The skin disease scabies will produce intense itching caused by the mite Sarcoptes scabiei hominis. It occurs worldwide, with about 300 million cases reported each year. The incidence occurs most often in children and sexually active individuals. A Compassion Dermatology dermatologist in Southlake, TX can provide the skin treatment and care you need for scabies or other skin conditions.
Signs and Symptoms
Besides its hallmark intense and widespread itching, scabies symptoms and signs include threadlike burrows beneath the skin are evident in the superficial epidermis and are created by the moving female mite. The vesicles are 1 to 3 mm erthematous papules and vesicles filled with clear or cloudy fluid depending on the vesicle age. Common sites of heavy manifestations include the following locations:
- Between the fingers
- Flexor areas of the wrists
- Elbows
- Axillae
- Abdomen
- Feet
- The scrotum in males
In the elderly, scabies is commonly found in heavy presence on the back, often appearing as excoriations. In infants and small children, burrows are commonly located on the palms of the hand and the soles of the feet. All are typically uncomfortable, and our dermatologist in Southlake, TX can provide the treatment and relief from the intense itching you require.
Nodular Scabies
A nodular form of scabies may occur in a small number of patients and is more likely to develop in young children. In infants who are unable to scratch, nodules may develop ranging in size from 2 to 20 mm in diameter.
Crusted Scabies
Lesions in larger areas may present as crusted scabies. Scaling is common, and pruritus may be slight or even absent. Nail dystrophy and scalp lesions can also occur in this form of scabies. The hands and arms are common locations of lesions, but all sites can be affected. Crusted scabies can be difficult to treat. See your dermatologist in Southlake, TX for effective treatment.
Secondary Lesions
Secondary lesions may result from scratching, secondary infection, or an immune response against the scabies mites and their products. Characteristic signs that may accompany secondary lesions include the following:
- Excoriation of the skin due to scratching
- Widespread eczematous dermatitis
- Honey-colored crusting
- Post inflammatory hyperpigmentation
- Erythroderma (reddening of the skin)
- Prurigo nodules (often accompanies damage to the skin from scratching)
- Frank pyoderma (deep ulcers and potential necrotic flesh)
The diagnosis of scabies is often made based on the intense pruritic rash and characteristic linear burrows. The diagnosis is confirmed by light microscopic. Skin scrapings can also identify the presence of the mites, larvae, ova, or scybala (feces).
A biopsy is occasionally used to identify mites and to rule out other skin diseases. In the absence of the mites, histopathology may suggest the diagnosis of scabies. These and other tests are available from Compassion Dermatology’s dermatologist in Southlake, TX.
The treatment of scabies includes the administration of one or more prescription scabicidal agents. When a secondary infection is present, an antimicrobial agent may be prescribed. As crusted scabies indicates a heavy presence of the mite, repeated topical treatment or the use of both an oral and topical treatment may be required. Over the counter medications are ineffective against scabies. See your dermatologist in Southlake, TX today for scabies treatment or the treatment of other skin disorders.
The extreme pruritus accompanying scabies may be partially alleviated with an oral antihistamine. In extreme cases, prednisone may be prescribed. For your items such as bedding, clothing, and towels used by a person with scabies, they can be decontaminated by machine-washing in hot water and drying using the hot cycle or by dry-cleaning. Contact your dermatologist in Southlake, TX for the treatment of severe pruritus.
Because of the extremely heavy mite infestation accompanying crusted scabies, repeated applications of topical scabicides or other treatments may be required. In addition, treatment is often required for other family members and contacts who have been exposed. Treatment is required to resolve the condition. The prevalence of scabies in higher in children and sexually active individuals.
The Transmission
The transmission of scabies is typically through direct skin-to-skin contact. Less frequently, it can be transmitted by fomites such as infested bedding or clothing. This especially true with heavy infestations. Items such as bedding, clothing, and towels used by an individual with scabies should be machine washed in hot water and dried using the hot cycle or by dry-cleaning. The mite is not able to run or jump, but does crawl. Its life cycle is entirely on the host, but it is able to survive for as long as three days on bed linens, clothing, upholstery or other surfaces. There are different variants of the mite, including some that can infest other mammals such as your pets or livestock. They can irritate human skin, but are unable to reproduce in humans.
An individual with scabies can spread it even they do not have any symptoms. The interval between the primary infection, when the person becomes contagious, and the onset of clinical manifestations may be as long as 10 weeks. If you suspect scabies, contact your Compassion Dermatology dermatologist in Southlake, TX for diagnosis and treatment.
Additional Complications
A scabies infestation can exacerbate psoriasis, eczema, and other preexisting skin diseases. Even with treatment, scabies can cause longer term issues to vulnerable individuals. Compassion Dermatology offers the expertise and experience you need in a dermatologist in Southlake, TX. We offer compassionate, professional care you can trust.