Why You Have Adult Acne And How A Dermatologist Can Help | Southlake, TX

Photo by Geinz Angelina at Shutterstock

Many Americans struggle with skin issues, and adult acne is one of the most prevalent problems that affect people. In fact, studies show that as many as 15% of adult men and 85% of adult women have acne.

With everything that’s going on with life, like having to pay bills and deal with wrinkles, the last thing that you want to deal with is probably acne. Fortunately, if you’re able to dial down the cause of the acne, you might be able to fix it with ease.

In this article, we’ll look at 5 reasons why many adults have acne. If you find that you struggle with this problem with no end in sight, look for a dermatologist in Southlake, TX. They’ll be able to provide you with a more detailed treatment plan after assessing your skin condition and type.

#1. Fluctuating Hormones

Just because you’re not a kid anymore, it doesn’t mean that your hormones aren’t still fluctuating. Fluctuating hormones are most prevalent amongst women, which is probably why adult acne affects women more than men. This is most problematic for women who are going through perimenopause and menopause because their estrogen levels will fluctuate. Declining estrogen is bad news for your skin, as estrogen is a protective agent against acne.

If our dermatologists determine that your adult acne is caused by fluctuating hormones, they may recommend that you take birth control pills. The estrogen in birth control pills will rebalance your hormonal levels and also help you get clear skin. Some can even prescribe a testosterone-blocking pill.

#2. Increased Levels of Stress

This can be hard for a dermatologist to diagnose; however, if you notice that you tend to break out when you are stressed, then there’s a good chance that the stress is the main cause. When you’re stressed out, your body will increase inflammation levels. This causes you to break out more frequently. The more stressed that you are, the more likely that you will break out and the more intense the breakout will be.

A professional can prescribe some topical medications that can help with stress-induced acne; however, the best thing that you can do is to be proactive in managing and controlling stress. There are many different ways that you can achieve this; however, a popular recommendation includes doing more exercise.

#3. A Wrong Acne Treatment and Routine

If you were already struggling with acne, you might break out even more if you are using the wrong products or if your acne regimen is way too rough. This is why it’s always a good idea to speak with a dermatologist and have them go over your regimen and treatment.

As you age, you will also need to adjust the types of products that are used. For example, over-the-counter acne products may become too aggressive for your skin. Instead, you may need to use products with a lower potency. You may also need to speak with a dermatologist about which combination of products may be most gentle on your skin.

It’s also worthy to note that over-the-counter products and products prescribed by a dermatologist will vary significantly in the concentration of active ingredients that are inside. A dermatologist will also be able to pair the products with other types of skincare treatment to help ease any inflammation and irritation. There’s a lot of science that goes into choosing the right product for each individual. You need to take into account not only the source of the acne but also the type of skin that you have. For example, if you have oily skin, you will need to use different products than a person who has dry skin.

Finding the right routine and regimen can take some time even with the help of a dermatologist. You might need to try out several different routines in order to find one that really works for you. It’s important to remember that what works for someone else might not necessarily work for you. Due to this reason, you shouldn’t adopt someone else’s anti-acne routine without speaking with a professional first.

#4. Poor Diet

Another thing that may need to be factored in is your diet. A professional will often go through all aspects of your life. It may seem like they’re asking a lot of questions, but the truth of the matter is that a wide range of things can affect whether you have adult acne or not. One of the main things that a professional will want to cover is what you’ve been eating and what you are likely to eat throughout the day, as this can have a huge effect on your skin.

Many studies have found that a high-glycemic index diet that contains a lot of processed foods, like sugar, can be especially bad for your skin and can result in adult acne. Some other foods will spike blood sugar levels and are pro-inflammatory. For example, there is a strong correlation between skim milk and breakouts, so if you like to eat cereal with skim milk in the morning, you might want to look for alternatives.

Changing your diet can also do wonders for your skin, and you might even notice that your skin will begin to clear quite quickly after removing some things from your diet.

Call Us if You’re Looking for a Dermatologist in Southlake, TX

Are you struggling with adult acne? Do you find that it is something that you can’t seem to get a handle on? You’re not alone, and, fortunately, there are a lot of treatments and products out there that can help you get clear skin. For example, the Icon Aesthetic System is state-of-the-art and can be used to treat acne scars and even stretch marks.

Compassion Dermatology offers a wide range of services in Southlake, TX, and can help you achieve your skincare goals! We offer medical, surgical, and cosmetic services for your skin, hair, and nails. Our skincare team is very skilled and well-informed on the most up-to-date research and technological innovations.

For more information, call us today at 817-380-5911!

Behold, The Secret Product The Dermatologist Loves | Southlake, TX

Photo by Orawan Pattarawimonchai at Shutterstock

If you have ever stepped foot into a dermatologist’s office in Southlake, TX, you know there are a lot of creams and moisturizers out there. Most keep sample bags on their hands that they graciously hand out to their clients along with samples of products that they actually prescribe. Unlike other fields of medicine, dermatologists lean on a large array of products that are equally available over the counter and by prescription only. The very success of their practice hinges on knowing about every cream on the market and which one is the most effective for a large range of skin conditions.

Therefore, you might be surprised to learn what one of the most beloved moisturizers in a dermatologist’s arsenal is. It’s not what you are probably thinking, and it’s not a big name that you will recognize from the beauty store shelves or celebrity magazines. Instead, it’s a small jar that you probably only reach for when your lips get dry: petroleum jelly. Known by its brand name of Vaseline to most, it turns out that sometimes the simplest solutions are the most effective at fighting dry skin. This isn’t to say that you can skip the office in Southlake, TX, because some problems do truly require more sophisticated solutions, but don’t count out the effectiveness of Vaseline either.

