Dermatologist Tips: 5 Skin Firming Ingredients To Look For | Southlake, TX

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As you age, you may notice that your once firm and elastic skin now looks like it needs a little bit of help. Instead of tackling the problem in your 60s, it’s best to take as much preventative action as possible while you’re still young. Not only will this be important upkeep for your skin so you don’t have to deal with a major headache in the future, but it will also keep you looking young for older.

One of the best ways to get necessary ingredients into your skin to tighten and firm it is through a facial. However, not all facials do the same thing. It really depends on the type of ingredients that are inside. Some facials are better at hydrating the skin while others might have a brightening effect. If you’re looking for a facial that will tighten your skin, you need to read the ingredients that are inside the facial carefully. Here are 5 ingredients that many dermatologists in Southlake, TX recommend for firming the skin.

#1. Retinol

Retinol, also known as vitamin A, is something that you can get over-the-counter and is also an ingredient that you’ll often find in facials. It does a really great job at not only firming your skin, but making it look smoother. The way that it works is by inhibiting certain enzymes in your skin from working. These enzymes will break down collagen, which is what makes your skin look more saggy or loose.

The amount of retinol that is inside the facial will make a difference. Although you might be able to find some facials that you can do at home with this ingredient, it may contain only a little bit of retinol. As a result, you might not see much of a noticeable difference even after applying the facial. If you’re looking to give your skin a boost of vitamin A, you might want to speak with a dermatologist in Southlake, TX. This doctor can create a more intense facial for you with a higher concentration of retinol. You’ll see a much more noticeable difference.

#2. Collagen-Boosting Peptides

One of the main reasons why your skin might look more loose and saggy is because you have less collagen. This is something that happens naturally as you age. The best way to combat this is to find a dermatologist who will give you a facial with collagen-boosting peptides. If you’re able to replenish the amount of collagen in your skin, you’ll notice a huge difference in your appearance.

Another thing that many dermatologists recommend is applying a collagen-boosting peptide onto your skin after you’ve completed a facial with firming qualities. The collagen-boosting peptide can really seal the deal and bolster your skin’s elasticity.

#3. Caffeine

Surprise! This might seem like a weird ingredient to look for, but it works and is recommended by many dermatologists. Caffeine is actually found in many skin care products and regimens, as it does a great job at improving the elasticity of your skin. It can also improve the overall texture and tone as well.

Caffeine works by stimulating blood flow in the area that it’s applied to. This can boost overall circulation and collagen production in the long run. This type of pick-me-up won’t work immediately. You’ll need to use it regularly over time to see a difference. Fortunately, it’s also one of the easiest ingredients to find when you’re looking for a facial to do at home.

#4. Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic acid will plump and tighten up your skin almost immediately. It does this by boosting the amount of moisture in your skin. It’s super hydrating, so it can also be used to tackle a plethora of other skincare problems and issues, like dry skin or even acne, which is often caused by dry skin.

It’s important to note that not all hyaluronic acid is the same. If you purchase a product over-the-counter, it might be lower in quality and less effective. If you’re looking for a facial with top-tier products and ingredients, you should speak with a dermatologist. A facial that contains a multimeric hyaluronic acid system will usually work best, as it can be absorbed deeply into your skin. It’ll be the most effective and the results will also last the longest.

#5. Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs)

Last but not least, we also have Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs) that can do a great job at not only firming up your skin but also improving its overall texture and tone. You’ll notice that your skin looks brighter and more radiant after applying this ingredient. There are many different types of options out there, but you should be able to easily find this ingredient in a lot of different facials. It does quite a good job and is also not too expensive in comparison to many other ingredients.

We Offer HydraFacials!

Are you looking for one of the most soothing facials you can possibly get? You can’t go wrong with a HydraFacial. It’ll leave your skin feeling smooth, supple, and firm. A HydrFacial will cleanse, exfoliate and extract any impurities from your skin. The facial contains a lot of great ingredients like antioxidants, peptides, and hyaluronic acid that can treat fine lines and wrinkles and even firm up your skin, so it’s much more elastic. You’ll see huge improvements in the size of your pores and your skin’s tone and vibrancy as well as texture. This is why it’s a treatment that’s been highly recommended by many dermatologists.

We have to admit that it is definitely one of the best facials that you can get out there! However, this type of facial isn’t something that you can get from a regular spa. You’ll need to visit a dermatologist in Southlake, TX. Compassion Dermatology can offer this type of treatment as well as many others! Our dermatologists can help you come up with a skincare treatment and regimen that will take care of any skin problems that you have! For more information, give us a call at 817-380-5911.

Behold, The Secret Product The Dermatologist Loves | Southlake, TX

Photo by Orawan Pattarawimonchai at Shutterstock

If you have ever stepped foot into a dermatologist’s office in Southlake, TX, you know there are a lot of creams and moisturizers out there. Most keep sample bags on their hands that they graciously hand out to their clients along with samples of products that they actually prescribe. Unlike other fields of medicine, dermatologists lean on a large array of products that are equally available over the counter and by prescription only. The very success of their practice hinges on knowing about every cream on the market and which one is the most effective for a large range of skin conditions.

Therefore, you might be surprised to learn what one of the most beloved moisturizers in a dermatologist’s arsenal is. It’s not what you are probably thinking, and it’s not a big name that you will recognize from the beauty store shelves or celebrity magazines. Instead, it’s a small jar that you probably only reach for when your lips get dry: petroleum jelly. Known by its brand name of Vaseline to most, it turns out that sometimes the simplest solutions are the most effective at fighting dry skin. This isn’t to say that you can skip the office in Southlake, TX, because some problems do truly require more sophisticated solutions, but don’t count out the effectiveness of Vaseline either.

History of Petroleum Jelly

Petroleum jelly is such an effective moisturizer, that it was actually created with the intention of using it to treat leather in 1867. However, the world of medicine saw how easily it was able to replenish leather and quickly grabbed ahold of the product for use treating dry hair and chapped hands which were common in those days. Prior to the invention of vaseline, lard was the substance of choice for dry skin, but the quick moisturizing (and better smelling) jelly quickly took over.

