks are a sign of beautiful, healthy skin. Who doesn’t want their cheeks to be red all the time? That would even require the use of less makeup. However, continuous redness of your face is also a problem. According to dermatologists in Southlake, TX, skin redness is a cause of broken blood vessels and inflammation. There are many factors that can cause this skin problem, such as poor diet and excessive exposure to sun. Your dermatologist can study the intensity of your skin inflammation or broken blood vessels and suggest a treatment accordingly. They will also prescribe you a certain diet to follow to avoid further damage to your skin.
By now, it is evident that going to your dermatologist should be prioritized, especially when you face any of the aforementioned skin conditions. Compassion Dermatology has some of the best dermatologists in Southlake, TX who are proficient in treating all types of skin conditions.