Skin Trouble – 5 Common Skin Problems and Their Cures | Dermatologist in Southlake, TX

Do you have bags under your eyes? Is your skin starting to acquire fine lines and wrinkles? Has acne been haunting you since you were a teenager?

Skin is a fickle surface that is exposed to various elements in the atmosphere. As a result, residues of dirt and oils accumulate on the skin. Skin problems are extremely widespread in the general population and can be numerous in nature. Since skin problems are so common, you may prefer to treat them yourself. However, even for recurrent and ordinary issues, professional care and consultation is always a better option.

For residents of the Southlake area, there are multiple dermatological options available in case of a skin health issue. You can easily contact a dermatologist in Southlake, TX, to maintain skin health.

The dermatologist will be able to recommend customized treatments based on the severity of your problem, your skin type and tone, your lifestyle, the hormonal balance in your body, and your medical history.

With the help of any dermatologist in Southlake, TX, skin problems can then be easily fixed. Here are some examples of skin problems that may require you to consult a dermatologist.

1. Acne

Pimples and acne are legitimate skin concern for most people. They can be recurring, serious problems or even temporary inconveniences. In any case, the presence of acne is caused by the clogging of oil glands on your skin’s surface.

Acne can refer to whiteheads, blackheads, pus-filled pustules or simply red bumps. These can appear on your face, your back or other parts of your body.

Acne can be very common and are caused by hormonal imbalances or exposure to bacteria, dirt and humid weather.

Because acne is so common, especially in humid weather, you may rely on at-home, daily skincare routines. However, you should always consult a dermatologist in Southlake, TX, before taking steps to implement skincare routine.

Chemical-based treatments, such as masks, should be done after professional consultations because amateur measures may end up damaging the skin even more.

Dermatologists can recommend creams, facials, or long-term treatment to reverse skin damage from acne. They can even use the latest technology to clear out clogged pores.

2. Marks and Scars

Scarring can be a major issue. Marks or scars can result from skin damage due to injury, acne or stretch marks.   Not to worry though, you can contact a dermatologist in Southlake, TX, to reverse or fix skin scarring.

If you have serious scarring especially after a recent injury, it would be smart to seek dermatological care. Any dermatologist in Southlake, TX, can recommend scarring treatments to minimize scarring from a wound.

For acne scars, a dermatologist may call for chemical peels to reverse permanent damage. They may also recommend a skincare regime that will prevent further acne problems.

Stretch marks are caused by the stretching of the skin as body mass accumulates. It can be reversed through skin-tightening or light-based treatments as well as take-home cream-based treatments.

3. Rashes

If you are experiencing a rash or are generally prone to rashes, you must consult with a dermatologist about the status of your skin health.

Rashes can be identified as irritated, red, itchy and swollen skin on any part of your body that suddenly appears after ingesting an irritant or being exposed to it.

Rashes are primarily caused by exposure to irritants or allergens. You can get rashes if you touch a germ-infested surface or cat hair, for instance. Dermatologists can identify the cause of rashes and provide you with measures to treat and prevent them.

Rashes can also be caused by plants like poison ivy in which case dermatological care and creams should be sought immediately.

Leaving rashes to their own devices may cause unnecessary skin damage. Rashes and skin damage from rashes should be immediately treated by any dermatologist in Southlake, TX.

4. Skin Aging

Skin aging can happen with the passage of time as fine lines and wrinkles show up. What’s more is that it can happen prematurely if the skin has been exposed to the sun or dry weather.

Any dermatologist in Southlake, TX will tell you that skin aging is preventable as well as reversible. Most skin aging problems happen due to neglect, especially if you do not use sunscreen or moisturizers.

The use of dermatologist-approved eye creams and anti-aging formulas and treatments can go a long way in preventing fine lines and wrinkles.

Professional measures like Icon Aesthetic System and Micro-needling can reduce wrinkles, as well. Furthermore, dermatologists use facials and Botox treatments can also reduce the presence of fine-lines and wrinkles.

5. Dark Spots

You may notice that there are dark spots on your body in certain areas. Dark spots may symptoms of internal health problems like hormonal issues.

As a result, dermatologists in Southlake, TX, will tell you dark spots are not to be taken lightly and should be diagnosed as soon as possible. Dark spots might also be a sign of weathering. They can occur as a result of daily skin neglect while outside, leading to sun damage.

Dark spots can also be caused by reactions to different skin products. Discoloration on your underarms, for example, can be a result of reactions to hair removal techniques or deodorants. Furthermore, dark circles may occur under the eyes if you do not drink enough water or get enough sleep. They are often temporary and may just require some creams and sleep.

They may also be hereditary and permanent, as well. If that’s the case, you may require injections and long-term treatments.  A dermatologist in Southlake, TX, can easily provide facial treatments and care for any of these concerns.