Not the Same as Petrolatum

Despite the name, it is important to note that petroleum jelly is not the same as industrial-grade petroleum. No dermatologist would dare use this type of petroleum given it would destroy the skin and likely cause a number of reactions. However, what is placed in topical products is completely safe for almost everyone and is not associated with any skin reactions. Petroleum jelly is non-allergenic, regulated, odorless, and comedogenic which is one of the many reasons that it is a favorite among so many dermatologists around the world.

Petroleum Jelly as a Moisturizer

Unlike a lot of moisturizers that are heavy or expensive, petroleum jelly is always available and it is accessible to every client regardless of their financial situation. This makes it a great option for dermatologists who prefer to stick with solutions that are familiar to their clientele. However, affordability is not the only reason why petroleum jelly is a favorite, the fact that it works so effectively is by far the biggest reason.

As an occlusive, petroleum jelly is extremely effective. In fact, it is able to reduce as much as 99% of all water loss when applied to the skin because it penetrates down through the stratum corneum and stimulates the skin barrier to start repairing itself. At the same time it is stimulating skin revival, it is also softening skin which makes it dual-purposeful as an emollient and an occlusive. The benefits don’t stop there, as it can be used on both inflamed and healthy skin so there really is no time or situation where it is not appropriate to use.

How to Use Petroleum Jelly

You should never use this advice to replace the advice of a properly trained dermatologist. Everyone has different skin and there are many skin conditions that require attention from a professional. If you suffer from a skin disease you probably already know this all too well, but all of that said, there are some simple ways you can use petroleum jelly that you probably have never thought about. Instead of buying some expensive lotion at the store while you wait for your next visit, you might want to consider grabbing a jar of vaseline and treating some common issues in a much more effective manner.


To start, petroleum jelly is great for use as a moisturizer. It is great to use on areas of your skin that look rough or patchy or to treat dry flaky areas of the skin. You also can use petroleum jelly to treat cracks and hardened skin on the heels of your feet. However, it should be noted that the heel of the foot is some of the roughest skin to treat, so if you don’t have any luck you don’t want to put off calling the dermatologist for help.


Unless you have a skin condition that doesn’t respond to normal treatment, petroleum jelly is one of the best things you can purchase to treat chapped lips. In fact, it is the base of almost every type of chapstick for good reason- because it works.

Wounds and Cuts

While petroleum jelly might not be the first thing you reach for when you get a cut, it can actually help a wound heal faster. This is one reason why you will often see it as an ingredient inside of antibiotic ointments. However, it should not be used to clean wounds as it doesn’t have any antiseptic qualities.

Diaper Cream

Petroleum jelly is safe enough that it can be used on infant skin in sensitive locations. Diaper rash is not fun for anyone but can be prevented if you use petroleum jelly as a barrier ointment that you cover the skin folds with between diapers.

If you are having skin issues that won’t resolve, it is time to consult a professional dermatologist in Southlake, TX. Compassion Dermatology treats an array of clients with a variety of different skin conditions and would be happy to help you restore your skin to its best condition.

Dermatology Tips: Skin Care For Sensitive Skin | Southlake Area

Photo by Misha Beliy at Shutterstock

One thing all dermatologists learn pretty early on is that no one has the same skin. From oily to dry to sensitive to combination to a mix of all four, every single person has different skin that behaves differently. This is why there are so many skin conditions that afflict people across the Southlake area. Unfortunately, that makes it more complicated to offer skincare advice, because there is no one-size-fits-all solution which is one great reason to consult a dermatology practice for help if your skin appears to be getting out of control.

Sensitive skin is not something that you want to mess around with, because you don’t want to deal with inflamed skin that scars permanently. One of the number one things that we see at our practice is people who want to know how to properly deal with their sensitive skin. Well-meaning clients come in to see us all the time after they tried a new product that left their face red and itchy, extremely dry, or actually caused a real reaction.

With so many products on the market figuring out an effective skincare routine without causing more problems can be a daunting prospect. However, it can be done. While it is always best to confer with a dermatology practice if you have any questions about how to properly take care of your skin, here are a few pointers that can help make daily facial care a bit less stress-inducing. All skincare routines are made up of four steps: cleanse, treat, moisturize, and protect. Here is a closer look at each so that you can build a regime that helps keep your face clear and fresh regardless of your age.

Choose the Right Cleanser

No doubt the beauty section of your local department store in the Southlake area is packed full of products that all offer great benefits. A lot of these are labeled for sensitive skin and hypoallergenic, but as anyone with sensitive skin knows, just because a product claims to be great for sensitive skin doesn’t mean it is. Therefore, you need to make sure you choose products carefully.

The first product you need to create a daily skincare routine is your cleanser. The point of a cleanser is to remove all bacteria, oil, makeup, etc from your face without stripping off the skin barrier. If you choose a product that is too harsh it will burn and likely break the skin barrier doing more damage than good. With this in mind, when it comes to cleansers usually you have the choice between liquid cleansers and bar soaps. Most practices will recommend that those with sensitive skin choose liquid cleansers because bar soaps tend to be harshing on the skin. However, while looking at liquid cleansers try to avoid those that foam or sud a lot as they tend to irritate the skin.

Treat Your Skin with Rejuvenating Serums

Once your skin is clean, you need to give it a boost with serums. Serums usually pack quite the punch because they are highly concentrated and can troubleshoot specific issues. In general, you should look for serums that are packed full of peptides, antioxidants, and vitamins. Even if you don’t have a specific skin problem that you want to address like acne, wrinkles, or dry skin, serums can be a great way to keep your face looking fresh and vibrant. People with sensitive skin may want to take a closer look at serums that have hyaluronic acid, Vitamin C, and niacinamide because these all help keep the signs of aging at bay via hydration. Your dermatologist however will recommend you stay away from retinol or alpha-hydroxy acid serums if you have sensitive skin since these tend to dry out the skin. Schedule a visit to your dermatology practice if you have any questions.