History of Petroleum Jelly

Petroleum jelly is such an effective moisturizer, that it was actually created with the intention of using it to treat leather in 1867. However, the world of medicine saw how easily it was able to replenish leather and quickly grabbed ahold of the product for use treating dry hair and chapped hands which were common in those days. Prior to the invention of vaseline, lard was the substance of choice for dry skin, but the quick moisturizing (and better smelling) jelly quickly took over.

Not the Same as Petrolatum

Despite the name, it is important to note that petroleum jelly is not the same as industrial-grade petroleum. No dermatologist would dare use this type of petroleum given it would destroy the skin and likely cause a number of reactions. However, what is placed in topical products is completely safe for almost everyone and is not associated with any skin reactions. Petroleum jelly is non-allergenic, regulated, odorless, and comedogenic which is one of the many reasons that it is a favorite among so many dermatologists around the world.

Petroleum Jelly as a Moisturizer

Unlike a lot of moisturizers that are heavy or expensive, petroleum jelly is always available and it is accessible to every client regardless of their financial situation. This makes it a great option for dermatologists who prefer to stick with solutions that are familiar to their clientele. However, affordability is not the only reason why petroleum jelly is a favorite, the fact that it works so effectively is by far the biggest reason.

As an occlusive, petroleum jelly is extremely effective. In fact, it is able to reduce as much as 99% of all water loss when applied to the skin because it penetrates down through the stratum corneum and stimulates the skin barrier to start repairing itself. At the same time it is stimulating skin revival, it is also softening skin which makes it dual-purposeful as an emollient and an occlusive. The benefits don’t stop there, as it can be used on both inflamed and healthy skin so there really is no time or situation where it is not appropriate to use.

How to Use Petroleum Jelly

You should never use this advice to replace the advice of a properly trained dermatologist. Everyone has different skin and there are many skin conditions that require attention from a professional. If you suffer from a skin disease you probably already know this all too well, but all of that said, there are some simple ways you can use petroleum jelly that you probably have never thought about. Instead of buying some expensive lotion at the store while you wait for your next visit, you might want to consider grabbing a jar of vaseline and treating some common issues in a much more effective manner.


To start, petroleum jelly is great for use as a moisturizer. It is great to use on areas of your skin that look rough or patchy or to treat dry flaky areas of the skin. You also can use petroleum jelly to treat cracks and hardened skin on the heels of your feet. However, it should be noted that the heel of the foot is some of the roughest skin to treat, so if you don’t have any luck you don’t want to put off calling the dermatologist for help.


Unless you have a skin condition that doesn’t respond to normal treatment, petroleum jelly is one of the best things you can purchase to treat chapped lips. In fact, it is the base of almost every type of chapstick for good reason- because it works.

Wounds and Cuts

While petroleum jelly might not be the first thing you reach for when you get a cut, it can actually help a wound heal faster. This is one reason why you will often see it as an ingredient inside of antibiotic ointments. However, it should not be used to clean wounds as it doesn’t have any antiseptic qualities.

Diaper Cream

Petroleum jelly is safe enough that it can be used on infant skin in sensitive locations. Diaper rash is not fun for anyone but can be prevented if you use petroleum jelly as a barrier ointment that you cover the skin folds with between diapers.

If you are having skin issues that won’t resolve, it is time to consult a professional dermatologist in Southlake, TX. Compassion Dermatology treats an array of clients with a variety of different skin conditions and would be happy to help you restore your skin to its best condition.

Why Is My Acne So Bad? A Dermatologist Can Tell You | Southlake, TX

Photo by New Africa at Shutterstock

Acne is an unfortunate part of being human. There are very few people who can claim they have never had to deal with acne, and out of those few, at least a couple probably have had at least one blackhead. Some people are just luckier than others and only have to deal with a few stray pimples while other poor souls seem to be under attack. Acne is responsible for keeping dermatologists everywhere employed, as we see dozens of adults and teens who are afflicted with the skin condition.

While acne is not dangerous, it is extremely annoying and can have a large effect on the self-esteem of the person suffering from it. It can also be damaging due to scarring and hyperpigmentation that results from pimples that burst or persist despite treatment. People of color especially face hyperpigmentation and scarring issues so it is important to seek help for acne that does not clear quickly on its own. Dermatologists have an arsenal of tools at their disposal, and every single Southlake, TX patient has different skin which means it is hard to predict what will work best on an individual until they are seen in person.

For this reason, the best thing you can do if you are plagued by acne is book a visit with a professional. A lot of people feel self-conscious about treating something as seemingly innocent as acne, but those who have suffered through severe acne will tell you there is nothing innocent about this bothersome skin condition. While you are waiting to see a dermatologist, it might be interesting to learn more about the skin condition and what you can expect when you go in to see the doctor.

What Causes Acne?

A lot of people mistakenly think that acne is caused by not properly washing one’s face or by puberty. However, any adult who has woken up to a large zit on the day of an important meeting or presentation can tell you that this is not true. While hormones and stress can play a role in acne, the etiology of acne is very complex and usually includes a handful of factors that include stress and hormones along with diet, environment, genetics, and a little bit of just poor luck.

Acne Types

Given the different causes of acne, it should come as little surprise that there are different approaches to acne treatment based on what your doctor suspects are causing your issues. Mild acne is dealt with differently than severe acne while hormonal acne is treated separately from inflammatory acne. There is no absolute cure for acne, and most people will continue to suffer from breakout acne from time to time, but the goal is to keep it under control and identify an effective treatment plan for when breakout episodes occur so they can be quelled quickly.

Common Acne Treatments

As mentioned, every single person with acne will be treated differently based on their acne presentation and the likely influencing factors. A dermatologist will try to get down to the root of the problem, but sometimes it takes some adjustment and trial and error to get an effective maintenance program that works. Topical treatment is the preferred course of action for mild acne, but those who suffer from severe acne that is widespread throughout the body and face may benefit most from a mixture of oral and topical medications. This is something you will need to decide with the help of your Southlake, TX dermatologist.