Seek Professional Help

If skin problems like dark spots are landing you in a dark spot, it might be time to seek professional help. Dermatology can prove crucial to your skin’s health and recovery. Regular appointments and treatment options can reverse the effects of skin problems like acne, dark spots or wrinkles. If you are seeking a dermatologist in Southlake, TX, you can contact Compassion Dermatology at 817-380-5911.

Southlake Dermatology

Today’s job market is fiercely competitive for both men and women. Due to the competition, there is a growing demand among men for cosmetic procedures who are hoping to increase the odds of an advancement in their chosen profession. Because men’s skin biology, facial anatomy and their response to the aging process differs from that of women, men seeking facial rejuvenation will have different needs. Contact Compassion Dermatology today. We can provide the Southlake Dermatology you require, and understand you will want as little down time as possible. Many of our treatments cause little to no down time at all.

How Men’s Skin Differs From Women’s

Men’s skin is 25 % thicker than a woman’s, due to the male hormones. It also has larger pores and less subcutaneous fat. However, the male skin will thin over time with aging. A woman’s typically experience the majority of thinning just after menopause. Men also have more collagen, but this advantage can be lost with consistent outdoor UV exposure. In addition, a man’s skin sweats more than a woman, and generates four times more sebum. The reduced subcutaneous fat often results in the sinking of the male skin, rather than a lot of wrinkling. The male facial hair actually provides support to the skin, reducing the amount of wrinkles that may develop. An additional difference is that men have a more prominent bone structure, typically in a rectangular and angular shape.

Unfortunately, men have a higher chance of developing melanoma than women, due to their shorter hairstyles. Due to this, routinely inspecting your skin for changes is important. If you find a suspicious area, contact Southlake Dermatology for a diagnosis, as soon you find it.

Aging and Solutions

  • The loss of volume can cause sagging skin and folds. A dermal filler offers a potential solution for a younger looking you. 
  • Skin resurfacing done with microdermabrasion, chemical peels or laser treatments are potential solutions for fine wrinkles, uneven skin tone, age spots and scars.
  • Deep lines, such as frown lines and excessive sweating can benefit from Botox.
  • Men can be prone to ingrown hairs, laser hair removal can be an effective treatment.
  • Broken capillaries and blood vessels are also a problem for men. Compassion Dermatology offers several types of treatment in our Southlake Dermatology practice.
  • Fat pockets are concerning to men and women alike. Cool sculpting is just one of the non-invasive treatments we offer that targets and destroys fat deposits. Contact our Southlake Dermatology to schedule treatment.

A dermatologist in our Southlake Dermatology office can provide the treatment you require, the instructions needed for your particular skin type. We offer the latest state-of-the-art treatments available for both men and women.. 

Recommended Skin Care for Men

Wash your face daily with a mild, nondrying cleanser. Apply an antioxidant and moisturize daily. If acne is a problem, use a non-greasy moisturizer. Do not forget to use a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. Do not forget to use sunscreen on the bare scalp, ears, lips and neck. If you swim or sweat excessively, reapply it every 2 hours. Protective clothing and shade will also assist in the protection of your skin. Compassion Dermatology will provide you with a skin care regiment specific for you and your skin type and its needs. Contact us today in our Southlake Dermatology office to get started on your new appearance.

Skin Problems by Type

Normal skin is clear without sensitivities, flaking or excessive oil. Always wash your face with lukewarm water, not hot water to avoid its drying effect. Other skin types and common problems include:

  1. Sensitive skin may burn and/or sting after using a product. Look for fragrance free products. Read the product label when they claim to be scent free. They may contain skin irritating fragrances.
  2. Dry skin can be flaky, itchy or rough.
  3. Oily skin often requires washing twice a day to avoid oily, shiny skin. If your skin is oily and prone to breakouts, look for skin care products that are oil free.  Southlake Dermatology can assist you in having blemish free skin.
  4. If your skin is oily in some areas and dry in others, you have combination skin.
  5. Razor bumps are typically caused by shaving too close to the skin and pulling it taut. If razor bumps are a problem for you, try a single or double edged razor. Begin your shave by wetting the skin and hair, allowing it to soften. Use a moisturizing shaving cream and shave in the direction of hair growth. Rinse the razor after each swipe of the blade, and discard after using 5 or 6 times. Those with an extremely heavy beard may require more frequent changes.
  6. All skin types should apply moisturizer after showering or shaving while the skin is still damp. This will trap water in the skin and reduce the appearance of fine lines.
  7. All skin types should provide a routine inspection of the skin for spots or moles that bleed, change size, itch, hurt or change color. The risk of melanoma is higher in men, especially over the age of 50. Early detection can greatly increase the odds in your favor.  Southlake Dermatology can provide the inspection of your skin.