Fix Up the Skin Barrier

Ideally, you will be able to complete the last two steps without breaking your skin barrier, but sensitive skin is known for being sensitive as the term implies. This means that your outer skin barrier may take more damage than you even realize. With this in mind, you need to make sure that you keep your skin hydrated at all times. Moisturizer is your best friend if you have sensitive skin. Dermatology practices almost always recommend cream-based moisturizers over lotions because they are the most effective when it comes to hydration. To get the most out of your moisturizer with sensitive skin, look for products that don’t contain any preservatives or fragrances. If you have issues with acne, then you will also need products that are non-comedogenic. Oftentimes if you suffer from acne the best thing you can do for your skin is schedule a visit at a dermatology practice.

Protect Your Skin

Finally, now that you have the basics down, you need to make sure that you protect your skin which is even trickier for sensitive skin. This is an area where advice from a professional dermatology office can really help because they probably have access to a wider range of products than you do. Obviously, sunscreen is a must because sun damage will quickly dry out and further damage sensitive skin, but the catch 22 is that many sunscreens can actually cause sensitive skin to become inflamed which is counterproductive.

The best way to approach this problem is by searching for products that do not contain chemicals because these ingredients are designed to absorb UV rays which further irritates the skin. Instead, sunscreens that are more basic than only contain titanium dioxide or zinc oxide may be easier to tolerate. These actually leave a physical barrier on the skin that helps prevent the sun rays from watching the skin and tend to be easier to tolerate. In fact, these are the types of sunscreen that most dermatology offices recommend for young children because of the lack of chemicals.

If you have tried creating your own skin regime but are still having issues, then you need to consult a professional dermatology practice in the Southlake area. Compassion Dermatology is a local practice with trained dermatologists who can help you sift through your options and find an effective and safe skin regime for your sensitive skin.

5 Dermatologist Tips On How To Care For Oily Skin | Southlake, TX

Photo by chris_tina at Shutterstock

Oily skin is one of the most common skin types around. Those who do not know how to properly care for this skin type will be more prone to developing acne, as the excess oil produced by their skin can block their pores. Learning how to care for oily skin is crucial and having a great complexion. We will look at some of the most common tips recommended by dermatologists below.

#1. Wash Your Face Regularly

First and foremost, if you have oily skin, you should be washing your face regularly. Ideally, you should wash your face in the morning, in the evening, and after exercising. These are moments when your skin will be the oiliest. You want to get rid of as much of the excess oil as possible in order to prevent it from clogging your pores.

When washing your face, it’s crucial that you use the right type of product. Studies show that nearly 50% of those with oily skin do not use the right type of products to wash their face properly. They either use hand or body soap. Another 1/3 of individuals only use water. Hand or body soap is not appropriate for your face. It can dry it out or the compounds in the soap can irritate the skin.

You need to use the right type of facial cleanser for your skin type. This means that you should have a better idea of the type of ingredients that are used in facial cleansers. If you don’t know what to look for, speak with a dermatologist. Upon completing a skin evaluation, a dermatologist can tell you what ingredients are most suited for your skin. When it comes to oily skin, you should look for cleansers that contain ingredients like salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. Avoid cleansers that are oil-based or alcohol-based.

#2. Use Moisturizer Daily

Many people with oily skin feel hesitant to use moisturizers daily. They feel that their skin is already oily enough. However, not applying a moisturizer on a regular basis can actually be more damaging to your skin.

The key is to find a moisturizer that works for your skin. In order to do so, you’re going to need to get a better understanding of the type of ingredients that you should look for. Some of the most important ingredients that the moisturizer should have include:

  • Broad-spectrum UV SPF 30 to protect your skin from the sun’s ultraviolet rays


  • Hyaluronic acid, which will actually help reduce the oiliness of your skin by keeping it hydrated


  • Clay, which can soak up excess oil and penetrate deep inside the pores to remove shininess


  • Grapeseed oil, which can reduce inflammation and clear clogged pores


  • Niacinamide, which can regulate excess oil production and increase the overall elasticity of the skin

If you’re having difficulties finding a good moisturizer, you should make an appointment with the dermatologist in Southlake, TX. A reputable dermatologist should have a wide variety of products at their office that you can try. They also know what products are making the biggest noise in the industry. They also are able to use their past experience to let you know which products seem to be most effective.

#3. Use Blotting Papers Regularly

Another way to remove excess oil that’s accumulated on your face is to use blotting papers. You should use blotting papers throughout the entire day if possible. This will help remove the excess oil so that it does not clog your pores. Blotting papers can also help remove extra shine from your face.

Make sure that you gently press the blotting paper against your face. Leave the paper alone for several seconds, so it has enough time to soak up the oil. Do not rub the paper because this will only spread the oil around.

#4. Avoid Touching Your Face

One of the most common problems that dermatologists notice is that a lot of people with oily skin will regularly touch their faces. Your fingers produce a lot of oil as well. If you’re regularly touching your face, you’re spreading the bacteria and oil on your hands to your face. This increases the risk of developing acne. You should only touch your face after you’ve washed your hands.

Before you apply any moisturizer, sunscreen, or cleanser to your face, wash your hands with soap. Make sure that you properly dry it as well. Try to keep any contact to a minimum. This is especially important if you find that you’re constantly getting acne breakouts. This one little tip can make all the difference in the world.

#5. Choose the Right Type of Make-Up

Last but not least, you need to be very mindful of the type of makeup products that you use. In particular, look for brands that do not have oil-based products. These products only make your face feel oilier and exacerbate your condition.

Instead, look for a brand that offers water-based products. These products will be gentler on your skin. They’ll also be able to help reduce shine.

Get Professional Advice and Treatments from Compassion Dermatology

The key to having beautiful skin is to treat it properly. If you have oily skin, you’ll need to care for your skin in a different way than if you have dry skin. If you’re having difficulties caring for your skin type, you should schedule an appointment with a dermatologist at Compassion Dermatology in order to learn more about what you’re doing right and what you’re doing wrong.

