All You Need to Know About Thin Skin and How to Manage It | Dermatologist in Southlake, TX

Skin has a tendency to become thin as a result of various lifestyle factors, medications used, sun damage, or even due to the aging process. It is relatively common to find thin skin on hands, but as people progress in age, they may find the same on their legs and arms. These effects are usually irreversible, but every dermatologist in Southlake, TX has found methods of preventing complications and protecting thin skin from damage.

Thin skin tends to bruise very easily, and this is just the most common issue among a variety of other problems. In this article, we are going to enlighten you about the various causes of thin skin and its possible treatments. But first, let’s determine what thin skin really is.

What Is Thin Skin?

Skin is naturally thinner on some parts of the body for every individual. The best example is the skin on our eyelids,  which is only 0.5mm thick. That being said, every dermatologist in Southlake, TX will divide the texture of our skin into 3 layers:

  1. The hypodermis layer, which is made up of sweat glands, fat, and tissue.
  2. The next layer is called the dermis, which consists of the blood supply and nerves.
  3. The outermost layer is called the epidermis, which acts like a barrier against bacteria and dirt.

In terms of thin skin, every dermatologist in Southlake, TX will tell you that the epidermis isn’t as thick as it is supposed to be. What’s more? The hypodermis layers of these skin types have less amounts of fat, which leads to a thinner layer.

According to an expert dermatologist in Southlake, TX, thin skin should not be a cause of medical problems on its own. It becomes a problem, however, when the skin gets prone to bruises or various categories of damage.

Symptoms of Thin Skin

The most common sign of thin skin is that it seems almost transparent. In such cases, the individual may be able to see his/her tendons, bones, or veins very easily. This skin type is prone to damage, and patients may even notice tears or bruises on their skin after the most minor injuries.


As we have said before, and like every dermatologist in Southlake, TX will tell you, reversing thin skin is quite impossible. That being said, the most common method of taking care of thin skin is to keep it moisturized. If this is done, then the skin acts more flexibly and become less prone to damage due to stress.

Applying cosmetic products on thin skin can make the situation worse. The application of bleach, makeup, and other beauty products can cause thin skin to become red and inflamed. This is where a dermatologist in Southlake, TX will advise avoiding such substances.

Creams that are approved by every dermatologist in Southlake, TX usually consist of Vitamin A, which are also known as retinoids or retinol. These types of creams are known to be able to prevent thin skin from getting thinner. You will be able to get retinols without a prescription at any cosmetic shop or drugstore.

A research that was published this year found that retinol has the ability to normalize the thickness of skin, but it should be used with care. This is because retinol tends to be unsuitable for a lot of people. The same can be seen in the case of collagen boosters. There may be no research or evidence that proves collagen boosters to have skin thickening properties, and most dermatologists in Southlake, TX have found them to be quite beneficial for their clients.

Other than treatments, bruises or skin damage can be warded off if the respective individuals cover their skin properly. This can be done with the help of long sleeves and long trousers or skirts. Eating a balanced diet will also help these individuals boost their overall skin health. According to every dermatologist in Southlake, TX, a balanced diet should consist of proteins, whole grains, vegetables, and plenty of fruits.

Specific foods that are recommended by the experts include avocados, almonds, and nuts that contain Vitamin E. This is because Vitamin E is known to support skin health while the fat in these foods can make the individual’s skin soft and nourished.

Lastly, drinking water will also prove to be quite beneficial for people who have thin skin. This is because dry skin tends to become easily irritated, as it is much less flexible and prone to damage. Increasing the water intake can make sure your skin stays fresh and hydrated at all times.


It may not be possible to avoid symptoms of aging, but it is definitely possible to slow down these signs. Every age-related factor that leads to thinning skin can be prevented by avoiding smoking, moisturizing the skin regularly, and keeping the skin safe from the harmful UV rays of the sun.

According to the leading dermatologists in Southlake, TX, UV light tends to be one of the major factors that lead to thin skin. Therefore, skin can be protected from UV rays by:

  1. Applying SPF30 or higher sunscreens.
  2. Spending most of the hottest parts of the day indoors or atleast sitting in the shade.
  3. Wearing long trousers/skirts and long sleeves.
  4. Wearing a hat to shield the neck and face from sunlight.

When to See a Dermatologist in Southlake, TX

There is usually no need to see a doctor if you simply have thin skin, but if it is causing you health problems – then you definitely need one. If you’re looking for a skin expert, then why not go for a cosmetic service provider who uses the most up-to-date technologies and stays actively informed about latest research. Compassion Dermatology will take care of your skin problems with the help of its skilled skin-care teams.

Go ahead and visit our website or call us at 817-380-5911 for more information.