Active Ingredients in Acne Medications

If you have ever been in the acne aisle in the beauty section of a department store, you know there are hundreds of products designed to treat acne. The sheer amount of products that promise you a clean complexion can be overwhelming, even more so when you look at the ingredients. It can be hard to know which way to even approach the problem, which is why just seeking help from a dermatologist can sometimes be the safest approach.

While acne medications that are available over the counter are designed to be safe and effective, when used too frequently or on the wrong types of skin, they can actually cause burning and peeling skin. Overuse or chronic misuse can actually leave your skin in worse condition than when you started, so you need to be very careful when attempting to craft your own acne care regime. While some people are able to handle the task, those with moderate to severe acne will benefit most from a dermatologist consultation and those with mild acne should still consider a professional visit.

The Goal of Professional Acne Treatment

While you may not see the same dermatologist as your friends, the goal should be the same: to keep your face clean and free of acne the majority of the time. As mentioned there is no cure for acne, so it is only reasonable to expect that breakthrough patches will occur. However, if you are prepared for this occurrence you can quickly and effectively treat the flare-ups and keep them at a minimum. Immediately giving your skin the boost it needs when it becomes susceptible to acne makes a huge difference.

With that in mind, when you first visit the dermatologist his or her goal will be to clean your face up. Once they develop a regime that cleans up your face, they will refocus your daily skin regime on preventative care. They will also give you a rescue plan designed to address flare-ups as they arise so that you never get in the same situation that led you to their office again.

Ready for clear and fresh skin in Southlake, TX? Compassion Dermatology has been helping people of all ages for years and we are ready to help you get a new lease on life.

Dermatology Tips: Skin Care For Sensitive Skin | Southlake Area

Photo by Misha Beliy at Shutterstock

One thing all dermatologists learn pretty early on is that no one has the same skin. From oily to dry to sensitive to combination to a mix of all four, every single person has different skin that behaves differently. This is why there are so many skin conditions that afflict people across the Southlake area. Unfortunately, that makes it more complicated to offer skincare advice, because there is no one-size-fits-all solution which is one great reason to consult a dermatology practice for help if your skin appears to be getting out of control.

Sensitive skin is not something that you want to mess around with, because you don’t want to deal with inflamed skin that scars permanently. One of the number one things that we see at our practice is people who want to know how to properly deal with their sensitive skin. Well-meaning clients come in to see us all the time after they tried a new product that left their face red and itchy, extremely dry, or actually caused a real reaction.

With so many products on the market figuring out an effective skincare routine without causing more problems can be a daunting prospect. However, it can be done. While it is always best to confer with a dermatology practice if you have any questions about how to properly take care of your skin, here are a few pointers that can help make daily facial care a bit less stress-inducing. All skincare routines are made up of four steps: cleanse, treat, moisturize, and protect. Here is a closer look at each so that you can build a regime that helps keep your face clear and fresh regardless of your age.

Choose the Right Cleanser

No doubt the beauty section of your local department store in the Southlake area is packed full of products that all offer great benefits. A lot of these are labeled for sensitive skin and hypoallergenic, but as anyone with sensitive skin knows, just because a product claims to be great for sensitive skin doesn’t mean it is. Therefore, you need to make sure you choose products carefully.

The first product you need to create a daily skincare routine is your cleanser. The point of a cleanser is to remove all bacteria, oil, makeup, etc from your face without stripping off the skin barrier. If you choose a product that is too harsh it will burn and likely break the skin barrier doing more damage than good. With this in mind, when it comes to cleansers usually you have the choice between liquid cleansers and bar soaps. Most practices will recommend that those with sensitive skin choose liquid cleansers because bar soaps tend to be harshing on the skin. However, while looking at liquid cleansers try to avoid those that foam or sud a lot as they tend to irritate the skin.

Treat Your Skin with Rejuvenating Serums

Once your skin is clean, you need to give it a boost with serums. Serums usually pack quite the punch because they are highly concentrated and can troubleshoot specific issues. In general, you should look for serums that are packed full of peptides, antioxidants, and vitamins. Even if you don’t have a specific skin problem that you want to address like acne, wrinkles, or dry skin, serums can be a great way to keep your face looking fresh and vibrant. People with sensitive skin may want to take a closer look at serums that have hyaluronic acid, Vitamin C, and niacinamide because these all help keep the signs of aging at bay via hydration. Your dermatologist however will recommend you stay away from retinol or alpha-hydroxy acid serums if you have sensitive skin since these tend to dry out the skin. Schedule a visit to your dermatology practice if you have any questions.

Fix Up the Skin Barrier

Ideally, you will be able to complete the last two steps without breaking your skin barrier, but sensitive skin is known for being sensitive as the term implies. This means that your outer skin barrier may take more damage than you even realize. With this in mind, you need to make sure that you keep your skin hydrated at all times. Moisturizer is your best friend if you have sensitive skin. Dermatology practices almost always recommend cream-based moisturizers over lotions because they are the most effective when it comes to hydration. To get the most out of your moisturizer with sensitive skin, look for products that don’t contain any preservatives or fragrances. If you have issues with acne, then you will also need products that are non-comedogenic. Oftentimes if you suffer from acne the best thing you can do for your skin is schedule a visit at a dermatology practice.

Protect Your Skin

Finally, now that you have the basics down, you need to make sure that you protect your skin which is even trickier for sensitive skin. This is an area where advice from a professional dermatology office can really help because they probably have access to a wider range of products than you do. Obviously, sunscreen is a must because sun damage will quickly dry out and further damage sensitive skin, but the catch 22 is that many sunscreens can actually cause sensitive skin to become inflamed which is counterproductive.

