Dermatologist Tips: 5 Skin Firming Ingredients To Look For | Southlake, TX

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As you age, you may notice that your once firm and elastic skin now looks like it needs a little bit of help. Instead of tackling the problem in your 60s, it’s best to take as much preventative action as possible while you’re still young. Not only will this be important upkeep for your skin so you don’t have to deal with a major headache in the future, but it will also keep you looking young for older.

One of the best ways to get necessary ingredients into your skin to tighten and firm it is through a facial. However, not all facials do the same thing. It really depends on the type of ingredients that are inside. Some facials are better at hydrating the skin while others might have a brightening effect. If you’re looking for a facial that will tighten your skin, you need to read the ingredients that are inside the facial carefully. Here are 5 ingredients that many dermatologists in Southlake, TX recommend for firming the skin.

#1. Retinol

Retinol, also known as vitamin A, is something that you can get over-the-counter and is also an ingredient that you’ll often find in facials. It does a really great job at not only firming your skin, but making it look smoother. The way that it works is by inhibiting certain enzymes in your skin from working. These enzymes will break down collagen, which is what makes your skin look more saggy or loose.

The amount of retinol that is inside the facial will make a difference. Although you might be able to find some facials that you can do at home with this ingredient, it may contain only a little bit of retinol. As a result, you might not see much of a noticeable difference even after applying the facial. If you’re looking to give your skin a boost of vitamin A, you might want to speak with a dermatologist in Southlake, TX. This doctor can create a more intense facial for you with a higher concentration of retinol. You’ll see a much more noticeable difference.

#2. Collagen-Boosting Peptides

One of the main reasons why your skin might look more loose and saggy is because you have less collagen. This is something that happens naturally as you age. The best way to combat this is to find a dermatologist who will give you a facial with collagen-boosting peptides. If you’re able to replenish the amount of collagen in your skin, you’ll notice a huge difference in your appearance.

Another thing that many dermatologists recommend is applying a collagen-boosting peptide onto your skin after you’ve completed a facial with firming qualities. The collagen-boosting peptide can really seal the deal and bolster your skin’s elasticity.

#3. Caffeine

Surprise! This might seem like a weird ingredient to look for, but it works and is recommended by many dermatologists. Caffeine is actually found in many skin care products and regimens, as it does a great job at improving the elasticity of your skin. It can also improve the overall texture and tone as well.

Caffeine works by stimulating blood flow in the area that it’s applied to. This can boost overall circulation and collagen production in the long run. This type of pick-me-up won’t work immediately. You’ll need to use it regularly over time to see a difference. Fortunately, it’s also one of the easiest ingredients to find when you’re looking for a facial to do at home.

#4. Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic acid will plump and tighten up your skin almost immediately. It does this by boosting the amount of moisture in your skin. It’s super hydrating, so it can also be used to tackle a plethora of other skincare problems and issues, like dry skin or even acne, which is often caused by dry skin.

It’s important to note that not all hyaluronic acid is the same. If you purchase a product over-the-counter, it might be lower in quality and less effective. If you’re looking for a facial with top-tier products and ingredients, you should speak with a dermatologist. A facial that contains a multimeric hyaluronic acid system will usually work best, as it can be absorbed deeply into your skin. It’ll be the most effective and the results will also last the longest.

#5. Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs)

Last but not least, we also have Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs) that can do a great job at not only firming up your skin but also improving its overall texture and tone. You’ll notice that your skin looks brighter and more radiant after applying this ingredient. There are many different types of options out there, but you should be able to easily find this ingredient in a lot of different facials. It does quite a good job and is also not too expensive in comparison to many other ingredients.

We Offer HydraFacials!

Are you looking for one of the most soothing facials you can possibly get? You can’t go wrong with a HydraFacial. It’ll leave your skin feeling smooth, supple, and firm. A HydrFacial will cleanse, exfoliate and extract any impurities from your skin. The facial contains a lot of great ingredients like antioxidants, peptides, and hyaluronic acid that can treat fine lines and wrinkles and even firm up your skin, so it’s much more elastic. You’ll see huge improvements in the size of your pores and your skin’s tone and vibrancy as well as texture. This is why it’s a treatment that’s been highly recommended by many dermatologists.

We have to admit that it is definitely one of the best facials that you can get out there! However, this type of facial isn’t something that you can get from a regular spa. You’ll need to visit a dermatologist in Southlake, TX. Compassion Dermatology can offer this type of treatment as well as many others! Our dermatologists can help you come up with a skincare treatment and regimen that will take care of any skin problems that you have! For more information, give us a call at 817-380-5911.

