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If you want to stay young forever and sip from the Fountain of Youth, you want to speak to a dermatologist or someone who specializes in dermatology. There are so many treatments out there that will keep you looking forever young. One of the biggest breakthroughs in dermatology is Botox.
At its core, Botox is essentially a drug that paralyzes muscles. When injected to the muscles in your face, Botox can paralyze them for 3 to 4 months. This means that it can subtly transform your face. Botox can get rid of fine lines and wrinkles and can also make your face look slimmer.
Botox has become increasingly popular over the years because it is fairly non-invasive. The treatments only take several minutes to complete. You can get the injections done by a doctor who specializes in dermatology on your lunch break. To ensure that your Botox injections are effective, you must be careful with the aftercare procedures. This article will look at five of the best aftercare practices that should be followed.
#1. Avoid Exercising for a Full Day
Those who live in the Southlake area will know just how beautiful the weather is there. Many residents love spending their time running outdoors and doing other types of outdoor activities. If you live in this area, there’s a good chance that you enjoy exercising everyday. While exercising regularly is great, you should avoid exercising for a full day once you’ve gotten your Botox injections. Many specialists in dermatology will recommend taking even more time off.
Physical exercise will easily increase blood flow throughout your entire body. This could become a huge problem for someone who has just received Botox injections. The Botox may spread to unintended areas. This could lead to unexpected results, more bruising and loss of effectiveness at the injection area.
Surprisingly, most specialists in dermatology will recommend doing some face exercises, like raising your eyebrows and smiling. These face exercises may actually increase the effectiveness of the Botox injections.
#2. Avoid Rubbing Your Face
Many of us are always tempted to touch or rub our faces in some type of way. If you’ve recently received Botox injections, you really need to stop touching your face. If you rub the Botox injection site, you may accidentally spread the Botox to unintended areas. This may put a huge damper on the overall results that you get, and you may end up “freezing” muscles that you didn’t want frozen at all. Most specialists recommend not touching your face for up to 3 days after getting the injections.
With more advancements in dermatology, more and more people are getting Botox injections in other parts of their bodies. For example, some people are getting Botox injected at their shoulders or necks to help with migraines and headaches. If you’ve gotten Botox injected in other areas, make sure that you avoid touching those areas as well. Reschedule massage appointments for later dates.
#3. Stay Away from Liquor
One of the main things that the dermatologists will tell you is that you should avoid drinking liquor 24 hours before getting the injections. Liquor can increase the risk of bruising. This advice follows through to the aftercare as well. You should wait at least 24 hours before you take even a sip of alcohol. If you don’t, you also run the risk of bruising from the injections.
#4. Stay Out of the Sun
Even if you didn’t get Botox injections, you should still try to stay out of the sun as much as you can. UV rays from the sun can easily age your skin and cause you to develop more fine lines and wrinkles. Once you’ve received the Botox injections, you should try to stay out of the sun for at least that day. The longer that you can stay out of the sun, the better.
Heat from the sun can promote flushing. This means that your blood pressure will rise and that your blood will easily circulate throughout the body. This can cause you to become even more susceptible to bruising. It can also cause the Botox to bleed into other areas as well.
The sun is not the only thing that you should avoid. You should also avoid taking long hot baths and showers, getting an artificial tan and going to a sauna. Doctors specializing in dermatology can provide you with more information regarding what you can and cannot do.
#5. Watch How You Sleep
Many of us are more likely to sleep on one side of the body than the other. Most specialists in dermatology will tell you that the side that you sleep on is more likely to get wrinkles and fine lines. After all, your face is getting smushed together for many hours of the day.
To ensure that the Botox injections are as effective as possible, watch how you sleep. If you get Botox on your face, try to sleep on your back. The key is to avoid sleeping on areas that were recently injected with Botox. You want to minimize as much physical pressure on the injection site as possible. This will allow the Botox to better settle into its intended areas and muscles.
Speak to a Dermatologist in the Southlake Area Today to Learn How Botox Can Transform Your Face
Are you interested in what Botox can do for you? Speak to one of our dermatologists at Compassion Dermatology today! Our dermatologists will perform a complete evaluation of the condition of your skin to see what types of skincare treatments may be best suited for your situation. Our staff will walk you through the process and help you determine the type of changes that you want to see. Botox can treat certain health conditions, like migraines and headaches. They’re not only used for cosmetic purposes.
To learn more about getting Botox in the area, give us a call at 817-380-5911 or request an appointment online. One of our staff members will get back to you as soon as possible.