The best way to approach this problem is by searching for products that do not contain chemicals because these ingredients are designed to absorb UV rays which further irritates the skin. Instead, sunscreens that are more basic than only contain titanium dioxide or zinc oxide may be easier to tolerate. These actually leave a physical barrier on the skin that helps prevent the sun rays from watching the skin and tend to be easier to tolerate. In fact, these are the types of sunscreen that most dermatology offices recommend for young children because of the lack of chemicals.

If you have tried creating your own skin regime but are still having issues, then you need to consult a professional dermatology practice in the Southlake area. Compassion Dermatology is a local practice with trained dermatologists who can help you sift through your options and find an effective and safe skin regime for your sensitive skin.

How To Prepare For Your First Dermatologist Appointment | Southlake, TX

Photo by Kamil Macniak at Shutterstock

So, you’ve known for a while that you needed to see a dermatologist. What’s stopping you? Are you new to town and don’t know who to make your skincare doctor? Did your favorite dermatologist move practices, and it’s no longer convenient to go to them? Your unique situation isn’t much different from most new patients wanting to improve their skin condition.

What to Do When You Visit a Dermatologist for the First Time

The unknown can be frightening at times. If you’ve never visited one before, you likely have a lot of questions. Fortunately, we wrote this guide with that request in mind. We know that the more informed you are, the better you feel about seeing a skincare doctor. You’re able to get the help that you need without delay.

Here are some of the things that you should do when you visit a dermatologist for the first time:

  • Ask questions until you receive the response that makes you feel comfortable. The time that you spend at a consultation with a professional is yours. You must be able to get the most from the experience by having your immediate needs and questions addressed. When the skincare doctor takes their time with you and gives you the assistance that you need to thrive, you feel more at ease in their presence. You’re also apt to visit them again in the future because of the rapport that the two of you built with one another during your initial appointment.


  • Bring a list of medications you’re taking at the moment so the dermatologist can see if they’re causing an allergic reaction. Whenever you visit a medical professional, you should always have a list of medications you take. That way, the professional in Southlake, TX can check to make sure that you’re not experiencing a reaction to the drugs that you’re taking. You can store the information in an app with the correct dosages that you take. When you need to access the med list again, you’ll have it right where you can get to it. It’s easier to store it on your phone than on a piece of paper that might accidentally get thrown away.


  • Have the problem spots on your skin examined. If you have areas of your body that you fear could be skin cancer, don’t wait to ask the dermatologist about them. Express your concern immediately and go through the required tests to rule melanoma out. It can be the difference between you recovering from skin cancer or having it be the thing that shortens your lifespan. Taking preventative measures to protect your skin is something your skincare doctor highly recommends at all times. You can use sunscreen, sunglasses, long-sleeved shirts, and a wide-brimmed hat to give yourself added protection against the sun’s harmful UVA and UVB rays.


  • Request a different treatment if you don’t like what is suggested to you the first time. If something that they suggest to you doesn’t feel right, let them know that you want to explore other options. You always have choices that you can make when it comes to your health and body. A compassionate one knows that each person’s needs and preferences differ. They make you a partner in the healing process, which is why it’s perfectly acceptable to ask that they provide you with other options that may be better for you.


  • Make sure that you have your insurance card and preferred payment method with you. You’re going to need the items to make sure that the office bills you correctly. You want to make sure that your insurance card is up-to-date and that your debit or credit card hasn’t expired. It may seem like minor things, but it’s an inconvenience you don’t want to deal with when going to a dermatology expert. On the day of your appointment, check to make sure that your wallet is with you and that it contains the documents and payment methods needed to see the skincare doctor.


  • Arrive at least fifteen minutes early to fill out paperwork. Dermatology offices need a lot of information from their patients initially. Prepare to fill out pages of paperwork. Once done, however, the clinic has all the information that it needs about you. You can then update your records when your address or phone number in Southlake, TX, change. It’s an easy thing to do if you’re willing to show up at least fifteen minutes before your scheduled appointment to get it done.


  • Prepare your schedule for a follow-up visit. Your doctor is going to want to see you again. It may be sooner than it is later. Having an open schedule allows you to get the help that you need when you need it most. Rather than wait for months to see the skincare doctor again, you’re able to get a follow-up appointment right away. That means less waiting around for treatments. If you have a particularly scary skincare condition, it can provide you with great relief knowing that you’re able to see the doctor of dermatology again soon.

Now that you know what to do when you visit a dermatologist for the first time, you’re able to prepare for the occasion by looking for an experienced professional in the industry that is kind and compassionate as they explain your custom treatment plan. Finding the right skin doctor to go to takes research, but once you find them, you’ll be in communication with an expert that can assist you with taking care of your skin long-term.

Get the Help That You Need with Your Skincare Issues with the Right Dermatologist

Ready to set up your first dermatologist appointment in Southlake, TX? Call Compassion Dermatology today. Our number is 817-380-5911.

Contact us with your request right away. We put your mind at ease by answering any questions that you have about skincare treatments. You can also book an appointment with us online by filling out our scheduling form or emailing welcome@compassiondermatology.com.

8 Signs You Need To See A Dermatologist | Southlake, TX

Photo by Africa Studio at Shutterstock

Your skin is your largest organ. It is your body’s first protection against everything in the outside world. We all want clear, healthy skin, but unfortunately, skin issues can arise. Some skin issues are unsightly, some are uncomfortable, and some are deadly. It is essential that you can recognize the signs that you need to schedule an appointment with a dermatologist. Many people will use websites like WebMD to diagnose themselves, but this is a mistake. If you are having a skin issue, it will take the knowledge of a licensed dermatologist to determine the cause of the problem so that it can be properly treated.

#1 A Constant Itch

An occasional itch is not uncommon, and it is not something to be concerned about. However, if your skin is itchy all the time, you should schedule an appointment with a dermatology expert in Southlake, TX. There are several issues that could be causing your itchy skin, and in many cases, over-the-counter medications aren’t effective. A dermatology expert can assess your condition and prescribe the best prescription medication to treat the problem.