Just because you have oily skin, it doesn’t mean that your skin will respond to all treatments. A dermatologist can take a better look at the constitution of your skin type in order to determine the type of treatments that can help. At Compassion Dermatology, you’ll find a wide range of skincare services. Our dermatologists will perform a complete skin evaluation first before recommending any treatments or products.

Schedule an appointment with us at Compassion Dermatology by calling 817-380-5911! Our office is close to Southlake, TX so it’s perfect for anyone in the nearby areas! 

Signs You Should Schedule A Dermatologist Appointment | Southlake, TX

Photo by fizkes at Shutterstock

Your skin is your largest organ and one of the first things people see when they look at you. If there are any issues with your skin’s appearance or if a skin condition is making you feel uncomfortable, you should see a dermatologist. There are several telltale signs that it is time to schedule an appointment with a doctor.

#1 A Changing Mole

Most moles are harmless. Some people are born with moles or develop them during infancy, and they don’t cause any issues. Some people develop moles later on in life, and these can be harmless as well. If you have a mole, it is essential that you check it often for any changes. If the mole has changed in shape or size, it should be checked by a dermatologist. The same is true if the mole gets itchy, starts to bleed, causes stabbing or pain, or becomes an open sore. These can all be signs of cancer and should be looked at right away.

#2 Itchy Skin

Itchy skin can make you very uncomfortable. Itching can be caused by a rash and dry skin and can be treated by a doctor. You can be prescribed a prescription-strength cream that can treat the condition and relieve the itch. Constantly itchy skin can also be a sign of a health condition and even cancer. This is why it is essential that you have your skin checked by a professional if the itching doesn’t stop.

#3 Visible Scars

It is a good thing if you are able to embrace scars on your body and see them as a sign of strength. Unfortunately, many people hate their scars, particularly the ones on their faces. If you have a scar that makes you insecure about your appearance, you should call a dermatologist. If the scars are new and still red, there are treatment options available to reduce the appearance of the scars, making you feel better about yourself. It is essential that you contact a professional as soon as the scars begin to appear because the sooner you begin treatment, the better the chances are that the treatment will be effective.

#4 You Have a Very Painful Sunburn

If you are planning to spend time in the sun, it is essential that you wear sunscreen. This is even more important if you are prone to sunburns. If you forget to apply sunscreen or it washes off, you can develop a sunburn. Most sunburns are painful; however, if you develop a very painful sunburn along with blisters, red streaks and you develop a fever, you should schedule an appointment with a dermatologist right away. These are all signs that you have developed an infection, and scarring is possible. A doctor can treat the infection and the symptoms associated with it.

#5 Unexplained Redness

If you develop unexplained red marks on your skin, you should schedule an appointment with a dermatologist in Southlake, TX. The unexplained red marks could mean that you have psoriasis or you are beginning to develop it. This is a genetic condition that often occurs after a period of stress when you are in your ’20s. If you don’t get treatment for this skin condition, it can develop into a painful condition called psoriatic arthritis later on. This is a chronic condition, but if you begin treatment with a doctor early, you can get control of the condition.

#6 Brown Spots On The Skin

Brown spots on your skin can make you insecure, particularly if they are on your face. These spots are commonly caused by sun damage or aging. They can also be a symptom of a hormone imbalance. If you have dark spots on your skin that are getting darker, you should schedule an appointment with a doctor.

First, your dermatologist will examine your skin and run tests to determine the cause of the brown spots. If it is a hormonal issue, they can have you schedule an appointment with your primary care physician to change your birth control or begin treatment to balance out your hormones. If the cause of the brown spots is sun damage, your doctor can prescribe a powerful bleaching cream to lighten the spots or laser treatment to remove them altogether.

#7 A Red, Itchy Scalp

If your scalp is red and itchy, it can be very annoying and uncomfortable. If the redness and itching are due to a skin condition, the symptoms won’t go away on their own. Instead, the redness and itching will get worse, and over time, it can affect your entire scalp. It is best to schedule an appointment with a doctor as soon as the symptoms begin.

#8 New Skin Growth

If you notice a new skin growth that lasts for longer than three weeks, you should schedule an appointment with a dermatologist. They will be able to figure out what is causing the new skin growth and create a treatment plan based on the cause of the growth.

#9 Severe Acne

Most people will develop a pimple or two from time to time. However, if you have a severe acne outbreak, you should schedule an appointment with a doctor. Severe acne often cannot be treated using over the counter products, and if the acne isn’t treated, it can leave permanent scars on your skin. A doctor will be able to prescribe a powerful prescription medication designed to treat severe acne.

#10 Unexplained Hair Loss

If your hair starts falling out and you don’t know why, you should schedule an appointment with a dermatologist in Southlake, TX. A doctor can provide treatment to prevent bald spots on your head. They can also figure out what is causing your hair loss. If there is an underlying cause for the condition, it can be treated.

Why Choose Compassion Dermatology?

If you develop pain, itching, or changes in your skin, schedule an appointment with Compassion Dermatology. Our dermatologists are highly-trained and skilled and are compassionate when it comes to skin, hair, and nail conditions, which is where we got our name.

To schedule an appointment, give us a call today.

Should I See A Dermatologist For Poison Ivy? | Southlake, TX

Photo by Heidi Besen at Shutterstock

We’ve all heard of poison ivy. Many people have an allergic reaction, also known as contact dermatitis, after contact with poison ivy plants. Poison sumac and poison oak cause the same reaction. The resin of all three plants contains an oily substance called urushiol, which is responsible for allergic reactions. Poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac are the most common cause of allergic reactions in the United States. The American Academy of Dermatology states that up to 50 million urushiol-induced allergic reactions occur every year.