A Guide On Keratosis Pilaris From Your Dermatologist | Southlake, TX

Photo by Natali Sam at Shutterstock

Do you have weird tiny bumps on your upper arms, thighs, or even buttocks that aren’t painful to the touch or itch, but look like little white bumps? This skin condition is known as keratosis pilaris. It’s fairly common and can make the affected area of the skin appear rougher. Some people even notice that this skin condition may worsen depending on the season. When the weather is lower in humidity, they tend to experience flare-ups.

But, what is keratosis pilaris, and should you see a dermatologist in Southlake, TX if you notice this on your skin? We’ll answer all of your questions in this article. If you don’t see the questions that you’re looking for and if you need any extra help, make sure that you speak with a skin care specialist. Keratosis pilaris can be especially difficult to treat if you are also dealing with some other type of skincare problem as well. A skin care specialist can help you figure out a regimen and solution that will tackle all of these issues at once. They’ll also be able to check in with you regularly to ensure that your regimen is effective.

What Causes Keratosis Pilaris?

Those tiny, white bumps that you see are not caused by acne or oil buildup. Instead, it’s caused by keratin buildup. Keratin is a hard protein that’s necessary for your body. Your body naturally produces it to protect your skin from harmful substances and even infections. When there’s too much keratin buildup in one area, however, you’ll develop keratosis pilaris. The keratin blocks your follicles and creates a small, white bump.

Although we know what the white bump is made of, dermatologists aren’t exactly sure what the primary reason why keratin buildup occurs may be. They have noticed, however, that this skin condition tends to be more prevalent amongst those with dry skin. Some speculate that there may be a genetic factor involved. If your parents have keratosis pilaris, there’s a good chance that you’ll also experience a skin problem as well.

Should You See a Dermatologist?

If you notice some keratosis pilaris bumps on your arm, you don’t necessarily have to book an appointment with a dermatologist right away. This skin condition won’t cause any other issue and you don’t necessarily have to get it treated. Some people will notice that the bumps will go away on their own without any professional treatment.

However, if you’re concerned about the appearance of these bumps and they don’t align with your skincare goals, you can always book an appointment. A dermatologist should be able to come up with a skincare treatment that will help you get rid of these bumps for good or, at the very least, minimize their appearances and flare-ups.

Tips on How to Treat It

The best way to treat this skin condition is to speak with a skin care specialist. The skin care specialist can help you figure out not only what the best treatment may be, but also why you have this skin condition in the first place. This is crucial in preventing this from happening again in the future. When it comes to skincare, it’s always better to take preventative action rather than have to do a treatment.

It might be possible to treat keratosis pilaris at home by yourself. The treatment may not necessarily get rid of all of the white bumps; however, it might prevent flare-ups or minimize the areas that are affected. All you have to do is:

  • Exfoliate. Make sure to do this as gently as possible. Use a loofah or even a rough washcloth to clean your body when you shower. This will slough off any dead cells that are on the surface of your skin and can help get rid of the keratin that’s built up underneath. Avoid exfoliating too aggressively, as this can actually irritate your skin and worsen the keratosis pilaris.


  • Apply a keratolytic. You should also apply a product known as a keratolytic afterward. This is a chemical exfoliator that can not only get rid of dead skin cells on your skin but also any buildup that may be sitting right under the surface. Look for products that contain lactic acid, salicylic acid, glycolic acid, or a retinoid.


  • Moisturize. As many skin care specialists have noticed, keratosis pilaris tends to worsen if your skin is dry. After exfoliating your skin, you definitely want to slather on the moisturizer in order to make sure that your skin stays as hydrated and supple as possible. You should use an oil-free moisturizer if you’re concerned about clogged pores.

It’s important to note that keratosis pilaris isn’t necessarily curable although it is treatable. It is possible for this skin condition to appear out of seemingly nowhere sometimes, and it also takes a while for the bumps to completely disappear. Patience is key when it comes to skincare.

A Dermatologist Can Help You Get Clearer Skin

You don’t have to struggle with any skin conditions or issues by yourself. There are many different treatments and skincare regimens out there that can help you achieve clearer smooth skin. The trick is to figure out what products work for you and what types of treatments may be best suited for your skin.

The best way to figure out the riddle to clear skin is to see a dermatologist in Southlake, TX. A dermatologist has years of education and experience in how to achieve clear skin. Not only are they up-to-date on all of the newest treatments and regimens available, but they also have a lot of knowledge on how to tackle different types of skin problems.