#2 Painful Sunburns

The sun’s UV rays are very powerful and can do a number on your skin. You should never leave the house on a sunny day without sunscreen. However, if you forget and accidentally get too much sun, you can get a sunburn. Sunburns hurt, but if you have a very painful sunburn, you should schedule an appointment with a professional. There is a chance that you have developed an infection and potential scarring. If you don’t have the problem treated immediately, things will only get worse.

#3 Unexplained Redness

If you notice unexplained red patches on your skin, you should see a dermatologist immediately. The problem could be a simple irritation or heat rash, but it could be something more serious like psoriasis. Psoriasis is an immune system condition that causes redness and flaking of the skin, nails, and joints. This condition is often inherited and is triggered by stress, cold weather, and infections. If you don’t get proper treatment, psoriasis can lead to painful arthritis in the future. There is no guarantee that your issue is due to psoriasis, but you won’t know until you see a dermatology expert. Whether you do have psoriasis or any other skin condition, it should be treated by a dermatology expert.

#4 Acne

Acne is more serious than some people think. Severe acne can have a serious effect on your self-esteem. Also, if it isn’t treated properly, acne can leave scars and permanent marks on your skin. There are plenty of over-the-counter acne remedies available; however, most of these products aren’t strong enough to treat severe acne.

When you see a dermatologist, they can examine your skin to determine the best prescription-strength medication to clean up your skin as quickly and safely as possible. Your skin is the first thing that people notice about you, and if you want it to be clear and acne-free, it is best to be treated by a dermatologist.

#5 A Changing Mole

It is not uncommon to have a mole on your skin. Most moles are harmless and never need to be treated. However, if you have a mole that has changed in color or size, you should schedule an appointment with a dermatologist. The same is true if the mole is bleeding, scabbing, itching, or painful.

A changing mole could be a sign of cancer, which needs to be checked right away. The longer you wait, the harder it will be to treat cancer effectively.

#6 Embarrassing Scars On Your Body

Some people are able to embrace their scars; however, very noticeable scars can cause you to be self-conscious. Old scars are there for life; however, if you have new scars on your body that are still red, a dermatology expert might be able to help. There are topical treatments, peels, and laser procedures to help reduce the scars’ appearance, making you feel better about yourself.

#7 Brown Spots On The Skin

Brown spots on the skin could be due to sun damage or age. Hormonal balances can also cause them. Brown spots are unsightly and often get darker around the mouth and nose. If you have new brown spots on your skin that are causing you to feel self-conscious, a dermatology expert can help. They will first determine the source of the brown spots. If the dermatologist determines that it is due to aging, they can recommend bleaching products or laser treatments. If they suspect that the condition is due to a hormone imbalance, they will send you to your primary care physician to test for a hormonal imbalance or change your current birth control. If the brown spots on your skin are making you feel self-conscious, a dermatology expert can help.

#8 A Red, Itchy Scalp

A red, itchy scalp can be annoying and painful at times. Most people with this condition suspect that the problem is due to dandruff, but there could be an underlying skin condition that is causing these symptoms. A dermatologist can examine your scalp to determine the cause of the problem so it can be treated.

Why Choose Compassion Dermatology?

If you are having skin issues, schedule an appointment with Compassion Dermatology in Southlake, TX. If you aren’t sure what to expect when you schedule an appointment, it is all in the name, Compassion. We understand that your skin issues have been difficult for you, and we will treat you with compassion. We will perform a complete evaluation to determine the source of your problem and do whatever necessary to treat your condition.

Our dermatologists are members of the American Academy of Dermatology and are certified by the American Board of Dermatology. This should give you peace of mind that we know our stuff and can handle any skin issue that you have.

If you are having a skin issue and want to be treated by the best in the business, give us a call today to schedule an appointment.

What To Look For In A Compassionate Dermatologist | Southlake, TX

Photo by Robert Kneschke at Shutterstock

Self-care involves taking care of all parts of your body, including the skin. It involves a rigorous routine that fluctuates with the different seasons. Known as the body’s largest organ, your skin responds to stress, diet, and environmental factors. If you’ve noticed a change in how it looks and feels, it’s time to seek the help of a skilled professional known as a dermatologist.

If you’ve never visited a skin doctor before, don’t worry. There’s nothing to be afraid of today! Like any other medical professional you visit, a doctor of dermatology is available to help you overcome health challenges that cause your skin to react poorly. They get to the root of the problem so that you have long-lasting results. When looking for a skin doctor to work with, they should possess some characteristics that indicate you’ve hired the right expert in the industry to assist you.

The Best Dermatologists Do Things Differently

An excellent dermatologist has a track record of success that you can view online. They are well-loved by the community with patients who support their professionalism with the glowing reviews they write about the medical professional. The more time you spend researching a dermatologic practice, the more you find out how appreciated it is by the people that visit it regularly.

Here is what to look for in a compassionate dermatologist in Southlake, TX:

  • A dermatologist that is open to helping new patients. Getting the assistance that you need right away is imperative. If you’ve never worked with a professional in the area before, you’ll want to know that the doctor accepts new patients. That way, you’re not wasting your time by calling them and setting up an appointment. You’re aware that the professional can or cannot help you, so you’re able to move on to another option quickly. Getting an appointment scheduled is the first step in getting your skin problem addressed quickly and successfully. Once you’ve done that, you can sit back, relax, and know that you’ll get favorable results from the treatment plan developed by the doctor of dermatology for you.


