Reasons to Visit a Dermatologist: Dermatology Services in Southlake Area


It is a fact that everyone goes through certain skin issues at some point during their lives. Some skin issues last only a few days or weeks, while others may take long to vanish. Some may require surgery for cure and remain permanent if they are not treated. While there are a few mild skin issues that you could simply treat at home using DIY methods, not every skin issue is curable at home and requires specialist care.

You should be able to determine the difference and know when you should seek dermatologist help. At times, using your own cures or home remedies could aggravate the skin condition further and lead to other skin problems as well. Therefore, rather than taking it all into your own hands, take note of the following issues and visit Compassion Dermatology, a dermatology services in the Southlake area for effective cures.

The reason that you should consult a dermatologist in the first place is because everyone has specialized knowledge and has a better know-how than other people of doing certain things. A dermatologist has specialized knowledge of skin care and can use appropriate treatment methods, depending on the severity of your skin issue, provide you with suitable medication and give advice on how you could take care of your skin at home or the triggers that you should stay away from. Dermatology services in Southlake area are worth the bucks.

When it comes to consulting a dermatologist, money should be the least of your concerns as one-time dermatology services can improve your skin issues in the long-term and prevent disorder from appearing. Thus, it is rather an investment in your skin. You could be dealing with severe acne issues, stretch marks, psoriasis, eczema and other skin disorders that could get worse if not treated immediately.

Issues that You Need to Know

Skin cancer

Skin cancer could happen due to prolonged exposure to the sun or other causes that you would not be aware of. If you detect something wrong with your skin, contact Compassion Dermatology a dermatology services in Southlake area for changes in your skin, accurate examination and effective treatment methods. If you are high risk, you would need to get timely check-up. The dermatologist would ask you questions and inquire about your medical history.

Negligence has a price. Early detection has a higher chance for successful cure and in preventing your skin condition from getting worse. You would need to undergo screenings under a licensed dermatologist. If you notice any changes in the shape and size of your moles, Dermatology services in Southlake area could help remove malicious tissue and carry out and examine to detect cancer cells. Since there are three million new documented cases of skin cancer every year in the U.S, if you detect any condition on your skin, visiting a dermatologist should be your top priority.

If your natural beauty marks start altering over time or you notice changes in their size and shape, the symptoms could be an indication of something serious. If you experience itching, bleeding, or lack of healing, it could be a sign of cancer. Furthermore, tanning, tanning beds and prolonged exposure to the sun increase your chances of skin cancer.

Skin damage  

You could be experiencing skin damage due to prolonged exposure to the sun, using excessive products with toxins, lifestyle changes, smoking or age-related issues that could bring your self-esteem down and you may fear showing the damage to other people unless you can cover it properly. Dermatology services in Southlake area can provide you with useful feedback on your skin condition, advice you about products that are suitable for your skin type and provide medications for relief and prevention.

You shouldn’t just search on Google about your skin condition and self-diagnose. Contact Compassion Dermatology a dermatology services in Southlake area for serious issues. UV rays are three times stronger and harsher on your skin when the sun is at its peak. Therefore, you should stay indoors as much as possible during the peak hours. Moreover, you should apply sunblock every day, even on a cloudy day because the harmful rays are still there.

Early detection of skin disorders works in your favor as you could prevent the issues from getting worse and undergo surgery during early stage rather than the later stage because they are more difficult to cure. Even when you feel unsure about the skin condition, consult with Compassion Dermatology a  dermatology services in the Southlake area for the sake of your skin health.

Flaky skin

You may think that your excessive dry skin could be a result of certain products, mattifying products or lack of moisturization. You may overlook contacting a dermatologist thinking that it’s a mild, temporary issue and you could cure it with lotions or creams. However, you never know which product could actually aggravate your skin condition. Your flaky, dry, itchy skin could be more than just a season reaction.

Flaky skin could also be a sign of eczema. Visiting Compassion Dermatology in the Southlake area would help you get a better idea of the lifestyle changes that you should make products that need to be avoided to improve your skin condition. The dermatologist would examine your skin, provide accurate diagnosis and valuable feedback that you cannot get on Google or from DIY home remedies. Dermatologist cure could even last years and you may not feel the need to spend extra bucks again in buying products to heal your skin.

Hair thinning  

It is natural to lose a small amount of hair but if you are losing more than 100 strands every day and getting bald spots, it is high time to visit Compassion Dermatology services in Alliance Southlake area. A widening hairline, bald spots or excessive shedding are an indication of a much serious issue. It is a result of a poor diet, the issue might be short-lived but it would take you time to restore natural strength and luster. Women tend to lose a large amount of hair post-pregnancy; therefore, it is better to visit a dermatologist to find out what is really happening.