Most dermatologists are very familiar with urushiol reactions because the causative plants grow all over the country, including Southlake, TX. Poison oak is more common than poison ivy in the western and southern parts of the country, but this is a relative comparison. There is no shortage of poison ivy in Texas. The roots, stems, and leaves of these plants contain resin, commonly known as sap, which means contact with any part can trigger a reaction. Sap is colorless or pale yellow with an oily, and very sticky, consistency.

Exposure and Allergic Reaction

Urushiol is present on the surface of intact plants, but much more of the oil is released when plants are crushed or damaged. Damaged plants may have black spots because urushiol turns black after exposure to air. Never burn poison ivy, poison oak, or sumac. Airborne urushiol particles from burning plants create an inhalation risk. A potentially life-threatening allergic reaction can occur in the trachea or lungs.

An allergic reaction to urushiol doesn’t usually result in rash immediately. Reactions generally occur within 12-21 days after the first exposure, but the rash appears only 12-72 hours after repeated exposures. This type of allergy is described as delayed-type hypersensitivity.

Allergic reactions vary between individuals, depending on sensitivity and strength of immune responses. Approximately 15% to 30% of people are not allergic to urushiol, so they don’t develop a rash or any other symptoms after exposure. On the other hand, approximately 25% of the population can experience a severe allergic reaction.

Common signs and symptoms of a reaction to urushiol include:

  • Intense itching
  • rash
  • red, swollen lines on the skin with streaks or patches
  • blisters
  • hives
  • small, fluid-filled red bumps
  • swelling

No one can ‘catch’ a rash or any other symptoms of an allergic reaction from another person. It may seem like the rash can spread to other parts of the body, but this is a misleading impression. Urushiol may penetrate thick or calloused skin at a slower rate, so a rash develops a little later. Talk to your dermatologist if new rashes appear and you aren’t sure of the source.

The most likely cause of new rashes on different parts of the body is fresh contact with urushiol oil that is still present somewhere. The sticky oil is easily transferred from one surface to another. Plant resin sticks to skin, clothing, tools, and even animal fur. Urushiol is an impressive, if extremely irritating, substance. It can stay active for over a year.


There is no cure for a rash caused by poison ivy. Prevention is the best treatment. Anyone that spends a lot of time outdoors in Southlake, TX, should learn to identify potentially toxic plants. ‘Outdoors’ doesn’t just refer to camping or hiking. Poison ivy and poison oak can grow in an average backyard. Poison sumac could grow in a person’s yard, but trees are more noticeable than plants that blend into undergrowth or bushes. All three plants produce resin all year round, whether leaves are present or not.

Sometimes a rash can be prevented after contact with poison ivy. Remove oils from your skin immediately after contact with the plant. Ordinary soap is fine for washing exposed skin, but be careful with bar soaps.

Rinse your skin with lukewarm water before using a soap bar so the oil won’t stick to the bar and spread to other parts of your body. Use caution with wash cloths, sponges and loofahs that may pick up oil from your skin. Wash these items thoroughly or dispose of them immediately after bathing to make sure the oil won’t spread.

Alcohol wipes work when you don’t have immediate access to a shower or soap and water. Wash all exposed areas three times to make sure the sticky resin is gone. Even a tiny amount of urushiol may trigger a reaction.

Dermatologists recommend washing clothes, shoes and anything else you were wearing or carrying after contact with poison ivy. The same advice applies to poison oak or poison sumac. Regular laundry detergent removes urushiol from most clothing, but it isn’t effective for suede or leather. Bleach deactivates the oil on clothing and most surfaces.

Treatment Options

Most cases of poison ivy reactions don’t require a visit to a dermatologist. Leave blisters intact to heal on their own, even if they begin oozing or form a crust. Breaking blisters creates a very inviting entry point for bacteria that cause infection.

Unmedicated hand lotion, ice, and cold water aren’t effective against an allergic rash, but cooling the rash and surrounding skin might reduce inflammation and swelling. Most reactions heal within 10 to 14 days.

You can always visit a dermatologist for help. Burning and itching aren’t pleasant, and a dermatologist can help you manage symptoms. Dermatologists may recommend over-the-counter creams and baking soda or oatmeal baths. Other options include oral medications to counteract severe itching and steroid creams or injections to relieving itching, swelling, and inflammation.

Severe allergic reactions or an accompanying fever above 100 degrees F do require medical help. Always consult a dermatologist if bumps or blisters contain white, yellow or thick fluid that indicate infection. Untreated infected rashes can leave scars and may cause a systemic infection.

Contact Compassion Dermatology if you have a urushiol-induced rash. Sometimes we can brush up against a toxic plant or encounter sticky resin without realizing it. A dermatologist can help if you aren’t sure what caused a rash.

5 Dermatologist Tips To Follow When Dealing With Acne | Southlake, TX

Photo by LightField Studios at Shutterstock

Acne is perhaps one of the most common skin conditions in America, affecting at least 50 million people every year. Knowing how to treat and deal with your skin may not necessarily be easy. There are different types of ingredients that you should look for and different types of tips that you should follow.

We’ll look at 5 of the most common tips recommended by dermatologists below. By following these tips, you’ll be on your way to flawless, beautiful skin.

#1. Allow Any Acne Treatment 4 Weeks to Work

First and foremost, make sure that you give your acne treatment enough time to work. Most dermatologists recommend giving the treatment at least four weeks to work before calling it quits are switching to a new routine. Your skin needs enough time to get used to the new ingredients that are within the treatment. If you switch from one treatment to another too quickly or use too many products at a time, you could potentially irritate your skin, causing your acne to worsen.

After about four weeks, you should start to see some improvements. If you think that the treatment is not working quickly enough for you, don’t worry at all. This is merely the start. The full effects of the acne treatment will usually kick in right after according to most professionals.

#2. Be Gentle with Your Skin

Many people with acne feel tempted to scrub at their skin. They may wash their skin way too aggressively. When dealing with acne, the key is to be as gentle as possible. On the same note, avoid over exfoliating your skin. Make sure that you choose exfoliating products that aren’t too aggressive, as aggressive exfoliating products can irritate the skin and cause it to become inflamed.