If you’re looking for a dermatologist in Southlake, TX, call Compassion Dermatology at 817-380-5911. We are one of the top skin care clinics in the area and can help you pick out the right skincare treatments and products for your skin based on your skin type and many other factors. We’ll help you achieve your skincare goals in no time!

What Can Be Taken Care Of At A Dermatologist Office? | Southlake, TX

Photo by Daria_Cherry at Shutterstock

Is there something odd-looking on your skin that you think should be looked at closer? Do you have odd rashes a lot or deal with acne as an adult that never seems to go away? If you are facing a medical issue that involves your skin then what you need is an appointment with a dermatologist in Southlake, TX. A lot of people don’t realize just how many different issues a professional can help them with. According to the CDC, over 44 million people visit their local derm every year, which means that this field of medicine is very important.

What Do Dermatologists Treat?

Dermatologists treat much more than just rashes and acne, although those are two very common reasons that people end up in the doctor’s office. Dermatology as a field includes the treatment of any condition that affects the membrane or tissue of the area that lines your eyelids, mouth, and nose as well as conditions that affect your skin, nails, and hair. That’s right, a trained dermatology medical expert will even help you treat your poor hair growth or nail growth which means you can rely on them to help you improve the way you look and feel.

Outside of acne and rashes, dermatology practices often treat people who are suffering from skin lesions and discoloration of the skin. They are the first-line medical experts for dealing with skin cancer which is on the rise and is seen in many people 30 and up. When spotted early skin cancer can be treated medically and topically which can reduce a lot of problematic issues from arising down the road. In fact, it’s not a good idea to book an annual visit to a dermatologist if you have been exposed to the sun frequently or tanned a lot as a youth.

In addition, dermatologists often discover very important indicators about your overall health when treating you for skin conditions. For instance, one of the first signs of diabetes exhibits itself in changes in your skin color and nails. If they note these changes they may recommend you follow up with an endocrinologist or your family doctor before you get even sicker. This is just one of the many things that they may be able to determine just by offering you a skin exam. Keep in mind that all doctors at a dermatology practice have completed medical school and have full training and residency programs so they are just as knowledgeable as any other medical professional.

So What Exactly is Dermatology Then?

With that in mind, you may be wondering what exactly the field of dermatology is. The field gets its name from the Greek word derma which translates to mean skin. Believe it or not, your skin is actually considered the largest organ in your body and is highly complex given it features hair follicles, nerve endings, sweat glands, blood vessels, and pores. Caring for it is an intricate process that requires an intense amount of study and experience.

Adding to the complexity of dermatology is the fact that everyone has different types of skin. Some people have dry skin, some people have oily skin, and some unlucky souls have combination skin which makes finding the right healthcare regime seems like a never-ending guessing game. This means that everyone’s skin reacts differently to different products and medications. This is why experience and knowledge are so important in the field of dermatology because you need someone who is on top of their game to help you treat your skin problems accurately.

What Do Dermatologists Do?

You might be surprised at how many things dermatologists are tasked with doing. On a regular day at a dermatology office in Southlake, TX, the doctor will treat a variety of medical conditions, treat a variety of cosmetic issues that are affecting the way you look, and actually perform surgical procedures for both medical and cosmetic reasons. One thing is for sure, it is never boring within the walls of a dermatology office and you can bet that over the years the doctors have seen many things that the average person would probably not believe. That is why you should trust them to handle your skin on its worst day. Keep in mind that as doctors they are bound to confidentiality, so there is little you can’t trust them to handle for you.

From a medical standpoint, at a dermatology office, the doctor will treat a variety of conditions that affect the skin on your body such as acne, psoriasis, and rosacea while also examining your overall skin to see if it is indicative of other issues. For example, sometimes extremely dry skin can mean that there are issues with the way your kidneys are functioning or yellowed skin and nails can indicate an issue with your pancreas or liver.

One major epidemic that dermatologists treat daily is skin cancer, which has grown a lot in the last few decades likely because of the surge of popularity of tanning booths in the 90s and the fact that baby boomers are aging and do not have the same access and attitudes towards sunscreen that exists now. In fact, skin cancer is one of the major reasons that they perform surgeries as they need to remove warts, suspicious moles, and discolored patches of skin to perform biopsies. They also might remove or treat patches of localized skin cancer and remove benign cysts.

Finally, if you are concerned about your appearance a dermatologist can provide access to cosmetic procedures that treat signs of aging like wrinkles or dark spots or medically based problems such as hair thinning or skin pigmentation issues. Some doctors will also offer chemical peels, fillers, and laser hair removal but your insurance may not cover these types of procedures. If you are ready to see a doctor in Southlake, TX, give Compassion Dermatology a call for discreet attention and excellent service.

