Definitely Visit Your Dermatologist If You Experience These | Dermatologist in Southlake, TX


With dozens of events, errands, and meetings on your to-do-list daily, it is really hard to hit the gym – let alone stay on top your medical checkups. You do remember to have a yearly ob/gyn and physical appointment. Similarly, it is necessary for you have an annual skin check up with your dermatologist in Southlake, TX.

Why though? Well, because researchers have found that there are about 3 million new cases of skin cancers that are diagnosed on a yearly basis. This is why you shouldn’t delay your visit to the dermatologist in Southlake, TX, or put it at the very bottom of your to-do-list.

Aside from the horrific C-word for skin, there are also a lot of skin diseases out there that cannot just be treated with over-the-counter medications. Therefore, it is high time that you stop self-diagnosing your seemingly pesky skin problem with the help of Dr. Google. Instead, you should read up on some serious skin ailments that definitely require a visit to a dermatologist in Southlake, TX.

       1.      Spotting Moles That Change Shape or Size or Have Irregular Borders

Most of the people out there have at least one birthmark, freckle, or mole on their bodies. But alongside these natural body developments, there are some serious possibilities that they may alter after some time.

These developments may be harmless in some cases, but there are symptoms that signify otherwise. You should be on a lookout for any growth on your body that doesn’t heal on its own, bleeds or itches. This is so because these are potentially the very first signs of cancer development.

The leading cause for such growths is usually sun exposure – probably because of the tanning beds. UV radiation causes this when it is 2 to 3 times stronger than the sun at its peak. That said, if you think you have these symptoms, grab your car keys and visit your dermatologist in Southlake, TX.

       2.      You Have Developed A Painful, Cystic Pimple

Has your body developed nodules that are golf-ball sized and hurt like hell? These are known as cystic acne and like other forms of acne – appear inflamed, red and irritated. Even though these are tender and painful to touch, the difference between cystic and normal acne is that the former does not form a ‘head’.

These problems are usually caused because of bacteria, stress or hormonal fluctuations. This means that they are also unavoidable and the only way to minimize their breakouts is to visit your dermatologist in Southlake, TX. They will treat you with a diluted steroid injection which will ease the pain and irritation while also speeding up their healing process.

       3.      Your Skin Is Irritated, Itchy and Dry

It’s normal to assume that small rashes can be treated right at home with over-the-counter skin ointments. People, however, do not realize that these problems could be something more than just a mere seasonal effect.

These symptoms are also common for people who suffer from chronic skin conditions which are also known as eczema. Every case of this skin disorder is very different and managing it is quite simple. The problem is identifying that you have the disorder in the first place – which can only be determined by your dermatologist in Southlake, TX.

Cures of these skin disorders can be as simple as some lifestyle changes. This could include switching detergents or even grooming products. Other serious cases will likely be handled with the help of corticosteroid injections.

       4.      You Have Scaly and Rough Patches on Your Lower Back, Elbows, Knees and Scalp

The usual reason for these red and itchy skin conditions is psoriasis. This is an autoimmune disorder which means that your body is developing skin cells quicker than is necessary. As a result, your body is unable to shed skin quickly enough causing the new skin to pile up over the old.

Something as simple as a common cold or even chilly weather can trigger this skin disorder. Exactly as was seen in the case of eczema, this disorder can only be identified and treated with the help of a professional dermatologist in Southlake, TX.

Once it has been identified, however, the recommended treatments will be quite simple. They will include some tropical creams and prescription drugs alongside light therapies.

       5.      You Notice A Bald Spot or Are Losing More Hair Than Usual

It is quite natural to lose a few hairs on a daily basis – in fact research has found that we shed somewhere between 50 to 100 hair on a daily basis. A growing bald spot or significant shedding of your hair signifies something completely different and serious.

More often than not, hair loss is hereditary, but they also signify some deficiencies in our body. These include a diet which lacks all the essential protein, minerals, nutrients and vitamins. These are also quite often a result of crash dieting and sudden shifts in weight.

If you wish to assess what is going on with your hair, you will have to pay your dermatologist in Southlake, TX a visit. They will be able to inspect your case and therefore offer you various treatment options. These treatments will include oral and topical medications.

       6.      Your Skin Tends To Persistently Be Flushed and Red (As If You Were Blushing)

Red might be your favorite paint shade for your wallpaper, but when it is taking over the territory of your face or body – It won’t look as good. So why does this occur? Well every dermatologist in Southlake, TX will tell you that this occurs because of red bumps on your skin which are a form of acne known as Rosacea.

The exact causes of this skin disorder is still unknown but the factors that make them worse include exercise, stress, spicy foods, alcohol, hot beverages, cold weather, wind or even sun exposure. If you’re experiencing these symptoms, then you should definitely book an appointment with your dermatologist in Southlake, TX stat!

Don’t Have A Dermatologist? Meet Compassion Dermatology

Compassion Dermatology is your one stop shop for healing and health. Our services include a complete skin evaluation, cosmetic services and medical/surgical procedures among many others. Visit our website or call at 817-380-5911 to find out more.