In fact, exfoliating a pimple can cause healthy skin cells to be removed. It can also increase the risk of scarring! At which point, you’ll have a different type of skin problem on your hand that might require a lot more treatment to fix.

If you’re not sure which type of exfoliating products to use, speak to a dermatologist for a recommendation. A dermatologist in Southlake, TX can also recommend different types of products to try. Sometimes, it’s good to pair your skin care with your cleansing products. Your dermatologist can also take a look at the ingredients list to make sure that there aren’t any ingredients that might be too aggressive for your skin type.

#3. Avoid Touching Your Face

One of the most common tips that dermatologists give is to avoid touching your skin when you have acne. Your spans contain a lot of oils and dirt. If they aren’t clean, they can bring a lot of oils and dirt to your skin, which can cause further skin problems. It could also cause your acne problems to worsen significantly.

You also want to avoid squeezing out your pimples. When you try to squeeze your pimples, the dirt and oil on your fingers can cause the acne to spread. It can also cause further infections. Popping pimples can lead to scarring as well, and you definitely want to avoid that as the scars usually are much longer-lasting than the pimples themselves.

If you must touch your face, make sure that you wash your hands with warm water and soap first. Make sure that there aren’t any oils or dirt on your fingers.

#4. Take Time to Relax and Get More Sleep

Insufficient sleep can have a huge effect on your overall well-being. In particular, insufficient sleep can wreak havoc on your skin. The same can be said for stress. Stress can be equally as problematic for your skin as insufficient sleep.

Another common tip for most dermatologists is to get enough sleep and to reduce the amount of stress that you have in your life. This could be anything from taking on less work, getting a massage, practicing meditation, mindfulness and yoga and trying out art therapy or cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). It really depends on what works for you. If you’re not sure what works for you, play around and try different things.

Try to go to sleep at the same time every night. Turn off the screens at least an hour before you go to bed and even drink some chamomile tea to relax. Your goal is to get at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep every night. If you’re able to reduce your stress levels and get more sleep, you might see an incredible change in your skin’s overall condition.

#5. Clean Your Hats and Headbands

A common culprit of forehead acne is dirty hats and headbands. If your wardrobe consists of many hats and headbands, you’re going to want to take a look at how clean they are. If you are someone who wears hats and headbands for hours and hours in your day, you may be trapping sweat, dirt and oils onto your forehead. These contaminants can clog your pores and cause you to get acne.

If you are experiencing a lot of forehead acne, consider taking off your hats and headbands more regularly. Give your skin a break and a chance to breathe. Also, make sure that you wash these accessories regularly with either dish soap, hand soap or a laundry machine.

Speak with a Dermatologist to Get a Personalized Skincare Routine

If you’re having any problems with your skin, one of the first things that you should do is to make an appointment with a dermatologist in Southlake, TX. A professional can access your skin type to determine the underlying causes behind your problems. They can help you find a solution that works for you.

If you’re interested in seeing a professional, consider giving Compassion Dermatology a call at 817-380-5911. We offer a wide range of services, from complete skin evaluations to medical and surgical procedures. We can help you deal with all types of skin problems.

Dermatologist Tips: What To Know About Washing Your Face | Southlake, TX

Photo by Stas Ponomarencko at Shutterstock

If you have skin problems, over washing your face can actually make things worse. You’ve heard the saying “too much of a good thing,” and this is true of skin cleansers, moisturizers and face masks, as well as chocolate and makeup.

Many women use cleanser or exfoliating skin scrubs multiple times a day, and these may be doing more harm to your skin. Dermatologists recommend washing your face once a day, as this helps to remove unwanted dirt, makeup, and oil from your face.

If you live in Southlake, TX, and are searching for a, don’t hesitate to contact Compassion Dermatology. The team of medical experts can help you to find a skincare routine or effective treatment for your skin type. They can also treat a wide range of skin conditions.

Wash Your Face Once a Day

Professionals recommend that everyone washes their skin at least once a day. This will help you to remove the build-up of oil, makeup, and dirt that will have accumulated during the day.

Most people are washing their face a lot more than they need to and using more products than at any other time in history. This is causing mass skin problems. Professionals say that most people will wash their face twice daily. This may be unnecessary; washing your face in the morning, especially if you’re using a lot of cleaners, is a waste of time as your face hasn’t had time to get dirty after your evening cleanse. Many people would argue they need to wash their face to wake themselves up, but a quick splash of water will help; just don’t start scrubbing your face with cleansers or exfoliator.


Dermatologists advise people to exfoliate two or three times a week, rather than every day. This will help to remove dead cells, which will make your skin look brighter. It will also help moisturize your skin, allowing serum and SPF to be more effectively absorbed by your skin.

If you’re using an exfoliator that contains beads, this will give your skin a deeper clean. However, it would help if you used these types of products before you cleanse as cleanser helps remove the beads and make your skin look fresh.

Visit a Dermatologist

Washing your face multiple times a day can cause your skin to dry out. If you have any skin issues, it’s best to talk to a professional, find a product that works well for you and wash your face with it once a day. If you have oily or acne-prone skin, it’s best to find a cleanser that contains salicylic acid and only use it once daily. Washing your face more regularly can irritate your skin.

While some people do have oily skin, and the oil may be visible, it’s important to remember that oil on the skin is natural. Over washing your face to get rid of oil can have the opposite effect as it can stimulate the skin’s glands to produce excess oil. The natural oil that’s produced by our bodies is, in fact, good for our skin as it keeps it subtle. The oil also creates a defense barrier against external factors that your skin comes across every day, such as pollution in the atmosphere, sun cream, or make up.

Dermatologists say that the most obvious sign that you’re over washing your face is that your skin will start to feel tight and dry. You may also notice that your face starts to develop signs of sensitivity. There may be reddish, dry patches in places. This is most common on the nose, chin, and cheeks.