Everyone’s skin is unique to them. If you have questions or concerns, contact Southlake Dermatology today. At Compassion Dermatology, you can rely on professional care for your individual medical or surgical dermatology needs. Give us a call today.

Dermatologist in Southlake, TX

The Signs of Aging Eyes

The eyes are one of the first areas to experience signs of aging. Aging can affect the pigment, elasticity, and thickness of the skin surrounding the eye. However, there are other factors that affect eye appearance, including bone and muscle which provide support. Any of these factors can contribute to the signs of aging, requiring a customized approach for each patient.  Schedule a consultation with a Compassion Dermatology, dermatologist in Southlake, TX today.

The following are the foremost aesthetic complaints involving the eyes, and what your dermatologist in Southlake, TX can do to address them.

Dark Circles Under the Eyes

While dark circles under the eyes are often hereditary, allergies and fatigue can enhance them. There are a number of causes, and each treatment requires an individualized approach. Some of these causes include:

The Loss of Collagen

Skin that appears thin and translucent allows blue veins to be more visible due to the loss of collagen. As we age, collagen production is reduced, leading to less elasticity to the skin.

The Loss of Bone and Fat

Volume loss beneath the skin can cause a concavity, which allows shadows to create the appearance of dark circles.

Blood Vessel Congestion

Allergies and sleeping on your stomach can cause this condition.


The darkening skin around the eyes can be a natural part of the aging process. This is especially true of individuals with darker skin. Consistent rubbing of the eyes and inflammatory conditions, such as eczema also exacerbate it. Chemical peels, light treatments, and skin lightening cream are two of the potential treatments.

Infra-orbital Fat Pad Protrusion

Often described by patients as “bags under the eyes”, blepharoplasty is the solution. For some patients, the problem is infra-orbital edema, rather than the downward migration of fat pads. Allergies, retention of fluids due to high blood pressure, excessive sodium intake, sinus infections and crying are common causes. Treatment of allergies and/or sinus infections or underlying medical conditions can reduce under eye edema. If puffy eyes occurred suddenly, see your doctor, It may indicate cardiac or kidney issues, for example. In addition, avoid sleeping in eye makeup, which can irritate the eyes and worsen under eye edema. Use an ice pack, cucumber slices or chilled tea bags to reduce periorbital edema.

Tips and Treatments

  • When sleeping, elevate the head and do not sleep on your stomach.
  • Talk to your doctor about using an antihistamine for allergies.
  • Visit a dermatologist in Southlake, TX for an accurate evaluation, and treatments that can thicken collagen. For example, a topical retinoid once or twice a week on the eyelids can thicken the skin, and reduce the appearance of dark circles, fine lines and crinkly skin. Your dermatologist in Southlake, TX can assess the causes and provide the treatment you require.
  • Skin lightening cream and chemical peels can fade the effects of true hyper-pigmentation. Talk to your dermatologist in Southlake, TX.
  • The volume loss of bone and fat can be treated with fillers in the affected area. Your dermatologist in Southlake, TX will discuss the preferred treatment for your problem.
  • Wrinkles and skin sagging can contribute to dark circles. Resurfacing cream and laser are two examples of the treatments available.
  • Drooping eyelids result due to the loss of elastin production. For some, the condition may become so bad that surgery is required, called blepharoplasty or an eye lift. Excess skin is removed, tightening the eyelid for a more youthful appearance.
  • Repetitious movements such as squinting can cause crow’s feet in the epidermis at the corner of your eyes. Botox is an example of a product that helps to stop the repetitious movement, preventing creases from forming or getting deeper. Sometimes, crows feet are due to fat and bone loss. These patients often complain Botox is not effective. Wrinkles that remain even in a relaxed position may be a candidate for a filler to lift the skin and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Wear 100 % UV protected sunglasses to prevent squinting and to filter out damaging UV rays.
  • Hollow eyes can be caused from the fat pads shifting downward with age as the membrane holding it weakens, and the bone begins to diminish. Filler can reduce eye hollows while giving the brow bone the appearance of a more youthful lift. Severe weight loss is an additional cause of the trough constituting hollow eyes.
  • Be gentle when cleansing your face, especially around the eyes where the skin is very delicate. When washing your face, always pat dry to avoid stretching the skin. Apply moisturizer to the eye area. The area around the eye is very responsive to specific products, injectables and laser. Our dermatologist in Southlake, TX can help you to look younger.
  • Avoid smoking, which causes premature aging of the skin with collagen loss. With its chemical effects and repetitious motions, smoking is one the top causes of premature aging. For many persons, the cessation of smoking results in the improvement of skin, and in some situations, an improved appearance of fine wrinkles. Consult your dermatologist in Southlake, TX for solutions to your skin problems.

At Compassion Dermatology, you can trust our dermatologist in Southlake, TX to provide professional and up-to-date treatments for a variety of skin issues, including cosmetic and medical treatments. Give us a call today.