  • Someone who takes your concerns seriously. The dermatologist that you choose to work with listens to you intently. They get to know your needs and worries by having open communication with you during your initial visit. The doctor takes a look at your skin and gives you a general assessment. Once you’ve had time to discuss potential treatment options and outcomes, you get to decide which option works best for you based on your needs. The dermatology expert always puts your needs first and goes out of their way to make sure that you feel informed and confident in the suggestions they’ve made for you. Once you do, you’ll want to use the medical professional’s services exclusively because of how good they make you feel about yourself and your appearance.


  • A professional well-versed in dealing with various skin issues. The longer a dermatologist has been practicing, the more experience they have working with people with different skin types. If you want to ensure that you get the best help possible, learn more about a skin doctor’s experience. Take a look at their website and get to know which credentials they have today. Ask questions about how long they’ve been offering services to the public. The more you get to know the dermatology doctor and their practice, the easier you’ll find it is to book an appointment with them. You’ll feel confident in the professional’s ability to assist you with your needs and provide you with the help that you deserve with your skin.


  • An expert that gets to know you as a person and comes up with a personal treatment plan that is easy to follow and results-driven. The right dermatologic practice treats you with respect as a valued customer. They go the extra mile to ensure your satisfaction and make sure that they meet your needs fully. The professional skin doctor is available to answer your questions and provide you with instructions that help you improve your skin’s quality and appearance. If a surgical procedure is necessary, they mentally and physically prepare you for it by giving you insight into what occurs during the process.

A compassionate dermatologist puts your needs first. They go out of their way to make sure that you’re happy with the treatment options they provide to you. The doctor schedules a follow-up visit to see how well your skin responds to the medication or procedure they initially recommended. That way, you can heal quickly and feel confident going out in public once again.

The right professional is one that you can envision yourself coming back to whenever you need help with your skin. You trust them to take good care of you and to listen to your needs as you communicate them to the dermatologist. You reach out to the clinic and get an instant response about the appointment you want to set up. Never do you feel like you’re being ignored or neglected by the staff because they go above and beyond the call of duty to make you feel comfortable and welcomed.

Who to Contact When You Experience Persistent Skin Problems

Compassion Dermatology is the place where Southlake, TX residents feel right at home. We provide a warm, welcoming environment for our patients to spend time in today. If you need to see a skin doctor for any reason, call 817-380-5911 with your request for assistance today. As soon as we receive your information, we’ll get you to put it into our schedule for an appointment.

Having a professional skin doctor take a look at your skin is something we highly recommend. They can diagnose the issue and come up with a custom treatment plan that benefits you. You no longer have to hide your skin because of breakouts or scarring. Let us know your situation to have a complete picture of your skin problems and get them resolved right away.

Does Cold Weather Affect Skin? A Dermatologist Can Help | Southlake, TX

Photo by 9nong at Shutterstock

Winter weather in Southlake, TX, often brings cold, dry conditions that present a challenge for our skin. Heaters generally blow dry air that irritates skin indoors, while cold air and wind irritate skin outside. People with pre-existing skin conditions may see exacerbated symptoms during colder months.

Regular skincare routines may not be entirely effective during cold weather. Freezing temperatures outdoors are usually countered by very warm indoor environments, and moving between the two extremes puts a great deal of stress on our skin. Schedule an appointment with a dermatologist if your skin needs extra care during cold snaps.

Winter Rash

Although this may seem odd, skin loses moisture content faster in cold weather than during hot summer months. The outer layer of skin consists of dead skin cells and oil. Low humidity, strong winds, and low temperatures can damage the outer layer of the epidermis, which leaves underlying layers unprotected.

Hot showers can also disrupt the natural oils necessary for moisture retention. Excessively dry skin often develops patches of irritation described as a winter rash. Winter rash is very common in cold climates. People are more likely to develop winter rash if they have a history of other skin conditions, such as eczema, rosacea, dermatitis, sensitive skin, or allergies. Tell your https://compassiondermatology.com/ about any previous acute or chronic skin conditions.

A winter rash can appear anywhere, but it usually affects the hands, arms, or legs. Your dermatologist may diagnose winter rash through a combination of medical history, physical examination, and a process of elimination to rule out allergies. Common symptoms include:

  • redness
  • swelling
  • flaky skin
  • sensitive skin
  • small raised bumps
  • blisters

Skin Conditions Aggravated by Cold Weather

Seborrheic Dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis is characterized by a reddened scalp and loose flakes of dry skin resembling dandruff. Although dandruff only occurs on the scalp, seborrheic dermatitis can occur on any part of the body with hair. Cold, dry weather aggravates this condition and may increase flaking.

Raynaud’s Disease

Raynaud’s disease affects tiny arteries that carry blood to the skin. The arteries narrow and restrict blood flow. The skin on the fingers and toes feel numb and cold due to inadequate circulation. As the disease progresses, fingers and toes change color and sharp, stinging pain may occur. Call a dermatologist if you experience any of these symptoms after exposure to cold air.


Psoriasis is a chronic condition with sporadic flare-ups that last weeks or months in between periods of remission. Skin cells multiply approximately 10 times faster than normal during a flare-up. Excess cells die and create patches of raised red plaques of scaly or flaky skin.

The most common sites of psoriasis are the elbows, trunk, knees, and scalp. Exposure to sunlight may relieve psoriasis symptoms to some extent. A dermatologist can use phototherapy units to direct specific wavelengths of light to manage psoriasis as well. Reduced sunlight in Southlake, TX, during winter months, can trigger psoriasis flare-ups.


Eczema appears as red, irritated skin with small bumps. The affected area is usually uncomfortable and itchy. Try not to scratch irritated areas. Scratching can break the skin and lead to bleeding or infection. Many say there isn’t any permanent cure for eczema, but a dermatologist can help you manage the condition and take steps toward healthier skin. Flare-ups are more common during colder months because of rapid temperature changes between indoor and outdoor environments. Keeping indoor temperatures as low as possible may reduce the frequency and severity of flare-ups, but this isn’t always practical.