Skin Types

Whether your skin is dry, oily, or combination, it’s crucial to find a skincare routine that works for you. Washing and cleansing your skin well will help you to look and feel great. It can improve not only your appearance but your self-esteem. Some people even say that a visit to the doctor has changed their life. Here’s a look at the main skin types:

Normal Skin

If your skin is ‘normal,’ the oil glands will be producing sebum at a moderate rate. This will result in balanced skin. Your skin won’t feel too oily or too dry. Normal skin will appear plump, moist, and vibrant.

Dry Skin

If you have dry skin, this is likely to be caused by either underactive or inactive oil glands. Your skin won’t be producing enough sebum, which will result in a dull appearance. Your skin may feel dry, itchy, and sensitive.

Oily Skin

Oily skin appears shiny, especially across the T-zone. Many people with oily skin have enlarged pores and may also be prone to outbreaks of blackheads.

Combination Skin

Most people have combination skin, which means that their face has two different types of skin. You may have an oily T-zone and dry cheeks, for example.

Sensitive Skin Type

Sensitive skin feels delicate but can also be oily, dry, or a combination. Some dermatologists would argue that sensitive skin isn’t a skin type but is more of a skin condition. If you have sensitive skin, you may like to seek help from a professional. Those with sensitive skin may require products that are designed especially for sensitive skin or that are prescribed by a dermatologist.

Compassion Dermatology, Dermatologist

If you want to find out more about washing and cleaning your skin, you may like to speak to a professional. Many people suffer from a skin condition such as irritation, dry skin, acne, eczema, or psoriasis. Dermatologists can provide skin care advice and treatment that’s tailored to your skin type.

If you live in Southlake, TX, or the surrounding area, don’t hesitate to contact Compassion Dermatology. Compassion Dermatology is a skilled team of dermatologists and medical professionals who can give you the best treatment to help your skin to heal.

If you’re looking to improve acne scars’ appearance or reduce irritation, redness associated with any skin condition, contact Compassion Dermatology today on 817-380-5911.

Dermatologist Tips To Improve Your Skin With Specific Foods | Southlake, TX

Photo by New Africa at Shutterstock

Dermatologists recommend eating a diet packed full of vitamin-rich foods, which will help improve your skin condition naturally. Vitamin A is particularly beneficial for skin, hair, and nails and will help to give you a glowing complexion.

If you live in Southlake, TX, and are looking for a dermatologist, don’t hesitate to contact Compassion Dermatology. The company employs a team of professionals who are experienced at treating various skin conditions, including acne, eczema, or psoriasis. This article will look at the benefits of eating a healthy diet to help improve skin condition.

The Benefits of Eating Vitamin Rich Foods

Eating a healthy diet that’s high in vitamins and minerals will not only make you feel great, but you’ll also look healthy. Diet plays a large part in your overall health and wellbeing and can either make your skin look its best or give you spots. Many foods are considered ‘superfoods,’ as they are high in essential vitamins and minerals. These foods should be eaten regularly to boost your immune system, regulate weight, and help you look and feel your best.

A poor diet and greasy foods can contribute to breakouts, whereas consuming antioxidants and vitamin A will improve your skin condition. Here are some foods that dermatologists recommend for improved skin.

Fish is High in B Vitamins

Fish is a healthy choice as it contains many essential B vitamins, including B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and B12. Fish is also a good source of vitamins A, D, and E. Many fish contain essential oil, which helps improve skin condition and ease aching joints. It also helps with immune function and even improves brain function. Tuna and Trout are particularly vitamin-rich. It’s recommended that you eat fish twice a week and include a variety of different types for a healthy diet.

Green Leafy Vegetables are Very Healthy

Green leafy vegetables are a great source of iron and are also nutrient-dense and contain vitamins A, C, K, and Beta-Carotene. Greens such as Spinach and Kale are high in B Vitamins, including B2, B3, B6, and B9.

Add Seeds to Your Diet

Seeds aren’t just for birds; they are very healthy and rich in vitamins. Dermatologists recommend adding seeds to your diet, they can be sprinkled on top of stew and salads. They are a good source of B vitamins and contain B1, B2, B3, B5, and B6, as well as vitamin E. Flax seeds also contain vitamin A which helps to keep the skin, nails, and hair healthy. Sunflower seeds are also a vitamin-rich choice.

Red Meat Contains B Vitamins

Meat is a healthy option as it contains iron, which helps with the production of red blood cells. Beef and lamb is an especially good choice as it’s rich in vitamins. These meats are a great source of vitamins B2, B3, B5, B6, and B9. If you’re looking to lose weight or eat less saturated fat, you can choose leaner cuts of beef.

Mushrooms are Very Nutritious

Mushrooms can be added to a variety of dishes, from pasta, risotto, or stews. They contain many essential vitamins, including B2, B3, B5, and vitamin D. Mushrooms are a great protein source and are very nutritious. They are also low in carbohydrates and don’t contain many calories. There are many different mushroom varieties to choose from, including portobello, button, or shiitake mushrooms.

Nuts Help Improve Skin

Nuts make a healthy snack and are a good source of B vitamins. They have vitamins B1, B2, B6, and also contain high levels of vitamin E. Nuts should be eaten in small quantities and bring many health benefits. They are good for keeping the heart healthy, lowering cholesterol, and improving skin and hair condition. When buying nuts, always choose an unsalted variety; almonds and walnuts are a healthy choice.

Eggs are Vitamin-Rich and High in Protein

Eggs are a healthy choice and make a great alternative to meat or fish for meat-free days. Try creating a tasty omelet using a selection of vegetables such as peppers, potatoes, and tomatoes. Eggs are a good source of protein and contain essential vitamins and minerals. They contain vitamins, B2, B5, and B12, and vitamin D.

Avocados are a Good Source of Vitamins

Avocados are high in vitamins B5, B6, B9, and E. Though they are tasty, they should be eaten in moderation if you’re trying to lose weight as they are high in calories. They also contain healthy fats that are beneficial for warding off diseases such as cancer, arthritis, and inflammation. They are a great source of folate, which will reduce symptoms of depression. Dermatologists often recommend making face masks from avocados to improve skin.