Why You Have Adult Acne And How A Dermatologist Can Help | Southlake, TX

Photo by Geinz Angelina at Shutterstock

Many Americans struggle with skin issues, and adult acne is one of the most prevalent problems that affect people. In fact, studies show that as many as 15% of adult men and 85% of adult women have acne.

With everything that’s going on with life, like having to pay bills and deal with wrinkles, the last thing that you want to deal with is probably acne. Fortunately, if you’re able to dial down the cause of the acne, you might be able to fix it with ease.

In this article, we’ll look at 5 reasons why many adults have acne. If you find that you struggle with this problem with no end in sight, look for a dermatologist in Southlake, TX. They’ll be able to provide you with a more detailed treatment plan after assessing your skin condition and type.

#1. Fluctuating Hormones

Just because you’re not a kid anymore, it doesn’t mean that your hormones aren’t still fluctuating. Fluctuating hormones are most prevalent amongst women, which is probably why adult acne affects women more than men. This is most problematic for women who are going through perimenopause and menopause because their estrogen levels will fluctuate. Declining estrogen is bad news for your skin, as estrogen is a protective agent against acne.

If our dermatologists determine that your adult acne is caused by fluctuating hormones, they may recommend that you take birth control pills. The estrogen in birth control pills will rebalance your hormonal levels and also help you get clear skin. Some can even prescribe a testosterone-blocking pill.

#2. Increased Levels of Stress

This can be hard for a dermatologist to diagnose; however, if you notice that you tend to break out when you are stressed, then there’s a good chance that the stress is the main cause. When you’re stressed out, your body will increase inflammation levels. This causes you to break out more frequently. The more stressed that you are, the more likely that you will break out and the more intense the breakout will be.

A professional can prescribe some topical medications that can help with stress-induced acne; however, the best thing that you can do is to be proactive in managing and controlling stress. There are many different ways that you can achieve this; however, a popular recommendation includes doing more exercise.

#3. A Wrong Acne Treatment and Routine

If you were already struggling with acne, you might break out even more if you are using the wrong products or if your acne regimen is way too rough. This is why it’s always a good idea to speak with a dermatologist and have them go over your regimen and treatment.

As you age, you will also need to adjust the types of products that are used. For example, over-the-counter acne products may become too aggressive for your skin. Instead, you may need to use products with a lower potency. You may also need to speak with a dermatologist about which combination of products may be most gentle on your skin.

It’s also worthy to note that over-the-counter products and products prescribed by a dermatologist will vary significantly in the concentration of active ingredients that are inside. A dermatologist will also be able to pair the products with other types of skincare treatment to help ease any inflammation and irritation. There’s a lot of science that goes into choosing the right product for each individual. You need to take into account not only the source of the acne but also the type of skin that you have. For example, if you have oily skin, you will need to use different products than a person who has dry skin.

Finding the right routine and regimen can take some time even with the help of a dermatologist. You might need to try out several different routines in order to find one that really works for you. It’s important to remember that what works for someone else might not necessarily work for you. Due to this reason, you shouldn’t adopt someone else’s anti-acne routine without speaking with a professional first.

#4. Poor Diet

Another thing that may need to be factored in is your diet. A professional will often go through all aspects of your life. It may seem like they’re asking a lot of questions, but the truth of the matter is that a wide range of things can affect whether you have adult acne or not. One of the main things that a professional will want to cover is what you’ve been eating and what you are likely to eat throughout the day, as this can have a huge effect on your skin.

Many studies have found that a high-glycemic index diet that contains a lot of processed foods, like sugar, can be especially bad for your skin and can result in adult acne. Some other foods will spike blood sugar levels and are pro-inflammatory. For example, there is a strong correlation between skim milk and breakouts, so if you like to eat cereal with skim milk in the morning, you might want to look for alternatives.

Changing your diet can also do wonders for your skin, and you might even notice that your skin will begin to clear quite quickly after removing some things from your diet.

Call Us if You’re Looking for a Dermatologist in Southlake, TX

Are you struggling with adult acne? Do you find that it is something that you can’t seem to get a handle on? You’re not alone, and, fortunately, there are a lot of treatments and products out there that can help you get clear skin. For example, the Icon Aesthetic System is state-of-the-art and can be used to treat acne scars and even stretch marks.

Compassion Dermatology offers a wide range of services in Southlake, TX, and can help you achieve your skincare goals! We offer medical, surgical, and cosmetic services for your skin, hair, and nails. Our skincare team is very skilled and well-informed on the most up-to-date research and technological innovations.

For more information, call us today at 817-380-5911!