Protect Your Skin

Avoiding cold, dry air is the best way to avoid worsening skin conditions, winter rash, and other cold-related effects. This is not realistic for most people, but your dermatologist can help you keep your skin healthy during cold snaps.

UV Rays

The thought of sunburn in cold weather may not be obvious, but ultraviolet rays are a risk in all seasons. The Skin Cancer Foundation states that snow reflects up to 80% of UV light. You may be exposed to more UV rays during the winter months because reflected rays hit twice. Winter clothing often covers most of our bodies, especially while wearing mittens or gloves, but our faces aren’t usually covered. Ask your dermatologist if sunblock is necessary during your daily routine.

UV rays are stronger at high altitudes, so participating in winter sports may require extra precautions. Many people wear thermal face masks to protect themselves from outdoor temperatures during outdoor sports. Face masks protect skin from UV rays as well.


Moisturizers are the most important tool for protecting skin in cold weather. A high-quality moisturizer locks water content into your skin. Apply moisturizer to your hands, face, and other exposed areas several times per day. Make sure you apply moisturizer after washing your hands or face. Petroleum jelly creates an excellent barrier over your skin to retain moisture. You can try petroleum substitute products if petroleum jelly itself is too greasy, heavy, or uncomfortable.

Natural Oils

Natural oils are getting quite a bit of attention in the field of health and beauty products. Common oils such as olive, coconut, and argan oil, can moisturize and soothe dry skin. Vegetable shortening was once used as a folk remedy. Shortening is solid at room temperature. It may moisturize and protect the skin, but shortening is so thick it can only be used before bed.

Oils can trigger an allergic reaction, such as contact dermatitis, even if you’ve never had a problem with the same oils in your diet. A dermatologist can administer allergy skin tests to pinpoint the cause of a reaction.

An allergic reaction to one type of oil doesn’t mean you can’t use other moisturizing oils. Consult Compassion Dermatology for any skincare concerns. Your dermatologist can also help you develop a personalized cold weather skincare routine.

5 Dermatologist Tips On How To Care For Oily Skin | Southlake, TX

Photo by chris_tina at Shutterstock

Oily skin is one of the most common skin types around. Those who do not know how to properly care for this skin type will be more prone to developing acne, as the excess oil produced by their skin can block their pores. Learning how to care for oily skin is crucial and having a great complexion. We will look at some of the most common tips recommended by dermatologists below.

#1. Wash Your Face Regularly

First and foremost, if you have oily skin, you should be washing your face regularly. Ideally, you should wash your face in the morning, in the evening, and after exercising. These are moments when your skin will be the oiliest. You want to get rid of as much of the excess oil as possible in order to prevent it from clogging your pores.

When washing your face, it’s crucial that you use the right type of product. Studies show that nearly 50% of those with oily skin do not use the right type of products to wash their face properly. They either use hand or body soap. Another 1/3 of individuals only use water. Hand or body soap is not appropriate for your face. It can dry it out or the compounds in the soap can irritate the skin.

You need to use the right type of facial cleanser for your skin type. This means that you should have a better idea of the type of ingredients that are used in facial cleansers. If you don’t know what to look for, speak with a dermatologist. Upon completing a skin evaluation, a dermatologist can tell you what ingredients are most suited for your skin. When it comes to oily skin, you should look for cleansers that contain ingredients like salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. Avoid cleansers that are oil-based or alcohol-based.

#2. Use Moisturizer Daily

Many people with oily skin feel hesitant to use moisturizers daily. They feel that their skin is already oily enough. However, not applying a moisturizer on a regular basis can actually be more damaging to your skin.

The key is to find a moisturizer that works for your skin. In order to do so, you’re going to need to get a better understanding of the type of ingredients that you should look for. Some of the most important ingredients that the moisturizer should have include:

  • Broad-spectrum UV SPF 30 to protect your skin from the sun’s ultraviolet rays


  • Hyaluronic acid, which will actually help reduce the oiliness of your skin by keeping it hydrated


  • Clay, which can soak up excess oil and penetrate deep inside the pores to remove shininess


  • Grapeseed oil, which can reduce inflammation and clear clogged pores


  • Niacinamide, which can regulate excess oil production and increase the overall elasticity of the skin

If you’re having difficulties finding a good moisturizer, you should make an appointment with the dermatologist in Southlake, TX. A reputable dermatologist should have a wide variety of products at their office that you can try. They also know what products are making the biggest noise in the industry. They also are able to use their past experience to let you know which products seem to be most effective.

#3. Use Blotting Papers Regularly

Another way to remove excess oil that’s accumulated on your face is to use blotting papers. You should use blotting papers throughout the entire day if possible. This will help remove the excess oil so that it does not clog your pores. Blotting papers can also help remove extra shine from your face.

Make sure that you gently press the blotting paper against your face. Leave the paper alone for several seconds, so it has enough time to soak up the oil. Do not rub the paper because this will only spread the oil around.

#4. Avoid Touching Your Face

One of the most common problems that dermatologists notice is that a lot of people with oily skin will regularly touch their faces. Your fingers produce a lot of oil as well. If you’re regularly touching your face, you’re spreading the bacteria and oil on your hands to your face. This increases the risk of developing acne. You should only touch your face after you’ve washed your hands.

Before you apply any moisturizer, sunscreen, or cleanser to your face, wash your hands with soap. Make sure that you properly dry it as well. Try to keep any contact to a minimum. This is especially important if you find that you’re constantly getting acne breakouts. This one little tip can make all the difference in the world.

#5. Choose the Right Type of Make-Up

Last but not least, you need to be very mindful of the type of makeup products that you use. In particular, look for brands that do not have oil-based products. These products only make your face feel oilier and exacerbate your condition.

Instead, look for a brand that offers water-based products. These products will be gentler on your skin. They’ll also be able to help reduce shine.