Eat Butternut Squash for Vitamins A, B, and E

Butternut Squash is commonly eaten during Fall and is an excellent source of vitamins A, which will give you a glowing complexion. They also contain B1 and E vitamins. Studies have shown that butternut squash contains Beta Carotene. There are many different kinds of squash available, including butternut, acorn squash, and pumpkins.

Tropical Fruits: Delicious and Healthy

Tropical Fruits make a great snack or a healthy dessert. They are full of nutrients and are a good source of vitamins and minerals. Bananas contain potassium, which has been proven to help maintain energy levels and reduce symptoms of common mental health problems. Papayas contain Vitamin A, B1, E, as well as Lycopene, which is a powerful antioxidant that helps to prevent cancer cells from developing, reduce signs of aging, and make you look great!

Compassion Dermatology, Dermatologist

If you’re suffering from any common skin condition such as irritation, dry skin or acne, eczema, or psoriasis and are looking for a dermatologist, don’t hesitate to contact Compassion Dermatology. The clinic serves Southlake, TX, and the surrounding area. If you want to improve the overall health of your skin, a visit to a dermatologist will help.

Call Compassion Dermatology today on 817-380-5911 to book a dermatologist appointment.

After Microneedling At Your Dermatologist | Southlake, TX

Photo by Robert Przybysz at Shutterstock

Microneedling is all the rage nowadays. It involves using a small instrument that will poke microneedles into your skin. This will “damage” your skin in a way, causing it to produce more collagen to repair the damaged areas. The microneedles don’t actually end up hurting your skin at all, but the collagen that’s produced will give you wonderful results. You’ll look younger, and your skin will look flawless!

After getting the treatment, your skin will feel a bit raw. It may be red, and it may even start to feel dry and itchy. Aftercare is very important. Here, we’ll look at 5 things you should do after getting microneedling services. If you have any questions, make sure to ask our dermatologists for clarification!

#1. Apply a Hydrating Serum to Help Your Skin Heal

Shortly after the microneedling, your skin will feel dry. It’ll start to flake, but rest assured that this means that it’s working!

The flakiness will soon subside within about a week. The best thing that you can do in the meantime is to encourage the skin to heal. Apply a hydrating serum with growth factors to help stimulate healing and to speed up the recovery. Consider applying a moisturizer over the serum in order to seal it in. Both of these products will keep your skin hydrated and replenished.

They’ll speed up recovery, so you’ll see glowing, flawless skin even sooner! If you’re not sure whether or not your moisturizer or serum is suitable, bring it in during your appointment. Our professionals will take a look at the ingredient list to make sure that you have everything you need for a speedy recovery.

#2. Avoid the Sun

Your skin is very sensitive at this time. It’s very vulnerable and can be easily damaged. You definitely don’t want to expose it to any non-beneficial situations. This means that you should avoid direct sun exposure for at least the first 7 to 10 days. This can be quite difficult if you live in Southlake, TX. After all, it feels as if the sun is always out here!

If you go out, wear a hat and try to stick to areas that are shaded. Some dermatologists even recommend staying indoors as much as possible. If you have to go out, make sure that you wear a zinc-based physical sunblock at all times to protect your skin.

You can even look for a zinc-based physical sunblock that has hydrating properties to help keep your skin as moisturized as possible. Some of these sunblocks may even be tinted, so you can forego foundation and makeup for the time being.

#3. Do Not Aggravate Your Skin

Since your skin is still recovering, most dermatologists will recommend being as gentle as possible. This might mean that you’ll have to change up your skincare routine until your skin has completely healed. Most dermatologists will recommend avoiding any active serums or acids for the first 7 days after microneedling, as they may be too abrasive for the skin. The same goes for prescription topicals and exfoliators. This includes any type of retinol products, granular exfoliants, enzymes or acids.

After microneedling, the flakiness will get rid of quite a lot of dead skin. If you had some dermaplaning done prior to the microneedling, your skin will be even more sensitive. Applying any of those products may aggravate your skin and cause it to worsen.

#4. Avoid Overstimulating the Skin

Not only do you want to avoid being too aggressive with your skin, but you also want to avoid overstimulating it. This means that you should avoid steam rooms, hot tubs and hot showers. You should also avoid doing any type of intensive exercise for the first couple of days after the microneedling.

If you have a hot shower or do some intensive exercises, you will increase blood flow to your face. This may overstimulate your skin and affect the overall results.

#5. Keep a Skin Diary to Keep Track of Your Progress

Often, it can be difficult to tell whether a skincare treatment really did help your skin. While most dermatologists will usually take before and after pictures for you to compare results, you really should try doing this on your own. Take photos of your skin each day to keep track of the progress, and keep a diary that keeps track of things that you can’t see. For example, note down if there are certain areas that feel itchy or especially dry.

This diary will help you a lot if you ever need to speak with your dermatologist again about the results of the treatment. Your dermatologist should also call you to follow up with you sometime after a week or two. This is a good time to talk about whether the treatment is progressing as you’d like. If not, your dermatologist may be able to recommend some serums or moisturizers that can help you achieve the results you want.

Give Compassion Dermatology a Call to Schedule Your Appointment

Microneedling, when done right, is not painful at all. It’s mildly uncomfortable, but this skincare treatment can do wonders for your skin. It can make you look more youthful, get rid of fine lines and wrinkles, reduce the appearance of sunspots and acne scars and more. It’s truly the holy grail of skincare treatments. No wonder it’s so popular locally.

If you want beautiful, radiant skin, this is one of the treatments that you should really look into. It will rejuvenate your skin and turn back the hands of time. Best of all, you only need to get it done every several months for maintenance.

Our dermatologists at Compassion Dermatology can walk you through the process, so you know what to expect. We will analyze your skin to see what type of skincare treatment can give you the best results! We serve many cities in Texas, including Southlake, TX. Give us a call today to schedule your appointment.