Dermatologist Tips: 5 Skin Firming Ingredients To Look For | Southlake, TX

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As you age, you may notice that your once firm and elastic skin now looks like it needs a little bit of help. Instead of tackling the problem in your 60s, it’s best to take as much preventative action as possible while you’re still young. Not only will this be important upkeep for your skin so you don’t have to deal with a major headache in the future, but it will also keep you looking young for older.

One of the best ways to get necessary ingredients into your skin to tighten and firm it is through a facial. However, not all facials do the same thing. It really depends on the type of ingredients that are inside. Some facials are better at hydrating the skin while others might have a brightening effect. If you’re looking for a facial that will tighten your skin, you need to read the ingredients that are inside the facial carefully. Here are 5 ingredients that many dermatologists in Southlake, TX recommend for firming the skin.

#1. Retinol

Retinol, also known as vitamin A, is something that you can get over-the-counter and is also an ingredient that you’ll often find in facials. It does a really great job at not only firming your skin, but making it look smoother. The way that it works is by inhibiting certain enzymes in your skin from working. These enzymes will break down collagen, which is what makes your skin look more saggy or loose.

The amount of retinol that is inside the facial will make a difference. Although you might be able to find some facials that you can do at home with this ingredient, it may contain only a little bit of retinol. As a result, you might not see much of a noticeable difference even after applying the facial. If you’re looking to give your skin a boost of vitamin A, you might want to speak with a dermatologist in Southlake, TX. This doctor can create a more intense facial for you with a higher concentration of retinol. You’ll see a much more noticeable difference.

#2. Collagen-Boosting Peptides

One of the main reasons why your skin might look more loose and saggy is because you have less collagen. This is something that happens naturally as you age. The best way to combat this is to find a dermatologist who will give you a facial with collagen-boosting peptides. If you’re able to replenish the amount of collagen in your skin, you’ll notice a huge difference in your appearance.

Another thing that many dermatologists recommend is applying a collagen-boosting peptide onto your skin after you’ve completed a facial with firming qualities. The collagen-boosting peptide can really seal the deal and bolster your skin’s elasticity.

#3. Caffeine

Surprise! This might seem like a weird ingredient to look for, but it works and is recommended by many dermatologists. Caffeine is actually found in many skin care products and regimens, as it does a great job at improving the elasticity of your skin. It can also improve the overall texture and tone as well.

Caffeine works by stimulating blood flow in the area that it’s applied to. This can boost overall circulation and collagen production in the long run. This type of pick-me-up won’t work immediately. You’ll need to use it regularly over time to see a difference. Fortunately, it’s also one of the easiest ingredients to find when you’re looking for a facial to do at home.

#4. Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic acid will plump and tighten up your skin almost immediately. It does this by boosting the amount of moisture in your skin. It’s super hydrating, so it can also be used to tackle a plethora of other skincare problems and issues, like dry skin or even acne, which is often caused by dry skin.

It’s important to note that not all hyaluronic acid is the same. If you purchase a product over-the-counter, it might be lower in quality and less effective. If you’re looking for a facial with top-tier products and ingredients, you should speak with a dermatologist. A facial that contains a multimeric hyaluronic acid system will usually work best, as it can be absorbed deeply into your skin. It’ll be the most effective and the results will also last the longest.

#5. Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs)

Last but not least, we also have Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs) that can do a great job at not only firming up your skin but also improving its overall texture and tone. You’ll notice that your skin looks brighter and more radiant after applying this ingredient. There are many different types of options out there, but you should be able to easily find this ingredient in a lot of different facials. It does quite a good job and is also not too expensive in comparison to many other ingredients.

We Offer HydraFacials!

Are you looking for one of the most soothing facials you can possibly get? You can’t go wrong with a HydraFacial. It’ll leave your skin feeling smooth, supple, and firm. A HydrFacial will cleanse, exfoliate and extract any impurities from your skin. The facial contains a lot of great ingredients like antioxidants, peptides, and hyaluronic acid that can treat fine lines and wrinkles and even firm up your skin, so it’s much more elastic. You’ll see huge improvements in the size of your pores and your skin’s tone and vibrancy as well as texture. This is why it’s a treatment that’s been highly recommended by many dermatologists.

We have to admit that it is definitely one of the best facials that you can get out there! However, this type of facial isn’t something that you can get from a regular spa. You’ll need to visit a dermatologist in Southlake, TX. Compassion Dermatology can offer this type of treatment as well as many others! Our dermatologists can help you come up with a skincare treatment and regimen that will take care of any skin problems that you have! For more information, give us a call at 817-380-5911.