Get Professional Advice and Treatments from Compassion Dermatology

The key to having beautiful skin is to treat it properly. If you have oily skin, you’ll need to care for your skin in a different way than if you have dry skin. If you’re having difficulties caring for your skin type, you should schedule an appointment with a dermatologist at Compassion Dermatology in order to learn more about what you’re doing right and what you’re doing wrong.

Just because you have oily skin, it doesn’t mean that your skin will respond to all treatments. A dermatologist can take a better look at the constitution of your skin type in order to determine the type of treatments that can help. At Compassion Dermatology, you’ll find a wide range of skincare services. Our dermatologists will perform a complete skin evaluation first before recommending any treatments or products.

Schedule an appointment with us at Compassion Dermatology by calling 817-380-5911! Our office is close to Southlake, TX so it’s perfect for anyone in the nearby areas! 

Dermatology Dangers Of Unregulated Injectables | Southlake Area

Photo by goffkein.pro at Shutterstock

Cosmetic procedures are popular in the area for many reasons. Some people want to look their best to improve self-esteem. A cosmetic procedure can even improve quality of life, especially when it provides help and comfort to people after traumatic experiences. Dermatology professionals also consider health and safety as the most important aspects of any procedure or treatment.

A wide range of products and treatments fall under the category of cosmetic injectables. Dermal fillers add volume and create facial contours. Neuromodulators, such as Botox, relax muscles in the face to smooth wrinkles. Cosmetic injectables should always be handled by a dermatologist. Amateur and DIY cosmetic injectables are dangerous.

Counterfeit Products and Unskilled Injections

Unregulated injectables are usually not FDA-approved substances and may even contain something very different than their labels claim. Counterfeit products are very common. Many counterfeits come from Asia and certain parts of Eastern Europe. Some counterfeit products from Asia have been examined and identified as viper venom.

Injectable fillers should be thought of as medical procedures. Our faces contain hundreds of blood vessels, over 30 muscles, and thousands of nerves. Dermatologists are doctors. They attend medical school and have years of education and practical experience before licensing. Injectables are safe when they’re administered by qualified dermatology clinicians. No one without the appropriate knowledge and training can safely perform an injectable procedure or any other type of invasive procedure.

Potential Adverse Effects

The most immediately noticeable effect of fake products or unskilled injection may be a lack of results. A procedure will not have the desired effect if it’s performed incorrectly using fake products. Disappointing results are often the best case scenario in such situations.

Illegal injectables have caused many severe adverse effects, such as infection, allergic reactions, disfigurement, blindness, scarring, and blood clots. Some people develop dysphagia, which is difficulty swallowing or speaking. Another side effect, diplopia, can cause double vision and other problems with eyesight. Fake products contaminated with bacteria or fungi may result in a potentially fatal systemic infection known as sepsis.

Administration by untrained individuals or DIY procedures can damage nerves, muscles, and blood vessels. Some people have even developed gangrene and undergone reconstructive surgery to fix damage caused by illicit procedures and products. Vascular occlusion occurs when filler is injected into a blood vessel. This frequently results in necrotic, or dead, tissue around the site of injection.

People have lost parts of their noses due to vascular occlusion because it is so easy to inject filler into a vital blood vessel in the thin skin around the nose. Unregulated fillers sometimes cause irreversible damage. Nerve damage caused by unskilled injections is probably not fixable. Our nerves don’t regenerate, so effects of a damaged nerve can be permanent. Partial paralysis due to damaged facial nerves may cause drooping eyelids or an inability to smile or form other facial expressions.

At least one woman in the United States died after an unlicensed botox injection that was later found to contain cooking oil. A group of people in Florida experienced permanent paralysis after being injected with a highly concentrated solution of botulinum toxin that was never intended for use in dermatology clinics.

Why Are Counterfeit Products and Unregulated Injections Available?

Consumers sometimes believe unregulated injectables are safe because tutorials and personal testaments are easily found on social media platforms. Illegal products are sold by online businesses, which can foster a false sense of credibility or trustworthiness. It is actually very easy to establish an online business. A platform can be created and begin selling products in mere hours.

Massive e-commerce networks give individual vendors access to large markets instantly. Ebay and Amazon monitor vendors to some extent, but it takes time to identify and address vendors selling dangerous or counterfeit products. E-commerce sites operating outside the US may not have the same standards as American businesses, so consumers in the Southlake area must use caution when it comes to online marketplaces.

Businesses or individuals selling illegal products are shut down by various government agencies on a regular basis, but these agencies have limited authority over vendors operating outside of the United States. People trafficking in illegal products have also been known to create new online stores almost immediately after a previous site has been shut down.

These sites, and many tutorials, employ various strategies to appear credible. They may use common dermatology terms or claim to be licensed in medical fields. Organizations advertising or selling fraudulent products often pull quotes, names and even logos from legitimate sources of dermatology research and practical information. Analyzing packaging and comparing it to authentic products is not an effective method of verifying safety. Some counterfeit products are shipped in authentic packaging, and imitation packaging can be so similar to the real thing that it’s almost impossible to see any differences.

How to Find Credible Information

How can consumers know what sources of information or products are trustworthy? It is always worthwhile to contact your local dermatology clinic for information and questions about procedures. You can find trustworthy information online by searching for respected universities, medical providers and dermatology organizations. Search for specific websites on your own instead of following advertisements on social media or links provided by video tutorials.

If you aren’t sure if a source is trustworthy or not, don’t rely on it. Find verification from another trusted source. Always question isolated claims that seem to contradict information found on other sources. Sometimes dermatology professionals may disagree on the most appropriate products or procedures for specific situations, but they rarely ever disagree on safety concerns related to accepted procedures.

Contact Compassion Dermatology in the Southlake area if you’re considering a cosmetic procedure. Always ask a trusted dermatologist about procedures and products and avoid social media tutorials or questionable online stores.